RID THE REBELS!  DO 1880  1/85
--Rebels, Out You Go!
--Let's Have a Bad Apple Clean-Out!

         1. AS I'VE SAID MANY TIMES BEFORE, THIS TOO SHALL PASS AWAY, NOTHING IN THIS LIFE OR THIS WORLD IS PERMANENT, & SOME OF OUR PEOPLE ARE FINDING THAT OUT VERY SADLY TO THEIR REGRET! We've lost a whole field, a very fruitful field, a very supportive field, because of the foolishness of just one or two or three people! Think of it! I'm not talking about [the first country] either, but another [nearby] field, again because of some of the same people that cost us [the first country]! Can you imagine? Having gotten them out of [the first country], we let them go into an even more important field, a much more vital field than [the first country] ever would be, & they made a mess of things there too, till the whole Family's had to clear out! And it's done us more damage than the [original] field, because they confiscated more private papers & everything!--Because the people were sloppy & careless & disobedient & rebellious & refused to obey the Letters in the first place!
         2. I HAVE SPELLED OUT [PROCEDURES], A-B-C, 1-2-3, & given exact information, exactly how to handle your Home & exactly how to handle your papers & all the rest! I have warned you time & time & time again! I wonder if you're ready for [an encounter]! Are we ready right now? Well, the Lord is usually merciful & you usually get a little warning of some kind, the Lord gives you a check of His Spirit that something is about to happen or may happen. The Lord always gives a warning, always!
         3. BUT SOME OF THESE STUPID, DUMB, IDIOTIC IDIOTS NEVER EVEN TOOK THE WARNINGS, never even asked, never even counselled, never consulted, never obeyed the Letters, never even obeyed direct warnings from their own leaders not to do so-&-so, & to do so-&-so! They did some of the craziest things I have ever heard of! They initiated the investigation by insisting that the police come & protect this new disciple from her parents, because the parents were raising hell about their university graduate who had joined.--And by her lack of wisdom too, obviously they either approved & were teaching her that sort of thing. [S]he wrote her parents, "You're going the way of the Devil!" Imagine a Chinese girl saying that to her parents!
         4. BUT THEY WANTED TO DO IT THEIR WAY & THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN TO COUNSEL, they wouldn't listen to undershepherds, they wouldn't listen to their overshepherds. They were warned time & again not to do this, not to do that, do this, don't do that, but they went right ahead stubbornly & rebelliously & said, "You're a dictator! We don't have to do that! We're not under Chain dictatorship any more!" There are some people in our Family yet that think when the Chain dictatorship was overthrown that we have no more organisation, no leaders any more, no discipline & they don't have to obey anybody.
         5. SO I HAVE ADVISED THAT WE IMMEDIATELY EXCOMMUNICATE THE GUILTY PARTIES! They'll not get one more page of lit until somehow we know that they've really repented & changed their hellish ways of rebellion & disobedience! My God, if anybody was led of the Devil, they were!--Absolutely Satanically-inspired! In fact, the police inspector as good as said, "With friends like this, who needs enemies?" Why do people give information? Do they get scared? One boy just spouted off all the information he could possibly give'm! I suppose he thought he was going to get himself off the hook by betraying us & being a traitor. Don't they realise they're betraying? How could they have? It seems like they would have the do-or-die attitude, that they'd rather die for their friends than give [information that would] betray their own brothers & sisters!
         6. FOR GOD'S SAKE, FOLKS, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET THE POINT THAT ONCE WE'VE FOUND THERE'S A BAD APPLE & THEY HAVE CAUSED TROUBLE ONE PLACE, LET'S GET RID OF THEM BEFORE THEY CAUSE TROUBLE IN ANOTHER PLACE! Let's not let'm go to someplace else until they are reprimanded & they are censured & they are even excommunicated to bring'm to their senses! After all I've written & all the loving advice I have given of how to handle a situation like that, they defied & violated every law, every advice, every counsel, every rule, every Letter that I've given on the subject!
         7. SO I SAY THEY SHOULD BE EXCOMMUNICATED & EVEN ADVISED TO GO HOME & GET OUT OF THIS BUSINESS! They don't belong in this kind of missionary work! People that don't obey, people that ignore the Letters, who ignore all my extensive counsel & advice , all of it, they don't even belong in the Family!
         8. I'M SO ANGRY WITH THEM. I am just furious about that, & I want those people taken care of, & quick! I don't want them to be sent another speck of lit, nothing, & somebody must notify them of their excommunication immediately, that we don't want'm in those fields. We don't want'm in any field, we don't even want'm in the Family until they learn their lesson & show some sign of repentance & obedience & bring forth fruits meet for repentance. (Mat.3:8)
         9. WHEN PEOPLE DO TRICKS LIKE THAT YOU CAN'T TRUST THEM AGAIN AT ALL UNTIL THEY PROVE THEY'RE RELIABLE! You can't trust backsliders until they prove themselves. They have to start down at the bottom somewhere all over again. You cannot trust them. They are going to have to go through months, I would even advise years of testing to find out if they are truly repentant & truly changed & willing to obey leadership.--I mean, years of obeying leadership to prove it, years of following the counsel of the Letters to prove that they're following. You can't trust people like that. I'd hesitate to trust them again! They'd really have to go some to prove to me that they could ever be trusted again after that absolute idiocy, insanity, rebelliousness & disobedience!
         10. WHAT DID THE LORD SAY THROUGH SAMUEL ABOUT DISOBEDIENCE & REBELLION? What are they? (Fam: It's as the sin of witchcraft, which is idolatry!) It's witchcraft & idolatry! (1Sam.15:23) Those people probably would never think of practicing witchcraft or committing idolatry, but they're doing things which are just as bad & even more stupid, more ridiculous! Get'm out & let's get anybody else out of this Family who've caused trouble like that before.
         11. WE'RE ENTERING A TIME NOW WHEN THERE'S GOING TO BE MORE & MORE PERSECUTION & THINGS ARE GOING TO GET TIGHTER & TIGHTER, that's why we've tried to tighten up the Family, & I would rather see us get rid of half of our people if they're rotten apples than just keep them around for stats! I mean it! We have trimmed down & thinned down the Family as it is! We've gotten rid of half of them. At one point we had nearly 30,000 on the rolls, ha! Well, I trimmed that down in a hurry just last year & it's down to about 10,000 now. So, thank the Lord! Gideon got rid of 30,000 too, in fact more than that, he trimmed it down to 300! I think he started off with 33,000! (Judges 7) The Lord wanted to show him he could do more with one percent of what he had than the whole bunch! Think of it!
         12. OH MY LORD, WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN THAT YOU CANNOT PUT UP WITH A ROTTEN APPLE & A TROUBLEMAKER? WHEREVER HE GOES HE'LL BE A TROUBLEMAKER! Let's get rid of some of those people. If there are people causing trouble on the field, let's kick'm out, get rid of'm, excommunicate'm, tell'm they're not welcome, disfellowship with them! Jesus Himself said not to have anything to do with a heretic & an unbeliever like that, & after the second & third warning, He said to put them out, treat them as an heretic & an unbeliever. (Mat.18:15-17; Tit.3:10) Put'm out!--Out of the Home, out of the congregation! Don't have any further fellowship with them!
         13. JESUS GAVE THE PATTERN & THE METHOD & THE PROCEDURE just as clear-cut as could be from the very beginning! He said first of all somebody should warn'm that they're misbehaving. If they won't listen to that person, then take two or three witnesses with you & say it again before witnesses. And if they still won't listen to the two or three witnesses, He says take them before the congregation, & if they will not hear them, cast the miscreants out & let them be unto thee as an heretic & a publican! But how many times has our leadership just decided, "Well, I'll get rid of'm & send them to another Home"--& they send them from Home to Home & field to field & city to city just passing the buck!--And how long have we let some of'm get away with it?--Years!
         14. I DON'T EVER WANT TO HEAR OF THIS AGAIN, THAT WE HAVE ROTTEN APPLES & TROUBLEMAKERS THAT WE HAVE ALLOWED TO EXIST & whom we have allowed the leadership to keep, & we have allowed them to stay on those fields where they have caused trouble, or go to other fields & cause more trouble! I want to hear that you have excommunicated them until they repent & bring forth fruits meet for repentance! Is that clear? We could cut our mailing list in half, I wouldn't care! We'd save money on postage & publications! And I'll bet we'd get a lot more done & last a lot longer without people like that. We don't need'm! With friends like that, who needs enemies? The traitors in the midst are the worst of all. So why don't we get rid of them?
         15. WE HAVE TO START RULING THE REBELS NOW WITH AN IRON HAND LONG BEFORE THE MILLENNIUM, OR WE'RE NEVER GOING TO KNOW HOW TO DO IT THEN! Let me tell you, this army hasn't gotten where it has gotten by my being a softy & an old pushover & too lenient & patient & longsuffering, although I must admit I have been sometimes. The fact that we've got some of those people still in our ranks proves that I haven't been tough enough! Well, the times of this ignorance God has winked at, but now He's calling us to repent & get rid of'm, & I mean it, right now!--No more lit, no more fellowship, out they go!--Until they can really show that they're changed, & a good place for them to show it will be back in the U.S. where they can't do us so much damage. The U.S. is already ruined, they've had their day. The people there are largely backsliders anyhow, already disobedient & won't leave or do what they're supposed to do, so they're going to go down with Babylon.
         16. WE DON'T NEED TROUBLEMAKERS! We have enough trouble without fighting troublemakers within our own ranks, without having people going from Home to Home sowing lies & discord & disrespect & defiance of leadership. We don't need'm! Tell'm to get out & go home! We don't want that kind of soldiers on the field! They're not soldiers, they're just troublemakers! Excommunicate'm until they prove that they can obey! And like Fred Jordan used to say, the best place to prove that you can be a good soldier & a good worker & a good witness & obedient is in the home field first where you came from. Go back home where you can cause the least possible trouble, as far from the mission field & the poor ignorant heathen as we can get you! Go home! That's what we need to do with some of these people, tell'm to get out! We don't need any more trouble than we've already got, & I mean it! Whew! I can't do the subject justice!
         17. WE ARE NO LONGER GOING TO HAVE ANY PATIENCE WITH BAD APPLES! We are no longer going to tolerate bad apples in our midst & our Homes! We are no longer going to tolerate people who have a record & a reputation for troublemaking! Is that clear? Out they go!--Not to the next Home, not to the next city, not to the other side of the field or even another field, but out, home, back, gone, period!--Excommunicate people who have a record & a reputation for troublemaking! Is that clear? Out they go!--Not to the next Home, not to the next city, not to the other side of the field or even another field, but out, home, back, gone, period!--Excommunicated, disfellowshipped & out until they show some kind of proof of genuine repentance! It would almost take years for some of these people to show any proof of repentance, because they've been at their troublemaking for years!
         18. NOW LET'S HAVE A CLEAN-OUT! LET'S HAVE A BAD APPLE CLEAN-OUT! Let's dump out the whole barrel if we have to & throw out the bad apples & get rid of them & get down to good solid people who are obedient & respectful & obey the Word, shall we?--And quit babying these rebels & pussyfooting around, afraid to even correct'm for fear they'll say, "Oh my, you're not kind, you're not merciful, you're cruel, you're a dictator, you're racially prejudiced" & blah blah blah! We're prejudiced against any Family member who won't follow counsel & advice & keep the rules! If that's racial prejudice, then so be it! Give me obedience & absolute adherence to the rules of the Family, or get'm out!--Period! Is that clear?
         19. NOW IT'S ENDED! THE TIME IS NOW! Let's start [purging out] these bad apples instead of just playing along, babying them along, pussyfooting around, afraid to offend them, afraid to say anything! Let me tell you, we have never had one in our midst that I was afraid to tell off when they needed it, can you remember?--And that's from the very beginning! We wouldn't be where we're at now if I had, & I taught my leaders that way.
         20. THE LORD HIMSELF WHITTLED HIS DOWN TO JUST 12, & ONE OF THEM WAS A TRAITOR! But He tolerated that one because that one had a certain job to do that He knew was in the works & was predicted by the Lord, prophesied. He just let him stay there in His mercy, because there was something he had to do to fulfill Bible Prophecy. But let me tell you, as far as I can see, I don't know of any of THESE people who are fulfilling Bible Prophecy!--Except the prophecies the Lord Himself made that they're going to cause you trouble if you let'm stay!
         21. WELL, ANYWAY, SOME OF OUR PEOPLE ARE JUST DUMB ENOUGH, stupid enough, ignorant enough, deaf, dumb & blind enough that even though the Lord gives them warning after warning, they just go & stick their heads in a hole in the sand & think that they're unseen & nobody knows & nobody can tell. Even after the Lord warns them, their leaders warn them, the Letters have warned them, God's Word has warned them, they go right ahead in their stupid, idiotic, insane foolishness!--"What fools these mortals be!"--They jeopardise the [safety] & the ministry of one entire field & hundreds of people!
         22. THEY WOULDN'T MOVE , THEY WOULDN'T BUDGE UNDER ADVICE OR COUNSEL!--NOW THEY'VE ALL HAD TO MOVE! Can you imagine how much money that cost? We didn't move'm, we can't afford to move'm, they had to move themselves. And I hope the troublemakers moved 10,000 miles across the ocean back to the U.S.A. & we'd all be better off! I don't want to hear any more about these troublemakers, anybody, & I am going to blow my stack if I hear about a troublemaker making more trouble after we've already heard they made trouble someplace else. Once is enough! Heap big Indian chief no make same mistake twice! Once is enough! We shouldn't have to put up with it again. But for God's sake, when we find out that they have done it again, that's enough, that's too much, let's get rid of'm!
         23. FAMILY BEWARE! YOU'D ALL BETTER BEWARE, EVERY ONE OF YOU! If you ever caused any trouble & you were a troublemaker, you had too many problems or whatever, you'd better beware! We haven't got time to have to deal & deal & deal with troublemakers, & deal & deal & deal with staff members who have problems. We love you & we'll deal with you as children, the way I've always been with my children since the very beginning.
         24. PROBABLY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU AT SOME TIME HAS VIOLATED THE LETTERS OR THE RULES, INCLUDING ME! But boy, I'll tell you, I never get away with anything! The Lord grabs me in a hurry & slaps me down & teaches me a lesson real quick!--And I'm glad of it! Well, He's let me get away with a lot, but not much compared to what some people have been getting away with & what we've allowed some people to get away with! I warn you! If this happens again with the same people we've had before, you're going to get it! And you're going to get it, every single World Service Unit in this World, if you have any problem cases in your midst & after two or three warnings they still don't change, if you don't get rid of'm, then you're guilty too & we may have to get rid of you! With leaders like that, who needs enemies? Who needs traitors? Those who tolerate traitors, those who tolerate betrayers, those who tolerate rebels are just as guilty!
         25. I WANT TO TELL YOU FAMILY RIGHT NOW, WE'RE NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH THIS KIND OF FOOLISHNESS ANY MORE! The days of this ignorance God winked at, but now He calls on all men & women everywhere to repent & not put up with this kind of thing any more! (Acts 17:30) I don't care who the Hell they are, that's it if they cause us more trouble another time! I don't mean after years of causing us trouble already--we don't have to wait for those people--but anybody that's caused us trouble & then we find out it's a habit & the next place they go they cause us more trouble, out they go! And if it's not the second time, certainly the third time's the charm, according to Jesus' Own recipe for dealing with backsliders: First warning, second warning, third & last warning & out, that's it! (Maria: And that list of violations includes things like cruelty to children.)
         26. OH MY GOODNESS, HONEY, I WROTE LETTERS AGAINST VIOLENCE AS FAR BACK AS TENERIFE & SAID THESE VIOLENT PEOPLE OUGHT TO BE KICKED OUT OF THE FAMILY ON THE SPOT! (See ML #603:60-67.) We don't give people who are violent a second chance, they don't deserve a first chance! Anybody who beats his children or beats up his wife, I said throw'm out at once! Get rid of'm! You can't trust'm, they might kill somebody! God's Word says, "Keep not company with an angry man!" (Pro.22:24) Somebody that's apt to do violence & harm & actual bodily harm & cause all kinds of trouble, get rid of'm! It's not worth it to take a chance on it! It's not worth it to endanger a family & women & children to put up with such characters!
         27. WELL, I GUESS I'VE RANTED & RAVED LONG ENOUGH, BUT I GUESS YOU KNOW I MEAN IT! At least when I get mad you know I mean it, & I'll tell you, I'm angry about it! It's time to clean out the Family, clean out the troublemakers! Give'm one last warning, the people who have maybe just done it once, but why should we give warning to those people that have caused trouble everywhere they've gone for years? Why don't we just tell'm right now? "We're thinning out the Family's ranks, we're trimming down to a Gideon's Band! We can't afford to take care of so many people & have so many people on the field, especially people that don't fit & cause trouble & complain & murmur & rebel & defy leadership & disobey! We're thinning things out, we're tightening the Family, & you've gotta go! You're too loose, you've gotta go!"
         28. I'LL DO IT! I DON'T CARE IF WE MAKE ENEMIES! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID THAT? THEY'RE ALREADY ENEMIES! It's better to have [them] on the outside than on the inside! It's better to have the rebels & the backsliders & the disobedient on the outside than on the inside causing trouble. They can cause a Hell of a lot more trouble on the inside than they can outside! It would have been so much better if we'd gotten rid of those troublemakers we had in [that country], who caused all that trouble there before they ever went to that other field.
         29. PRAYS: LORD, DO BLESS & KEEP NOW & MAKE US A BLESSING! HAVE THY WAY IN ALL THESE THINGS & HELP US TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS! Patience with some people has had a reward, Lord, in praying & dealing with them & helping them to change. Paul & Marianne have had great success with some almost hopeless cases, thank God we've salvaged them, recovered them, we've gained our brother, some of our sisters. But Lord, help us not to be too patient & go overboard in our tolerance of this sort of thing too long.
         30. THERE WAS A TIME WHEN WE HAD TIME TO DO THAT SORT OF THING, BUT THE TIME IS NOT NOW! The hour is late, time is short & we don't have time to fool around with fools & play around with those that play around. It's time to get down to business & get rid of the troublemakers & the bad apples in the barrel & go on with Thy Kingdom to fight the battle without them, with the soldiers we can trust!--In Jesus' name we ask for Thy glory. Help & give Thy leaders, these administrators & personnel managers, wisdom, Lord, in how to deal with these people & what to do with them, & last of all, if necessary, how to do without them, in Jesus' name, amen!--Are you a rebel we need to be rid of?!
         31. P.S. I SUGGEST WITH SOME OF THESE MISCREANTS FOR WHOM THERE MAY STILL BE SOME HOPE, THAT WE PARTIALLY EXCOMMUNICATE'M BY DEMOTING'M BACK TO BABES' STATUS!--No more DO material of any kind for the next 6 months; & none of their own DO material for the 2nd 6 months--only to read; & reinstatement to receive all Lit only after 1 year of proving they can be trusted with it!--Amen? GBAKY & give you wisdom, in Jesus' name, amen! (Don't forget to take away all their DO's now, both past & current & future!)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family