THE REBELLIOUS WOMAN!--A Spirit Problem!--The Genesis Story, Part 4      DO 1438  4/75

         1. I was standing in the bathroom saying, "Lord, what's wrong? What is the matter--why?" And the Lord so often gives you just the key words, just enough to look it up in the Concordance & find the reference, He said, "THE REBELLIOUS WOMAN!"--1Sam.20:30. Well, I got the point right away that He was apparently talking about GEN! She may not KNOW she's rebellious, she may even be trying NOT to be, but there's SOMETHING there that's rebellious!
         2. Well, whether she realises it or not, whether she's responsible or not, there's something not right about her spirit, especially if the Lord uses THAT strong a language & calls her a rebellious woman! And in the Scripture it says the perverse & rebellious woman! "Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, & he said unto him, Thou son, Jonathan, of the perverse REBELLIOUS WOMAN!" That's the only Scripture in the whole Bible we could find that uses those two words together: "REBELLIOUS WOMAN"! Isn't that something? God knows just the right words to give you so you won't get sidetracked on some OTHER Scripture!
         3. It's almost as though she acts like, "Well, everybody's against me! Everybody else is believing this story about me & you're all against me." Dear Mother Eve, when it comes to SPIRITS she has almost NO discernment! She didn't even get the point, she said Gen's just an innocent victim! Well, it doesn't SOUND like she's too innocent!
         4. It's amazing how innocent people can seem, can feel even to themselves & think they're innocent! In fact, the people who THINK they're the most innocent, are often the most guilty! They protest their innocence & they can't even understand why God's pointing the finger at them!
         5. Well, Lord, it's all in Thy hands! We're in Thy hands & You know why You're letting it happen. We know that it will all work out for good somehow. Thy Will be done, in Jesus' name. (Faith: While we were sitting in the room with Genesis the living room lamp turned off, blinked, & then went back on, & I said, "Has that ever happened before?" Justus said, "No"!) This is a very common evil spirit manifestation for the electric lights to go off! (Faith: And just as we walked out of the house EVERYTHING went black!) They say in spiritist meetings the lights STAY OFF because they are lovers of DARKNESS!
         6. Don't forget to glorify God & not worry! "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee! Perfect love casts out all fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power & of love & of a sound mind!"--Isa.26:3; 1Jn.4:18; 2Tim.1:7. Amen! TYJ! I don't like to talk about these things too much.
         7. We're inclined to sort of not want to offend people, & not want to poke & be too nosy. But I want to tell you something right now, I am a doctor, believe it or not, & when there's trouble, it is my business to GET nosy & to poke & probe & question & find out what the problem IS! And you as leaders ought to learn this lesson--don't just take people's word for it! Lydia was just taking their word for it over the phone, "Everything's fine, fine"--but she didn't go down & INVESTIGATE HERSELF.
         8. Faithy, led of the Spirit of God, sensed something was very wrong & even told them two weeks ago that she didn't think the baby was getting enough to eat, which was exactly right, & sensed that there was trouble brewing down there. But then Faithy didn't report back to me! I mean, that was a serious situation!
         9. If you see somebody robbing somebody & breaking into a house or committing murder & you don't report it, you're also responsible! What do they call it?--Criminal responsibility or something. So I said, "Stephen, you're just as much to blame as they are because you didn't report it!" "Well, I didn't want to be a tattle-tale, I didn't want to cause trouble. Jus doesn't like me anyhow & if I'd gone & told on him..." I said, "Listen, buddy, it's not your business to decide on whether it's going to cost you anything or not, or cause you trouble by telling on somebody else, it is your duty to TELL whether you like it or not, or whether HE likes it or not!" It is your duty to REPORT something, & if somebody knows something's wrong & doesn't report it, then it is THEIR fault as much as the other people to blame!
         10. So they said, "We're working on the problem!" This was the report we kept getting! "We're going to get on top of it," etc. But instead they were apparently just withdrawing themselves from the problem & isolating themselves & kind of washing their hands of the problem. The way to get rid of a cancer is not put a Band-Aid over it so you can't see it, but it's to go to work with a scalpel & cut it out & DO something about it!--Not just ignore it!
         11. One thing you need to learn with these situations: Don't let yourself get caught criminally responsible for someone's illness or a death in the family or something by not reporting it to the authorities! I had them immediately call the doctor! I shouldn't have had to give that order from up here, for God's sake, Justus should have done that a long time ago! I had to tell them to call the doctor immediately, not because we felt that the DOCTOR could do anything or save the baby, especially when it's a SPIRITUAL problem, but so they couldn't be held CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE!
         12. I want to tell you, we're not wrestling against flesh & blood, but against principalities & powers & spiritual wickedness--wicked spirits is the literal translation--wicked spirits in the atmospheric heavens, in heavenly places!--Eph.6:12. And I don't understand why people don't see that! It's a mystery to me how people can be so dumb about discerning some of these things! I even discern a lot of things I DON'T tell everybody, because it's not always good to tell everything you know.
         13. People can become so blind & so deceived! It's like the Lord says, if they reject the TRUTH, then He will send them strong delusion so that they should believe a LIE!--2Thes.2:10-12. They can even believe that they're absolutely guiltless! The self-righteous sinner is the hardest one in the World to deal with! The very pious churchy Systemite is the hardest one in the World to get saved & won to the Lord!
         14. Believe it or not, our job in dealing with people is a lot like psychiatry! We need to probe around into people's past & see what their PAST LIFE was like--& you're apt to turn up a few rocks with a few bugs under them that are still troubling them, as we have found in this case!
         15. Sometimes the weird answers that she has given you guys remind me of the weird answers I have gotten from spirits in people when I was dealing with real bad spiritual cases! (Fam: Almost all her answers were, "I IMAGINE so." She tried not to commit herself to anything.)
         16. You can talk right straight to the spirit & sometimes you have to deal directly with them, that's the thing. That's why the Apostle in his admonition along this line says, "Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God."--1Jn.4:2. You'd be amazed at some of the weird answers you get on that from people you even thought were saved, which you were having spiritual problems with! They'll sometimes read it or quote it, but they'll qualify it or they'll say it without any real conviction. You can tell it isn't their real personal testimony or experience.
         17. And one of the strange things about this verse is that it has a deeper meaning that a lot of people don't realise! One of the pop questions to ask them is: "Do you believe that Jesus Christ has come in YOUR flesh?"--& THAT one they have a harder time parrying than the OTHER one! A lot of them say, "Oh sure sure, we all know that Jesus was the historical character who once walked the Earth, & He was here & so on, sure!" "But do you believe that Jesus Christ has come into YOUR flesh?"
         18. That's one of the $64,000 questions that you need to ask her, because a lot of times when you're talking to these people, you don't even know it, but you're not talking to them at all! Their spirit is taken over by somebody ELSE, & THAT spirit is popping the answers to you, & it's very cautious to try to give you the answers it thinks you want! Sometimes those spirits are not even as smart as the people you're talking to, believe it or not, they give some pretty dumb stupid answers sometimes!--But they HAVE to ANSWER!
         19. So that's on the matter of talking to the spirit itself, the evil spirit, & forcing it into the open & commanding it to give its name. Now that may shock you, but if you know what you're doing & you know whose name you're asking for, they cannot resist! They have to speak their name, & it might be helpful if you'd go down to Gen & just pray with her & look her straight in the eye & say: "What is thy name?" It would probably shock & surprise her, if nothing else, but you might just get the name of the spirit that's causing the trouble!
         20. The Devil tries to keep certain things concealed, but if the Lord is the One Who's worming it out, they can't hold it, they've got to tell! But you have to take authority, a commanding attitude where you're absolutely firm & you COMMAND them to answer! You probably need to not waste your time talking so much to her, when she probably doesn't even know really what's wrong with her, but speak directly to the spirit & rebuke it, ask for its name & cast it out!
         21. People always wanted to come to Mother for her miracles & prayer for the sick to heal them & blah blah, but do you know what she did first?--She sat down & DEALT with them for about two or three hours about their SOULS, their SPIRIT, their problems & what was REALLY wrong with them that CAUSED them to be sick in the first place--whether it was demons or diet or whatever it was!--Whether it was the chastening of the Lord or the curse of the Devil! She was determined to find out what the CAUSE was--not just treat the ILLNESS, which is nothing but a SYMPTOM of something SPIRITUAL.
         22. We need to study her first testimony too, her back history. It's a strange thing, unlike most of our kids, she didn't tell anything very BAD! She said, of course, she was involved in drugs & she drank & a few other things, but mostly that she stayed sort of out of things & never really did a lot of things the other kids did. Don't all Catholics know that the OCCULT & that sort of thing is FORBIDDEN?
         23. Well, lastly, one thing you need to do is really hear from the Lord! I know she's fearful & covering & she's afraid. You might give her the benefit of the doubt, that maybe she wasn't altogether responsible & maybe sort of excuse her for some of the things going on, but I went in the bathroom after we'd had this conference this morning where they gave their reports from last night. I get a lot of things in the bathroom, believe it or not, it's a good place to get them because you're alone & you can go into your closet & shut the door!--Mat.6:6. It was a miracle that I didn't even expect!
         24. I was standing there saying, "Lord, what is the problem with her? This couldn't have happened unless there was something wrong with her!" Even if she was ignorant & innocent & everything else, the Enemy cannot use somebody unless there's something wrong! They may not know it, they may be ignorant of it, but there IS something WRONG! There's a rat in the garbage somewhere. And whenever I really get desperate like that & I'm really asking the Lord--sometimes when I'm not even expecting it, I'm just kind of wondering about things--the Lord suddenly answers!
         25. And I got these words--"the rebellious woman!" I thought, "Lord, wait a minute, is she really a rebellious woman? Is she that bad? What's she rebellious about?" "The rebellious woman!" And right away it dawned on me, "That's a Scripture! I've heard that somewhere!" The Lord gives you the key, He gives you a word or two, & this is the key which unlocks the door! If you will look up the passage itself, the Scripture, maybe then you'll get the whole story! You get one little clue.
         26. It turned out to be in Samuel, 1Samuel 20:30. So I had Faith look it up & she began to read it. She said, "Do you know what that says, that's the baby's name, it's JONATHAN!" I'd even forgotten that, I didn't remember they'd called him Jonathan! "Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan"--of course Saul kind of represents the Enemy--& mind you, in this same scene he tries to kill him!
         27. So the significance of this is when the Enemy cast his javelin at Jonathan trying to kill him, who he REALLY wanted to kill was DAVID! He was trying to hurt Jonathan in order to hurt David. The Enemy knows if he [hurts] the baby it will probably reflect on us & try to hurt us in some way, you understand? We don't want to miss this point: Who the Enemy's really trying to hurt is ME, through hurting JONATHAN. But the SPECIFIC thing about it is that it calls Jonathan the son of the perverse, REBELLIOUS WOMAN!
         28. Now that is an amazing Scripture to get! I don't know the Bible that well to remember some obscure verse like that & all the shenanigans that were going on then, but I got those words as clearly as I ever heard the Voice of the Lord! I said, "My Lord, there must be something wrong with her or all this wouldn't happen, & to her BABY. You're not dealing with the BABY, You're dealing with the PARENTS & apparently HER!"
         29. These husbands & wives covering for each other is a real problem! They don't want their husband to lose his job or they don't want the wife to be sent away as a problem, so they cover cover cover for them! And we've had this happen so many times! Haven't you had that happen with some of your folks, where the guy's got problems & he's honest with his wife & tells the whole tale, but she won't come out & tell it to you for fear it's going to get him in trouble? Or the guy knows the wife's problems & all about her, but he doesn't want to tell on her or rat on her because he thinks that's going to maybe get HIM in trouble or HER in trouble! Right? It's really a problem!
         30. One of the first things you do with cases like Gen is you make them pray to JESUS in JESUS' name & ask JESUS to help & deliver hem! That's the way we got the victory with that 17-year-old girl in Oakland who was having violent epileptic fits!
         31. There is something about these pronouncements of faith OUT LOUD in WORDS & using the NAME OF JESUS, Beloved! Don't hesitate to use the Name of Jesus & make the subject pray in the Name of Jesus & say the Name of Jesus & ask to be delivered in the Name of Jesus, again & again!--Not MAKING them but ASKING them to pray in the Name of Jesus! "Jesus, I love You! Jesus, I believe in You! Jesus, I don't want anything that's not of You, Jesus! Jesus, please deliver me, Jesus, help me!" (See No.345, "The Name of Jesus!")
         32. As far as I'm concerned, God has spoken & that's it!--Whether she likes it or not or is willing to confess it or not! Her only hope is to confess it! She has turned aside from the right way & the Truth. Somehow, somewhere, some way, she's rejected the Truth. She has some reservations or doubts about some of the Letters or doesn't believe it all, or some skepticism about me or something.
         33. (Fam: She doesn't use the Name of Jesus when she prays.) These people who pray "Father God, Father God," that's awful distant! (Faith: That's the way she's prayed ever since I've known her, I always thought it was the weirdest thing, "Lord Father God!") Well, why didn't you ever SAY anything? I'm always leery of people who don't pray in the Name of Jesus!
         34. Well, that's that! What need we more than this? Let's quit wasting words! The Lord rebuked me the other night when we were discussing & discussing about something & all kinds of ideas & theories--& boom!--The Holy Spirit got a little fed-up with all this talk & then again gave just a key phrase that answered the whole thing! And I looked up the Scripture & there was the whole works right there, the whole answer. We talk too much! Amen, Lord, thank You for this answer!
         35. This is kind of like a lesson & an experiment or an experience in how to deal with these cases. We've gotten the whole history of everything & we've talked over everything & we know what the symptoms are & what's going on & all this, & we've come to several conclusions. We knew it was the Devil's work, we knew the Enemy was working through somebody, we have found out who it was & is, & the only thing we didn't know was WHAT was wrong with them, WHY he was using that person, HOW COME he could get in & use that person, & then the Lord gave us the answer to that. So now what is the next step? It just dawned on me what this is going to be a test of!--This is going to be a direct challenge to her & a test of her faith in the Word of God! What is the next step when God has given the clear-cut answer of what the problem is?
         36. See, now God's getting to the root of the problem, where the fault is, where the sin is, what sin it is & who has got it. When a doctor finds out what the trouble is, where the fault is, what the problem is, then what does he do? The doctor has spoken & given his diagnosis, so now the patient has to be confronted with that diagnosis, & the patient has to either believe that the doctor is right & is speaking the truth & rightly diagnosing, or the patient is going to say, "No, I don't believe it, I'll go to another doctor! I'm not going to have my guts cut out, I think you're wrong! I don't believe in this doctor & I'm not sure he's telling the truth, that's not what's wrong with me, it's something else!"
         37. She is going to be now tested with her faith in God! Would you say she's self-defensive? Do you realise what that means? God has now given me this revelation of who is wrong & what is wrong with her, so the next step is what? God is the Judge, He's the Diagnostician, the Doctor! I'm nothing but an orderly who passes on the Word of the Doctor.
         38. The next step is she has to be confronted with God's answer & she is either going to believe it or not--& that is a pretty serious charge God has charged her with! She is either going to break down, humble herself, cry out to God, confess the whole works & ask for mercy, or she's going to again be evasive, defensive & not really confess. She can't just say, "Well, I guess if he said so, it is so" & that kind of stuff. It's gotta be an all-out confession, absolutely all-out!
         39. SHE is the one & that is HER problem & you have to FACE her with it & COMMAND her or that spirit to answer! That's going to be the deciding thing, whether she accepts that or not. Judging by her past performance, it will be a miracle of God if she does! I mean, that's a pretty strong way for God to put it! If the Lord had put it in a little milder way, she might have gotten by somehow, but for God to say that about her & for her to be confronted, that she is a perverse rebellious woman & therefore the Enemy is trying to [hurt] her son Jonathan because he wants to hurt ME, striking at Jonathan in order to try to strike at me, that's pretty strong!
         40. If she rejects it, then she is also really rejecting the channel! She's saying it wasn't the Word of God, he didn't get it from God, that's just MO. If she gives that kind of an answer, then she's not accepting it. The Lord made it sound bad enough, that she has either got to break down & CONFESS it or she is really in bad shape! She's going to have to be impressed with how bad that sounds & how bad she is. She can't beat around the bush any more saying, "If he says so, I guess it's so."
         41. So now she's got to be faced with that--who's going to have the guts? Maybe you'd better go down there & face her with it tonight. I don't like these confrontations, I will confess, because they go one way or the other. When you precipitate a crisis it goes one way or the other, all the way for God or all out for the Devil!
         42. I said to Maria, I want you to tell Lydia to face Justus down! He is the Shepherd of that Home & I am going to hold him responsible for anything that happens there, & it's been due to his neglect & failure to know what was going on & to find it out & to report it & to do something about it! The Scripture says if you can't rule your own house, you've got no business trying to rule the church!--1Tim.3:5. In other words, he's got no business being in any position of authority at all if he cannot handle it & cannot take care of his sheep! It's been HIS neglect!
         43. If Gen gives the same kind of run-around she's been giving about everything else, that's obvious evidence that she doesn't accept the evidence! What did the dictionary say about the word "rebellious"?: "Refuses the evidence." If she really believes it & accepts it & really comes out in an all-out confession & a real breaking & a real genuine repentance--which is the evidence, "brings forth the fruits meet for repentance"--she's going to show evidence of real genuine repentance. And if she does that genuinely, God is going to answer prayer & deliver her. I believe that much, if she really is sincere & really does it. But you're going to see how sincere she is when she's confronted with that horrible Scripture!
         44. Well, it's a relief to get an answer from the Lord, to know what the problem is, thank God! You don't know what a relief it is to ME! When it's just your word against her word, you can keep going 'round & 'round & 'round, but when GOD has spoken, then she's either got to accept it or not, that's it! Praise God! Thank You, Lord, for the answer, even though it's going to be a tough job! We'll have to pray for the one that delivers it. Facing the Devil down is not all that hard to do, because you have the power of the Lord, but some of the REACTIONS are sometimes not very pleasant!
         45. It's like the old story about, "If you can't be a famous man, assassinate one!" These people who don't want to be famous WITH us can only be famous by turning AGAINST us. And there are very charming witches, in fact, all the witches I ever met were very charming people!--Real CHARMERS!--Ha! I'll tell you right now, the Devil doesn't always try to SCARE you to death, he quite often tries to CHARM you to death! Well, praise You Lord! Thank You Jesus for the answers! "I may not know all the answers, but I know the ANSWER MAN!" PTL! God's got all the answers! TYJ! TTL! HAL! PTL! HE knows it ALL!--Gotta problem? Try JESUS! He IS the Answer! PG! TYJ!--In Jesus' name, amen!

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