--Is Your Home Secure Right Now?

         1. SINCE SECURITY IS A VERY VITAL ISSUE, I THINK WE SHOULD PERHAPS TAKE TIME TO MAKE SURE WE'RE GOING TO BEHAVE & arrange ourselves in such a way that we'll be able to CONTINUE to study & be PREPARED AT ANY TIME to give an answer for whatever!--1Pet.3:15. Amen? Somebody made out a very nice list & summary of the security rules that you discussed the last time, & perhaps I should help you understand the CAUSE in order to get the right EFFECT. (See No.1607.)
         2. DID YOU GET A PRETTY GOOD RUNDOWN OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS LAST FAUX PAS THAT MADE US HAVE TO EVACUATE AN ENTIRE FIELD? It's bad enough to have to evacuate fields because it's the fault of the government or the fault of a war or something like that, but when it's our OWN fault, that's almost inexcusable!--Especially when it's the fault of maybe just one Home that brought down the wrath of the System on the whole area. That's really sad, amen?
         3. PETER ASKED ME THE QUESTION, "SHOULD WE BE PREPARED FOR A WARNING IN WHICH WE HAVE A LITTLE TIME TO GET READY, OR SHOULD WE BE PREPARED FOR THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR?"--And what did I say, Peter? (Peter: Both!) The most serious trouble often begins with our enemies instigating or encouraging bad publicity, badmouthing us & publicising it so that they stir up the public & more enemies to needle the government & stir them up against us. This has been the pattern for the Devil's operation for ages, from the very beginning. I've given Daniel as an example & I've given Jesus as an example. The enemies stirred up bad publicity & aroused the public to pester the government until they did something about it, the same old method they always use.
         4. IT CAN START OFF WITH ONLY ONE PARENT GETTING MAD ABOUT THEIR CHILD'S JOINING US & raising such a fuss & even going to the newspapers & howling so loud that the newspapers decide it's a good news story & fit to print! "Here's a common problem of all parents, these terrible cults! Here's another cult come to town!"--Whereas THEIR religions are the worst cults of all! But they're big & powerful & recognised & accepted with influence even over the government, so that the Whores of religion ride on the backs of governments & have the reins & control them.
         5. SO DON'T THINK THAT ANY COUNTRY, WHEREVER YOU GO, IS GOING TO BE ANY EXCEPTION. Thank God for the countries we've gone to where they have received us, at least for a time, with open arms, at least the common people, even as they did Jesus. But sooner or later you're going to offend somebody, especially if you have done a good job & you have spread the Word & won enough souls & friends to make the Devil really mad & begin to really fear that you're going to steal his sheep or steal his field. And the Lord knows by that time you have saturated the field, you've done a good job & it's time to make you move on.--And if you don't get the point & do it voluntarily, He'll send out the hounds of Hell to go after you to drive you to the next field!
         6. BUT IN SOME CASES WE HAVE LOST A GOOD FIELD THAT WAS STILL RECEPTIVE & RESPONSIVE! They were BOOMING in [this one country]!--Especially with the Tape Ministry, that's where it virtually began. But they themselves by their own foolish ways & lack of security, lack of awareness & lack of wisdom, lost us that whole field , where we'd been on the air for years, had thousands of followers & could have done a marvellous job in reaping! But they didn't even hardly have time to do the reaping, the Devil didn't want his field reaped. So some of our own foolish people brought it on themselves & got us driven out of that field!
         7. HOW DO OUR ENEMIES DRIVE US OUT? WELL, FIRST OF ALL THEY GO TO THE POLICE & THE POLICE DON'T DO ANYTHING OR VERY LITTLE, NOT ENOUGH TO SATISFY'M. They don't want just one little case solved or one little kid recaptured, they want to get rid of ALL of us! The Devil wants you ALL out! So when they can't get the government or the police to do enough, they go to the press, & the bad publicity begins that stirs up ALL the people against you. Then ALL the people put the pressure on all the government & finally they get the action they want & the government takes action. The government is usually the most reluctant of all.--After all, the GOVERNMENT is of GOD!--Rom.13:1.
         8. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT, IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENT YOU HAVE TO FEAR! They don't want to do anything, they'd just as soon not be bothered, they don't really care, they've got enough problems of their own. They'll drag their feet rather than bother to even call at your door! It's not until somebody has INSISTED & usually the press & the people & the nation is in an uproar that the police will finally be driven by them to call at your door & knock & start questioning, usually rather politely. It's a job they didn't even want, they didn't even like, they didn't think it was necessary, they didn't even want to do, they don't even think you're that big a threat or that bad! But all these religionists, the Whore, is putting the pressure on'm: "We're not going to fuck you any more unless you get rid of these other lovers!"--Get it? The religious Whore puts the pressure on & gets her government System lovers to get rid of you through envy, jealousy & hatred!
         9. SO THAT'S HOW IT BEGINS, & IT CAN ALL BEGIN OVER ONE CARELESS, SLOTHFUL, LAZY, DISOBEDIENT LITTLE HOME WHO DIDN'T DO WHAT THEY WERE TOLD TO DO, who didn't obey the Letters, who didn't [keep their private files purged and secure] so that the police found it. Then they found MORE Homes! "Boy, we're really getting quite a haul here! These people are really careless, they're really lazy. They've got everything we want, we'll try a few more Homes!"--And the rest of the Homes were just as bad & had just as much booty to haul away.
         10. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE LIT, THEY'VE ALREADY GOT THE LIT! There's hardly anything they haven't already got. I don't think that what they're getting now & what we're putting out even DO is as bad as some of the stuff they've already had in the past. They've got enough to incriminate us in THEIR minds already from the lit they USED to get & they've ALREADY got! I wouldn't worry near as much about the lit as I would about the files & [private papers]. These were the things we found they were most interested in in [our experiences]. They didn't take all that much interest in the lit, they'd seen the lit for years! They know what we preach, they know what we believe! They've seen it & heard it & had it themselves for years!
         11. I'D CERTAINLY WANT TO PROTECT OUR LIT ALL WE CAN, AT LEAST KEEP IT SO THEY DON'T GET IT & SO WE CAN HAVE IT, BECAUSE WE NEED TO STUDY IT & REFER TO IT! We want to keep our library, at least our Home Library of lit. Right? Even if you don't have your own personal, individual copies to study & to read, at least you can borrow a copy from the Home Library. So for God's sake, don't let'm get ALL your lit. But as far as your PERSONAL lit, etc., well, hide that the best you can, lock it up the best you can, but we found by experience that just locking it in a briefcase doesn't mean a thing. They can come in with a search order that says they can break locks if they want to.--Locks on briefcases, suitcases, doors, trunks, whatever, search & seizure!
         12. BUT I'M WARNING YOU, IT'S NOT JUST THE LIT THAT THEY'RE LOOKING FOR, THAT DOESN'T TELL'M AS MUCH AS OTHER THINGS THEY'RE LOOKING FOR. What the lit tells them is what they've already heard by the thousands, by the millions! The lit is not what you really have to guard the most, except in order to keep it for your use. And of course Homes that depend on litnessing & distributing lit, they don't want to lose all that precious lit that they've paid for to get printed to distribute, so they'd better hang on to theirs! Even if you've got quantities of it, try to hide it someplace.
         13. WE FOUND THAT SINCE THE POLICE ARE RELUCTANT TO DO THE JOB ANYHOW & they don't really want to do it & they're just obeying & sort of fulfilling at least the letter of the law, they'll say, "Yeah, we searched the place. Yeah, we confiscated everything we found."--And a lot of times they do a pretty sloppy job. They don't really tear up the floor or tear into the attic or go through the ceiling. Some of our enemies have "gone through the ceiling" already to stir'm up, but they don't go other places that you could hide things.
         14. THEY'RE EVEN MAKING CABINETS NOW IN THE UNITED STATES WITH SECRET COMPARTMENTS WHERE YOU CAN HIDE THINGS! The safe is no longer safe, because people know when they see a safe that there must be something valuable in it or it wouldn't be locked up! It wouldn't be made of thick steel unless it had something valuable in it, & they've got all kinds of ways of opening safes, even using a stethoscope to hear the tumblers as they turn the combination lock until they can just turn the combination & open the safe without even blowing it up!--Or if it's small enough they'll pick it up & stuff it in their car trunk & carry it off. Or if it's too big to do that, safecrackers & safe-blowers will stick plastic explosive on the door & blow up the lock! They know there must be something valuable in there or you wouldn't have it!
         15. WE'VE ALWAYS FOUND THE SAFEST PLACE, NOT ONLY FOR OUR THINGS BUT EVEN FOR OURSELVES, IS ANONYMOUS, AN UNKNOWN PLACE, TO BE UNKNOWN. That's your safest place.--Not in an obviously locked briefcase, trunk, suitcase, locked door or even closet, but some place or something that you can't even tell that it's a hiding place. That's what the rich people are doing now, they're smart. They hide their most precious things in secret compartments in desks or secret drawers, something that doesn't even LOOK like a drawer or a cupboard, but is. They press a secret button or a secret lever & it opens up & they can put their stuff in & shut it again.
         16. IT'S GOOD IF YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE WAY & ONE SIDE TO GET OUT OF A HOUSE. In one house we lived in I used to figure out how we could climb out a window & over the back wall so we wouldn't have to go out the only one or two front doors. It's a difficult problem even where you have a walled home, where there's a big high wall around your home. You think you're nice & secure, but you've only got one front door, so instead of PROTECTION it turns out to be a TRAP!
         17. SO IT WOULD BE GOOD TO HAVE A HOUSE, IF POSSIBLE, WITH A BACK DOOR. [They] usually come to the front door because that's where the address is, it's seldom that they really think you're that dangerous that they've got to surround the house with gunmen. Usually it's just one or two that come to the FRONT door & knock, at first for just a few simple questions. They're quite polite & they just want to know a little more about you & check your passports & a few things like that. Normally [they] are very nice, they're taught PR & to be polite & not to be mean or anything. We've had a few rotters, but most of [them] that have come to our doors in the Family have been polite & just wanted to ask a few questions. Of course, if their questions & your answers aroused their suspicion, then they came back for a genuine investigation!--And maybe later on, not only just a real tough questionnaire, but a thorough search! And if they couldn't find what they were looking for then, they came back & confiscated EVERYTHING!
         19. IT HAS BEEN MY POLICY TO RECOMMEND TO OUR OFFICES THAT THEY NEVER KEEP ANY FILE OR ANY CORRESPONDENCE MORE THAN ONE MONTH OLD & THAT ANY RECORDS OR STATS ARE [PURGED] JUST AS SOON AS THEY'VE GOT THE NEW ONES! At least that unloads a ton of paper that you don't need. Why do you need those old reports? Why do you need the old stats? Why keep all that old junk? It's just a bunch of paper to have to find room to stuff somewhere. Why not just keep the latest stats, the latest reports, the latest correspondence?--In such a small bundle. Do you get the point?
         20. SO IT'S NOT REALLY THE LIT WE'RE WORRIED ABOUT, IN FACT, WE'VE CLEANED UP OUR LIT PRETTY WELL. We used to publish more shocking things , much more than we do now. The only thing you've got to worry about now is maybe some of your
personal photos, which if nude, are illegal in some countries.
         21. I SUGGEST YOU DON'T EVER CARRY ANYTHING LIKE THAT IN YOUR BAGS OR SUITCASES OR BRIEFCASES WHEN YOU'RE GONNA CROSS BORDERS, just in case some customs official gets cranky & snotty & decides he wants to look through everything. In some countries it's illegal to carry that sort of thing across borders & that sort of photography is illegal in their country.--Especially in the Muslim countries, they're very bad on that.
         22. SOME OF YOU TRAVELLING FROM PLACE TO PLACE WANT TO CARRY LIT WITH YOU & YOU SAY THAT'S IDENTIFYING. Well, I carry a Bible, I've sometimes even had a MO Book or reference book or something like that in my bag that they might have thought identifying. But they wouldn't have thought anything of it except, "Well, he's got some of the literature of this outfit. It doesn't necessarily mean he's a Family member." And lots of Christians carry Bibles. Your new little MO Books like the MOP & BOF, etc., they might even find'm interesting. They may just thumb through, leaf through & see it's nothing but a little religious book, & devotional book of some kind.
         23. OF COURSE, IF YOU'VE GOT A BIG STACK OF DUPLICATE LITERATURE THAT IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO PASS OUT IN THEIR LANGUAGE IN THEIR COUNTRY, THAT THEY DON'T LIKE, THEY'LL PROBABLY TAKE THAT! Even if it's in English & it's a bunch of duplicates, they are apt to take it because they're beginning to wonder how come you want so many pieces of the same thing. But it's not really the literature that they're usually looking for. They've had the literature or they could easily get it & they already know what we preach & practice, they know the whole works! But they are looking for [private papers]!
         24. THEY'RE SO INTERESTED IN OUR FINANCES, THEY WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE MONEY GOES, WHO GETS THE MONEY, WHERE IS IT?--And they think by confiscating [other things] they'll find out!
         25. BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT EVEN IF YOU HAVE A VISIT, EVEN IF THERE'S AN INTERROGATION, EVEN IF THERE'S AN INVESTIGATION, EVEN IF THERE'S A SEARCH, EVEN IF THERE'S A SEIZURE! As long as you keep a clean house, it will be an empty wind (see No.367); they're not going to find anything & you don't have anything to worry about. Let'm ask questions! Answer'm! Let'm look! If they want to take lit home with'm, let'm! So what? Just be sure you [have purged] all excess files & only kept the ones you absolutely have to have for reference!
         27. SO WATCH OUT! TRY NOT TO HAVE ANYTHING IN YOUR LUGGAGE THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED CONTRABAND OR SMUGGLING OR AGAINST THE LAW. Try not to keep anything in your house that could be considered contraband or illegal or that they might just use to smear you with even though it's not a crime.
         28. IN ALL OF THESE KNOCKS ON THE DOOR, QUESTIONINGS, INTERROGATIONS, INVESTIGATIONS, SEARCHES & EVEN SEIZURES, AS FAR AS I KNOW, WE HAVE YET TO HAVE ANYBODY GO TO COURT & suffer a jail term for any kind of crime or any kind of thing that they found in our Homes!--Except in a strict fanatical Moslem country where distributing Christian literature is against the law & they enforce the law severely, especially if they can condemn you for proselytising or trying to convert their people. They could put you away for a year or two & probably would put you away or kill you if you're one of theirs, but because you're a tourist & a foreigner they let you out in a few months, maybe a few weeks, & warn you never to do it again. Yes, it's a crime to witness at all, litness at all, win souls at all in some of those countries. So watch out! You do it at the peril of your life or freedom! So maybe you shouldn't be in that country anyway, if you can't witness.
         29. BUT IN MOST OF THE CIVILISED WORLD, BOTH WESTERN & EASTERN, THEY DON'T CARE THAT MUCH ABOUT YOUR CRAZY RELIGIOUS LITERATURE OR YOUR CRAZY CULTURE OR WAY OF LIFE. They're looking for drugs & for arms, to see if you're a threat to the government, a threat to society. They're looking for seditious literature. Salacious literature, that's porny & juicy & sexy & that sort of thing, but seditious, that's something else, you're writing against the government, you're sounding like a rebel & a terrorist & a revolutionary, you might be dangerous! And of course, that's what the enemies & the religionists try to make out that we are.
         30. IF THEY CAN'T STIR UP THE GOVERNMENT ANY OTHER WAY THEY'LL SAY, "WELL LOOK, YOU'LL FIND COMMUNIST LITERATURE!" But in most cases it's not even illegal to be a PRO-Communist or a Communist sympathiser or even have some sympathies & objections to the existing government. Most countries today, believe it or not, even Oriental countries, Eastern countries, are democracies or have a certain amount of religious freedom & even a little freedom to criticise the government or not agree with them at least. But when you begin to look like you would like to take up ARMS & tear it down by FORCE, that's a different story! Watch out you don't sound like THAT!
         31. SO BELOVED, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! THEY'RE NOT GOING TO FIND ANYTHING THAT'S REALLY CRIMINALLY LIABLE OR WORTH CHARGING YOU WITH A CRIME. But don't let'm get ahold of literature that they can use to even smear you, like pictures & stuff where they can say, "Look what we found" & the people will condemn you even though it's not a crime. And don't let'm get ahold of [private] correspondence & papers.
         32. SO DON'T WORRY WHEN IT COMES, DON'T LET IT BOTHER YOU. First of all it's good for you, & second, there's not really much they can do to you, at least not now, not yet, praise the Lord! There's very little real trouble the Devil can cause you, it's just kind of like his flies & insects & mosquitoes, they're just annoying little pests! Most of our trouble with the System has just been pestering, harassing, annoying, there was nothing really serious that they could really get us on or really cause us any serious trouble about. Of course, that's pretty annoying when some of our own people were so stupid & we have to clean out an entire field & cause 300 people to move, 30 Homes to vacate & leave nearly the whole field to the Devil! That's pretty annoying, that's getting pretty serious!
         33. BUT IF THEY PERSECUTE YOU, YOU'LL BE A BETTER CHRISTIAN! It'll refine you & make you white, purge you, make you stronger! You'll do better, you'll do more, you'll live closer to the Lord & pray more so HE can do more! And if finally your job is done in that country, well, praise God, He'll see that you get flushed out to some other country. And finally if your job is done on Earth, He'll deliver you from this Earth too! So why worry about it, amen?
         34. BUT DO HAVE WISDOM, DO WORK ON IT, PLEASE DO [SAFELY STORE] ANY VERY SENSITIVE MATERIALS YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO FALL INTO THEIR HANDS!--And I don't mean criminal materials at all, I'm talking about [private information]. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to show'm anything that would show'm where the money is, because it ISN'T! It all goes right back into the work & back to the people & it's in the Homes. That's where the money is, the lit, the works! Ask our bookkeepers! They know where it all goes, it all goes right back into the work. The only part we spend is what it takes to keep you here, & when it was just Maria & me alone it wasn't this much. So they'll not find any MONEY, they'll not find any ME--if you are careful--& even if they find me or even you, that's not going to stop us! Praise God?
         35. BUT DO TRY TO BE PRAYERFUL! Do try to be cautious & try to not just [unnecessarily] GIVE'M information like they did in one city & they have other places.--Please! Be cautious, be prayerful, be careful & just don't GIVE them anything. Don't let things fall into their hands that might cause a little inconvenience & a little trouble. (Prays:)
         36. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LET ANYTHING HURT US, LORD, NOT A HAIR OF OUR HEAD, You promised, unless it was Thy Will or good for us & time for it, Lord, or did Thy Kingdom good in some way. So we thank You for it! Thank You for the freedom all these years. Thank You for the finances all these years to pay for it! Thank You Jesus for all Thy goodness & mercy! Bless & keep these now & keep us all safely in Thy care. Help us all to be prayerful, careful, cautious & wise so that we can last as long as possible & get as big a job done as we can with Thy help, Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen!--Are YOU diligent & faithful about YOUR security?

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family