GO TO IT AND DO IT!      DO 2771 3/92

(Dad's comments on a "700 Club" video promoting young East European Christians going to the U.S. for education before going back to win their own country:)
         1. That kind of education is a handicap when it takes six or seven years to finish it, by which time their fire is practically quenched! This worship of education and knowledge by the religious system is one of the biggest handicaps to the evangelism of the world! We just took anybody that would come who promised to get out and witness and win souls, and look what we've done!--With or without an education!
         2. I'll match one of our disciples any day to one of Pat Robertson's or Billy Graham's university students! They may be more accepted by the System, but ours are more accepted by the common people who heard Jesus gladly (Mk.12:37), and they're going to accomplish a lot more in number of souls won too!
         3. I used to almost envy some of those big-name preachers for their education and their degrees, but I've outdone them all with the main job Jesus sent us here to do--to preach the Gospel and win souls--without stopping to build churches or get a big education! A degree and lots of education can't get you anywhere any more! It's getting less and less useful all the time! In the U.S. and in England, people with a Harvard or Oxford degree can't even get a job! All I can say is we're doing more, and the fastest, and with the most results!
         4. It's a shame to think those kids from Eastern Europe are having to go to the U.S. for two years to study for a master's degree when they could stay right there doing what we're doing, really winning souls to the Lord! Our kids out on the street passing out lit are doing more than these guys who are going and spending two more years in education to get a master's degree when they've already spent four or five years getting a bachelor's degree! And these East Europeans even have knowledge of the language; just think what they could do! What a waste! Many of our kids don't even know the language, but they still get out there and preach the Gospel. We may belong to the "underground of religion," but we're reaching the underground! TTL!
         5. And considering how short the time is and how late it is, can you imagine wasting two more years sitting around in classrooms, going to law school in some Christian university and all of that baloney when you could be right there winning souls! What a waste of time for those potential East European students to go to the U.S. and get master's degrees in economy so they can help their country and the financial situation. All we want to do is help the people!--To get'm saved and bound for Heaven!
         6. Of course, all of that emphasis on education appeals to the System and is very Systemite. They've got them brainwashed into thinking that anything Christians do has to be done from within the System. It just makes me nearly sick watching this! I have more of a right to brag about our little people on the street corners of Eastern Europe peddling posters than this business of Pat Robertson's university and their graduates devoting their whole lives to some System institution! They want to change things for the better, but the only way they're going to really change anything for the better is to change people and to win souls!
         7. Think of the time they waste! And after they get out, they probably don't even know how to lead a soul to Christ! (Maria: Or if they do, they're not even going to have time to do it because they're so caught up in their System job.) Most of them don't even know how to effectively witness. They have to spend most of their time working at what amounts to a System job.
         8. The attitude and tack of evangelicals is to attack the cults and attack different religions, instead of just forgetting about that and winning them to Jesus! We go in and win souls to Christ even amongst the Shintoists, Muslims and Buddhists!
         9. The church has everything backwards! They think they've got to send these nationals from their country to the U.S.--of all the corrupt places--to get two years of education, so they can go back to their country and supposedly be a better worker, but not necessarily witness. (Maria: Yes, mostly secular education with just a little Bible thrown in.) It makes me all the more enthusiastic about our religion, if you want to call it that, and disgusted with theirs!
         10. All we need are the laborers! Send your laborers into the field, the Lord said! "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into the harvest, for the fields are already white unto harvest!" (Mat.9:37,38; Jn.4:35). They're talking about sending out laborers to work with the God-damned System! (Maria: Yes, and then in those countries, building even more campuses so they can train more students to do more secular jobs.) Imagine!
         11. We'll take anybody that will come who's willing to go out and start preaching the Gospel right off the bat and winning souls! They don't need a college education to learn how to win a soul to Christ! They don't need a college education to learn how to preach the Gospel! They don't need a college education to learn how to pass out Gospel literature!--And to love people and win them to the Lord and train them to do the same!
         12. God bless Fred Jordan for finally turning me on to this method! He had the vision, God bless him, and we just carried it out and made it work. I always kind of had that feeling and knew that was how it should be done, but Fred really turned me on and showed me that it could be done, God bless him! He just grabbed the willing workers and started out with nothing but a two-week course to prepare missionaries for Japan. Then he increased the course until it finally got as long as it ever was, which was three months long.
         13. Pat Robertson is talking about having students come to his college, Regent College, to study secular materialistic courses to train people for jobs in the System, and spend two years at it! (Maria: Yes, for a master's degree! They've already spent four years in another college to get a bachelor's degree.) And what have they got? They can come out of his school and they still don't know how to preach the Gospel or win a soul to Christ! And even if they do, look at all the time they wasted!
         14. (Maria: It's sort of like the preacher/parishioner style. He's the preacher and everybody else just gives him the money to do the job, which he's not doing very wisely. He's almost the only one in his organization preaching the Gospel full-time, and his parishioners aren't doing anything.)
         15. Thank God for the Family! (Maria: Yes, thank God we're different!) We don't waste any time fooling around with all this other junk, building church buildings and universities and getting education and all that stuff. One little humble common witnesser can get out there on the street and accomplish more in a few days than they'll accomplish in a few years!
         16. It's pitiful, just pitiful! They're doing everything but the one thing the Lord told us to do, which is to get out and preach the Gospel and win souls! They're doing all of this to commence to begin to get started to get educated with a lot of junk you don't even need for the job.--In fact, training that's probably going to get more in their way than do much good! Those people aren't going to want to get out on the street and pass out Gospel literature to the poor! They've got their supposedly important jobs and too much of all that supposedly important education that needs to be used.--But used for what?!
         17. The church system and the church method is such a waste of time and money!--Involving church buildings and education. As I used to say, church buildings have probably damned more people to Hell than anything else the church ever did!--Building church buildings that rob the mission field of missionaries and funds and the Gospel and Salvation. It just makes me sick and fed up! It makes me thank the Lord for what we know!
         18. Thank God for the Family! Jesus didn't put His disciples in college, He just taught them on the job and showed them how to witness. (Maria: Yes, and even our 13- and 14-year-olds are out winning souls!) Right! Honey, even our younger children have learned how to go up and ask people to receive Jesus and pray for salvation! "A little child shall lead them. Except ye shall become as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" (Isa.11:6; Luk.18:16,17). Why in the world are they trying to overstuff these people with education? That's not becoming as a little child! The common people heard Jesus gladly! It was the educated religious leaders who rejected Him! Pitiful!
         19. Well, I've said it all before, so there's not much use going over it again.--But I'm still sold on our method, the New Testament method, the Early Church method, Jesus' method!--To just go and take a bunch of newly saved disciples out witnessing. That's what Jesus did! Show them how to witness, and then send them out.--And He did, and they did, and they did it! So that by the time He left physically, they were able to do it on their own, with the help of His Spirit, of course.
         20. I'm just thankful that we don't have to waste time and money with all that sort of thing! Thank God we can establish a Home with a dozen people in a few days or weeks of time, teach and train them how to witness and win souls, and it costs just a few hundred dollars!--And all that time and money is not wasted on education, buildings, colleges, churches and TV programs! Thank God we just go straight to it and do it! Go to it and do it! Amen? Praise the Lord!

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