--What Will YOU Do?      DO 2381

         1. TYL! HAVE THY WAY IN JESUS' NAME! THY WILL BE DONE, LORD! Give us wisdom, Lord, Thy divine anointing, for guidance & what measures to take as we prepare now for what seems to be the beginning of the BIG Crash, & will very likely bring the ANTICHRIST forces into power, who are probably engineering it for that purpose, Lord, so they can seize power! TYJ! PYL!
         2. YOU SAID, "LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!"--Luke 21:28. So we're not to hang our heads in sadness or fear, but to lift UP our heads & to be THANKFUL that YOU'RE coming & Your Salvation is that much CLOSER! We're not to worry about it, we're not to fear, we're just to REJOICE, Lord, for our redemption draweth NIGH! TYJ! Thank You for how You have kept us through all this, & past crises, Lord!
         3. IT LOOKS LIKE THIS IS THE START OF WHAT'S REALLY IT, WHAT WE'VE BEEN PREDICTING FOR A LONG TIME! The Stock Market is the BAROMETER, it's the early temperature reading of the sick patient, which is the WORLD, not just the U.S.! And when they are convinced that it's going down, that it's not going to make a very rapid recovery, the ECONOMY will go NEXT!
         4. THANK GOD, WE HAVE THE LORD'S WISDOM, & WE KNOW WHAT TO DO! We got out of Dollars. We could have gotten out sooner, but thank the Lord, we got out in time to save about 50%! The Dollar has actually declined over 56% since its peak about 3 years ago. We got out, thank the Lord, & it has gone down close to 50% since then! That was about 2 or 3 years ago. So by getting out of the Dollar & going to the Yen, as they say, a penny saved is a penny earned, & a penny not lost is also a penny earned! So we not only didn't lose 50%, we GAINED 50%, thank the Lord!


         5. DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION, THINGS GOT WORSE AND WORSE UNTIL FDR BETTERED THINGS A LITTLE. Then he managed to declare war after the December 7th bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. I think it was the next day, he went before Congress & persuaded Congress to declare war. He'd been waiting for it, working for it all the time. So what FDR couldn't do to end the Depression with his big socialised programs & spending all that money & getting so many millions in debt, he did with WW2!--By lavish spending on so-called DEFENSE industries & aircraft plants & billions of Dollars spent to get into the war! This was a typical cycle of War-Boom-Bust! First they'd been through the WW1 boom, then the Bust, the Great Depression, then it took WW2 to get'm OUT of it! That'll probably be the way the whole thing ends up THIS time as well!
         6. THIS TIME THE ANTICHRIST IS GOING TO BE THE FDR! FDR almost as good as changed the entire economic system of the U.S. to a DEFICIT country & a SPENDTHRIFT country, printing worthless money! They made all these radical changes in American policy & government & the economy to help to pull them out of the Depression. And what he couldn't do with THAT, he did by resorting to WAR!-And I wouldn't be a bit surprised that that'll be the same scenario again!
         7. FIRST THE AC WILL SHOW HIS GENIUS BY PULLING THEM OUT OF THE DEPRESSION BY HIS NEW ECONOMY & HIS NEW CREDIT SYSTEM & ALL OF THAT. And finally, if that doesn't do it all the way, he'll say, "Well, we've got to KILL all the people who are fighting this administration, wipe'm out! The thing that's really keeping this whole program from succeeding is our opponents, our enemies, these RELIGIOUS countries like the U.S.A. etc., so we'll just have to wipe them out!"--And then comes the WAR! I can almost promise you that's the scenario it's going to follow! How FAST, I don't know.


         8. EVERYTHING IS MOVING A LOT FASTER TODAY THAN IT DID IN 1929! This was a DOUBLE drop of the Stock Market! The Stock Market not only dropped more in VOLUME & points in the Dow Jones, but the PERCENTAGE was DOUBLE the drop of '29! So the Stock Market dropped FASTER actually percentagewise in one day than '29. EVERYTHING moves faster today, & this could all happen so FAST!
         9. FROM '29 TO '32 PRESIDENT HOOVER KEPT TALKING LIKE THE POLITICIANS ARE TALKING NOW, RIGHT UNTIL HE GOT FIRED! For three years, from October '29 to November '32, the election that put FDR in, Hoover kept talking like that! He kept saying, "It wasn't the government's fault, we're doing everything we can," for three whole years as things got worse & worse, until things finally hit absolute BOTTOM! From the '29 Crash to the bottom in '32 was about three years.
         10. I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF IT TAKES HALF THAT TIME, A YEAR-&-A-HALF, MAYBE ONLY A YEAR, THIS TIME TO HIT BOTTOM! People are better informed, people know the history more, they're going to be more SCARED. If they've got any sense at all they're going to start worrying about the BANKS & pulling their money OUT!--And once the banks fail, businesses fail, manufacturers fail, industries fail & unemployment skyrockets! It could be worldwide & WORSE THAN EVER, & I EXPECT it to be!--And it could be FASTER than ever!
         11. EVERYBODY'S GOING TO START GETTING TIGHTER WITH THEIR MONEY, HOLDING ON, & THIS THEN MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE. Because the more they cut down their SPENDING & BUYING, the more the others have to cut down their SELLING & their PRODUCING & all the rest!
         12. IT TOOK ONLY THREE YEARS THEN, BUT WITH TODAY'S TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION, THINGS GO MUCH FASTER!--The people KNOW better, they know what happened LAST time, they know which way it's going to go, & they're going to try to get OUT faster this time & SAVE themselves faster!--And the faster they do it, the faster it will GO, & the faster will come the TOTAL collapse! It's a vicious cycle!
         13. FIRST THE WAGES DROP.--The producers tell their employees, "Well, we can't afford to PAY you so much any more! Look at the PRICES! We can't even SELL our stuff without lowering the PRICES, so we've got to lower your WAGES!" That's the beginning! In fact, they've ALREADY started doing that in some of the airlines & some of the big industries that have been having trouble! Several aircraft companies have ALREADY reduced wages & laid off thousands of employees! What are they going to do NOW if in the past two or three years they've ALREADY been doing this? Things have NOW gotten much WORSE!
         14. SO THINGS COULD GO A LOT FASTER! This is prognostication! I am assuming from past experience & the warnings the Lord has given us that things are really going to CRASH & really go DOWN!
         15. NOWADAYS THE WORLD IS SO INTERLOCKED, FINANCIALLY, POLITICALLY, EVERY WAY, THAT ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE IMMEDIATELY AFFECTS ALL THE STOCK MARKETS WORLDWIDE! The last time, it started in the dear old U.S.A. with the big Crash of '29, & then it just steam-rolled all the way around the World, & the whole WORLD went down! It was a WORLDWIDE economic Crash! It was a WORLDWIDE Depression! There weren't ANY areas that were flourishing or prospering, EVERYBODY went down, rich & poor!


         16. IF GOD IS GOD & JUST AT ALL, HE'S PROBABLY GOING TO MAKE IT CRASH WORSE THIS TIME, especially in preparation for the ANTICHRIST! Because obviously it's His Will for the Antichrist to arise, otherwise He wouldn't let him! It says, "When He that now letteth (prevents, holds back) shall be taken out of the way, THEN shall that Wicked be revealed!"--2Thess.2:7. That's when the AC is fully revealed.
         17. WHY DOES GOD DO IT?--TO PUNISH THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR SINS! They've worshipped MAMMON, they've worshipped money, they've worshipped luxury, they've worshipped THINGS, they've worshipped the Stock Market, their own arm that they thought had saved them, & they've chucked GOD out of everything!--Including the U.S. schools & whatnot, so God's going to LET them COLLAPSE, fall flat on their faces!


         18. SO, HOW FAST IS IT GOING TO GO?--HOW SOON COULD WE HIT BOTTOM? I'd say it's possible maybe even NEXT YEAR, things could move so fast!
         19. IT REMAINS TO BE SEEN JUST HOW MUCH THIS IS GOING TO AFFECT OUR INCOME, but of course it's bound to affect it. Although our people are not involved in System jobs & industry etc., the people who GIVE to them & BUY our products etc., THEY'RE going to cut down, & that's going to cut down our FAMILY income, & that's going to cut down our WS income. It's just BOUND to, they just can't help it! So we need to start getting our people adjusted to lower incomes.
         20. WE SHOULD CUT OFF ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT REALLY NECESSARY OR URGENT NOW! I don't want to cut down any necessary budgets if we can help it, because expenses are still high.
         21. I BELIEVE THAT THIS TIME THIS IS IT! Last time on our wind-down we found out how little we could get along on, & still produce even more with less. But the Crash didn't happen then. Instead the Lord gave us a last big BOOM! We started talking about the wind-down over three years ago & we did it. We kept winding down & winding down, & it took about a year to wind down. All right, we did it, we proved we could do it then.
         22. BUT THE LORD BLESSED US & OUR INCOME WENT UP INSTEAD, SO WE THEN GOT A LITTLE MORE LAVISH & A LITTLE MORE FREE-SPENDING, & THANK THE LORD WE DID A LOT OF THINGS WE COULDN'T DO UNDER THE WIND-DOWN. We wound UP! Therefore we published a whole lot of BOOKS we wouldn't have published under the wind-down, we gave out a whole lot of GIFTS we wouldn't have given under the wind-down, & really, in these last 3 years of what was supposed to have been a wind-down, we've SPENT more, GIVEN more, DISTRIBUTED more & SHARED more than in any three previous years we've ever known! Because the Lord was so GOOD to us!--And YOU!
         23. BUT NOW, WITH THE CRASH, I WOULD BE SURPRISED IF IT TAKES AS LONG TO HIT BOTTOM AS IT DID LAST TIME, FROM '29 TO '32, THREE YEARS! I believe it's going to go a LOT FASTER! And if we're smart, I think maybe we ought to operate just like any good business or industry that sees what's coming. Let's jump the gun, let's beat'm to the draw, so to speak! Let's not plan on having three years till we hit the bottom! Let's not even plan on having TWO years to the bottom! Let's start a ONE-YEAR WINDDOWN RIGHT NOW! I will be very surprised if we manage to keep anything like our previous income for the past three years.
         24. THESE PAST THREE YEARS HAVE BEEN OUR BOOM! But God prepared us in mind & heart for the Crash, & we've already had a trial run. We had a fire drill to show what we can do, & we DID it, PTL! Now here it is. Let's do it AGAIN! I believe with all my heart we're now going to HAVE to do it! THAT was a TRIAL. We thought maybe that was IT, because I didn't see how it could last this long. Now here it is! LOOK at it! READ it! SEE it! This is IT! I don't see how it can be anything else! It's been predicted for a long time!


         25. IT'S NOT ONLY GOING TO HIT IN THE STOCK MARKET! That's always the INDICATOR, that's the BAROMETER. What does a barometer tell you? (Peter: The weather, the pressure.) When the BAROMETER falls, that isn't the storm YET, it tells you the storm is COMING. The Stock Market is the barometer of BUSINESS & the ECONOMY, & all the barometers around the World are on their way DOWN & hitting unknown LOWS, hitting CATASTROPHIC lows! The World is MUCH worse off & in MUCH more serious condition TODAY than it's EVER been in BEFORE!
         26. THE BANKS ARE IN MUCH WORSE CONDITION! The banks are writing down a lot of these debts owed them by Third World countries as ASSETS! They'll be doing well if they get TEN CENTS back on each of their DOLLARS! What are these Third World countries going to do? What are they going to do about those DEBTS?--They're going to ABROGATE them, they're going to DEFAULT, they're going to REFUSE to pay! They CAN'T pay, they HAVE to refuse to pay!
         27. THE PROGNOSTICATORS WHO KNOW, THE BANKING ECONOMISTS, BANKERS & BUSINESSMEN HAVE SAID IF THOSE THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES GET TOGETHER & REFUSE TO PAY, THAT'S IT! The system COLLAPSES! If they can't pay, the system collapses, the entire banking system, & that means the ECONOMY, & the whole thing goes down!--CHAOS!
         28. SO WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT?--We go into an immediate, God willing, no more than a oneyear wind-down, & we cut off all the fat right now that we can, WHATEVER we can cut off without notice! I don't like to cut people down without notice, but last time we wound-down 10% a month so they could learn to tighten their belts & learn to economise & learn that they just aren't going to have as much money to spend any more!
         29. LORD JESUS, HELP US LORD, IN JESUS' NAME! LEAD & GUIDE US! We need to start IMMEDIATELY on a one-year wind-down, & HOPE that that will be sufficient! If things crash even FASTER & our income dramatically drops even FASTER, then we'll have to do something even MORE dramatic ourselves! I believe in living WITHIN our income, ABSOLUTELY! And that includes holding sufficient reserves for absolutely essential Units, sufficient for them to be able to survive in case it gets to the point where we have LITTLE or NO income!--And I don't think that's going to happen until the ANTICHRIST becomes strong enough to really take CONTROL.


         30. ALL IT WOULD TAKE WOULD BE FOR THIS CRASH TO GET SO BAD THAT THE WORLD HAS ABSOLUTELY GONE TO POT, & SOMEBODY HAS TO SAVE IT, & HE APPEARS AS THE SAVIOUR! And he says, "I will save you!--IF you do this, & IF you do that, & IF you will institute this type of measure & this type of economy & this type of a MARK, identification number" or whatever they want to call it! Of course, they're not going to CALL it the "Mark of the Beast," it's going to be your IDENTIFICATION CARD or CHIP in your hand or in your forehead!
         31. THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY PREPARED FOR IT & IS PREPARING FOR IT & EXPECTING TO DO IT! They've already got a system that they can put one of these little chips in the bottom of your car & know where your car is at all times! So I don't doubt that they'll be able to trace YOU & know where YOU are all the time & somehow CONTROL you once you accept the Mark!--Definitely control your BUYING & SELLING, that's specific.--Rev.13:17.
         32. IT'S SO EASY TO PUT INTO EFFECT, IT COULD HAPPEN ALMOST OVERNIGHT!--"Do you want to get out of this big mess, you want to get out of this horrible Crash, you want to save our economy, save our very lives, you want to EAT?--You've GOT to take this MARK!" What IF?
         33. BUT LET'S PLAY IT SAFE & BE TEMPERATE & MODERATE & CONSERVATIVE, LET'S SAY IT WILL TAKE A YEAR--we hope--& won't hit bottom till then. Then let's say it might take a few more months for the Man to make his appearance & convince the people that they've got to institute this Mark system or there's no salvation, no way to get out of it. This is the Fall of '87, we've got next year, '88, it might only take a few more months to have him reveal himself & say, "I am your SAVIOUR, & this is the only way I can save you!" Who knows? It may be a lot closer than you think!
         34. "SO DAD, WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?" All right, I'm saying we need to go into the one-year wind-down beginning right NOW, & we need to immediately cut off all unnecessary expenses. We'd better start cutting down on all the big generous gifts we've been giving.
         35. WE NEED TO INSTITUTE THIS ONE-YEAR WINDDOWN PLAN IMMEDIATELY! It is also going to have to be a one-year PHASE-OUT plan for any UNITS that are not absolutely NECESSARY to the SURVIVAL of the Worldwide Work!


         36. WHEN THE ANTICHRIST SYSTEM TAKES OVER COMPLETELY, ALMOST EVERYBODY'S GOING TO HAVE TO GET A JOB, MORE OR LESS. How are our people going to survive outside the System? How are they going to survive if they can't go out on the streets with the Posters & Tapes or even house-to-house or office-to-office or whatever? What if it's FORBIDDEN?
         37. IN SOME COUNTRIES IT'S ALREADY FORBIDDEN! And you can bet your boots as soon as the Antichrist System takes over fully, it WILL BE forbidden, as it is in Russia! They can't go on the streets selling Posters & Tapes & house-to-house, office-to-office. They can't get their income working that way. How do they get it?
         38. WELL, RIGHT NOW, YOU PEOPLE OUTSIDE RUSSIA ARE SENDING IT IN TO HELP SUPPORT THEM! But what if the whole WORLD--& the whole World IS going to be more or less that way--what if it's going to ALL go that way, THEN what? (Peter: It would be nice to have a job.) So you'd better have SOME kind of skill!
         39. I'VE LOOKED AT THESE DANCE VIDEOS RECENTLY AND I'VE THOUGHT, WELL THANK GOD, IF WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE, WE'VE TAUGHT THESE GIRLS A TRADE, A SKILL, A TALENT! They're BEAUTIFUL, and that's something the World will ALWAYS want and they'll always have no matter what! They'll always need beautiful women! And if they like beautiful WOMEN, they will have need of beautiful DANCERS! I believe they've got a trade that they can earn their living with if they had to. They can do better than any strippers I ever saw! Compared to OUR girls' dancing, the strippers' stuff is JUNK, it's mud, it's ugh! YUCK, as the kids say! Our girls are more beautiful and can dance better, more beautifully and more sexily than any of those coarse bumps and grinds of the ugly worldly stripper!
         40. SOME OF YOU MAY BE GLAD YOU KNOW COMPUTERISATION! Our typists may be glad they're TYPISTS, artists that they're ARTISTS, musicians that they're MUSICIANS & the maintenance crews that they're good BUILDERS & REPAIRMEN! Any government can always use all those skills.
         41. WE'VE BEEN PRETTY INDEPENDENT BECAUSE THE WORLD HAS BEEN FREE & WE CAN STILL GET OUT TAPES & POSTERS, even if we have to keep out of sight to do it. But when things get THAT tight, brother, then our people will be thankful they've got jobs & a skill or a talent that can be USED by the System! So don't knock it!
         42. JUST BECAUSE YOU MAY HAVE TO ABIDE BY STRICTER SYSTEM RULES & A TIGHTER SCHEDULE, YOU MAY BE VERY THANKFUL THAT YOU CAN EARN ENOUGH MONEY TO SURVIVE ON, if you can manage to be there on time & stick to the schedule & stick to the rules! It's almost like what I said about keeping the traditions & conforming a little bit to the society, BECOMING ONE.--If we HAVE to work for support, but at the same time are able to WITNESS as well, why not?
         43. JUST BECAUSE OUR PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SOMEWHERE ON TIME & DRESS ACCORDINGLY & KEEP A NORMAL WORK SCHEDULE, is no reason for saying, "We're not going to work for those people & be tied down & bound & have to keep a System schedule like that!" They may be very happy at some jobs, particularly if it gives them the opportunity to entertain, speak with, minister & WITNESS to others! I think the time may be right for some of our people in some countries & circumstances to get ready for it, in case we have to withdraw their support, which could be very likely if things get bad enough!
         44. MANY OF GOD'S PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE WORKED OR SERVED IN THE SYSTEM, from Moses to David to Daniel etc.! Jesus was a CARPENTER until He was 30! PAUL made TENTS! LYDIA made PURPLE CLOTH! Most of the DISCIPLES were FISHERMEN!--And when TIMES got TOUGH, they FELL BACK on these trades! What are YOU gonna do? GBAKY WITNESSING and WINNING SOULS WHATEVER you do!--Amen?

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