GOD'S GIFTS!--The Spirit Revolution!     18/2/84
--Prophecies given at our Birthday Dinner!       DO 1741

         1. (First we "sat down to eat, & then rose up to play" & dance to the beautiful songs & music of MWM's new Birthday Tape, "The Hour of Your Destiny!"--Then Dad began to comment:)
         2. I DON'T GET ANY CREDIT FOR ALL THESE SONGS either because it's all the Lord! I don't want you ever to forget that, I am absolutely nothing & it was all the Lord, amen?
         3. BUT IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER TO GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME SUFFER. I mean it! (Sings:) "So we'll give all the glory to Jesus & tell of His love, His wonderful love. We'll give all the glory to Jesus & tell of His wonderful love!" Hallelujah! PYJ! Hallelujah! (Dad speaks in tongues:) Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! TYJ! Amen! PYL! TYJ! Who can give the interpretation? Ask the Lord for the interpretation.
         4. (PEARL: "FOR THIS IS THE DAVID THAT HATH PRAISED ME WITH HIS LIFE! As I have taken him from the sheepcote & pastures, he hath humbly led My flock & he was the shepherd who found My straying sheep. And even though the Kingdom was torn from him I have now restored it to him. And he shall prepare abundantly before the day of his death that his house may be well fed.") Amen? PTL? Hallelujah? PTL! (Dad speaking in tongues:) Hallelujah Jesus! Thank You Jesus! PYL! PYL! TYJ! Amen, give it again, Lord! Amen, Jesus. Give it again, if you got the interpretation, give it!
         5. (KEDA: "FOR I HAVE CALLED THEE BY THY NAME, for I have anointed thee & thou art My chosen one. For My Spirit is moving throughout the Earth, & because thou hast been faithful to give forth the Words of thy Lord, because thou hast been faithful to give forth every drop of the Words that I have given, I shall bless thee more mightily than any man on Earth! For thou art second only to the Son of God, & thou art mighty & thou art called & thou art chosen!")
         6. (HEAVEN: "FOR I AM HE THAT FILLETH ALL THINGS, TO POUR OUT UPON THE THIRSTY GROUND, TO BEAUTIFY THE LOWLY LIFE, to heal the ragged wounds, to bring grace & beauty & wisdom. For without Me there is nothing." TYJ! TYL!)
         7. (FAM: "A CITY THAT IS SET ON A HILL CANNOT BE HID"! I got that verse (Mt.5:14) & then I had a vision of like a heavenly mansion on a hill, like the front view from the poster, & it was a real sample to the whole World, like a city that is set on a hill that the whole World is going to see, the whole Earth is going to see our sample of living together in unity.)
         8. (FAM: "MORE TO BE DESIRED THAN GOLD, YEA, THAN MUCH FINE GOLD ARE THE WORDS & THE KISSES OF MY FATHER.") (Faithy: "For this is the day that the Lord hath made, we are to rejoice & be glad in it!") Hallelujah!
         9. (DAD SPEAKS IN TONGUES:) XXXXXXX! HALLELUJAH! TYL! "THE LORD IS WELL PLEASED WITH THESE HIS CHILDREN WHOM THE LORD LOVETH. Ye are His children, & the Lord giveth thee the seven kisses of thy Father!" Hallelujah! TYJ! PTL! Hallelujah! TYL! (Dad in tongues:) XXXXXXX! TYL! TYL! "Out of the mouths of babes & sucklings Thou has perfected praise!" (Mt.21:16) Don't be afraid, children, let the Lord loose, just let Him loose! Speak what He gives you in your heart. Hallelujah! TYL! Speak, don't let the Enemy bind. I rebuke you Satan in the Name of Jesus!
         10. DELIVER THESE, LORD, LIBERATE THEM, FREE THEM, IN JESUS' NAME! For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! Praise You Lord! (Dad speaks in tongues:) (Heaven: "Oh, Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth!")
         11. (PAUL: "MANY OF THE PROPHETS WOULD HAVE LOVED TO HAVE SEEN THIS DAY, & yet clamour at the steps outside of the Kingdom to give to thee this day, to speak unto thee, to speak the Words of Life that thou might rally forth in this religion of Love to spread it unto all the Earth, that thy Words of Love & thy Words of David may kiss the hearts of many, that the music of the harp of David may reach the hearts of many & bring them into My Kingdom & the Kingdom of My Love & this religion of Love. Spread it throughout all the Earth in these Last Days. For behold, ye are they upon whom the ends of the Earth are come, & ye are they who are empowered from on high with My Spirit, & ye are they which treasure the Words & which take them forth unto all the ends of the Earth, & yea it is I that empower thee by the power of My Spirit!") TYJ! PTL! TYJ! (Again Dad speaks in tongues:)
         12. (FAM: "THESE ARE THE KISSES OF THY FATHER, behold the love of thy father! Behold how he doth give to thee, how he doth give & give & give until he is spent, & then he gives again! Behold how the heart of thy Father is poured out unto his children & all the lost of the Earth! Therefore, My children, go forth & give, give as thy Father David doth give!") (Tongues:)
         13. (FAM: "NEVER HAS A MAN LOVED ME MORE THAN THIS DAVID! Therefore no man has ever been loved by Me more than this David, for I loved more people through him than any other man! I have comforted more & fed more & touched & healed more & brought to life more than any other man. For he hath loved Me with all his heart & I have loved him with all of My heart. I have loved his children as I have never loved before! For this is indeed the love that I wish to give, that no man can resist it! For by the obedience of one man are all these made faithful.") Hallelujah! Praise You Lord! (Dad in tongues:)
         14. (HEAVEN: "FOR THE VESSEL OF AQUARIUS SHALL NEVER RUN OUT OF WATER!") Let it go, Sweetheart! Give it out! There's more. There's more, Beloved. Give it, Beloved. (Fam: "Behold, the kisses of thy Father are without end, continually without end!--without end! Behold the kisses of thy Father without end, without end, without end! Behold the kisses of thy Father without end, without end, without end! Behold the kisses of thy Father without end, for there is no end to the heart of David! There is no end to the heart of David, there is no end for the love that he has for his children, the lost of the Lord!") Give it, Beloved, give it! (Fam: I just keep getting that over & over again: "Behold the kisses of thy Father that are without end!")
         15. HALLELUJAH! (TONGUES:) THANK YOU, JESUS. Praise You Lord. (Techi weeping, "These are streams that never run dry!") "Behold, the Well is open, & He that shall never run dry! And there're figs in the desert, flowers of the desert that shall grow, that shall never fade!" Hallelujah! Praise You Jesus! "Indeed the desert & thy Love shall blossom as the rose, & there shall be wells of water that shall never run dry!" Give it! Don't just drink it & keep it, but give it! Run over! Run over, Beloved! Give it! He can use you! He's speaking to you! Speak the Words of the Lord! Speak! I command you in the Name of Jesus, to speak it!
         16. (FAM: "UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN, unto us a child is born, & the majesty of the Kingdom shall rest upon his shoulders, for he is David, our beloved, yea he is the Shepherd that I have chosen to lead My flock in this Endtime.")
         17. HALLELUJAH! PRAISE YOU JESUS! THANK YOU JESUS! THANK YOU JESUS! OH JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! OH, LORD, MAY THEY HEAR FROM YOU, JESUS, may they hear from You, Jesus! Thy children are hungry to hear Thy Voice, Lord, to hear from You, Jesus. Give them Thy Word, Lord, & set them free! Let them loose! Loose them & let them go, in Jesus' name! Give them the faith & the courage to let go! Speak, Beloved! I command you in the Name of Jesus to speak! Speak the Words of the Lord!
         18. (HEAVEN: "FOR THE LOVE OF DAVID SHALL NEVER RUN OUT. LET US LIE IN HIS BOSOM FOR EVER & EVER!") (Fam: "How I have loved My David with an everlasting love & a love which will never end! For I have anointed him with the oil of My Spirit & given him the wisdom of ages & given him the secrets of the Universe & the understanding of Daniel. Have faith in him & follow him truly & faithfully & let none of these Words fall underneath the table. Let them be a light unto you for all the days of your life & help your children to follow him!" In Jesus' name. Hallelujah! Praise You Lord!)
         19. (PEARL: "FOR MY LOVE IN DAVID IS AS THE SALT OF THE EARTH & he is My salt wherewith I have savoured the Earth & made it worth relishing. For he is David My son in whom I am well pleased, for he is My open book.") (Fam: "Behold what manner of love! Behold, there is a greater than Moses, a greater than Daniel, a greater than all the prophets!--David is here!" Thank You Jesus, thank You Lord! TYJ! "Kiss all the Words of David! Kiss all the Words of David! Kiss the bosom of thy Father! Kiss his paps! Drink deeply of the living water that he pours forth!")
         20. HALLELUJAH! (DAD, TONGUES:) "SHOUT THE WORDS OF THE LORD!" Praise You Jesus! Thank You Lord! "Be not thou afraid but lift up thy voice & shout the Words of the Lord!" (Tongues:) (Sara: "Arise, shine, for thy light is come & the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee! Have I not said & have I not done?--That once have I sworn by My Holiness that I will not lie unto David!")
         21. (TONGUES:) HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU JESUS! POUR FORTH THE WORDS OF LIVING WATERS, LORD! As living waters poured forth without stint & without measure! Give unto Thy children, Oh God, of the refreshing waters of Thy Word! Pour forth, Beloved! Pour forth what the Lord gives you. Speak the Words of the Lord!
         22. (FAM: "BEHOLD, I HAVE CHOSEN MY SERVANT DAVID. BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD HAVE I ORDAINED HIM TO BE A SHEPHERD UNTO MY FLOCK! This is the David through which I have opened the door that no man will shut, & there is no end to his Kingdom!" Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus.)
         23. (DITO: "FOR DAVID, MY SERVANT, SHALL BE KING OVER THEM & THEY SHALL ALSO HAVE A SHEPHERD.") (Heaven: "For all the wisdom of the sages & ages, of Moses & of David & of Joshua & of all of the other prophets of the ages are combined in one, & that is My Servant David!") (Tongues:) Speak the Words of David, speak the Words to them! Let the waters flow!
         24. (KEDA: "BEHOLD, BOUNDLESS IS THE LOVE THAT I HAVE UNTO MY DAVID! Behold, boundless is the love that I would give unto him, for he hath confessed & he hath opened his heart & he hath given forth every drop of the waters of the stream that I have given. He hath been faithful to speak forth the visions & the dreams, therefore shall I mightily bless him. Therefore boundless is the love that I have unto David!")
         25. (DAD, TONGUES:) (HEAVEN: "BEHOLD, WE ARE FREE because we have yielded unto the Words that Thou hast given unto Thy Father David.")
         26. (FAM: "BEHOLD HOW THIS DAY DO THE COUNCILS OF HEAVEN BESTOW UPON THY FATHER A BOUQUET OF THE PRAISES & kisses of his children who throughout the ends of this Earth do this day remember him & thank him, for this is the day that I have honoured him. Hear ye him!")
         27. (FAM: "HOW DAVID HAS BECOME LIKE A MIGHTY RIVER! How David is gathering more & more the waters of all the Earth, Lord, & gathers them together to stream into the big ocean into all the people of the Earth! Once he was small but I have increased his strength, I have made him mighty, & faster & faster he is pouring forth the water of life & more & more he is giving, & there is no end to it!")
         28. (FAM: "GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN THIS, that a man lay down his life for his friends! Ye are My friends, for I have given unto you the Words of David. Ye are My sheep, the little sheep of My pasture. He it is that doth love thee like no one else has ever loved thee.")
         29. (FAM: TYL! PYL! TYJ! "BEHOLD, HOW DAVID IS WEARY OF GIVING, & HE GIVES & GIVES & GIVES & NEVER STOPS! Behold, he needs you to help to hold up his arms as Moses of old. He depends on you & needs your help in the Spirit to uphold him & to lift him in prayer. Stand strong by the side of David!" PYL! TYJ! TYL! TYJ!) Hallelujah! Amen! TYJ! PYL! Amen. They do, Lord, they do, Lord. Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! (Praises & tongues:) (Dad, tongues:) XXXXXXX! TYJ! PYL!
         30. (HEAVEN: "FOR HE HATH NOT TRIED TO SHUT THEM UP IN ONE BUILDING, BUT HE HATH SENT THEM UNTO ALL THE EARTH so that they may witness the words of love to others.) (Techi: "I have set up one shepherd over them, even My servant David.") Hallelujah! TYJ!
         31. IT'S THE REVOLUTION ALL OVER AGAIN!--The Huntington Beach Light Club all over again! Hallelujah! Let's have another Revolution!
         32. (FAITHY: "FOR IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? Is there any place that My Words have not flowed from the mouth of David? Is there any desert that has not received the water of life flowing from this mouth that I have given to the World for this day & this time?" Hallelujah! TYJ! TYL!)
         33. (DAD, TONGUES:) "THE LORD IS WELL PLEASED WITH THY PRAISE & WITH THE WORDS THAT THOU HAST SPOKEN FOR HIM. God is well pleased with the Words that thou hast given unto His children." Hallelujah! TYL! TYJ! Speak on, Beloved.
         34. (PEARL: "FOR MY DAVID IS AS REFRESHING RAIN that brings life to his tender young plants & quenches the thirst of the parched ground! And he shall rain & he shall rain & he shall rain till I come again!--And no man shall stop him!" TYJ!) Hallelujah!
         35. (HEAVEN: "FOR THIS IS LIKE UNTO ANOTHER REVOLUTION OF GOD! TYJ! The Lord shall double & triple & quadruple & He shall multiply thy sheep & thy folds!") PTL! So be it, Lord! Hallelujah! Thus are the Words of Thy Beloved! Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL!
         36. (MARIANNE: "THIS IS MY BELOVED THAT I HAVE CHOSEN TO SET YOU FREE & set them free unto the uttermost part of the Earth from all the bondages & the false doctrines. Follow him & absorb him & take him in. This is My Beloved! In Jesus' name." TYL!)
         37. (FAM: "BEHOLD THE TREASURE THAT I HAVE GIVEN UNTO THY FATHER DAVID! Behold the Words which I have given which are far greater than any treasure contained in Heaven or Earth! Give of the Words that I have given unto thy Father, for there be many that hunger & have not, & there be many that thirst & have none to drink. Give, I say, unto these." TYJ! TYL!)
         38. (PAUL: "O LORD, OPEN MINE EYES THAT I MIGHT BEHOLD THY GLORY, LORD, glories of Thy Kingdom, Jesus! (Tongues:) Even these are clothed in linen & even these are at the Marriage Feast, even these shall attend. (Tongues:) For the robes & the linens of the saints shall be spread forth, they shall be spread upon them, & they shall go forth in the glory & the majesty of the Lord! Yea, even now many press forth into the Kingdom to take the Kingdom by force, to enter the Kingdom to behold what thou seest. (Tongues:) Only be thou faithful unto Him that thou mayest wear the crown of glory, that thou mayest behold & see all that I have for thee. For I have ordained it from the foundation of the Earth, & only a few years remain. Only be thou faithful unto the End & thou shalt receive a crown of life that fadeth not away!" TYL! TYJ!) (Dad & Family, tongues & praises:)
         39. (HEAVEN: "FOR THERE IS NOT ENOUGH THAT CAN BE SAID ABOUT MY SERVANT DAVID! For he shall have a great crown of life in My Kingdom!") (Dora: "For My David whom I have chosen, whom I have set up to be a bright light, will live in My City, in My golden City, & live with His children!" Jesus! TYJ! "With all those you have brought to Me through his Words & the drops of his honey mouth, which has poured out upon the thirsty ground!" Hallelujah!) (Dad begins to chant in tongues:) "Speak the Words, speak the Words!"
         40. (KEDA SINGING, INTERPRETING DAD'S MESSAGE:) "PRAISE FORTH HIS NAME, praise forth his name! Give love to the Lord! For David, he is My Beloved, & David, he is My man of all the Earth! Praise forth his name. Praise David's name. Praise Jesus' name." TYL!) (Dad & Family praise!) (Dad, tongues:) XXXXXXX! (Techi weeping:) Hallelujah! Hallelujah! TYJ! Amen. Speak the Words of the Lord. Speak the Words of the Lord.
         41. (FAM: "CONSIDER DAVID, CONSIDER THESE VICTORIES WHICH THY CHILDREN HAVE WON FOR THEE THROUGHOUT THE EARTH! Consider thy flocks which are spread abroad throughout the Earth. But I say unto thee, they are but a drop in a bucket & the dust in the balance compared to the glories which I have before thee! For thou shalt rule & reign with Me forever & thy Kingdom shall not end, & thy Kingdom shall have no end! For these days are but thy beginnings!") Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! (Dad & Family praise.)
         42. (HEAVEN: "GLORIFY ME, GOD, IN ALL THINGS, THEN SHALL THY VASE FLOW FREELY WITH THE WATER OF LIFE, His Words of life, the truth of His Spirit!" TYJ!)
         43. (PETER: "BEHOLD, THE SUNSHINE OF MY LOVE SHINETH UPON THEE, & as the refreshing waters of My rain flow upon the Earth, so shall the Words of David cover all the Earth & shall refresh the thirsty souls & shall give life unto those which are dead & shall bring forth new buds & new life & new trees & new fruit & it shall cover the Earth as the waters cover the seas!" TYJ! TYL! PYJ!) TYJ! PYL! Hallelujah!
         44. (FAM: "THE GLORIES THOU SHALT BEHOLD WHEN THOU SHALT JOIN WITH ME IN THAT DAY IN MY KINGDOM! Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you, ye are the Temple of God!" TYJ!)
         45. (HEAVEN: "BECAUSE MY DAVID HAS BEEN YIELDED TO ME, that is why he now flows fully & freely & bountifully with thousands of Words of life & Words of truth that shall feed thy flocks." TYL!) (Heaven: "Open your heart & His Spirit will flow in in all its power!") Hallelujah! TYL! Hear it, Beloved! Let the Lord flow! Speak!
         46. (FAM: "O TASTE & SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD! Kiss thou the Words from His mouth as they pour out without measure upon His children, upon His Beloved, upon His anointed, upon His Servant David whom He hath chosen before the foundations!") Hallelujah! PYL! TYL! TYJ!
         47. (FAM: "BEHOLD, MY SERVANT IS FAITHFUL, faithful unto death, & I will give him a crown of life in that wonderful & glorious day!--And behold, hold on to his Words, & behold, follow closely, & they that love him most follow closely. And behold, look unto him & look unto his ways & do his ways & follow him & thou shalt live! Look & behold, look on the one who is among you!" TYJ! TYJ!)
         48. (HEAVEN: "FOR HE SHALL SIT BY MY SIDE AT THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB!") I don't deserve it, Lord. Hallelujah! But You know, Jesus! Hallelujah! TYL! Speak, Lord! We hunger to hear, Lord. Speak, Jesus! TYL! Let Him speak through you, Beloved. Speak! Don't let the Devil tie your tongue! Rebuke the Devil, in Jesus' name! Speak the Words of the Lord!
         49. (FAM: AMEN! I KEPT GETTING A VISION even right before Heaven spoke, of us all with our hands toasted up to the Lord & victory at the Marriage Feast! PYJ! Hallelujah! TYL!) Hallelujah! Amen!
         50. (PEARL: "AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, SO SHALL IT BE ON EARTH, & AS IT IS ON EARTH, SO SHALL IT BE IN HEAVEN!") Hallelujah! We've got a foretaste right now! (Fam: "Embrace the kisses of your father, these word-kisses of your father!" Hallelujah! TYJ!
         51. (PEARL: "AND I WILL POUR OUT OF MY SPIRIT UPON THIS GENERATION WITHOUT MEASURE, & I will pour out upon these children My Spirit without measure, & your sons & your daughters shall prophesy & your old men shall dream dreams! And I will give you a new ministry & a new anointing, a new fulfilling for this age to come, that ye may be My testimony & the witness of My love, & there shall be an age of miracles!") (Heaven: "Kiss thy Jesus! Kiss thy David! Make love to Him in the Spirit!") Hallelujah! It's Jesus! It's Jesus! I'm nothing without Jesus.
         52. (FAM: "MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS HAVE HEARD MY WORDS BECAUSE OF MY SERVANT'S FAITHFULNESS! There are yet many that need to be fed. Behold, all these were in the Devil's hands, & were set free through the Words of David. Behold, his Kingdom is increasing daily & there shall be no end to it! Forever & ever his Kingdom shall increase!" TYL!)
         53. (HEAVEN: "FOR THOU SHALT PUT A GREAT MANTLE ALSO UPON HIS DAUGHTER & HIS SON & THEY SHALL CARRY FORTH THE BANNER WITH THEIR MOTHER!") All Thy daughters & all Thy sons! PG! TYJ! PYL! Give it, Techi, give it! (Techi: "Kiss thy words in Jesus Christ!") (Techi: "I will not lie unto David." PYJ!) (Techi: "These are his streams of living water." TYJ!) Amen. PTL!
         54. (ALF: "FOR THESE ARE THE KISSES OF DAVID THAT I WILL POUR OF MY SPIRIT UPON THE WHOLE EARTH, as this night is the beginning of a new Revolution, so that My Word may flow to all those that still hunger & search after Me!" TYL! TYJ!) (Heaven: "For these are My streams that never run dry!") (Fam: "The heart of David has tenderly cared for these little sheep. They are the shepherds & shepherdesses of Kingdom Come & their hearts shall trust in Him." TYJ! TYL!) Hallelujah! PYJ! PTL! TTL! (Fam: "How many are the Words that I have given unto thy father! How great is My love for this generation!") TYJ!
         55. (FAM: "BEHOLD, WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY IT SHALL BE when ye shall walk with Me in My garden & ye shall talk with Me face to face, & then there will be no more fear & there will be no more death & no more dying! What a glorious day that will be! What a rejoicing that will be!" TYL! TYJ!)
         56. (FAITHY: "SING UNTO THE LORD A NEW SONG, THE SONG OF DAVID! THE SONG OF DAVID WHICH SHALL SET THEM FREE! Give forth the Words in song which shall set them free!--Those that long to harmonise with thee, with the love of David which he has in his heart which I have placed there, & you must sing unto him.") (Praising in tongues.) Amen. TYL! TYJ!
         58. (PEARL: "LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, O YE GATES! Even lift them up, ye everlasting doors, & ye shall be able to pour out as My Servant David has poured out!" TYJ!)
         59. (FAM: "DAVID & HIS MEN ARE NOT BOUND BUT FREE! Hallelujah! Jesus, Jesus give them liberty!" Hallelujah! In Jesus' name!) Hallelujah! Amen, amen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
         60. (FAM: "MY SOUL HATH MAGNIFIED THE LORD & MY VOICE REJOICETH IN GOD MY SAVIOUR! Because He has looked upon His lowly children & made them priests & kings & queens in His new Kingdom to come!" TYJ!)
         61. (PETER: "FOR THIS GENERATION ARE AS THEY THAT WERE DYING IN THE DESERT THAT THIRSTETH FOR THE WORDS OF DAVID, & through his obedience I have quenched that thirst, I have filled him to overflowing!--And now they will spread forth My Word across the Earth & I shall speak through them & they shall win many unto Me & many unto the Words of David & many unto Jesus, that they may fill My Kingdom & fill My tents & fill My City!" TYL!) PYL! Hallelujah! (Dad claps!) Hallelujah!
         62. (FAM: "GO FORTH IN THE POWER & SPIRIT OF MY SERVANT DAVID, LET NOTHING STOP YOU! Lean not to the right hand nor to the left!" In Jesus' name.) Amen! TYL! Amen. Amen, amen. It's the Lord, Beloved.
         63. (FAM: "WORDS ON THE MOUNTAIN! Words on the mountain, they shall echo around the World & change the hearts of men & bring new life among the dead & bring new life among the lame & raise up them that are afflicted!" Thank You Lord Jesus! "He shall explode & explode again with the force of My Spirit, with the power of My Spirit! He shall give & give without end! Nothing shall be impossible! Ye shall remove mountains & cast them into the sea!" Thank You Jesus! TYJ!)
         64. (HEAVEN: "AND THE LITTLE HILLS REJOICE ON EVERY SIDE! Behold, they shout for joy, they also sing because My David has come to this Earth to save it from destruction & to bring new life!")
         65. (MARIANNE: "THIS IS THAT HOUR OF PREPARATION, FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND!--And thou shalt be sent forth to battle & thou shalt remember that which thou hast heard & thou hast seen, & thou shalt lift up the banner of David & minister unto them strength & thy love! For the love of David has saved you & given you new life, so his love will reach to them. Give them new life before it is too late!" TYL!) Hallelujah!
         66. (FAM: "THOU SHALT GO FORTH AS THE LEGIONS OF HEAVEN! Thou shalt go forth as a mighty army, like a wave sweeping the Earth with the love of David!") (Same Family member: I just had this vision of all these warriors like knights, just like all raising their arms & praising the Lord, & I got this, it came, "Behold, the legions of Heaven do fight for David & his children!" TYJ!)
         67. (FAITHY SINGS: "PRAISE THE NAME OF THE SHEPHERD OF THE LAME, POURING FORTH HIS WATERS LIKE A FOUNTAIN! He's David of the End & the Prophet of the Wind, pouring forth his waters like a fountain!" Hallelujah!) Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL!
         68. (FAM: "THANK YOU FOR THE HEALING BALM FLOWING FROM THE HANDS OF DAVID to heal the wounds of many & to mend the broken hearts! I will prosper My David & I will strengthen him & I will care for him every moment of his life! I will be with him through everything! I will never leave him nor forsake him! I will always uplift him. I will be with him. I love him!" TYJ!)
         69. (FAM: "BEHOLD, THERE BE MANY GEMS FAIR, THERE ARE MANY JEWELS OF GREAT BEAUTY, BUT THERE IS NONE SUCH AS THIS WHICH I HAVE CREATED, HEWN OUT OF THE ROCK & HUMAN FLESH! For this is My doing.--A multifaceted jewel which shines forth with colours that have never been seen before, for I have shown forth My light as never before, that all the dark corners of the Earth may be enlightened with My love. For thus have I created this David. With the many facets have I chiseled him & hewn him & made him & forged him through the years. For this is My doing, that My light should shine forth as never before!") It's just Jesus!
         70. (PAUL: "AS CLAY IN THE HANDS OF THE POTTER, so have My hands reached down to form My David, to form him into the vessel that was most useful, that was most needed, & then it was broken & smashed upon the rocks & broken & remade & remade & put before thee that it may be a vessel of great honour in My house, that it might pour forth, that it may be everflowing, that it may never cease, that it may flow unto the ends of the Earth! (Tongues:) Yea, have I often broken these, as I have broken these vessels!") Amen, amen.
         71. (HEAVEN: "FOR THE LORD HATH PULLED UP THE CHILDREN, THY CHILDREN FROM THE SLUMS OF THE EARTH & given them new life & new love from the Lover of all lovers, Jesus, through Thy Servant David! And behold, David is like a spotlight shining unto every corner of the Earth & giving them the light of Jesus!")
         72. (FAM: "FOR YE HAVE COME TO THE KINGDOM FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Though My Servant was beaten & crushed, he shall conquer & he shall receive his crown! Go forth & speak the Word & spread them to the land! Conquer & claim the land, for it shall be yours! Redeem the souls of those that have been enslaved by the Usurper! Redeem them & save them! Send Your Word & heal them & pour forth without measure!" TYJ! PYL!)
         73. (FAM: "FOR THESE WORDS SHALL RING THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, & ALL SHALL HEAR THESE WORDS & SHALL REJOICE & shall give forth like never before the Words of David.") Hallelujah! TYJ!
         74. (HEAVEN: "FOR THIS MY DAVID NEVER LETS ONE WORD FALL TO THE GROUND! He scrambles for every crumb & he wants to get everything, & this is why I have made him so great, because he always wants to follow Me & always steps in every footprint of Jesus!")
         75. (PETER: "BECAUSE HE GLORIFIES ME IN ALL THINGS, because he hath always praised My Name & hath loved Me from the beginning, so have I loved him & so have I poured forth & bestowed this blessing upon him. TYL! As the Phoenix has risen from the depths, so have I raised up David & so have I made him great in My house & in My Kingdom & so have I won many unto Me because of his faithfulness, because of his love & because of his great love for Me." TYJ!) Hallelujah! TYL! PYL!
         76. YOU'RE ALL LITTLE DAVIDS, BELOVED, & ALL THESE PROPHECIES ARE FOR YOU AS WELL AS FOR ME.--IT'S ALL JESUS! You're all parts of the Lord. Anymore? C'mon! Don't get left out! (Fam: "No greater love hath any man than this, that he lay down his life for My friends, but this is the love of My David!" TYL!) PYJ! TYL! Amen, Lord. Hallelujah! TYL! It's You, Jesus! It's all You, Jesus! Anymore? One more?
         77. (FAM: "EVEN NOW IS THERE A PLACE PREPARED IN MY CITY FOR DAVID & HIS CHILDREN." TYL!) Hallelujah! Amen. TYJ! (Davida: "I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh & they shall prophesy.")
         78. (SARA: "BEHOLD MY LAMBS! BEHOLD MY LAMBS! HEARKEN UNTO MY LAMBS, for they are Mine that I created in love, in My love for the World, to pass on My witness to the World in this last day! In a cloudy & dark day I scattered My sheep from the folds, the forsaken folds of the System, & have chosen these lambs from the Creation of the Universe to bear My Name by the banner of David, to seek & to save that which is lost, to lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven!")
         80. (FAM: I HAD A VISION A LITTLE BIT AGO WHEN SOMEONE WAS GIVING A PROPHECY ABOUT DAVID, IT WAS JUST LIKE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND! It was like a really really bright bright jewel, & then I got: "That's you! That's all of you!") (Fam: TYL! And then, when you kept saying "It's only Jesus", I got: "Thy children know that it is only Me, but I have exalted thee, I have blessed thee, I have raised up thy name because thou hast loved Me with all thy heart, because thou hast raised up My Name to all generations!--Not only to this generation & these generations but to many generations to come, for through thy love, many generations to come shall know of My love." TYJ!) (Dad, tongues:) Exercise your gift, Beloved.
         81. (HEAVEN: "BUT THE MEEK & THE HUMBLE, AS UNTO DAVID, SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH!") Amen. I don't think these children are ever going to run dry! (Techi: "These streams shall never run dry!") Hallelujah! Streams that never run dry! TYJ! Amen! Hallelujah! And the Spirit will never be bound!
         82. (MARIA SPEAKS IN STRONG TONGUES & WEEPING!:) (Dad interprets:)
         83. "BEHOLD, I HAVE CHOSEN THY HANDMAIDEN. SEE & BEHOLD THE HANDMAIDEN OF THE LORD that Thou hast exalted from humble circumstances, that has been the most loyal & hast been put upon high that she may bear many children unto Me & have fruit that shall last forever! We thank You O Jesus for this handmaiden that hast heard Thy Word & hast treasured Thy Word & hast recorded Thy Word for many generations! For behold, many generations shall call thee blessed, & they shall rise up & call thee blessed, for thou hast exalted My Name & thou hast given the Word that I have given unto My Servant David!" Hallelujah! PYJ! TYJ! TYL! TYJ!
         84. (FAM: I GOT THAT "SHE HATH LOVED ME MORE THAN ANY OTHER WOMAN HAS EVER LOVED ME!" TYJ!) Give it, Beloved, it'll encourage her heart, give it! Yes! Say it! You!
         85. (KEDA: "FOR SHE HATH UPHELD MY WORD & SHE HATH CHERISHED EVERY WORD TO HER HEART! For she hath treasured it more than life itself, therefore shall I use her more mightily than she could ever dream! And behold, I have already given her the talent & the gifts & the Spirit flowing within her, for behold, she shall preach forth the Word & stand holding the Flame on high, for the Word indeed shall spread to the entire Earth through her faithfulness unto David, for she was so faithful in that which is least, I shall use her mightily!") (Then when we all went to lay hands on Maria:)
         86. (DAD PROPHESIES:) "LAY THEREFORE THY HANDS UPON THIS, THE HANDMAIDEN OF THE LORD, the anointed of Jesus Christ, that she may have the power to carry on the work that I have begun in thy David! Lay therefore thy hands upon her that she may carry on the work that I have begun through thy Father!" (Tongues:) "For she hath a little strength that she thinks she hath not, but she hath great strength in Me, her Father!" Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus! "For this is the Word that I have declared unto her already. This is the Word that I have spoken unto thee, the Word that I have spoken through thy father, that she shall bring forth many children into the Kingdom of God throughout all the Earth in the days that yet shall come!" Hallelujah!
         87. "THIS IS THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN FORTH. This is the sign that I have given that this shall be a sign unto thee, that she shall rise up & call him blessed & that she shall rise up & call them blessed & they shall all rise & call her blessed throughout all generations in the World that is without end!"
         88. (HEAVEN: "FOR THE LORD HATH EXALTED HER OF LOW DEGREE, & FROM HENCEFORTH ALL GENERATIONS SHALL CALL HER BLESSED! The Lord hath exalted this weakest handmaiden upon her knees & made her to sit in a throne of glory with the greatest crown of life!")
         90. (KEDA: "HOLD UP HER ARMS & LIFT UP HER HANDS THAT SHE MAY SEE JESUS AS NO ONE HAS SEEN HIM! Hold up her arms & hold up her hands that she may be strengthened in His Love & see Me as My David sees Me! Serve her & minister unto her, for she is My Queen of the whole Earth!")
         91. HALLELUJAH! I BELIEVE IT! HALLELUJAH! "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME!--And ye shall have that mind in you which is also in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah! For with woman it is impossible, but with God nothing shall be impossible, & to him that believeth all things are possible!" Hallelujah! Thank You Lord. Thank You Jesus. "For it is not I that live but Christ that liveth in me" & "The life that I now live according to the flesh I live by the strength & Spirit of Christ Jesus!" Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! In Jesus' name!
         92. HALLELUJAH! WHAT A WONDERFUL NIGHT! (TO MARIA:) WELL, NOW YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! Now you know you can do it! The Lord said so, you've got to believe it. Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! She's always saying that she doesn't know how she's going to do it when I'm gone. Ha! She doesn't have to know! The Lord will do it! Praise God?
         93. (FAM: EVERY TIME I CLOSED MY EYES THERE WAS THIS BEAUTIFUL VISION OF MARIA! She was standing 'way up in this beautiful long lighted white gown & she was aglow & she was holding up the Flame, & the light she had from the Flame was reflecting & shining out on this multitude of people, there were rows & rows of them in darkness, & it was really beautiful! She was giving Thy Words, Jesus, serving all those people!) Hallelujah? You don't have to worry, Honey, the Lord is going to do it all. Hallelujah! (Tongues:)
         95. (FAM: "FOR BEHOLD HOW IT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED THAT SHE WAS AFORE-ORDAINED FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH, that she will take upon herself the mantle of David & rise up in the battle & hold forth the torch & lead the people to victory!") Amen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise You Jesus! (Tongues:) "Hold up her hands, hold up her hands! Hold up her hands!" (Tongues:) Amen.
         96. (PETER: "THE MANTLE OF DAVID SHALL REST UPON HER SHOULDERS & SHE SHALL GIVE FORTH IN DOUBLE PORTION & she shall know that it is of Me & Me alone that speaketh unto her, & she shall be as one with David & she shall speak his Words upon the ends of the Earth!" Thank You Jesus! Praise You Jesus!)
         97. (FAITHY: "SHE SHALL BE A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS! BEHOLD, SHE SHALL SHINE AS THE STARS FOREVER! She shall be light unto many! She shall shine & reflect My glory upon the Earth in the midst of great darkness which shall cover the Earth, but there shall be light & she shall shine forth in My power, in My glory, in My love to millions!") Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! (Techi really praying & weeping.)
         98. (FAM: "THE SMOKING FLAX SHE HATH NOT QUENCHED & A BROKEN REED SHE HAS NOT CAST ASIDE & a broken heart she hath not despised, but sent forth the leaves of the Words from the Tree of Life to heal many!")
         99. (PEARL: "TOUCH ME, FEEL ME, SEE ME & HEAL ME, FOR IT IS SHE THAT HATH TOUCHED THE HEM OF MY GARMENT & IT IS SHE THAT SHALL HEAL IN MY NAME & it is she that shall see the vision for the future & it is she that shall feel My heart for the lowly!") Amen! (Pearl: "She is My Prophetess & her Words shall encourage many to fight the battle!")
         100. (FAM: "FOR THE MIGHTY ARMY OF THE LORD SHALL CONTINUE TO ROLL & THE MIGHTY MEN OF DAVID SHALL CONTINUE! And He shall raise this little one to be the commander & leader of these people, these sheep!")
         101. (FAM: "BEHOLD THIS LITTLE ONE, BEHOLD THIS LITTLE ONE, BEHOLD THIS FAITHFUL ONE! Behold, this one is half the heart of her Father David! Behold this one, how she doth cling to every word of David! Behold how she hath become one with the heart of David & one with My heart! Behold how faithful she is & how she loves the heart of thy Father! Behold how she is one with him! Behold how they shall be one! Behold how they are & shall continue to be one!")
         102. (PAUL: "FOR WE HAVE NOT A GREAT HIGH PRIESTESS THAT CANNOT BE TOUCHED WITH THE FEELING OF OUR INFIRMITIES. She poureth her heart out onto many, even unto death! She it is that loves them, she it is that poureth out her heart. She it is that poureth out Thy Word that it may be a balm to them that lie in darkness that desire Thy touch, that desire the healing of Thy garment!") Hallelujah! TYJ! (Tongues:)
         103. (FAM: "AND YE SHALL FLOCK UNTO HER LIKE A LITTLE FLOCK FLOCKING HER. Ye shall flock unto her under the mantle of her garment, & she shall protect thee & she shall guide thee in the days of thunder & lightning, & she shall guide thee into the valleys of My Love! She shall guide thee into the green valleys, into the valley of the sunshine of My Love where it is safe!")
         104. (HEAVEN: "FOR JESUS THROUGH MY DAVID HAS LIFTED UP HER ARMS TO HEAVEN to reach those unreachable stars, & we are to continue to lift up her arms & continue to hold the banner with her! We are to continue to encourage & uplift & minister unto this Thy Queen!") Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
         105. (FAM: "EVEN AS SHE REACHES OUT & HOLDS THE PEN OF DAVID & RECEIVES HIS SEEDS IN HER, even so shall it be in the future & she shall receive his words & she shall give them unto the people of the Lord & to the multitudes! Behold, this is one of the Endtime Witnesses of whom I spoke in My Word!")
         106. (DORA: "BEHOLD THIS LITTLE ONE, THIS LITTLE FAITHFUL ONE WHO WAS DESPISED IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD, BUT I HAVE LOOKED UPON HER HEART & I HAVE CHOSEN HER! I have set her up on high & made her a royal diamond! Look upon her, she who was created for David! She was created for Me & for this last generation, to gather the harvest, to be a handmaiden to David, for she follows him closest. She obeys him most, & even now she does not forget one of his words, & in the days to come she will take up the torch! She will be the standard bearer & she will continue this Work. Behold, I have spoken it.") (Tongues:)
         107. (FAM: "I HAVE BROUGHT YOU TOGETHER ON A DAY AS THIS TO ENCOURAGE YOUR HEART & to lift up your heart & to open your eyes & to help you in the future & to encourage you & to give you strength in the days to come!--And these Words, so let them be written & so let them be done!--And these Words, so let them give you faith for the future!--And these Words, so let them cheer the heart of David & give faith to My Maria for the days to come!") Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus.
         109. (KEDA: "SAY NOT 'I AM BUT A CHILD', for when thou art weak I am strong, & My strength is made perfect in weakness! For I have chosen thee, that they may know that I am the Power within thee.--And that when thou speakest thou speakest the oracles of the Lord Thy God!") Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! Amen, amen. Amen. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Lord. (Yawns!)
         110. (HEAVEN: "BE NOT WEARY in this great well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not!") Hallelujah! (Faithy: "Behold how I have taken weak things of the World to confound the mighty!")
         111. (PEARL: "FRET NOT THYSELF WHEN THY DAVID IS TAKEN FROM THY SIDE, for he shall be nearer to thee than thine own heart!--And thou shalt hear him clearer than even thine own voice!") Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! I believe it, Lord! Amen. Hallelujah! (Techi, really weeping & praising, Grandpa puts her in his lap.)
         112. (FAM: "NOT ONE WORD SHALL FAIL, not one word shall fail! I shall fulfill it all!")
         113. (PETER: "LOOK NOT AT THE WEAK FLESH OF THIS LITTLE ONE, FOR IT IS MY SPIRIT THAT SHALL RAISE HER UP & MAKE HER MIGHTY as a strong arm, as a strong arm that raises forth the torch that shall light the World & shall shine in the darkness & show the way unto Me! So shall she speak the Words of David & so shall David speak unto her heart & shall comfort her in the time that he is taken. But he shall not be taken, for he shall be with her & by her side & in her, & she shall speak his Words through her mouth & she shall glorify Me & shall know that I have given her all things, & she shall give unto the children who suffer & who search & who die in the terrible & dark day! But I shall be a Light & a Sop unto them, & I shall sop them with the Words of David! And these the Words of My Queen, they shall be his Words & shall be Mine!")
         114. (FAM: EARLIER I HAD A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF MARIA: YOU WERE STANDING IN A BEAUTIFUL DEEP RED ROBE with white fur edges. You held a sceptre in your hand. You looked so beautiful! The robe or mantle was so magnificent! It was covered with hundreds of jewels of different kinds, shining in manifold colours, sparkling & shining. The Words with the picture were something like, "She looks frail & weak in the eyes of men, but this is the way I look upon her, My Queen!" The jewels sparkling on her mantle are the many gifts of the Spirit bestowed upon her!)
         116. (FAM: "FOR SHE WILL HAVE COMPASSION UPON THE CHILDREN AS SHE LEADS THEM IN THE PATHS OF RIGHT! Therefore will I gather her to My bosom & I will comfort her & I will uphold her with the right hand of My righteousness! I will not leave her but I will speak to her & will whisper in her ear all the Words.") Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! I believe it, Lord, we believe it!
         117. (PAUL: "FEAR NOT IN THE DAY THAT THE SHEPHERD SHALL BE SMITTEN, for it is but for a moment, then ye shall be gathered together with Me in My Kingdom to partake of the glory & the future that I have for thee! Yea, only be thou brave & cling to Me & thou shalt find courage in My heart & in My strength & in the power of My might. Only look to Me!")
         118. (DORA: "FOR SHE IS THE ONE WHO HATH TAKEN HERSELF OUT OF THE WAY & THROUGH WHOM MY SPIRIT FLOWS through her & she is the one who will be the light & the mediator to those who need to know Me, & who look for Me & search for Me like as they look unto Mary now, she is the Mary of the End & they find Me through her.") Amen. Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah!
         119. (FAM: "HOW I HAVE MADE THEM AS ONE! How I have made them as just one! How they'll never depart, how they'll always be together! How they live together! Oh, how I have made them as one! How they are melted together in My Love! Oh, they are but one with Me!")
         120. (HEAVEN: "FOR IN THE DAY WHEN DAVID MUST DEPART TO HIS HOME, THEY SHALL STILL NOT BE APART! They shall never, never, never be apart! They shall always be together, & he shall take care of her from the Spirit World!") (Dad, tongues & interpretation:)
         121. "OH YE FOOLS & SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE! Oh ye of little faith, wherefore dost thou doubt? For if I am able to raise up of these stones prophets unto Abraham, how can I not open the mouth of this little maid to speak the Words of the Lord! How can I not do many mighty miracles through this little form which hath not strength of her own, but I shall make her mighty, for she shall be mighty in the might of Him that is the Almighty, in the Name of the Lord!" Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Amen!
         122. THANK YOU JESUS! PRAISE YOU LORD! HALLELUJAH! IT'S JUST JESUS! DON'T FORGET IT'S JESUS! Remember, you don't have to worry about it. Just let Him do it. That's all I do. I don't know nothin'!
         123. THANK YOU LORD! THANK YOU FOR THESE WONDERFUL PROPHECIES TONIGHT!--To encourage her heart & feed her soul, Lord, & strengthen even her body, Lord, to know that Thou shalt never leave nor forsake her but be with her to the end of the Earth, Lord! She will do great & mighty things that she knows not of, because they shall ask for her & Thou shalt give! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Amen, amen. Praise You Lord!
         124. (SINGS:) "OH, IT IS JESUS! OH, IT IS JESUS! YES, IT IS JESUS IN MY SOUL! FOR I HAVE TOUCHED THE HEM OF HIS GARMENT & HIS LOVE HAS MADE ME WHOLE! Oh, it is Jesus. Oh, it is Jesus. Yes, it is Jesus in my soul. For I have touched the hem of His garment & His love has made me whole!" Hallelujah! It's all Jesus!
         125. (SINGS:) "AND WE'LL GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO JESUS, & TELL OF HIS LOVE, HIS WONDERFUL LOVE! We'll give all the glory to Jesus & tell of His wonderful Love! We'll give all the glory to Jesus & tell of His Love, His wonderful Love! We'll give all the glory to Jesus, & tell of His wonderful Love!"
         126. I THINK THIS IS ONE OF THOSE GREAT NIGHTS LIKE WE HAD UP AT LAURENTIDE that night when we had such an outpouring & ordained the new elders & leaders of the church! I had a feeling awhile ago maybe we ought to run outside & see if there's some kind of demonstration up in the Heavens!
         127. (FAM: A COUPLE OF TIMES DURING THE EVENING WHEN WE WERE PRAYING I SAW SOMETHING LIKE THE PICTURE OF THE DOME IN "TEMPLE TIME". The dome was open & there were all these happy, real, real happy people looking down & looking in & really rejoicing!)
         128. (FAM: AND I GOT THE VERSE, "WHEREFORE SEEING WE ALSO ARE COMPASSED ABOUT WITH SO GREAT A CLOUD OF WITNESSES!") (Heb.12:1) Amen! The shekinah glory of the Lord! (Boys come back in: There's a beautiful moon & the sky is perfectly clear & there are just little puffs of cloud! It's all lit up!) Hallelujah! Praise You Lord! (Tongues:) Amen!
         129. WE'RE THAT MOON! WE'RE THAT MOON REFLECTING HIS LIGHT IN THE DARK NIGHT, PRAISE THE LORD! We can make the night beautiful! Amen? We can make it romantic, we can make it gorgeous, all lit up with our reflected light from the Son of God! Hallelujah! We're the Moon! Praise God!
         130. BLESS & KEEP US, LORD, & HELP US TO KEEP ON KEEPING ON, IN JESUS' NAME! Thank You for Thy wonderful feeding tonight, Lord, inspiration & a wonderful blessing for the whole Family around the World, a confirmation, Lord, of all Thy blessings & Thy mission for us all, in Jesus' name! Amen! Praise the Lord! Thank You Jesus! Amen! Good night! God bless you!--ILY!

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