ETERNAL SECURITY!--ONCE Saved, ALWAYS Saved!     DO 2495  7/88

         1. I FINALLY REALISED I WAS REALLY SAVED & THAT IT WASN'T OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN, GONE AGAIN, when I was reading the Gospel one day & came across that verse. Of course, I'd read it many times before, but it just really HIT me. In fact I'm sure it's because I had been having doubts & fears because I'd made so many mistakes, I wondered if I was ever going to be able to STAY saved!
         2. THEN I CAME ACROSS THAT VERSE: "HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON HATH EVERLASTING LIFE!"--John 3:36. Of course, there are plenty of other good verses besides that one as well. (Maria: In other words, if you've ever asked Jesus into your heart, if you've ever sung that song, "Into My Heart"...)--You HAVE everlasting life! If you've received Jesus, I believe that even if you make mistakes, even commit suicide or murder or whatever, that you will STILL be saved.--BUT "raised to everlasting SHAME & CONTEMPT" (Dan.12:2), that's where the difference comes, if you don't repent. Of course, if you REPENT, well, I'm sure the Lord will forgive you, at least as far as He can, but He still has to make you suffer for your sins.
         3. I AM A FIRM BELIEVER IN ETERNAL SECURITY! (Maria: If you've ever sincerely prayed that prayer, "Jesus come into my heart," then Jesus is IN your heart, there's no question about it, you're saved.) Right!--Just like Techi & David are our children. No matter WHAT they do, they're STILL our CHILDREN, right? No matter HOW bad they are, we'll still LOVE them & we'll still acknowledge them as our children.
         4. (MARIA: SO IN A CASE LIKE MENE, WHO RECEIVED JESUS WHEN SHE WAS LITTLE, SHE WAS SAVED, so she didn't have to get RE-saved.) I think she was saved.--I think she just really let the Devil in & it just happened to be worse than with most people. A lot of people have done things that were wrong under temptation, under the inspiration of the Devil. She just went quite a bit further than most people.
         5. APPARENTLY, IF PEOPLE ARE WEAK & YIELD THEIR WILL, IT LOOKS LIKE SUCH PEOPLE CAN BE TEMPORARILY CONTROLLED BY THE DEVIL, if they YIELD to him. But I don't believe they'll STAY that way. I believe that the Lord will eventually deliver them. The Lord lets it happen to them as a PUNISHMENT for yielding their will to the Devil. But they'll finally come back. The Lord promises He's MARRIED to the backslider!--Jer.3:14. There are OODLES of verses on it!
         6. I'M A FIRM BELIEVER IN ETERNAL SECURITY IF THEY REALLY RECEIVE JESUS! But also I'm a firm believer that a lot of people are going to be in everlasting SHAME & CONTEMPT & doing some WEEPING in Heaven--even if He wipes away their tears!--Rev.21:4. And they'll be way down at the bottom someplace, & maybe never get near the top because they were so bad.--But SAVED nevertheless!
         7. AND PUT THIS IN YOUR PIPE & SMOKE IT, SAVED--EVEN IF GOD HAS TO SEND THEM TO PURGATORY FOR AWHILE TO PURGE & PURIFY THEM! Even according to Catholic doctrine, Purgatory is a TEMPORARY thing. Jesus Himself said, "They that knew NOT their Father's will & did things worthy of stripes will be beaten with FEW stripes, & others that KNEW their Father's will & did things worthy of stripes will be beaten with MANY stripes."--Lk.12:47,48. But to both of those there comes an END, whether they be few or many. A parent doesn't spank his child FOREVER!
         8. (MARIA: I AM COMPLETELY CONVINCED WITHOUT ANY QUESTION, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT WHATSOEVER IN MY MIND, THAT MENE WAS SAVED A LONG TIME AGO WHEN SHE WAS YOUNG.) I believe so! She memorised Scriptures, she used to even preach & win souls with Mother Eve, she was a very sweet child! But she finally just let the Devil take over.--But it was not permanent! Look at her now! She's resisted the Devil & gotten rid of it & is now really serving the Lord again!
         9. THE LORD JUST SAID OF HER THAT SHE'S FEEBLEMINDED, WEAK-MINDED. Some of those people are weak, & if they're weak-MINDED, they're probably weak SPIRITUALLY, & they have a hard time fighting those things. They're feebleminded, & it says, "Comfort the feebleminded."--1Thes.5:14.
         10. (MARIA: EVEN OUR KIDS IN THE FAMILY, EVEN A FEW OF OUR TEENS WHO HAVE BEEN REAL ROTTERS, it's very hard for me to believe that any child who has been in the Family for years is not saved, no matter HOW bad they've gotten!) Yes, I'm inclined to agree with you by all means.


         11. LOOK AT THE PRODIGAL SON, HE WAS AN EXAMPLE! No matter where he was, way off in the far country, spending his substance in riotous living, doing everything against the will of his Father, he was STILL a SON! And he eventually came home & he was eventually back in the Father's house. But what was his punishment? (Maria: He said, "Make me as a hired servant."--Luk.15:19.) And he almost was! (See ML #2229.) What better example of salvation can you have than that? But he'd lost all his REWARDS! He had lost everything BUT a place in the Father's House & at his table. He'd lost everything but his salvation. That's one of the best examples.
         12. WELL, I'M CONVINCED THAT ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED! I'm convinced of ETERNAL SALVATION, ETERNAL SECURITY, because there are so many verses about it! The Holiness people try to use other verses to convince you that you're not secure and you can fall from grace and all this sort of thing. Well, you may fall from grace out of the Father's favour like the Prodigal Son did, but you didn't fall out of God's FAMILY! You didn't fall out of being a SON!
         13. (MARIA: A QUESTION OF OUR TEENS MIGHT BE, "WELL, I DON'T REMEMBER WHEN I ACTUALLY ASKED JESUS INTO MY HEART. So since I'm a bad teen, maybe I DIDN'T.") Well then, just do it right NOW! (Maria: Yes, but in spite of the fact that they don't remember, if they've grown up in the FAMILY, it's almost 100% sure they've been saved.) If their MOTHER & FATHER remember when they did it, THEY don't necessarily have to remember it. (Maria: I don't remember when I did it.) I don't remember when I did it either, but I'm sure I'm saved! (Maria: So that shouldn't be a problem for them, because they couldn't have possibly gotten this far in the Family without being saved! But I agree that if they have any doubts they should immediately ask Jesus to enter their life.)
         14. MOST OF OUR CHILDREN ESPECIALLY ARE SAVED AT A VERY YOUNG AGE, & THEY'RE NOT LIKELY TO REMEMBER IT AT ALL. Ask David or Techi, I wonder if they can even remember when they were saved! But you know there's a time when some of our people who took care of them can remember when they were saved, & I bet you Sara can remember. (Maria: Even if nobody can remember, I still know they are saved. They couldn't have gotten this far in the Family without being saved. I mean that's our whole message: Receive Jesus!) You KNOW they're saved!
         15. SOME MAY NOT BE VERY GOOD CHILDREN, & some of our teens may be very BAD teens, but I even believe those backsliders that have gone back to the System, when they get enough of the hogwallow & the husks & the mud & the hogshit of the Pit, I believe most of them will actually come back. When they've had their fill, & see that the System is not what it's cracked up to be by some of its proponents, they'll be back! (Maria: We've had quite a few come back already.) Yes, & even if they never come back to the FAMILY, I believe they're still saved & will come back to the LORD. And even if they never seem to come back to the Lord, when they die, the Lord will take them, even if He has to kill their body to save the soul!--1Cor.5:5.


         JOHN 3:36: He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life: & he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
         JOHN 10:28,29: And I give unto them ETERNAL life; & they shall NEVER perish, neither shall ANY man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; & NO MAN is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand.
         JOHN 6:37: All that the Father giveth Me SHALL come to Me; & him that cometh to Me I will in NO WISE cast out.
         HEBREWS 13:5B: I will NEVER leave thee, nor forsake thee.
         1JOHN 5:13: These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have ETERNAL life, & that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
         2TIM.2:13: If we believe not, yet HE abideth faithful: He CANNOT deny Himself.
         PSA.37:24: Though he fall, he shall NOT be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with His hand.
         1PET.1:5: Who are KEPT by the power of GOD through faith unto Salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.


         DANIEL 12:1-2: Everyone that shall be found written in the Book (of Life). And many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, & some to SHAME & everlasting CONTEMPT.
         MARK 8:38: Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me & of My Words in this adulterous & sinful generation; of HIM also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He cometh in the glory of His Father with the holy Angels.
         1JOHN 2:28: And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, & NOT be ashamed before Him at His coming! (--AMEN! GBAKY!)

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