BEARING FALSE WITNESS!            DO 2090           12/85

         1. SOME PEOPLE ARE ASKING WHY IN CHAPTER 16 OF HEAVEN'S CHILDREN, I STAYED IN HEAVEN FOR THE WHOLE TRIBULATION, OTHER PEOPLE ARE ASKING WHY I WAS ONLY THERE FOR ONE MONTH when I say I got There at the beginning of the Tribulation & I'm not leaving till the end, but I never said that either! You are reading things into my stuff that I have been very careful to be unspecific about & speak in generalities!
         2. YOU SHOULDN'T GET SUCH IMPRESSIONS FROM THINGS I NEVER SAID! You shouldn't even get that impression from things I did say, because they weren't that specific! I specifically avoided being specific about the time I die & the time I went to Heaven & the time I spent There & exactly when I came back. Why do you want to get so dogmatic & try to be so specific about things?
         3. I'VE SEEN TOO MANY TEACHERS GET TIED UP WITH THAT KIND OF STUFF & I HAVE TRIED TO QUALIFY EVERY PREDICTION I EVER MADE by saying, "This is my interpretation, my idea, my opinion, I think maybe this is what it means but it ain't necessarily so!" My interpretation is not necessarily so! I hope you guys get it through your head that I don't have to die at the very beginning of the Tribulation just because I thought that may be when it is!--And just because that's the way I figured that chronology. Some of these things are estimates, at the best guesstimates. You need to read more carefully!
         4. THAT'S THE TROUBLE WITH SOME FOLLOWERS OF SOME TEACHERS ETC., they go beyond what the man actually said & they read into it more than is there & they get more specific about it than the guy that had the revelation!--Just like they used to say I said that California was going to fall into the ocean. I never said it! I merely quoted other people who said that they got revelations like that. I never said it, although I believe it! I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it did, in fact, I think it ought to, ha! But I never predicted it. They used that to prove I'm a false prophet when I never prophesied such a thing!
         5. ANYHOW, WOULD YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP READING INTO MY STUFF THINGS I NEVER SAID & JUST ASSUMING THAT THAT'S WHAT I MEANT! Unless you hear me say it, & see my signature on it, don't believe it!--And sometimes you can't be too sure about that! I don't even dare theorise to you guys or you nail it down that that's it! I love your faith & your confidence, but for God's sake, if I'm not even sure about it myself, how can you be sure about it?
         6. I ALWAYS QUALIFY THOSE THINGS! I don't care to get nailed down to specifics like that, they're too dangerous! Too many men have been called false prophets because their prophecies didn't come true. So unless I hear it from God Himself & it's His absolute Word, I don't even necessarily have to believe it myself. Do you understand? So please stop reading things into my stuff that aren't there!--And stop interpreting my interpretations! Please!
         7. IF I DON'T SAY IT, THEN IT ISN'T NECESSARILY SO! I may guess at it, estimate it, guesstimate it, even theorise it or try to interpret it & make it fit, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has got to be exactly that way. That's my interpretation, that's what I think it means. That's what I suppose it means! But interpretations can be very wrong, just like interpretations of language.
         8. SO I SURE DON'T WANT TO GET TRAPPED INTO SOME AIR-TIGHT DOCTRINE OR SPECIFIC SCHEDULE like some people who have been so specific about the exact beginning of the Tribulation, the exact Coming of the Lord & all that sort of thing. I said in my opinion the Comet probably signifies the rise of the Antichrist & possibly that means the soon beginning of the Tribulation, that's my own opinion. It ain't necessarily so! I could be wrong!
         9. SO YOU MUST NOT GET SO SPECIFIC & DOGMATIC ABOUT THESE INTERPRETATIONS! Please! Otherwise, if it doesn't happen exactly the way they think I said it or they think I thought it, then they call me a false prophet! Unless I said, "God told me", then it ain't necessarily so, just like a lot of the writings of Saint Paul. He very specifically said, "Well, this I got from the Lord but this I didn't." (1Cor.7:12,25) Therefore, he was warning them that, "Well, now maybe this is right & maybe it isn't because I didn't get it from the Lord, but this is my opinion."
         10. I'M ONLY A MAN & NO MAN IS PERFECT & EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES. "Let every man be found a liar but God be found true!" (Rom.3:4) For God's sake, don't nail me on a cross & crucify me because I said so-&-so when I didn't even say it, that's even worse yet! So you guys be careful about quoting me & saying I said so-&-so when I did not say it!
         11. IT JUST MAKES ME MAD WHEN PEOPLE SAY THAT I SAID CERTAIN THINGS THAT I DIDN'T SAY! I mean, that is lying about me! That is false witness & the Bible is very specific about false witness. (Pro.6:19;25:18) I'm not the false witness, they're the false witness!
         12. SO BEWARE OF BEARING FALSE WITNESS! I never said I was in Heaven only one month & I never said I was There for the whole Tribulation. That's somebody else's guesswork, not mine! OK? GBY! ILY!

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