WISE WITNESSING!         DFO1475          1/83
Two Dreams!--The Newspaper Office & Hills of Home!

         1. THESE ARE TWO DREAMS WHICH I HAD: "THE NEWSPAPER OFFICE!" & "THE HILLS OF HOME!" I was in what appeared to be some newspaper editorial offices, & I was standing at the second-floor window looking out onto the street below, a town square surrounded by other buildings.
         2. I SEEMED TO BE SPEAKING LOUDLY TO THE CROWD BELOW SOME KIND OF WARNING, when someone shouted out from the crowd words to this effect: "What right have you got to tell us what to do?!" The heckler from below seemed to be annoyed at the air of authority with which I spoke, & so he shouted out: "Who are you? What right have you got to tell us what to do?" But I answered back calmly, "You don't have to do what I tell you to do, that's entirely up to you! I'm just passing on what God has told me & it's up to you whether you believe it or not. My job is to tell you!"
         3. WHEN SUDDENLY ANOTHER HECKLER SHOUTED OUT, "Ah, he's just trying to brainwash you! You'd better watch out or he'll persuade you & get you converted to his way of thinking if you keep on listening to him! It's just a bunch of hooey & you don't know if these are the facts! He isn't necessarily hearing from God! If I were you I wouldn't even listen to him!" And with that there arose quite a murmuring in the crowd & some disputation as to whether these things be so or not!
         4. BUT I WAS SO INFURIATED WITH THIS SECOND INTERRUPTION that was so insulting & insidious & sounded like the very voice of the Devil himself, that I really got angry with righteous indignation & I shouted out myself: "Shut up, you God-damned son-of-a-bitch! You're a God-damned liar!" And with that, the devilish fiend turned & ran! And the crowd below, somewhat surprised & startled & hushed by my sudden angry tone & outcry, turned back to me & listened, & I apparently continued my talk.
         5. BUT AS I CONTINUED TO SPEAK, THERE WAS A SUDDEN HEAVY AUTHORITATIVE KNOCKING AT THE DOOR. "Open up in the name of the law! It's the police!" And I immediately had the feeling that this devil had sicced the cops on us. So I turned to my staff & I reassured them to keep calm. "We have nothing to fear, we're in the right, there's nothing wrong, let them in & we'll just answer them, whatever they have to say." And with that the dream vanished! PTL!
         6. AS SO OFTEN HAPPENS, THE DEVIL WHEN RESISTED WILL FLEE FROM YOU (Ja.4:7), but he'll go out & try to round up others to cause you trouble, as did the Scribes & the Pharisees with Jesus, constantly hanging around on the fringes of the crowd, mocking.
         7. THAT'S MY JOB--TO TELL THE PEOPLE AS LONG AS THEY'LL LISTEN! And that's your job too, to tell the people as long as they will listen. It is simply our job to witness, it is our job to tell the Truth & warn the people. It's not our responsibility to actually win souls, our main job is simply to preach the Gospel, the Good News of God's Love & Salvation, & to tell'm about Jesus, & then it's their job as to what they do about it. So don't worry about the results of your busking & street-corner preaching & singing & appeals for decisions, leave that up to the Lord & His Holy Spirit.
         8. AND REMEMBER WHEN YOU GET A LITTLE HECKLED ONCE IN AWHILE, pestered & annoyed & hindered by some, there are sometimes those who ask questions because they really want to know, they really want to believe, they would like to be convinced. But there are others who just ask questions to make trouble & to raise doubts in the other hearers & to hinder you & be troublemakers & delay the Work of God & just cause you trouble. So make a difference & learn to discern the difference in your hearers, between those who really want to know & those who just are there as the Devil's own voice to cause trouble.
         9. AND EVEN IF THEY BRING ANY AUTHORITIES TO TRY TO FALSELY ACCUSE YOU & CONDEMN YOU for things you're not guilty of--even maybe criticise some of the things that you are guilty of--just trust the Lord & don't worry & just answer them as the Lord told you. He said, "Open your mouth & I will fill it! You'll be brought before kings & princes & magistrates & judges as a testimony against them!" (Mt.10:17-20)
         10. BUT THOSE WHO REALLY LOVE THE LORD & WHO ARE REALLY HIS CHILDREN--THEY WILL LISTEN & THEY'LL HEAR HIS VOICE, THEY'LL FOLLOW! Don't worry about the hecklers & the deceivers & the Devil's minions & those who try to wrest the Truth & criticise you & condemn you & lie about you, they won't listen to them! "A stranger they will not follow!" Praise God! So don't worry! Just trust the Lord, keep your mind stayed on Him, keep calm if you can, but don't allow the Devil to speak!
         11. SOMETIMES YOU'D BETTER HIT & RUN! He that fights & runs away lives to fight another day! Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, & having done your job & made your witness, sometimes it's wiser just to make your get-away rather than try to stand your ground & carry on a fight with the System! You can't very well lick City Hall.
         12. OF COURSE, IF THEY COME TO YOU WITH THAT "KNOCK AT THE DOOR" AS THEY DID TO OUR NEWSPAPER OFFICE, to question you or arrest you, as they have some, & take you away for awhile, well, that you can't help. But don't stay on their territory insisting on going on & on if the authorities or the police have told you to stop or someone has warned you that they're on their way to get you!
         13. THE LORD DOESN'T USUALLY LET THAT HAPPEN UNTIL YOU HAVE DELIVERED YOUR SOUL & DELIVERED THE MESSAGE, given them the Word & warning & the Gospel, & that's what makes the Devil mad & get stirred up to want to start persecuting you! And when persecution arises the Lord said, "Flee to another city! (Mt.10:23)
         14. THE LORD MUST HAVE GIVEN ME THAT LITTLE DREAM TO GIVE YOU A LITTLE IDEA OF WHAT TO DO UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES OF OPEN PUBLIC OPPOSITION TO YOUR PREACHING OR LITNESSING OR SINGING OR BUSKING OR WHATEVER! So we trust that you have taken these many words of advice & are applying them to your situation. If you're wise, they'll be sufficient to perhaps save you from a lot of trouble, unnecessary difficulties & persecution which you could avoid. So may the Lord bless you & keep you & help you & continue to make you a blessing, even if you have to just hit & run.
         15. IN THE OTHER FUNNY LITTLE DREAM WE WERE DRIVING IN OUR CAR UP THIS VERY STEEP HILL TO THE TOP OF THIS MOUNTAIN covered with grass & trees & flowers etc., a very beautiful place. And when we got to the top to what seemed to be our house, we looked out across the valley & the sea & it was just absolutely beautiful, almost Heavenly!--Gorgeous view & almost looked like Heaven!--Or the Millennium!
         16. BUT IT APPEARED THAT THE FACILITIES FOR SANITATION WERE INADEQUATE & insufficient & the cesspool or septic tank was overflowing into the yard & down the hill & therefore raising quite a stink & polluting this Heavenly place. So some of the neighbours complained & said, "You've got to do something about that, you've got to build a septic tank that will accommodate so many people etc. or we're just going to have to complain!"
         17. WELL, MAYBE THAT'S ANOTHER LESSON ALONG THE SAME LINE IN OUR HEAVENLY WORLD OF WITNESSING IN THE BEAUTIFUL FIELDS THAT WE FACE TODAY! Try to be sure that you don't pollute the place with too much that they just can't stomach & can't receive & will object to. Some of what we teach & preach, to the uninitiated in the System & Systemites, as far as they're concerned, is plain dirt, filth, pollution & sewage & rot & porno & obscene, because of their point of view & the way they look at things, with evil minds.
         18. FOR "TO THE PURE, ALL THINGS ARE PURE", BUT TO THOSE WHO ARE IMPURE, EVERYTHING IS IMPURE! (Tit.1:15) A lot of what we teach & preach & practice in the way of sex etc. they consider outright sins, if not crimes! So watch out & make sure that you're spreading this sort of thing only in places where people can take it, who are strong enough to be able to believe it & understand it--not Systemite neighbours who are going to object & complain & raise a greater stink than you're raising!
         19. DO HAVE WISDOM IN YOUR CHOICE OF LITERATURE & YOUR CHOICE OF MESSAGE & be sure you're not preaching something that is too strong for them & over their heads & below their belts & they just can't take it! Try to have a little discernment & know your audience & know your meat or you may get to know the butcher!
         20. OF COURSE SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO PREACH THINGS THAT PEOPLE DON'T LIKE, such as warning the World of its coming destruction & warning the Western & Northern World, especially, of its sins & wickedness & that God's going to judge it! The people never like that, but anyhow, you've got to preach it just the same, to deliver your soul & wash your hands of their blood so you'll not be responsible for their destruction, judgement or annihilation. But having once given the message to a certain group or crowd, once is all they deserve! You don't have to keep coming back!

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