WAR IN THE SPIRIT!                DO 2075                  1/86

         1. IN THE DREAM I HAD JUST NOW I THINK AUNTIE GRACE IS FIGHTING US! She always hated my Mother & me. She took over Father Brandt. She was a young half-Mexican, half-Jewish woman my Grandfather married just about a year after my Mother's mother died.
         2. I THINK SPIRITS WHO ARE SOLD OUT TO THE DEVIL ARE APPARENTLY ALLOWED TO OPERATE FOR THE DEVIL IN THE SPIRIT WORLD WHEN THEY DIE, apparently so their cup of iniquity can be full & they can go to Hell.
         3. IN THE DREAM THERE WAS THIS BEAUTIFUL LITTLE COUNTRY CHURCH ON THE HILL. It was very beautiful scenery of a valley below with a stream running through it. Behind the church was this row of pretty little country cottages. And this one funny kind of old bachelor greeted us there. We parked our car in front of the church & he greeted us & invited us to stay with him. And we got very interested & curious about the property & his cottage. He said he lived alone but we could stay with him. And I thought, "This is the most beautiful place I think I ever saw. I'd love to live here. Maybe I can buy some of their property."
         4. IT WAS FUNNY, THE CHURCH HAD SUCH FUNNY PICTURES ON THE FRONT OF IT & IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LORD AT ALL. And just then my Auntie Grace came out to greet us & invite us into the church. As we came in, it was like she was the ruling spirit of the church over the pastor, & she told us to hang up our wraps on these wooden hooks.
         5. AND ALL OF A SUDDEN SHE WAS WRAPPING ALL UP IN THIS STRANGE MATERIAL UNTIL SHE WAS LOOKING LIKE A SCARECROW OR LIKE A GHOST, & it really almost frightened me because I realised suddenly that she was evil, that she was literally a witch! And suddenly I woke up! I never thought that before! I never realised that before, but I could tell you a lot of things about her that were bad!
         6. THE SPIRIT WORLD IS BECOMING SO MUCH MORE REAL NOW WHEN I REALISE IT. You know, these influences are still around. Apparently people who are sold out to the Devil before they die go to work for the Devil, just like the Saints go to work for the Lord. And they'll get their final judgement later. (Maria: Yes. So the more sold out they are to the Devil, sort of like a reward, the bigger job they get in the Spirit World to fight the Christians.)--Yes, just like people get demon-possessed here. If they're demon-possessed while alive in this life, they're even more so in the Spirit World! When they die & pass on, then they're totally the Devil's!
         7. ISN'T IT FUNNY I SHOULD HAVE THAT DREAM JUST NOW? I guess the Lord's trying to show me more things about the Spirit World. Well, she fought us while she was alive, why shouldn't she fight us while she's dead!
         8. I'M LEARNING A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT THE SPIRIT WORLD! The spirits aren't allowed to intervene physically or violently, although they can really have war between spirits with what amounts to physical violence, like that "War in the Spirit" chapter of "Heaven's Girl", but they're not allowed to intervene physically or violently with human beings in any way--that is, with Christians.
         9. THEY ARE ALLOWED TO INFLUENCE & TRY TO PERSUADE WITH DOUBTS & FEARS & THOUGHTS, but the physical human beings still have the choice to either obey them or not obey them, to obey the voice of the Lord or obey the voice of the Enemy, & they are the voice of the Enemy! They're influences. They influence us. They can't make us do anything, they can't actually physically or violently intervene or interfere at all. They cannot affect us that way, but they try to affect us to make choices that are wrong.
         10. IN THOSE LAST DAYS AT THE RANCH WHEN MY MOTHER WAS GETTING ALL THOSE REVELATIONS, SHE SAID, "I HEAR A LOUD WARFARE, shouts & clashing of weapons, etc. in the Spirit World! There's a great war going on in the Spirit World!" (See No.1846:6) Apparently that war's been going on for a long time. (Maria: Even in "The Green Door" there was a big war going on.)--Yes. (See No.262)
         11. IN THE SPIRIT WORLD THEY'RE IN CONFLICT WITH EACH OTHER JUST LIKE WE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD HAVE WARS, & physical, mortal, human beings in violent war with each other can affect each other physically. So in the Spirit World there is also a war going on in the Spirit!--A spiritual war where they're really affecting each other with what you might call physical force or violence! I got something the other day when watching a documentary on Venus where they were showing the deep craters the entire surface is pock-marked with--that this was as a result of a fierce battle between good & bad Angels. But the spirits are not allowed to affect us! All they can do is try to influence us & we make the choice, whether to obey their voices & their influence or that of the good spirits.
         12. THEY CANNOT ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING PHYSICALLY OR VIOLENTLY TO THE PERSON, BUT THEY INFLUENCE THEM WITH THOUGHTS, DOUBTS, FEARS, PHOBIAS & PARANOIAS. (Maria: Nervousness.) They have an influence, like you say, on the nervous system. (Maria: In a way that's physical, isn't it?)--Well, you know, we have a choice. We can either accept it & be influenced by it, or we can reject it. It's spiritual, strictly spiritual. They cannot interfere or intervene physically. But their influence affects the physical according to our choice & God's permission. The minute I recognised that Auntie Grace in this dream was a witch, I immediately resisted her & refused to follow her, because she was directing us & leading us.
         13. PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY PSYCHIC & SPIRITUALLY INFLUENCED NEED TO WATCH THEIR STEP because the bad spirits will try to get through & influence them in an unguarded moment. We have a very precious Staff member here who is very close to us & I think some powerful spirit apparently tries to influence her in some negative ways sometimes. Most of the time, of course, she's a great help & a blessing & really tries to do the Lord's will, but she has a real battle in the Spirit. She has a real war in the Spirit! (Maria: She really does!)
         14. I MENTIONED ONCE BEFORE THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY SOLD OUT TO THE DEVIL IN THIS LIFE GO ON INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD STILL SERVING THE DEVIL! (See No.1423, "Satan's Saints!") Apparently He permits this war to go on in the Spirit World between the Good & the Bad, the Good & the Evil, & they are allowed to fight each other in the Spirit World. But they are not allowed to physically or violently or by force fight the human beings, the mortals. These people are merely influenced by them & have a choice. People, mortals, human beings, Earth people are only influenced by them spiritually or in their minds, their thoughts. And they are given a choice whether they want to obey them or they want to obey the good influences. It's very very real.
         15. IT'S VERY REAL BUT THEY CANNOT ACTUALLY AFFECT US PHYSICALLY UNLESS WE ALLOW THEM TO.--In other words, unless we choose to think their thoughts & doubts & fears. These things that have to do with our spirits can affect our physical bodies depending on how we accept or reject them.
         16. I THINK THAT'S WHY THE LORD GAVE ME THAT MESSAGE TO YOU THAT TIME ABOUT FIGHTING AGAINST THESE AFFLICTIONS THE DEVIL TRIES TO LAY ON YOU. He affects your mind, your spirit, to try to accept those things & to complain about them & gripe about them, etc., without actually fighting them, without resisting & realising it's an influence of evil spirits trying to get you to accept things in the physical which are absolute attacks of the Devil in the spirit, that you need to fight those things, resist them, & they flee from you!
         17. MY MOTHER & FATHER WERE BOTH STRONG ON THAT, THAT IF YOU ACCEPT THEM, THEN THEY'LL TAKE HOLD! But you have to fight, to resist, you have to literally, strongly, spiritually resist these things or they will take hold on your flesh!
         18. APPARENTLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST TAKEN OVER BY THE DEVIL IN THIS LIFE GO RIGHT ON IN THE NEXT LIFE SERVING THE DEVIL & ARE NOT YET JUDGED. Like that demon told the Lord, "Hast Thou come to torment us before the time?" (Mat.8:29) Apparently their time won't come until the Judgement. They'll even be operating with the Devil at the end of the Millennium, all of them, right on up to the Great White Throne Judgement, that's when they get it! I never wanted to get involved in all that stuff but we're getting involved & I guess people have to know. (Maria: Well, like your Letter "God's Curses", it really opened up to people a whole new realm!) (See No.1647)
         19. THERE ARE HUMAN BEINGS ALIVE NOW WHO HATE US & ARE ALREADY UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE DEVIL & WHO ARE ALREADY TRYING TO FIGHT US, not only physically but spiritually. And when they go & die, they go into the spiritual realm serving the Devil fulltime in the Spirit! So dear Auntie Grace is still fighting us. She tried to get us in this dream I had. I immediately recognised that she was evil, isn't that amazing?--And the moment I resisted her influence, I woke up! She was trying to lead us & guide us in this little community, apparently she ruled it, & these people who lived there were her victims.
         20. (MARIA: SO THE EVIL SPIRITS FIGHT US THROUGH OUR DREAMS TOO.)--EXACTLY! Oh, we know that, ha! Oh, you know that from years of experience! They fight us in our dreams just like the good spirits are trying to help us in our dreams! We have good dreams & bad dreams, right? (Maria: Yes.) We have wonderful, beautiful, good message dreams & we have horrible nightmares! They really try to influence us! God damn her! Grace is apparently one of our bitter enemies in the Spirit!
         21. IN ANY CASE, OUR STAFF MEMBER HERE NEEDS TO THINK BACK AT HER PAST, ABOUT HER RELATIVES & FIND OUT WHO IT IS THAT'S FIGHTING HER, somebody in the Spirit World who's really fighting her, a very strong demon or a very strong relative. (Maria: Would it have to be a relative?)--Not necessarily, but somebody who knows her & she knows who hates her & is trying to defeat her.
         22. THERE'S SOME STRONG SPIRIT IN THE SPIRIT WORLD WHO IS REALLY REALLY FIGHTING HER & INFLUENCING HER, who's causing her so much trouble! That's the one who puts all those doubts & fears in her mind & really tries to influence her. I wonder if it could be someone she hasn't even known. It comes to me as some kind of a "he", some person, some man. It could be several, I don't know.
         23. ONE OF HER PROBLEMS IS THAT SHE'S NOT ALWAYS WILLING TO CONFESS IT, she thinks it will stand against her somehow. But she's got to get that out of her life & her mind & thoughts & she's got to be completely open & confess those influences & the things of the past, whether it was drugs or the occult or whatever it was, she has got to recognise it & attack it head-on & ask the Lord to give her the victory over it & resist those influences!
         24. OUR GIRL HERE HAS TO FIND OUT WHO'S REALLY ATTACKING HER & TRYING TO INFLUENCE HER IN THE SPIRIT, a relative or somebody from the past or somebody who knows her & is interested in her & is interested in her defeat. It's like people who have a grudge against us, evil spirits like my Auntie Grace who have gone on to the Spirit World with the same evil grudge against us & are trying to defeat us. It's somebody. But people have got to be honest & confess it & try to search for the source, recognise it, attack it, defeat it, name it & fight it!
         25. WHAT'S THAT VERSE, "WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH & BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES, AGAINST POWERS, against the rulers of the darkness of this World, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Eph.6:12) It's a spiritual battle. They're not allowed to attack us physically on a physical plane, but they are allowed to try to influence us in order to test our decision & our spiritual strength & decisiveness to resist them. But if we yield to their spiritual influences, because the mind over matter has influence, it can actually affect our physical bodies. For example, a demon-possessed person can do physical violence, right? (Maria: Yes.)
         26. THE ONLY POWER THEY HAVE IS TO INFLUENCE US, OUR MINDS & OUR SPIRITS, OUR DECISIVE POWER. And if they can get us to yield to their influence or even decide in their favour, they get control. Then they can spiritually control the physical. But if we resist their spiritual influence & their spiritual control, therefore we can resist the physical potential that they have of spiritually controlling the physical, do you get the point? (Maria: Yes!)
         27. I NEVER WANTED TO GET INTO THIS FIELD AT ALL, I NEVER LIKED TO EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, BUT I GUESS WE HAVE TO NOW. We've gotten into it whether we like it or not. This "Heaven's Girl" Story has led us into the field & now we've got to expose it whether we like it or not. Apollos has to show how not only the good spirits influence us but also the evil spirits are working to try to influence us.
         28. IT'S ALMOST AS THOUGH THEY CAN'T ENJOY THEIR PLEASURES & FEELINGS OF THE PHYSICAL EXCEPT VICARIOUSLY through getting us to enjoy them for them, whether it's sex or liquor or whatever it is. In order for them to enjoy it, they have to enjoy it through us in a vicarious way. Now what's the other word for that?--By proxy. They have to do it by proxy.
         29. WE ARE NOW INVOLVED WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT BY THE STORY. It's bringing out the things which we need to know. Whether we like it or not we're involved & we need to know & not be ignorant of his devices, TYL! Hallelujah!--In Jesus' name.--Amen!

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