1. I believe I got something from the Lord today about the war in Yugoslavia. I've been thinking and praying about it, but today I definitely prayed about it and asked the Lord why is neither the U.S. nor Europe willing to intervene? They send a little team in here or there, an observation team or a monitoring team, but about all they can monitor is all the slaughter and never do a thing about it, nothing to stop it, when they easily could!
         2. So I was really praying and asking the Lord, why is it all these powerful, civilized countries surrounding them refuse to do a thing about it? And the strangest thought came to me that I hadn't thought of before. I'm sure it must have been from the Lord, the words: The ACs! The ACs are responsible for this non-interference in this war wherein the Serbian government is slaughtering the Croats. And do you know why?--Because during WWII under the Nazis, the Croats cooperated with the Nazis and slaughtered the Serbs, so this is the worldwide ACs' chance to get revenge!
         3. I thought, "Well, that's strange!" The Croats, you know, are Roman Catholics, whereas the Serbs are Eastern Orthodox. These are the two main divisions of the Catholic church that date clear back to the Roman Empire and the division between the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.--When the Eastern Roman Empire broke away from the Western Roman Empire dominated by Rome and the Romans. The pope later declared that he was the head of the whole church and everybody was under his authority.
         4. The Eastern Orthodox church was not willing to accept that dictatorship of the pope of Rome. Actually, the Eastern Orthodox Church has always been a little more orthodox and less dictatorial. So there's a very distinct division there between the Roman Catholics of the West, and the Eastern Orthodox religion of the East.
         5. So because of the stubbornness of the Serbs and their resistance to the power of the Nazis during the period of WWII, Hitler used the local Croats to fight against them. The Serbs were in rebellion and were the major part of the underground resistance, the so-called "freedom fighters." Of course, what you call them depends on whose side you're on. If you sympathize with them you call them "freedom fighters," like the presidents of the United States have often done. But if you're on the other side you call'm terrorists and guerrillas!

The Croats and the Serbs

(After looking up Yugoslavia in the encyclopedia to get more background on the situation:)
         6. (Family reads: "Most inhabitants of Yugoslavia belong to the southern group of the Slavs; the name Yugoslavia, in the Serbo-Croatian language Jugoslavija, means 'land of the south Slavs.' The principal south Slav groups in Yugoslavia, together with the percentage which each comprises of the total national population, are the Serbian [41%], Croat [23%], Slovene [9%], Macedonians [5%] and Montenegrin [3%].")
         7. See, the Serbs were in the vast majority, 41%. They've got twice as many people as the Croats, and they have control of all the arms and the tanks and the guns and the whole army, navy and air power. You've seen them unopposed, just bombing the cities of Croatia without resistance! It's been pitiful, really pitiful!--People killing each other who used to even be neighbors. Somebody's always wanting to dominate somebody else. The poor Croats want to pull out and be free, and the Serbs don't want them to!
         8. And I've thought and prayed about it often, and I must confess, I've prayed mostly for the poor Croats against the Serbs, because the Serbs have been exercising their "might is right" idea and their power. They've been trying to teach the Croats a lesson. Well, the Lord says He'll "visit the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation" (Exo. 34:7), and the Croats haven't always been saints either. During WWII, the Croats had the power and the authority under the Nazis, and they did persecute the Serbs pretty seriously. They claim they had massacres and all kinds of things, but the Serbs pretty much deserved it too. So it's gone back and forth.
         9. The Bible tells us that you're going to suffer for your sins, and at one time the Croats had superiority and Nazi power and Germany to help them. The Serbs and those in the south under Tito were rebelling against the Nazis, and the Croats, under the Nazis, were fighting the Serbs, and they had the power then. Now the Serbs have the power. The Serbs want to expand Serbia and they're doing it, they're solving their problems. They're doing exactly what they've always wanted to do--to make all of Yugoslavia "Greater Serbia."
         10. When I asked the Lord about this situation, the answer I got was not what I expected. I said, "Lord, why haven't You stopped this? Or why haven't they stopped it?" The Americans and even the Europeans are supposed to all be for freedom and democracy. Well, the ACs dominate the world today. They control Western Europe, the U.S., and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if in this present conflict, at least some of the powerful ACs are sympathetic to the Serbs and the other Yugoslavians. Therefore Western Europe and the U.S. are just standing aside and watching and letting the Serbs overrun the Roman Catholic Croats.
         11. I don't know a whole lot about what's going on there, except I've been quite angry about poor Croatia being so outnumbered and outgunned, being run over and crushed by the much more powerful Serbian-dominated Yugoslav government.
         12. The Lord is faithful! I said, "Lord, why doesn't Europe stop it if they're for democracy and freedom as they say they are? And why doesn't the U.S. do more?" And I got that answer just as clear as I ever got anything from the Lord. I mean, the Lord doesn't have to give you a big description or a huge picture or all the details. I said, "Why haven't the Western powers intervened?" And the answer I got was: "The ACs!" So there you are!
         13. You only need one key to unlock a door! And when the Lord gives you a key like that, it explains the whole situation! The U.S. and Europe are dominated by the ACs today, who are taking over the world. And for some reason or other, they're getting their revenge now against the Croats for how the Nazis slaughtered the Serbs. Even if there were no ACs involved in Yugoslavia, they certainly would want the Serbs to take vengeance against the former Nazi-supported Croats.
         14. Sometimes I've struggled with that verse, "He visits the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and the fourth generation" (Exo.34:7). I've said, "Lord, how can You be so merciless on the children of these people?" Well, look at Mat.27:35.
         15. [The AC is] alive, in hiding, and [the ACs are] reserving him for the opportune moment to solve the world's problems.

Without the Prince of Peace, There Is No Peace!

         16. Of course, thank the Lord, it's wonderful to have the Lord to help us solve our problems. We have peace in our hearts, because Jesus says, "My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you" (Jn.14:27). The world doesn't give any peace, but He's given us peace.--Even when the whole world around us is in chaos, with wars and rumors of war, all kinds of horrors!
         17. There are horrors going on in the U.S. worse than war! They're fighting a war with their children, and their children are fighting a war with each other! They're doped and drug-crazed, demonic! It's demonic, what's going on! And the poor parents today, they don't know what to do, because they have deserted the Lord, deserted God, deserted the Bible, and they have lost the only solution! They kicked God, prayer and the Bible out of the schools!
         18. If you want to know what's the matter with the world today, that's what's the matter! They've left God out, and without the Prince of Peace, there is no peace!--And things are getting worse and worse and worse! And in this one little case of one little trouble, Yugoslavia, the answer there again is the ACs!
         19. But thank the Lord, we have the Messiah, the Savior! They could have Him too, but they won't take Him. And in spite of all they can do, and their Antichrist--who is eventually going to turn on them anyhow--we have the King of kings who is going to come and rescue us all, thank You Lord!
         20. Well, all things work together for good to them that love the Lord, so the Lord's working out His purposes, teaching people lessons that they need to learn--mostly that they can't get along without Him.--That there's no peace without the Prince of Peace! So, praise the Lord! I love you! God bless and keep us all!--And He does!

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