THE FALSE PROPHET!       DO 1756  3/84
--[The] Fanatical Revolution?--A Revelation!

         1. IT JUST CAME TO ME THAT THE ANTICHRIST HAS A FALSE PROPHET! I was telling you that [this person] is the head of a very radical Islamic Revolution, & the question was going through my mind, "Well, I wonder how that fits in with the Antichrist movement & with Communism being its base & all that?" And just as clear as anything it came to me, "The False Prophet!"--Just like that! The Antichrist has a False Prophet! Isn't that something? I never had that connection before!
         2. I ALWAYS THOUGHT OF THE FALSE PROPHET BEING THE ANTICHRIST'S PUBLICITY DIRECTOR, his Minister of Propaganda. But look how [this person] would fit! Did you know that Russia has been sort of favouring [this country], trying to woo their movement into Communism? So that would be interesting, wouldn't it?--Considering that the Antichrist would use [a religious] fundamentalist revolution to help promote his cause!--A madman, really fanatic, a crazy guy! And yet see, that's about the only way he could ever get the Muslims to back him, by favouring them. He does favour the religions at first. He promises them everything & makes the Holy Covenant & that sort of thing, the religious covenant. (Dan.9:27; 11:22-24)
         3. (MARIA: AND THIS THING IS REALLY SPREADING ALL OVER THE WORLD, AMONGST THE MUSLIMS, isn't it?) [This guy's religion] is just booming everywhere! It would be just the cleverest sort of thing if the Communists would figure out some way to use it, & I have an idea they've already been using it.
         4. [HE] IS ABSOLUTELY DEMONIC & I'VE SAID THAT BEFORE! HE IS A TOOL OF THE DEVIL! Well, of course, so are the anti-Christs & so is anti-Christ Communism, so why shouldn't they all get together? Strange bedfellows, but they're all on the same side--the Devil's side!
         5. YOU SEE, SOMETIMES BIBLE PROPHECY CHARACTERS SYMBOLISE A POWER OR A GOVERNMENT like the kings symbolise their governments, their countries, etc. (Rev.17:12) The Antichrist is the symbol & epitome of the Antichrist system. So it doesn't necessarily have to be this present [false prophet] himself, he is too old & about to die, but it could be a young successor like his son, who would rise to power & make a pact with the Communists, the Russians, that if the Russians favour them, they will fight for Communism & become the Antichrist's False Prophet!
         6. THIS [MOVEMENT] DOESN'T SEEM TO BE STOPPING, IT SEEMS TO BE GROWING & sweeping the World almost like the original onslaught in the 7th Century that swept the World & conquered parts of Europe, all of North Africa & the Mideast!--And that is the way this present modern [religious] Revolution seems to be going--really catching fire & catching the imaginations of the youth! And look what a clever Satanic deceitful doctrine of devils that is to trap the youth of today, those who have not followed the Jesus Revolution! It is a religious revolution with a very demonic, fiendish fanaticism of Satan himself! Think of it!
         7. BOY! WHAT A COMBINATION THAT WOULD MAKE, FOR THIS [PARTICULAR] RELIGIOUS REVOLUTION TO JOIN FORCES WITH COMMUNISM! That would be a perfect combination to sweep up both the anti-God religious fervour & the pro-God religious fanaticism & combine them together to sweep the World, getting an outstanding religious False Prophet, as he is called in the Bible, to cooperate with the Antichrist!--And finally he even persuades the World to worship the Antichrist as God!
         8. SEE, AT FIRST THE ANTICHRIST MAKES A PACT WITH THE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE TO WORK WITH HIM. (Dan.11:28,30) This is the so-called Holy Covenant--in other words, a religious covenant to get their cooperation & backing & get them to work with him & promote him & help put him in power.--Then he turns on them & breaks the Covenant & tries to obliterate them!
         9. BOY! THAT IS SOME THOUGHT!--TO THINK THAT MAYBE THE COMMUNISTS WOULD USE THIS FANATICAL REVOLUTION OF YOUTH TO HELP FURTHER THEIR CAUSE! And what a combination that would be if they would join forces! This would give them the religious fervour & fanaticism of the religiously-inclined youth, the so-called back-to-God movement of youth of which we have been the Christian sector, the true Jesus Revolution.
         10. THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD ALL OVER THE WORLD TODAY ARE NOTORIOUSLY BECOMING MORE RELIGIOUS & MORE INTERESTED IN GOD & FAITH OF WHATEVER RELIGION! The youth have become more religious than their parents & have greater religious fervour & loyalty to their faith than their parents the World over. So while Communism is catching the imagination & the fervour of the secularists, the materialists, the anti-God, anti-faith people, here comes [this religious] Revolution capturing the fancy & the faith & the fanaticism & the fervour of the faith-inclined youth, the back-to-God movement of youth!
         11. AND WHAT A PERFECT COALITION BETWEEN RELIGION & COMMUNISM! HERE WE HAVE A MOVEMENT THAT IS SUPPOSEDLY PROMOTING FAITH IN GOD & a great wave of back-to-God fervour but is backed by the Devil & started by a fiend like [this] false prophet! See, the Lord gave them the Jesus Revolution first & it swept the World, they all had the chance to receive it. So that having had the true message first--God always gets His in first--& having rejected it, turned their back on the Lord, now they are accepting the Devil's False Prophet, a number of his false prophets, cults & isms & sects that are not of the Lord. But the one which is the largest & is sweeping up more youth than almost any other is this [religious] Revolution.
         12. WHAT A COMBO THAT WOULD MAKE TO COMBINE THIS WORLD COMMUNIST REVOLUTION, THE SECULAR REVOLUTION, WITH THE WORLD RELIGIOUS REVOLUTION OF WHICH [THIS MOVEMENT] IS NOW THE LEADING POWER & MOVING SPIRIT! I mean he'd make the perfect False Prophet for the Antichrist if they'd make a compromise Pact together, an agreement to work together.--In other words, for the Antichrist forces to agree to work together with [these] forces & compromise in return for protection of their religion. The anti-Christs already are helping Iran against Iraq.
         13. I MEAN IT ALL FITS! IT JUST SORT OF MAKES THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE FIT! How clever that is for the [Israelis] to be cooperating with one of their bitter enemies, Iran , in order to defeat another bitter enemy, Iraq! Look how that would fit if they would finally decide that it is to their advantage & interest to combine the World Communist Revolution with the World religious revolution & make that the Antichrist's False Prophet!
         14. WELL, EVEN IF I'M WRONG, IT CERTAINLY WOULD BE WORTH THINKING ABOUT. It certainly is a fascinating thought that the anti-Christ movements of the World, including the [ACs] & Communists & even Western materialism might decide to combine with the religious youth revolution of the World, the false one, this great Fundamentalist Revolution. Just think how if the Devil could combine all of his religions together to work together in a compromise Covenant with the Devil & his secularists' political movement of Communism, what a combination that would make!
         15. THAT WOULD GIVE THE ANSWER TO EXACTLY WHAT THE COVENANT HE MAKES WITH RELIGION IS, WHICH THE BIBLE IS VERY CLEAR ABOUT. Then he turns around & breaks it later after he has gotten in power & has full control, then he insists that they worship him! It sounds like by that time, the False Prophet, the false leader of the religious forces actually combines completely with the Antichrist & urges his followers to worship the Antichrist! How about that? So the Antichrist breaks the Covenant & then seeks to slay anybody who refuses to worship him. But he uses that ploy, that trick of cooperating with them temporarily & making this religious Pact temporarily to work with them & protect them in order to get their cooperation & their support & their backing to put him in power.
         16. THAT WOULD BE THE PERFECT GENIUS OF A TACTIC BY COMMUNISM, TO TURN THIS [RELIGIOUS] REVOLUTION TO THEIR FAVOUR & TO THEIR USE, & there is every sign that that is what they are doing!--They are trying to capture those [religious] revolutionists & fanatics & using them for their purposes. They say that [this false prophet] has been particularly soft-pedaling any criticism of Russia lately.
         17. THE ANTI-CHRISTS ARE ABLE TO PERSUADE THE WORLD & SWAY THE WORLD ANY WAY THEY WANT TO, so they can change sides at the drop of the hat if it suits their purpose. Or they can work on both sides against the middle or toward the middle to get them all together, all of the Antichrist forces, all the anti-God forces, all the forces of Satan, be they religious or non-religious! They've got the cleverness to be able to get them together & to engineer such a Pact--the Holy Covenant spoken of in the Bible--that the Antichrist makes with the religious people to supposedly protect them & cooperate, & they give him their support in return for his tolerance or actual cooperation until he gets in power & proclaims himself to be God. His False Prophet then tries to wipe out anybody who won't believe it & won't worship him!
         18. I CAN SEE A FALSE RELIGIOUS PROPHET DOING THAT VERY THING!: LEADING A RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT & COOPERATING WITH THE ANTICHRIST to secure his favour & protection & support in return for theirs. Even though he was the leader of a great religion to begin with, he could easily turn to Antichristism & his religion into Antichristism! Because it's all of the Devil & they're all on the Devil's side! I mean that is almost unbeatable to combine both the pro-God & anti-God forces together to conquer the World!--The supposedly pro-God forces, the false religions of the World, to get them to combine with even the anti-religious religion of the World, Communism! All I know is, those words just came to me, "The False Prophet"!
         19. SO THERE IT IS! YOU CAN TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, BELIEVE IT OR NOT! I believe it, that's all I know. But it certainly does look like it is going that way in every way, & that would certainly be the key to the mystery, the answer to how in the World the Antichrist could ever possibly get together with the religions of the World!--He gets together with the false religions.
         20. THE FALSE PROPHET! IT'S ALWAYS BEEN A MYSTERY IN REVELATION ABOUT THAT FALSE PROPHET--who he was & what he was & how come the Antichrist has anything to do with religion at all when he is supposed to be totally anti-religious, anti-God! Well, after all, religions that are not of God & aren't the true religion, are anti-Christ & anti-God! They're the religions of the Devil! So of course they would cooperate with the Devil & the Devil's own son, the Devil man, the Antichrist! And what a perfect combination that would be to lead the World to its destruction, the False Prophet & the Antichrist!
         21. AFTER ALL, SATANISM IS A RELIGION, the worship of the Devil, & Antichristism is a religion of itself, the worship of Satan in the form of the Antichrist! So of course the false religions will cooperate with him, so why not the World's leading false religious revolution? [This man's] form of Islam is fanatically anti-Christ! Well, so are the [ACs], so are the Communists, so they all just fit together nicely! They just need to make some kind of an agreement or a Pact to work together to take over the World, & I'm sure they're working on it.--And I'm sure the Devil is working on it! That fits!
         22. SO I CERTAINLY WOULD LOOK IN THAT DIRECTION & WATCH EVENTS WITH THAT IDEA IN MIND & BEWARE OF THE FOLLOWERS OF SUCH A RELIGION! [Most Muslims] are very sensible & favourable even to Christ & Christianity, including Mohammed himself, according to the Koran. But not these fanatics! They are fiends, horrible! They're the ones who caused us all the trouble in one country we've had to evacuate, just the beginning of what their tactics are going to be!
         23. WELL, THAT'S ALL I KNOW!--When I wondered where does [this man and his movement] fit into this World program, how could Communism & [this movement] be booming at the same time alongside of each other & even in some cases working together, those words came to me just as clear as anything, "The False Prophet"! Now whether that meant that he is the False Prophet or [his movement] is the False Prophet or his religion is the False Prophet or this fanatical Fundamental [religious] Revolution is the False Prophet, or whether the Lord was just meaning that it shows how a false religion could back Communism & the Antichrist & produce the False Prophet, I don't know which, but that's all I know. I was thinking about it & the words came to me just as clear as anything, "The False Prophet."
         24. SO IT BEARS WATCHING. AMEN? PRAISE THE LORD! WATCH OUT FOR THE FALSE PROPHET & THE FALSE PROPHETS (Mt.24:24) of the false religions who will definitely give their power to the Beast & cooperate with the Antichrist in the End! And they're probably already doing so. This [man's] religious revolution is anti-Christ!
         25. WELL, IF THAT IS TRUE, I'D SAY IT IS A SHOCKING REVELATION! PRAISE THE LORD! THANK GOD FOR THE WARNING, ADVANCE NOTICE! Beware of the False Prophet & his religion! Just think, the forces of atheism & the forces of religion unite! What a combination! It is almost an unbeatable combination!--It does prove to be unbeatable because it puts the Antichrist in power! But of course, it won't be unbeatable in the long run, because we are going to beat it! The forces of true religion are going to defeat them all in the Battle of Armageddon! HAL!
         26. IT WOULDN'T EVEN BE HARD FOR THE CATHOLICS & PROTESTANTS & CHURCHES TO UNITE WITH OTHER RELIGIONS to suppress what they consider a threat to all religions--us!--And to persuade the anti-Christ governments to suppress us! They always have. Very smart! The anti-Christs use a religious difference whenever it suits their purpose, but they soft-pedal it when it doesn't. They can turn their propaganda to suit their purposes! But "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Rom.8:31)
         27. [THESE] FANATICS ARE IN SOME WAYS & SOME PLACES LIKE THE EAST A WORSE & MORE WIDESPREAD ORGANISATION THAN THE MILITANT [ACs]! They're out-&-out terrorists, not even ashamed of it! (Maria: It's also rather significant that in that Revelation you got from the Lord in France, that He compared us to [this man], that He showed the difference but put them side-by-side! "You are more powerful than [this man] because thy Words have more energy!" It's rather significant now!) (ML #1020:4-8)
         28. (LATER) PTL! I WAS TAKING A BREAK AFTER READING THIS LETTER & THINKING ABOUT [THIS MAN], WHEN SUDDENLY THIS CAME TO ME!: "Behold, I have called him for this purpose & chiseled his features to fit their picture of a prophet!"--Wow! There's another clincher!--He or his must be the one!

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