--The Meeting Revolution!        DFO1511

         1. THAT RUSSIAN ROULETTE "SHOOTING SKIT" WAS TOTALLY WITHOUT ANY MEANING--RIDICULOUS! In fact, it had the wrong message, just the opposite message from what we preach! I think those people in the audience were hungry, sincere, sober & they were really expecting some real meat!--Instead of that, they got a lot of foolishness! Most of these kids are sick of this World & sick of parties & sick of the froth & sick of the foolishness & all this junk that doesn't satisfy! They're looking for something better, something real, something with real meaning!
         2. I WANT THEM TO GET DOWN TO BUSINESS & GET SERIOUS & HAVE THE RIGHT KIND OF MEETINGS! Cancel the "Party" expression at all! Get away from the Party idea completely! Just say it's going to be a Fellowship or Friendship Meeting, call it a Club Meeting--it gives some idea of something more serious. Most clubs have some purpose & some serious program of some kind.
         3. I THINK WE SHOULD PUT OUR BEST TALENT ON THE STAGE, & I don't care what colour they are--red, white or blue or black or upside-down or what! They ought to put the best talent on the stage, the best musicians, the best singers, & of course there're bound to be some nationals amongst them. But to rule out some of your best talent just because they happen to be foreigners, I think they're making a mistake!
         4. I THINK THE PARTY SPIRIT IDEA ABSOLUTELY SQUELCHED THE HOLY SPIRIT COMPLETELY, to where they were scared to death to express the fire & fervour of the Holy Spirit! We don't have time for silly games, for party spirit, silly skits--forget the whole thing! Get down to business at that meeting! Where is their fire & their fervour? Where's their Message? Where's the Word? For God's sake, where's the Spirit of God?
         5. WE'RE TO GO INTO ALL THE WORLD & PREACH THE GOSPEL--NOT GO INTO ALL THE WORLD & HAVE A STUPID SILLY PARTY! When you go in there with an audience like that, you've got to have showmanship! You've got to at least have evangelistic fervour & flair! You have got to have something that really excites the audience, holds their attention, grips their hearts & keeps it moving!
         6. DID I PULL MY PUNCHES AT THE SO-CALLED LIGHT CLUB?--It was supposed to be a Club, but it was anything but light & anything but a Club! It was an evangelistic service! When I got up there & taught Bible Prophecy & screamed "Revolution", was there anything silly about me? Anything ridiculous? I was dead serious! And if I hadn't attacked that audience of those hippies with conviction & fire & fervour & inspiration there never would have been a Jesus Revolution!
         7. (MARIA: DO YOU THINK AT THE POINT THAT THEY GET THEM TO THE CLUB MEETING is the point to pull out all the stops?) That's the time to sock it to'm! Let'm have it & hope that nobody comes back the next time except those that are really sincere, mean business & care about us! Once they've got'm there in person, then it's their responsibility to preach'm the Gospel & sock it to'm--just like I did! I never pulled any punches, I went into that Club & I preached just what we preached all the time! I socked it to'm! I'm telling you, it didn't drive anybody away except the chaff! Instead of that, it packed them in! If you're on fire, the World will come out to see you burn!
         8. ALL I CARE ABOUT IS THAT THE LORD LEADS THE MEETING, THE HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRES THE MEETING & GOD WILL HAVE HIS WAY!--Instead of all that other diabolical devilish Satanic fiendish foolishness! If you let go & let God have His way, whatever each individual group needs will come out!--Whether it's Family or fire or sex or whatever! At least it will be sincere & with conviction & reality & inspiration!
         9. I'LL TELL YOU, HONEY, I NEVER PULLED ANY PUNCHES!--NO MATTER WHERE I WENT OR WHAT KIND OF AN AUDIENCE I HAD!--And most of all I wasn't foolish! I wasn't silly, insipid, frivolous & ridiculous! I was sincere! If the people didn't know anything else, they knew I was sincere & I meant it & it was a serious message & sober & convicting & convincing!--They knew I meant business & I was preaching the Gospel & I was preaching Jesus! So if they don't want to do that, forget it! I'm sick & fed-up with it! My Lord, if there's anything they ought to do at those meetings when they've finally got'm there in person, it's sock it to'm with the Love of Jesus!
         10. IF THERE'S ANY CHANCE YOU EVER HAD TO GIVE'M THE GOSPEL & LET'M HAVE IT, IT'S AT THOSE MEETINGS! We can't do it on the radio or we'd lose stations. But we can do it when they're our hot prospects, they are halfway in, so to speak, & of all the chances we have, this is our last chance to really sock it to'm & get ahold of them & grip'm & pull'm the rest of the way in!
         11. LET'S HAVE SOME MISSIONARIES THAT KNOW HOW TO GO IN WITH REAL LOVE & CONVICTION & INSPIRATION & can really preach the Gospel to a bunch like that, & weep & pray & cry & really sock it to'm with conviction! The Show is the bait, the Mail Ministry is the hook, & by the time we get around to a local Club Meeting, that meeting is the clincher! Many have listened to the radio show for months or years, or been followed-up with lit & letters.
         12. DRIVE THE GOATS AWAY! GET RID OF THE TARES! WEED'M OUT! Let's get the real quality stuff!--And that's the time to find out, right there at that first meeting! That's the time to hook'm! That's the time to divide the sheep from the goats & weed out the tares, get rid of the chaff, blow it away!--Give them what they really need & the real Gospel & power & strong music & strong meat & strong messages!
         13. THOSE MEETINGS OUGHT TO BE A POWERHOUSE OF HOLY GHOST SPIRITUAL POWER & CONVICTION & SINGING & TESTIMONIES & MESSAGE--a Gospel message & evangelistic message with evangelistic fervour & power & fire & inspiration & sock it to'm!--And if they can't take it, forget it! But I think if you do that, you'll get results!--Fruit, good lasting fruit!
         14. THE LIGHT CLUB WAS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF THE WAY I WOULD RUN THOSE MEETINGS! We had powerful music, powerful testimonies & a powerful message! We didn't pull any punches, we socked it to'm!--And they ate it up & we packed'm in! But we got good solid disciples who forsook all & bore fruit!
         15. MY GOD, DELIVER US FROM THAT KIND OF FOOLISHNESS! Lord deliver us from that kind of shallowness & froth & sickening garbage with no substance, no real meaning, no message, no power, no spirit & no results! Deliver us, Lord, in Jesus' name! Help our folks to get down to business & preach the Gospel & really sock it to'm, in Jesus' name!
         16. WHAT A TRICK OF THE DEVIL! We go to all these thousands of dollars of expense & radio shows & literature & everything else, & we get it down to the final stretch, down to the final analysis of the face-to-face meeting to bury the hook & get'm finally really in, & he absolutely frustrates it all with that skit! It's tragic, just tragic!--All of our efforts in vain! As far as I'm concerned, if that's any sample of what we produce & our grand finale & the finish & the results & the fruit we expect, it's a total flop & all in vain!
         17. WHERE'S THEIR FIRE? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST? What happened to their conviction, meaning, message, music? My God help us! Let's hope we can revolute'm somehow & save'm before they get too bad! (Maria: There's a lot good, we just have to keep steering them back to the basics. It's sort of like "Remember the Alamo"--we've got to say, "Remember Huntington Beach!")
         18. I HAVE RISKED MY LIFE FOR THIS MESSAGE & THIS MEANING! There are people who want to kill me! I have to hide out! What the Hell do they think they're in this business for--to save their lives & just have fun? If so, they'd better get into something else! I'll tell you, I started right off the bat first thing with a serious Bible Study on Bible Prophecy with those hippies in the Club & socked it to them with power the first night! They knew where I stood right off the bat!--I preached Jesus!
         19. WHAT DOES GOD HAVE TO DO TO US TO SOBER US UP & GET US SERIOUS with the kind of faith & the kind of fire & fervour & power of do-or-die to get us back on the wall? From now on they're going to have meetings with meaning or no meetings at all! No more parties! From now on, they either have evangelistic meetings or nothing!--Meetings with meaning or nothing!
         20. IN SUMMARY, HERE ARE THE MAIN POINTS to help guide you in your Club Meetings. We do not want to have any MWM Parties with a light, shallow, frivolous, silly, foolish spirit--or call'm parties at all! From now on they are to be happy Club meetings or Friendship Meetings but not parties!
         21. DO NOT INCLUDE ON THE PROGRAM ANY FOOLISH, SILLY COMEDY-SKITS OR GAMES WHICH HAVE NO MEANING! The MWM Meetings should have the best Music, with real Meaning, your best, most inspiring testimonies, top interviews, a lot of Word & lit & message! If you don't have good musicians to play & sing the songs, then play & sing along with the MWM tapes.
         22. THESE HAPPY CLUB MEETINGS SHOULD BE INSPIRING, LIVELY, FAST-MOVING & FULL OF CONVICTION, DRIVE & ENTHUSIASM, NOT DEAD & FLAT!--A real genuine inspirational Holy Ghost sample of our happiness! You also should have a good PA system so that everyone can hear! They should be inspired, sock-it-to'm powerful Good News meetings with the Word & an invitation to Salvation which will either bring them in or drive them away, to separate the wheat from the chaff!--The sheep from the goats!
         23. YOU SHOULD HAVE SOME DISCERNMENT AS TO WHO IS INVITED, & AVOID PUBLIC ADS & passing out flyers wholesale on the street as invitations.--Members & attendants invited to come should be hand-picked personally by you or other Music Club Members!
         24. PLEASE PUT THESE POINTERS INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY! We have to pull our punches a bit on radio, but we can sock it to'm at the face-to-face Meetings!--In love! Be so happy--but not silly! Thanks for all your love, cooperation & help.---You're doing a great job!--Don't come down! (Neh.6:3) GBAKYAMYAB!--In Jesus' name, amen.--WLY!--What are your meetings like?

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