--The Time to PREPARE for It Is NOW!--A Business Conference on the World Economic Crisis!

         1. THEY'RE DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO SOFT PEDDLE THE SHAKY WORLD ECONOMIC SITUATION & TO TRY TO PREVENT THE CRASH. In a way, I think everybody feels it coming. Of course, some optimists have been spoutin' off about what a boom they're having & how it seems to be continuing & therefore maybe it'll go right on & never stop, blah blah blah.
         2. BUT THE REALISTS, THE GUYS WHO REALLY KNOW, THE GENUINE, HONEST FORECASTERS, ARE SAYING THAT IT CAN'T WAIT MUCH LONGER! It's gotta come this coming year & certainly no later than '90. Even those who weren't saying it before are now saying it's probably going to happen in '89. They're saying it just can't go on.


         3. THE UNITED STATES CANNOT GO ON BORROWING SO MUCH & SPENDING SO MUCH! America has become the largest debtor nation in the World, & is paying the largest amount of interest to foreign creditors.
         4. IT WAS BAD ENOUGH WHEN THE U.S. OWED IT TO ITSELF, TO ITS OWN PEOPLE! But NOW it's gotten completely out of hand! The United States is borrowing more & more money every year from foreign countries who could jerk the rug out from under them at any time if they thought there was any chance that things were getting too shaky & they might not get their interest.
         5. YOU SAW THAT MOVIE "ROLL OVER"--ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS JERK OUT THE RUG! There is nothing to prevent them from pulling their money out. It's their privilege. It's THEIR money! At a moment's notice, BOOM!--Then it's GONE!
         6. THEN WHERE IS THE U.S.A. GOING TO GET THE MONEY TO CONSTANTLY LIVE BEYOND ITS INCOME? The reason people there have such lavish homes & fancy cars & expensive TVs & everything else is they're living on BORROWED money! The wages there are way too high.--While other people are STARVING in many countries. God is not going to put up with it much longer!


         7. IT MAKES ME ANGRY, SO IT MUST MAKE GOD ANGRY! He cannot let the U.S. get away with it forever.--Starving parts of the World, having other parts of the World living on the very fringes of deep poverty, even impoverishing some of their own people!
         8. GOD CANNOT LET THE SINNERS GO ON FOREVER UNPUNISHED & UNDISCIPLINED. He just can't do it! The day of reckoning is bound to come. His wheels of justice sometimes grind exceeding SLOW but they grind exceeding FINE.--And they do eventually catch up with those He judges. God waits to see if they're going to repent and gives them as long as He can, but when they don't, then BOOM! And often His judgments may have waited a long time, but they hit SUDDENLY.--Like some of these so-called natural disasters.
         9. I DON'T HAVE TO PREACH MUCH ABOUT THE FALL OF THE U.S. ANY MORE, all the economic prophets are now preaching it! It just cannot go on, period! That's all. Everybody that has loaned money to the U.S. is going to lose faith.


         10. IT DOESN'T TAKE LONG TO DESTROY FAITH. They used to call them "panics" or runs on the banks. It only takes some kind of a little scare, like the last crash, the Stock Market Crash of October '87. That didn't quite do it because it didn't hit the poor, it didn't really hit the lower middle class. It just hit the guys that were living too high & on too much gravy & thought it would never end.
         11. IT DIDN'T WIPE OUT ENOUGH PEOPLE TO BRING ON THE REALLY BIG ONE. It just wiped out those gamblers who were making too much money. They got theirs. But NEXT time it will hit middle America & lower middle America, ALL of the people who are living too high & robbing the rest of the World with their high tariffs on the products of the poor so that even their own poor have to pay too much.
         12. IT WILL ONLY TAKE ONE MORE SCARE--a scare which the people are almost waiting for. They sense it's coming. Do you know how I know? Do you know how these other guys know too? They watch the MARKETS closely. I'm not talking about the Stock Market, I'm talking about the SELLING market. For about the last two or three years sales have been off.--Although there was a splurge after the October '87 Crash.
         13. THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY, THEIR STATE OF MIND IS, "GET OUT & SPEND IT WHILE YOU CAN!--While you've still GOT anything to spend! Run up bills! Run up debts! Spend it! Get it now! Grab it now! It may be the last time you'll ever have a chance! There's going to be a Great Depression! Everybody says so!
         14. "ALL THE HONEST ECONOMIC PROPHETS SAY THERE'S GOING TO BE A GREAT DEPRESSION & it's going to hit worldwide, so I've got to get out & get mine while I still have a chance, while I've still GOT it!--Why worry about saving money? The GOVERNMENT doesn't save money. They say it's good for the country, that all this excessive spending is good for the country!"
         15. THE MAJOR REASON IT'S HELD TOGETHER IS THIS HUGE GOVERNMENT BORROWING TO KEEP THINGS GOING. There's only one thing that keeps them going & enabling them to keep on borrowing & the foreign countries willing to lend.--That's FAITH that maybe it'll last a little while longer, & the greedy still want to get that high interest. So they're still willing to put out their billions.
         16. PANICS HAPPEN SUDDENLY.--Just like the '87 Stock Market Crash happened virtually overnight. I want to warn you, they happen suddenly--BOOM! So don't count on it stringing out too long. It can happen overnight.--Especially if the foreign lenders suddenly lose confidence in the economy of the country & start pulling their billions out.
         17. THEN THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SIMPLY WON'T HAVE IT TO SPEND ANY MORE. They won't be able to pay salaries. They won't be able to pay those high wages any more. There will be no more Social Security. It will all be GONE because they're borrowing those funds from foreign lenders who are going to pull out as soon as they panic & get scared!--It can happen very SUDDENLY.


         18. I'D LIKE TO LET OUR PEOPLE WHO RECEIVE WS GIFTS DOWN EASILY, IF I COULD, THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO DO. But it can happen suddenly. And it's likely to happen this coming year, 1989.
         19. SO WE'VE GOT TO GET OUR PEOPLE USED TO GETTING BY WITH LESS. Hopefully WS will be able to hang on to enough income so that at least Mama & I & the feeders of the sheep can keep going & telling God's children what the Lord is doing & what He is going to do, etc.
         20. WE ARE THE SHEPHERDS GUIDING THE SHEEP, & when the sheep are in their greatest trials, tribulations & hardships of this soon-coming great World Depression, they're going to need us all the more. So we are going to have to teach some of them, perhaps MOST of them, to now shift for themselves. We simply are unable to help support them any more. We'll be doing well if we manage to keep going ourselves, publishing just our barest periodicals like the GN & the WND & a few things like that which they really need in order to know what's going on. We HAVE to keep feeding the sheep, right?


         21. THE MAIN THING I WANT TO WARN YOU IS NOT TO COUNT ON IT TAKING A LONG TIME like it's been doing.--Because when it really HITS, it's going to hit HARD, it's going to hit DEEP & it's going to hit SUDDENLY. I believe it with all my heart!
         22. IT'S GOING TO HIT HARDER & FASTER THAN WE MAY EVEN THINK. They used to call them "panics." It's happened before & the country it hit has been plunged into the doldrums where business was bad & there was tremendous unemployment, etc. These panics & economy crises have GROWN each time. They're getting bigger & bigger, & the last one enveloped the entire EARTH!--All of the industrial countries were hit.
         23. BUT THIS NEXT ONE IS GOING TO BE SUCH AS THERE NEVER WAS! It's going to be like the FAMINE IN EGYPT in the time of Joseph, where men will be willing to sell their bodies for food. That's what they did. They sold themselves into the SLAVERY of Egypt, imagine!--Gen.47:13-26.
         24. THEY WERE WILLING TO SELL THEMSELVES AS SLAVES FOR SOMETHING TO EAT.--And they'll do it again. They've ALREADY sold themselves as slaves to the System & to the Devil, & they will do ANYTHING to save themselves from economic disaster, especially when they start getting hungry & don't even have food. They'll sell themselves into slavery.


         25. SO THE END HAS GOT TO COME! The way the World & the U.S. & its movies & its music & its youth & all the rest are now going, it has become so vile & corrupt & decadent & violent that I think their cup of iniquity is about FULL, & the Lord is going to soon stop them, even by an economic collapse.
         26. I RECENTLY READ ABOUT AN ECONOMIST SAYING, "THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD THAT COULD HAPPEN TO THE U.S. NOW IS ANOTHER GREAT DEPRESSION! Then the people won't have the money to buy drugs. They won't tolerate these criminals. And they will be poor." He said that's one of the best things that ever happened to the World, the Great Depression.
         27. HE SAID, "WE WERE POOR. WE WERE DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT LIFE. We couldn't afford much, but we managed to get through. We just couldn't afford all these luxuries, this decadence, this opulence, etc. We couldn't afford it. We didn't have money.--Hardly enough money for food, much less for buying liquor & drugs & everything that the kids buy today."
         28. SO IT'S GONNA BE GOOD FOR US, BELIEVE IT OR NOT. It's certainly going to be good for the people who are bringing it on by all of their foolishness. And in the long run it's going to be GOOD for the World because they're going to have to CHANGE their ways. Only one man is going to be strong enough, powerful enough to really crack down on them & discipline them with a whole new economic system, & you know who that's going to be.--The ANTICHRIST!


         29. ALL THAT TO SAY THIS, IT CAN HAPPEN OVERNIGHT, & the quicker we're ready for it & can stand such a financial shock & drop in income, the better off we'll be when it happens. So we are at the beginning again of another Wind-down, & I think this is going to be the LAST one.--I really believe it with all of my heart.
         30. I'M SORRY TO HAVE TO START TRIMMING SOME OF THESE PEOPLE DOWN, but we are going to have to cut down everything that is not absolutely ESSENTIAL. We're going to have to even cut down things that we've thought WERE essential!
         31. WE'D BETTER GET PREPARED FOR WHAT'S COMING. You know it's always hard for me to trim people's gifts down, & I'd always rather keep'm going somehow. But we are just going to have to cut out the ministries that are not, as the System says, "cost efficient," those which cost more than they're worth under these present emergency conditions.
         32. EVERYBODY THAT CAN POSSIBLY BE SELF-SUPPORTING--EVERY FIELD, EVERY UNIT, EVERY HOME, whatever it is--should BE self-supporting & not be dependent on World Services. They are now going to have to be self-supporting.
         33. IT'S ALMOST INEVITABLE THAT WE CANNOT EXPECT A CONTINUED SUFFICIENT INCOME to keep all of these presently WS-supported ministries going. Of course, the Lord may prove me wrong again, because every year has been better--in our Family growth & our results, as well as our income & our pubs & everything. But we may find that THIS year, '89, may be the END of that!


         34. IN FACT, I JUST HAVE A FEELING, I DON'T SEE HOW THE WORLD CAN GET BY ANOTHER YEAR WITHOUT A MAJOR COLLAPSE. And if worldwide income collapses, though our Family income will not collapse, it will certainly go DOWN. That means it's not going to cost any less for the Family to live but it is going to be harder & harder for them to pay tithes & give gifts, & OUR WS income is bound to go down along with theirs. Right?
         35. SO WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PREPARE FOR IT. We have got to trim off the fat & trim down a lot of people that we have volunteered to help & keep going, which we will no longer be able to. We just won't be able to afford it, that's all, we won't have it. We can't give them what we haven't got!
         36. SO WE MIGHT AS WELL GET READY FOR IT NOW. We've already cut many Units' income, & some we're progressively cutting every month. We need to get ready for it now. It may happen sooner than we think, & we want to still be in a position where we can continue living in order to continue producing at least the monthly pubs, or as many as we can. Amen?
         37. IF WE DON'T CONTINUE TO EXIST, THE PUBS AREN'T GOING TO EXIST. And if we don't cut down on some of these projects, eventually there may not be enough for us to continue our pubs. (Maria: We could give that same advice to some of the local FIELDS because a lot of countries are being, in my opinion, a little extravagant with various projects like huge local mailings & things that aren't really necessary.) Yes, you're ALL going to have to learn to get by on less, spend less. Don't be guilty of what the U.S. has been guilty of for years now.--Living far beyond their income & living on borrowed money & borrowed time!
         38. YOU'D ALL BETTER START LEARNING TO CUT DOWN NOW. Cut off the fat. Cut down any unnecessary expenses. Cut down even on some of your NECESSARY expenses. Be more economical about your housing, be more economical about your utilities. Cut down on your lights, use less water & start learning to cut down on EVERYTHING!--Maybe not have such luxurious food & a lot of other things you may have gotten used to.
         39. YOU'D BETTER START CUTTING DOWN NOW. I say this to the local Homes as well as you & us, or you may find yourself out on a limb & cut off if you don't start learning to live within your income now!
         40. YOU'VE HAD A PRETTY GOOD INCOME OR YOU WOULDN'T BE SPENDING SO MUCH ON SOME OF THESE LUXURIOUS PUBLICATIONS & BOOKS that Mama is talking about. But get ready to NOT have so much & to cut DOWN lest you get cut OFF!--It's better to get cut down than to get cut off! That's what we're trying to do. Cut down on all of your expenses & try to save some so you'll have some for the rainy days ahead. Amen? PTL!
         41. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT, NOW! Don't wait until it happens. Start saving now. Start beefing up your reserves, your emergency funds, etc. so that when it does happen--& it may happen SUDDENLY--you will be able to survive. And have something in mind to keep you going somehow, some avenue of escape or support or whatever.
         42. WE'VE BEEN ADVISING YOU ALONG THIS LINE FOR A LONG TIME. You've branched into other ministries & diversified more, & I've been pleased to hear it. You're not just a one or two-product Family. You're branching out into other ministries that are more apt to survive & be able to keep going than just Tapes & Posters.
         43. WHEN THE DAY COMES & YOU'RE FORCED OFF THE STREETS, God helping you, we hope you'll have built up your other more private ministries & outreaches, DFs, friends, kings, converts & whatever. Amen? All right, PTL! Mama, will you close in prayer?
         44. (MARIA: THANK YOU, LORD, FOR THIS WONDERFUL COUNSEL.--For these warnings & instruction & advice that we all need, Lord. You give us exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask, TYJ! Help us now to have the wisdom to know what to do, Lord, to ACT upon it & be PREPARED for the future!) Amen, Lord, so we can stay alive & keep moving. (Maria: Help us, Lord, to cut down as much as possible & save what we need, Lord, to be prepared. Bless & keep us now. In Jesus' name, amen.) Amen! GBAKY ready! WLY!

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