--They Are the Future Forever!--By Dad & Maria

         1. WELL, I BELIEVE OUR PUBS HAVE SORT OF BEEN OUR ISAAC.--When the Lord tested Abraham to find out if he was willing to give up his dearest & most precious project, his son Isaac, then the Lord let him have him back again & all the rest too. (Maria: We've done that time after time. We've said we're going to cut down, we can't have any mailings this month, but we just went ahead by faith & the Lord did it!
         2. (MARIA: DAD'S REALLY RIGHT THAT WE'VE BEEN GLUTTED WITH STUFF, WE'VE HAD ALMOST TOO MUCH! You didn't think I'd say that, I bet you're shocked!--But the people who haven't had it are the children, & like I told you on New Year's Eve, the things we're getting out for the children now aren't old-hat.
         3. (NOW THE LORD IS NOT GIVING US SO MANY NEW PROJECTS GEARED TO THE ADULTS, BUT FOR THE CHILDREN, & FOR THEM IT'S NOT OLD-HAT, it's not a rehash, because they haven't had the original Letters, & neither have a lot of the parents been faithful to pass on all the lessons even by word-of-mouth. It's hard to do anyway if you don't have illustrated lessons. They've had the Komics, but you can go through those Komic Volumes & see how few of them really are understandable for the little kids. They were done for adults, practically all of them, except for a few we designated & said, "Here, this is a KK."
         4. (SO I WAS PRAYING ABOUT WHAT WE CAN DO FOR THE ARTISTS, WHO ARE SORT OF RUNNING OUT OF WORK. We've got lots of artists. We're not doing too many GP Komix any more because we don't have that much GP material, & I want to do more compilation-type of things for the children instead of just mainly by the separate TK. We still have little dreams coming out that we can have the artists do for the children & various miscellaneous TKs & KKs, but we've got a lot of artists, good artists too, & I wanted something for them to do to keep them going.
         5. (AND ALL OF A SUDDEN IT STRUCK ME WHAT WE NEED FOR THE CHILDREN! We've done almost everything we can in working on their spiritual welfare, putting out the KKs for their spiritual necessity & their spiritual education, but how much do we have on the physical? Dad spends half the Letters telling us practical things, how to do things, but where is that material for the children? They have the KK s "Cleanliness is Godliness" & "Food or Poison", but what else do they have? That's about the extent of it.--And unless the parents have been faithful to pass on all these little rules--& the little rules really add up to make our whole practical life--unless they've been willing & faithful to do that, the children just don't have much along that line. So I thought, "Well, that's perfect! That's what we can have!"
         6. (SO WE REALLY NEED THAT FOR THE CHILDREN, SOMETHING THEY CAN READ ON THEIR OWN & THEY CAN SEE IN THEIR OWN BOOK. And we don't have it at all. I was on the wrong track, I was thinking only about all the spiritual things, but the children now more than ever need all these practical things that Dad's been trying to drill into our heads for years, but they need it brought down to their level.
         7. (IT WILL BE LIKE A WHOLE HEALTH COURSE--HEALTH & SAFETY, HEALTH & HYGIENE, SAFETY & SECURITY. They could have every point illustrated for the kids with separate little pictures for each point. That way even if little kids can't read it, they can still look through their books. They could do it on their own & their parents won't have to be responsible for teaching it to them if they just give'm their books. It'll really convict the adults & the parents when the kids say, "Mommy, why don't you rinse your mouth after you eat?"
         8. (SO I THINK THE CHILDREN'S MATERIAL IS VERY DEFINITELY A GREAT NEED!) WE DO DESPERATELY NEED MATERIALS FOR THE CHILDREN! We've got 5,000 children coming up--half of us are children! In fact, I think it's gotten to where it's more than half now. (Maria: 700 a year!) We are having 60 children or more a month without fail now, an average of two a day being born. Now that's a whole field in itself, amen?
         9. LOOK HOW GOD IS BLESSING US! HE MUST WANT A LOT MORE KIDS IN HEAVEN, OUR MOTHERS ARE HAVING SO MANY CHILDREN! Almost every day two of our mothers somewhere are having children--every month without fail! God is not failing--let's not fail the children. Amen? Let's make sure we've got the materials to educate them right till the Lord comes & on beyond that into the next dispensation, as they call it, the next Age.
         10. THAT'S WHY I'M CONVINCED WE'RE GOING TO NEED THESE EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS RIGHT ON INTO THE MILLENNIUM, not only for our own children, but for the children of the whole World! Amen? We are now developing an educational system & educational materials for the new education of the New World! Think of it! Amen? Where else are they going to get it but from us?
         11. I KNOW VERY FEW CHURCHES OR RELIGIONS OR DENOMINATIONS THAT HAVE REALLY GOOD THOROUGH EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL FOR CHILDREN. Most of it is based on old-hat ancient Bible history, Old Testament Bible stories etc.
         12. SO WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO GET THE LITERATURE? Where are they going to get the teaching? We've got a Thousand Years coming up to try to educate these people!--Not just the little time we've got left right here & now. We're having a big enough job just trying to educate ourselves right now! Thank God for a little time to educate our own children!
         13. BELIEVE YOU ME, THE TIME IS NOT ONLY HERE, BUT IT'S PAST TIME TO DEVELOP BETTER EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS FOR OUR CHILDREN. The children are developing faster than our materials! So I'm in whole-hearted agreement with what Maria's been telling you, & it is certainly a desperate need. The Lord's bringing up new bottles, stronger & better able to take it even than you are, & we've got to train'm & teach'm & have the educational materials so that they can even teach themselves, read it for themselves.--Let the Letters be the leaders!
         14. WE HAVE CHILDREN COMING UP NOW WHO NEED THESE EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS, & WE'RE BEHIND ON OUR OWN CHILDREN, MUCH LESS THE CHILDREN OF THE REST OF THE WORLD WHICH WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO EDUCATE IN THE MILLENNIUM, I'M CONVINCED OF IT! What else are we going to do during the Millennium? If we're going to rule the Earth with a rod of iron, with the stern, tough, strict discipline & authority of Jesus Christ, what more can that mean than that we are going to teach them & educate them to be good, right?
         15. HOW ARE WE GOING TO RULE THE WORLD WITH A ROD OF IRON IF WE DON'T TEACH'M? If you teach them, that means you are educating them. We're going to have to have teaching & training & education & schools in the Thousand Years of Earthly rule! Don't get this idea it's going to be some kind of Heaven where we're all drifting around on clouds!--You're going to be right down-to-Earth with your feet on the ground trying to establish systems of education & there are going to be schools for the millions of children that are going to have to be taught, not to speak of the ol' adults!
         16. WE'RE SORT OF TEETHING OURSELVES ON OUR CHILDREN, WE'RE LEARNING ON THEM. They're the test tubes, they're the trials & failures, they're the ones that we're working on teaching now.--And if it works on them, praise God, maybe it'll work on those little rapscallions & hellions that we're going to have to try to reprogram & retrain when the Millennium comes! Think of that! You have no idea what a big job is ahead of you! You have no idea how much material we're going to need, & I believe with all my heart that we're preparing the materials right now!--Right now!
         17. SO WE NEED TO DEVELOP WHAT'S BEST & WE NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT WORKS! We need to publish it & have our own parents try it on their own kids. Our own children right here have been the test tubes, & dear Sara & Dora & some others have been the scientists, the child psychologists, the teachers, the educators, trying it on our own children, & from the looks of'm, I think it works! PTL?
         18. SO RIGHT NOW WE'RE EVEN DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF THE GENERAL RUN OF LETTERS JUST FOR THE FAMILY AS FAR AS TKS ARE CONCERNED. Maria's called a stop to that & said, "Stop! No more of that until we have enough of what we don't have enough of, & that's Komix for the children!" Not enough of them were designed for children.--You poor teachers that have to try to read stories & Komix to the children know that, right? You have to try to interest the kids & read things to'm, but how much have you got to read'm that they can understand? It's time to emphasise TKs for kids in simple language with bigger print that they can even read themselves, & with clear pictures & lots of them!
         19. I REALLY BELIEVE OUR CHILDREN TODAY ARE OUR GREATEST & MOST IMPORTANT JOB OF ALL! You say, "What do you mean, Dad? I thought it was to go into all the World & preach the Gospel to every creature! I thought it was being a missionary out in the foreign field winning Hindus & Muslims & trying to get..."
         20. OUR CHILDREN--I'LL SAY IT AGAIN & I DON'T KNOW IF THAT SHOCKS YOU--ARE OUR GREATEST TASK! They are our responsibility, the little disciples that God has given you, that you have to take care of & you must train & they had better be taught well & reared well in the nurture & admonition of the Lord & trained up in the way they should go so that when they are older they will not depart therefrom! (Pro.22:6)
         21. SO YOU'RE ALL CHILDCARE WORKERS, YOU ALL SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN WORKING FOR THE CHILDREN, HELPING TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILDREN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE OUR GREATEST TASK NOW.--Because we have them, they are ours, they are our personal responsibility, every single Family Member's responsibility!--Not just the so-called childcare workers, but everyone is finding out how valuable the children are! Let me tell you, they take care of the children because it's the children that take care of them! I told you that day would come. I said, "You take good care of those kids & someday they'll take care of you!"--And that's what happened! PTL!
         22. SO GOD HAS GIVEN US A TREMENDOUS JOB TO DO IN GIVING US THESE CHILDREN, & WE'D BETTER DO IT RIGHT & WE'D BETTER DO IT WELL & WE'D BETTER DO IT QUICK BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT! They are the Future, the Lord said, & not just you, but they too are going to be the Teachers of Tomorrow! (See No.1331) God's getting personnel amassed just as fast as He can right now, trying to get us trained in order to take care of the Future.
         23. YOU THOUGHT THE LORD WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT THE NEXT 10 YEARS WHEN HE SAID THEY ARE THE FUTURE, BUT THEY ARE THE FUTURE FOREVER! They are the Future for the Millennium!--The next 10 years & the next 1,000 years! They are going to be the Future, & what works on them now, they're going to be teaching others later & teaching others to teach others to teach others. (2Tim.2:2)
         24. I MEAN IT, I AM SINCERE ABOUT IT, I'M CONCERNED ABOUT IT! We're already too late for some, especially some of the backsliders. They went back & backslid until they found out what it was doing to their own kids, & when their kids got to be teenagers & they couldn't handle them themselves, they thought maybe if they'd rejoin the Family, somehow or another we could try to reform'm, these little juvenile delinquents of delinquent parents!
         25. THEY'RE DOING TO THE FAMILY NOW EXACTLY WHAT THE YOUNG PARENTS ARE DOING TO THE CHURCHES & WHAT THEY'VE DONE FOR AGES! When they got to be teenagers & rebellious & stubborn & willful & wanting their own way & going their way, they did. It happens all the time. When they get married & start having young children & realise they haven't got what it takes & they feel the burden & responsibility of needing to teach & train those young children, they see what a handful they've got & what a job they've got, they come back to the church for help.
         26. WHAT KIND OF HELP DID THEY GET?--HALF-AN-HOUR OR AN HOUR OF SUNDAY SCHOOL ONCE A WEEK ON SUNDAY MORNING & a lot of great big long sermons for the adults mostly. How much do they do for the children in church, huh? Did you know that they've only had Sunday Schools for about the past hundred years & even less? It was a new thing started by a man in England, GBH!--Because he felt the church was not doing enough for children, not teaching the children enough & it was all going over their heads.
         27. IF YOU ASK ME, THE BEST THING THE CHURCH HAS EVER DONE & THE MODERN CHURCH IS DOING, IS HAVING SUNDAY SCHOOL. Many of you heard about Jesus & Salvation for the first time in your life in Sunday School. Even if your parents didn't go to church they shoved you off to Sunday School.
         28. WITH THEIR SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAMS, THE CHURCH HAS DONE A LITTLE GOOD, BUT WHEN YOU CONSIDER THE NEED & HOW MANY CHILDREN THEY DIDN'T REACH & how little they gave them, they've merely scratched the surface!--It's pitiful! Thank God that we're putting our children's education & knowledge of the Word & their training first!
         29. WE HAVE A MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY & A MARVELLOUS ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH TO TRAIN OUR CHILDREN!--Not just in Sunday School, not just in daily religious school, but in our Homes day-&-night, 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, & for that much schooling you need a lot of materials! You have your children on your hands all day long, every day & every night!
         30. AND WE HAD BETTER DO A GOOD JOB OF IT BECAUSE THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!--What you're teaching your children now & how well you're teaching them now, what good materials we have for them to study now--the Future depends on it! They are the Future! What kind of a Future are you preparing now? What are you doing to prepare for the Future now?
         31. WHEN WE USED TO TALK ABOUT PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE, EVERYBODY THOUGHT ABOUT REFUGES & SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT & BLAH BLAH!--Thank God we got off of that kick! It had some good points to it, but what Maria's been talking about tonight--the teaching & the training & the preparation of materials for our children--that is preparing for the Future! When I asked Him about the children, the Lord said to me as clear as I ever heard the voice of God, "You must preserve the Future."--He called them the Future!--They are the Future!
         32. SO I THINK THE GREATEST NEED IS WHAT MARIA HAS BEEN SAYING: MATERIALS FOR THE CHILDREN.--To make the job easier for you & the parents by giving you materials to work with the children, materials to give the children that they can work with, materials they can read themselves or that you can read to the younger ones. We need more & more materials for the children & I'm all for it. They are our first responsibility, they're the children God has already given you. You need to take care of your children, & if you take care of them, they are the work of God, they are God's work! And one thing for sure, God will take care of you if you take care of your children.
         33. SO LET'S TAKE CARE OF THE FUTURE, & one way to take care of the future is to work on it now! PTL?--And work on materials for it now!
         34. (MARIA PRAYS: THANK YOU, JESUS, FOR THY WORDS, THY INSPIRATION, THE VISION, LORD, FOR WHAT WE NEED TO DO & THE VISION THAT WE SHOULD HAVE FOR THE FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN. We thank You for all the wonderful help You've given & that we're on the right track & that You've helped & already given us the vision, Lord, & given so many the vision to help the children all over the World, those who are working on the materials for them who will be very encouraged by this talk.
         35. (HELP THE ARTISTS WHO ARE RIGHT NOW WORKING ON THE CHILDREN'S MATERIAL. Inspire them & give them real vision for it, Lord, in Thy Spirit. Help them to get things down to the level of the children, Lord, to simplify it & make it clear & make it inspiring, appealing & understandable, Lord. Thank You for helping us with the materials that we're working on right here. Bless those who are working on the kids' materials & make it what You want it to be, Lord. Give them real wisdom as they work on it.--In Jesus' name, amen!) Are you doing all you can to prepare our kids for the Future?--Do it NOW!--Tomorrow will be too late!

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