STEP OUT ON THE MILK!    15/2/93
--The Miracle of the Milk!       DO 2844
--During the Three-Day Fast

         1. Well, I have three choices: Either I die and go Home to be with the Lord, or I have a major operation--which I don't like the sound of at all--or the Lord is going to have to supernaturally heal me.
         2. Please, Lord, give me the strength and open my esophagus up enough so this food will pass through without pain, at least without too much pain. Bless it and make it a blessing and cause it to strengthen my body so I can at least live long enough for You to answer these prayers. Lord, You're surely stronger than the Devil who's trying to kill me. I don't know when You're going to release me, but I put myself on record that I would prefer to be healed by You through the Family's prayers and remain here to help them a little longer before I die.
         3. This is Your food, Lord. You made it and the cooks put it together, and You provided it for my nourishment and health. Now please help it to go down, and to do so without too much pain. Thank You Lord! I'm so weak, I need it. Please. Thank You for it, Lord. Bless it now and make it a blessing, in Jesus' name.
         4. The milk and the water hurt in different ways. The worst is water, which starts with a lot of pain, and then pains all the way down until it hits bottom with a bomb. And then sometimes it even comes up. Some swallows start with a little pain, then it gradually diminishes as it goes down, until it hits bottom, and then it pains. Others start with a little pain, and then it gradually diminishes and goes down with no pain. Those are the best, the swallows that don't keep hurting.
         5. I guess I'm supposed to fast too. I thought I was fasting, I've been eating so little. Maybe I'm not supposed to eat anything at all. The Lord could kill the pain or He could kill me, one or the other. "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord," and I've got a little (Psa.150:6).
         6. It must be a crucial year, we're really getting tested. I guess the Lord wants to see if we're willing to die for Him or die for the flock. I don't see that my death right now would be any particular advantage to the Family, unless it would make them get more serious and work harder. But I don't necessarily think that my usefulness is completely over--there are other things I could help you with. (Maria: Look at your radical direction! You're still giving the direction, things I never would have ever thought of!) It's the Lord, Honey.

(After only being able to drink a few sips of nourishment during the last few days, Dad was then miraculously able to drink a few small bottles of milk! The next morning he related the story to the Family:)

         7. I had sort of a dream. I don't know if I was awake or asleep or what, but I woke up just before two o'clock in the morning, and I was so thirsty and hungry too. So I was lying here half asleep and half awake and it just came to me real strong: "Step out on the milk! Just like Peter walked out on the water, step out on the milk!" It just kept coming, "Step out on it!" I said, "But Lord, I tried it before and I couldn't do it." "Step out on the milk!" Hallelujah! (Tongues!) Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! "O, how the Lord kissed me last night!"
         8. So I took the milk back out of the fridge--I'd put it away because I couldn't drink it--and I decided to step out on the milk. I started taking one of those little tiny sips, hoping it would maybe dribble down. And it came to me, I'm so thirsty, I'm just going to take a nice big swallow! That's stepping out. Just taking a little sip is like sticking your toe in the water. So I took a nice big swallow and it went down great! I thought, wow, this is pretty good. I'm going to take another step. So I took another big swallow, and it went down great too, and it just kept going down! I went step by step until finally it seemed like I got to the Lord. He was just really doing a miracle, and I finished the whole bottle! (Note: Dad's bottles are roughly a third of a liter.)
         9. What a miracle! I felt like I had to have it. I just couldn't lie here and die. I couldn't go any longer. I was reaching for water, but I grabbed the milk instead. Maybe it's not me any more--maybe I'm somebody else! (Maria: Who else would you be?) Maybe the Lord made me over, a new creature in Christ Jesus! "Old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new!" (2Cor.5:17). Thank You Jesus! Great things He hath done! (Interestingly enough, we later found out that others had gotten that same verse, 2Cor.5:17, when praying for Dad.)
         10. So I thought, that's great, now thank the Lord I can rest. I've had a whole bottle of milk. I'd gone all day yesterday without one whole bottle at all that I know of. I don't think I had a bottle all day. I tried several bottles and tried this and tried that, but I couldn't seem to get it down, maybe only a swallow or so, and then it would come up.
         11. So I started going to sleep, but I was still thirsty and hungry. I thought, "Lord, I don't want to push this. What if I try another bottle and it gets stuck? I'd be so discouraged. I don't want to spoil this wonderful miracle that's happened." And I kept getting, "Step out on the milk!" (Tongues) Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! "Step out on the milk!" Like Peter walked on the water, I was walking on the milk last night. So I got out another bottle. I just took a nice big swallow and stepped out and it went down, and I stepped another step and it went down. I just kept right on drinking it till it was all gone! Two whole bottles! But you haven't heard the last of it yet!
         12. By the time I got done with that, it was almost three o'clock. I'd drunk two bottles within one hour, and previously I had only been taking a little sip every ten minutes. Before, I'd get down about half a bottle an hour, and yesterday I hadn't been able to drink any. I thought, "Well, here I am and it's almost three o'clock, I've already had two bottles, and it's time to go to sleep. Am I getting greedy? I don't want to be a glutton!" But considering I hadn't had much to drink for the last two or three days, I was pretty empty.
         13. So it came to me again: "Step out on the milk!" I said, "Okay, Lord, it's up to You! I don't know if I've got the faith for it, but You're telling me to do it and I'll do it!" So I grabbed another bottle, took a big swallow, and it went down just fine! I took another one, another one, and it was barely after four o'clock and I'd finished a third bottle!
         14. So by the end of the three bottles I thought, "Hallelujah, thank You Lord! I made it! And all my life I've had a habit of always rinsing my mouth with water after eating. So I thought, "Uh oh, now wait a minute, Lord. That's where I always have my biggest trouble. Water is the worst and the most painful of all. It just never goes down without pain." And it was the funniest thing, it just came to me like a picture: I was by this time on the shore wading about ankle deep in the water with the Lord, and He was saying, "Come on, have a little water!" So I thought, "All right, Lord, if that's what You say!" And I grabbed the bottle of water out of the fridge.
         15. I've got this little fridge here beside me, and the water was freezing cold. I thought, "Oh Lord, I'll never be able to get this down!" It was too chilling to even rinse around in my mouth and my teeth. All I could do was just get it in my mouth on my tongue and quick swallow it.--And it went right down! So I thought, boy, that was great! Water! It's a miracle! I hadn't been able to drink water like that for almost a year! It's always been the hardest thing for me to drink.
         16. But my mouth didn't feel quite clean yet, so I thought, "That went down so well, I'll try another one!" When I used to eat meals I'd take three swallows of water afterwards to rinse my mouth, so I took another one, and it went down! And then I thought, "Maybe that's enough, Lord. Maybe I won't have to drink the traditional third swallow," but the Lord egged me on.
         17. It was just like I could see my feet in the water like when I was a little kid, wading in the real shallow water along the waterfront where it just barely covers your feet. It was just like the Lord was leading me by the hand like I was a little kid, "Go ahead, don't be afraid of the water." I said, "Okay, Lord, if You say so!" And I took another big swallow. I mean, these weren't little sips, I was taking swallows. So I took another big swallow of water, a third swallow, and it felt so good and went right on down.
         18. I think all those good songs and words of the hymns I've been listening to encouraged my faith and had a part in my healing. I think it's when they started playing, "There is a Balm in Gilead" that I started drinking that first bottle, and I said, "Lord, if there is, You've got to prove it!"
         19. It's such a miracle! I couldn't even get down one swallow before, and now I've had bottles! Thank You Jesus! Lord, You did it! Man couldn't do it. The doctors told me the only solution was to come to the hospital and let them cut out the obstruction in my throat, but who knows if I could have even survived it. So I sure liked the way the Lord did it better.--No muss, no fuss, no puss, no blood. I feel like I'm going to live after all!
         20. So praise the Lord! It was a night of miracles! And I woke up this morning and I was so hot. I was cold in the night for a while, but I was so hot this morning! During my sickness I've been quite cold because I didn't have enough fuel to fire my body furnace. But thank the Lord, I'm hot this morning and I'm just doing great! I've drunk about half a bottle of coffee milk already this morning. Three bottles last night and half a bottle of coffee milk I've been drinking now. I just wanted to talk to you all and tell you thanks for praying, and that the Lord really did the miracle due to your and our precious worldwide Family's prayers. Thank You Jesus!


         21. So thank You Lord for answering prayer! Thank You for the miracles! Thank You for speaking to me last night and giving me that vision and the faith to follow it. And it worked, Lord. You worked, and everything went wonderfully! Thank You Jesus! I'm feeling so much better and drinking my nourishment so well. Thank You Lord for all those who have worked so hard on my food, and especially for all those thousands of our precious Family who have prayed so desperately and so long, that You've answered their prayers! Thank You Jesus! Thank You for the miracle You did for me, but we ask You for miracles for Mama, too, and all the rest of these people who need healing. Bless and keep them all and continue to do miracles for us during this time of prayer.
         22. Help us all to obey Thy Words and Thy will! When You say to step out by faith, whether it's on milk or water or whatever it is, help us to step out and believe it and do it and expect the answer in Jesus' name.
         23. Bless and keep us all today and make us a blessing. Thank You for another beautiful day and all Thy blessings, a good night's sleep and safekeeping. Give us all strength for this day and continue to make this prayer time a blessing, in Jesus' name! Thank You Lord!
         24. God bless you for your prayers, and thanks, everybody, for everything! And thank You most of all, Lord, for doing such miracles! Now do some more for the rest of them and deliver so many people who need deliverance, Lord, especially those in the Family--and particularly Mama. Lord, she really needs Your help to heal her eyes. We'd like to see that be the next miracle, Lord, in Jesus' name! Thank You Jesus! It's been a morning of miracles! Hallelujah! God bless and keep you all and give you a good day!

Keep Praying!

         25. (Mama: After the miracle of the milk the night before, and Dad's testimony to the Family, he's now having some very intense pain swallowing, as the Devil is fighting him and trying to steal away the victory that the Lord has given. We've sent a message to the worldwide Family telling them about the miracle and that they should rejoice with us, but also to pray desperately for Dad that the Lord will continue to heal and take the pain away.)
         26. The day of my mother's healing, after she told the nurse to bring her a pillow so she could sit up, she keeled over in a dead faint and hemorrhaged a lot of blood from her mouth onto the bed. But she refused to give up! She had them prop her up again. And when my dad came home, she got up and walked. I'll just keep walking on the milk! Thank You Lord!
         27. You have to recognize the works of the Devil and fight! Although sometimes we just wait to see what happens, sometimes we have to make it happen. I just felt like I'm not going to wait and see, I'm going to make it happen!
         28. Amen, Jesus, only You can do it, but I have to do it too. You did it, Lord, but You had to make me fight too. Lord bless our Family for their sacrifices. Thank You for their prayers. Let them know that their prayers are being answered, Lord.
         29. Another victory is that there's not a sign of my back problem at all! It was just the Devil's dart in my back. It was just like the Devil was stabbing me in the back. He's an expert at that!
         30. I've had three bottles of milk and one bottle of water, that's more than a litter, with hardly a pain! Once or twice the Devil tried to throw me a little dart, but it didn't stick. It feels so good! My stomach is full and my heart is content, and that's really a miracle! And I'm sure it's due to their prayers, Lord, and Your love and our faith.
         (--Thanks! God bless you all! I love you! He's doing it!--Keep praying! He never fails! Thank You Jesus! I love you!--D.)

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