THE COMPUTER CHIP DREAM! --The Brand of the Beast!       DFO1666  11/83

         1. I THINK THE LORD WAS TRYING TO SHOW ME WHAT THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS GOING TO BE, because the dream was very clear & I still remember it vividly!
         2. I SAW THIS LITTLE COMPUTER CHIP, it was only about an inch-&-a-half long, like maybe 3 centimeters, & about a half-an-inch, which is a little over a centimeter wide. It was real thin like a little tiny plastic strip but it had this needle-like pin attached to the back of it just about the size & length of a straight pin, only finer. The head of the pin was attached to the centre of the back of the chip or printed circuit board, but it was quite small.
         3. FIRST OF ALL THEY WERE PUTTING IT ON THIS BIG COMPUTER PROGRAMMING BOARD OF SOME KIND. Apparently all of its circuitry was attached to the head of that pin & they were setting it down in different rectangles on this big board that had a little tiny hole in the middle of each one of them. They would set it down on this one & leave it there for a few moments. Then set it down on that one, leave it there for a few minutes with the pin thrust down into the hole in the middle of each rectangle. This big board with all of these rectangles was wired up to some big giant computer & what was evidently happening was that this little chip was being pre-programmed by the big computer.
         4. THEN I WATCHED AS THEY TOOK THE CHIP, & THEY SANK THE PIN INTO SOMEBODY'S FOREHEAD! They inserted the pin right into a little hole in their forehead & they sliced open the flesh & made a slice right across the forehead, like pulled the skin back so they could put the chip inside the skin, & then they pulled the skin over the chip. Then on the outside of the skin they apparently closed it up with some kind of surgical tape or something.
         5. THE CHIP HAD BEEN ALL PROGRAMMED IN SUCH A WAY THAT IT NOT ONLY CARRIED YOUR NUMBER & ALL YOUR RECORDS, name, address & phone number & tax records, everything, but the shocking revelation I got in the dream was that it was not merely an identification tag, but it was to tell them even what you were thinking & to also be able to actually program your thoughts & your behaviour so that once you had that chip implanted in your forehead you were their slave!
         6. NOW THAT SOUNDS ALL VERY SCIENTIFIC OF COURSE & it looked very scientific, but when you add to that the spiritual power of Satan & his demons & the control that they will have over minds & hearts in those days, then you realise what a heinous, fiendish, demonic system it's going to be! All of its subjects will be absolute robots who will take their commands & orders directly from the central computer & broadcasting station & it will control their thoughts, behaviour, actions, everything! This Mark of the Beast made you a literal slave under the absolute control of the authorities so that they could control your behaviour & know your thoughts.
         7. NOW THAT MUST BE WHAT IS SO HORRIBLE ABOUT THAT ANTICHRIST SYSTEM THAT GOD IS SO DEAD SET AGAINST IT & why He insists that all of them be slaughtered at the end of the Antichrist reign, because apparently they're all like brute beasts, created to be destroyed. (Rev.14:9-11; 19:20-21; 2Pe.2:12.) They have become the absolute robots of the Antichrist system. If you permit them to implant that thing in your head you've sold your soul to the Devil, because you no longer have your own self-control. From then on you were just theirs, period, that was it! The Mark of the Beast was going to be much more serious than we had ever dreamed!
         8. NOW I CAN'T SWEAR THAT I EVEN SAW A NUMBER ON THE OUTSIDE, BUT I SUPPOSE, I had the feeling that there was going to be a number there, but maybe the number won't even show through. Maybe it can only be read by a computer or some kind of electronic gadget! You know, that would be very clever & very treacherous if they could hide that there so that you wouldn't know who was who! You wouldn't know who had one & who didn't, whether you were talking to friends or enemies, wouldn't that be clever though?
         9. (MARIA: IS ANYONE THAT HAS RECEIVED JESUS EVER GOING TO SUBMIT TO THAT?) NO, NEVER! The Bible indicates that the people who have the seal of God in their foreheads will absolutely refuse the Mark of the Beast! (Maria: Even if they only received the Lord when they were small?) When you receive the Lord you are the Lord's, thank the Lord!
         10. NOBODY WHO HAS REALLY RECEIVED THE LORD, WHO HAS JESUS & THE SEAL OF GOD IN THEIR FOREHEAD IS GOING TO RECEIVE IT! (Rev.7) They're going to know how bad it is & that it means Hell for sure, so they're going to prefer to die than to receive it! And the Lord is going to give them places to flee to in the wilderness to hide & be fed & nourished. (Rev.12) No matter what kind of a flood the Devil casts after them to try to capture them or whatever, the Lord is going to take care of His Own.
         11. (MARIA: DO YOU THINK THE WHOLE WORLD, EVEN THE UNSAVED, WILL KNOW THAT IT MEANS HELL?) Well, that's our job, to tell them. I mean we're supposed to be telling them now what it means--the difference between accepting the Lord & not accepting the Lord. (Maria: Yes, but will they know that this little operation means that they're going to Hell?) Well, that's what the Bible says, just read it. All those that accept the Mark of the Beast are cursed & damned & doomed! (Rev.14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20.)
         12. I THINK EVERYBODY HAS THEIR CHANCE. And I believe they will know what they are doing, they're surrendering themselves to the Antichrist, that's for sure! It was just like it settled their fate! It settled their doom, & then there's no chance any longer for salvation, for repentance or to change your mind! Your ability to change your mind was gone, your ability to control yourself was gone, & it was impossible to turn back! You had sold your soul to the Devil & were under his total complete control, & that's how bad it's going to be!
         13. SO MAY GOD BLESS & KEEP YOU IN THAT HOUR, & I KNOW HE WILL, because you're His & you have the Seal of God in your forehead & you will never accept the Mark of the Beast! HAL! TYJ! He'll give us the strength to resist & we would rather die than receive it! So thank You Lord! We know the Lord will bless & keep us in that day! In Jesus' name, amen.

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