THE CHINESE DEMON!--Spirit Gifts & Problems!--The Genesis Story Part 3   DO 1436  4/75

         1. I don't understand how so many people can be so absolutely insensitive to spirits! You ought to pray for the gift of DISCERNMENT! We are in a battle & we can't go playing around with the Devil! The first time I ever saw Gen's picture I knew she was really weird, yet some of you said, "She's just a poor innocent, she doesn't know what's going on!" Well, SHE may not know what's going on, but SOMEBODY does! And the trouble is, she's been covering it.
         2. There's only one way you can handle the Enemy & that's to declare all-out war & run him right out of the woods & from attacking all who're there, & either he will then do something or not. As long as he can hide out & play footsy-footsy & keep you in ignorance of what he's up to, he'll be just as good as gold! I've seen some of these cases just be absolutely exemplary models of behaviour until you catch them! They can be geniuses & make themselves damn useful & you think you can't do without them--until they GET there in a position of importance, & then they're in a position to throw a monkey wrench in the machinery--& they do!
         3. I just wish I had listened to the Word of the Lord instead of taking some people's recommendations. Did you know that BOTH of the babies that she took care of before THIS one had [problems]?
         4. She tries to minimise her connection with witchcraft & say, "Oh well, I never got very much into it." She was a WITCH whether she knew it or not! Because that was the first thing I ever got off her when I saw her picture, & I didn't even want to think about it. Lord help us!
         5. I want Eman to be in a good quiet atmosphere with good strong spirits that love the Lord & know how to fight the Devil!--He needs peace of mind, peace & quiet without that horrible distraction! Eman is a sensitive receiver. In making that picture he was just like spirit-writing! She's like an antenna, & he was getting those very bad vibes off of her that guided his hand to paint that picture! (Chinese demon mask on the Great Queen's empty throne!)
         6. You don't get rid of those things very easily unless you cut them all out! Look at David Hoyt! (See "Baalzebub," No.168, & 168A) And the worst thing in the World in a case like that is PRIDE--pride or jealousy--where they don't want to expose themselves, don't want to be exposed, don't want to confess--& quite obviously she hasn't told us everything.
         7. After all, even if you haven't got the special gift of DISCERNING spirits, you have the HOLY Spirit, & the Holy Spirit ought to have warned you! You should have had SOME kind of check, SOME sensibility, SOME feeling! Some of you are apparently just absolutely totally insensitive to things like that, you can't even tell! The first time I ever looked at her PICTURE I knew there was something terribly WRONG with her!
         8. Let me tell you, Beloved, as leaders, whatever you do, don't trust just the ONE person's side of the story--you'd better be sure you get the OTHER guy's side too! Most of those devils don't want to LEAVE! After all, they can cause a helluva lot more trouble if they STAY! They NEVER want to leave, you've got to practically THROW them out on their ear!
         9. I'll tell you, Beloved, when you SEE something you ought to SAY something! This business of keeping things to yourself because you're afraid to say anything, my Lord! The Devil can get away with a helluva lot if you don't mention the fact that you're seeing something a little strange or peculiar or something's not right!
         10. All kinds of top people worked with her, & when it was suggested she might come down HERE they sent us the most GLOWING recommendations--how wonderful she was, how sacrificial, how sweet & all the rest! So I was absolutely almost floored when I first saw her picture & thought, "My Lord, THIS gal looks like a WITCH!" The eyes are windows of the soul, & let me tell you, she was WEIRD! It's a lot safer to trust God for your wisdom than to listen to PEOPLE, especially if they haven't got real spiritual DISCERNMENT! Well, they can have a lot else, I must admit, & STILL not have spiritual DISCERNMENT.
         11. I've never had any patience with the Devil, he just makes me mad & I want to blow him away right off the bat! I don't have time to fiddle around with these people who tolerate devils!--And then they won't even confess it or admit it because they're afraid they'll be exposed. Well, I want to tell you right now, THAT gal's going to have to get RID of that CHINESE DEMON or [she's going to have to leave], one or the other! I don't like his looks, much less his works! (The picture was one of a Chinese demon god!)
         12. You have to know how those things work so you're not ignorant of the Devil & his devices!--2Co.2:11. I don't like to even TALK about it, except when we face a situation where we have to DEAL with it. But you certainly have to know it exists & you have to have a little discernment to know who's responsible, & for God's sake, be able to RECOGNISE the Old Boy when you SEE him! If you know what HE looks like, you certainly ought to know what his dirty WORK looks like!
         13. One thing which is a gift that I tremble at sometimes--because it's a gift that I don't relish having to use--is the discerning of spirits! Therefore God has led me by the anointing of the Spirit to cast out those spirits, that the person might be delivered physically from having the effect of those spirits, particularly spirits of FEAR. Maybe that's because I have the FAITH that I have, a lot of faith in the Lord, & that gives me great power against FEAR, which is the opposite of FAITH! Praise God! TYL! That's probably also why the Devil attacks me along that line sometimes in my weakest moments.--With FEAR! (See No. 857, "Terror By Night!")
         14. God's showed me a number of times where people's sole trouble was their fear. Leila was delivered, I told you about that. I just had to show her LOVE & FAITH & REBUKE THE DEVIL, cast out the spirit of fear, & she was delivered, thank the Lord!
         15. Discerning of spirits is one of the most necessary gifts, because when it comes to dealing with the Devil you've got to know something about how he operates & be able to recognise his ministers & their ministry. You'd better be able to spot those little devils & some of their little devilish tricks, or they're going to spot YOU & fool YOU! And I thank the Lord that He has, I believe, given me a little discernment along that line, because I've been able to spot a lot of these troublemakers & trouble spots, sometimes before they cause too much trouble! The only time when that gift doesn't work as well as it should is when I don't pay enough attention to it, when I take somebody ELSE'S word for it instead of GOD'S Word & my own feelings in the matter.
         16. It almost has something to do with your feelings, the vibes you get off of people! I get a lot by personal contact, by touching them, or eye contact. The eyes are the windows of the soul, they tell a lot about the person. You can look into their eyes & see light or darkness, you can see angelic spirits, beautiful spirits, or sometimes you can see the eyes of devils! (See "Look of Love!" No.304.)
         17. To be forewarned is to be forearmed & it's a good idea to be able to spot these critters before they get YOU on the spot--like the one that's now causing us a lot of trouble! But "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord" (Ro.8:28), & you wouldn't have had this particular lesson this afternoon if we hadn't had this big a problem, & you all need it.
         18. If you're going to be leaders in God's field, working with the sheep, you need to know something about how the Old Boy works! I already told you in the little talk I gave on Gen the other night & her problem, that people with those spiritual proclivities or tendencies--what I might almost call weaknesses or susceptibilities--are susceptible to spiritual influences, & if they don't stay mighty close to God & His HOLY Spirit, they're very susceptible to evil spirits. -
         19. If they are a truly saved born-again child of God, this doesn't necessarily mean that the Devil gives up entirely! He's had a nice vehicle to ride in & a nice channel to work on for a long time & he doesn't easily give up! He will frequently stay around for a long time afterward to pester. The spirits like to stick around their old happy home that they had before!
         20. Like the story Jesus told about the guy that got all cleaned up, house swept & garnished, so that when the devil who had lived there saw it was a pretty nice place to live now, nicer than it had been before, he got some more devils that were even worse than he was & came back & they all moved in!--Mt.12:43-45. You say, "Well, how can that possibly be?"
         21. Well, apparently the guy didn't move in their archenemy, the Holy Spirit, to fill up his house & take over to keep out the intruders! Let me tell you, if you don't fill your heart & mind & spirit with the HOLY Spirit when you're saved, & you don't really get baptised with the power of God to fight the Enemy, if you've had problems with spirits, you'd better look out!
         22. Demon-possession means that a person is CONTROLLED by a spirit within who has taken over their mind & their consciousness & supplanted their own spirit & BECOME that personality, has TAKEN OVER the body. That is DEMON-POSSESSION when the person is no longer in control whatsoever of themselves & is under the total complete control of a devil & he has taken them over.
         23. Demon OPPRESSION is a different thing, that's the Devil's attacks from the outside. But it seems that the demons who may have even been cast out of the inside through conversion, etc., in some people, seem to want to hang around & cause that person a lot of trouble afterward. That was the case with Mr. Machowski & Tom! (See No.1415.)
         24. I have even known of Christians that have been saved & are truly children of God but still continue to be oppressed by evil spirits, especially if they had a lot to do with those things. But I'll tell you, if they are unwilling to admit & confess that they have this problem & really cry out desperately & sincerely to God for help to get rid of these rascals & shake them off, then they are in trouble!--If they don't really seek God for the power of the HOLY Ghost to get rid of these damned SATANIC spooks!
         25. Pride is one of the worst of sins & it opens the door for others like jealousy & a great number of others! And if you don't look out, you're going to be back to square one again! If you're full of all these sins, God only knows what else you may get in the bargain, because when you let sin in the door, you let the Devil in!
         26. Every sin in your life is a part of the Devil's territory & when you've got sin in your heart--pride, jealousy, unwillingness to confess your sins & your problems & the truth--let me tell you, you haven't got much chance of getting rid of your problems! No sinner who is unwilling to confess he's a sinner is ever going to get saved! Just so, no person who is sick & unwilling to confess their sins & make it right with God & really seek God's help according to His commandments, according to the Word of God, no such sick person is going to get healed either!
         27. And certainly no one who has possibly been possessed of devils before & now is harassed & oppressed by them is going to get rid of them unless they CONFESS it & get down humbly before God & cry out in desperate prayer with the help of others to agree together to chase those damn devils away by the power of the Spirit of God in the Name of Jesus, to command them to depart & never come back again! But if they keep that pride & that jealousy & they let that sin back in again, back comes the Devil! I've seen it happen time & again.
         28. I've seen people who got totally delivered from evil spirits, but they didn't get delivered from their SINS, & they didn't get right with God, they went back to the same old thing & they wound up WORSE pestered than they had been before! Because unless you fill that mind & heart with the power of God & the Holy Spirit, that devil's going to come right back in just as fast as you can cast him out! You can cast him out a thousand times a day, but if you've got an open channel, an open heart to the Devil, he'll keep coming right back!
         29. So don't be prepared to hit the Devil head on unless you're prepared to go all the way & really have it out & really get rid of him or the person who's harbouring him [has to leave], one or the other! When you have driven the Devil out in the open & exposed him, you have precipitated a crisis & you have started something that you had better finish! There's an old slogan about "There's the Devil to pay!"--We're beginning to expose him now & I wonder where he's going to try to sock it to us next?
         30. So if somebody in that house is still an antenna for the Devil & is still picking up those powerful signals, they can give those signals off in such strong vibes as to affect OTHER people, particularly if they are sensitive to spiritual influence. An artist must be very sensitive, & if he's not in the right spirit he's going to get the wrong signals & be a receiver of those vibes that she (Genesis) is broadcasting--or which that devil that's hovering around her is broadcasting!
         31. But it wouldn't have happened if they'd both been in the right spirit & full of the Holy Ghost & the power of the Lord! The devils don't like the Holy Spirit, they don't like the power of Jesus! Demons love people who are out of the victory & who are full of sinful vices like pride, worst of all, & jealousy & things like that! That's their happy home, the kind of people they like! And I'm sorry to say, Gen has manifested it. You say, "Well, she's just a poor little innocent girl!" Well, the Devil has taken over many a poor little innocent girl & made a witch out of them!
         32. If she doesn't face up to the facts & confess her sins & honestly come clean with us & God about her past & her connections with spiritism & witchcraft--more of which is coming out all the time--if she keeps trying to hide them from her husband & even herself, she is not going to get desperate enough to get RID of those influences! The devils must laugh with glee: "Ha, ha, ha! She doesn't want to expose us! She doesn't want to expose herself, therefore she's going to hide us too!"
         33. Let me tell you, we are in a war & you'd better keep in tune & in touch with the HOLY Spirit & on GOD'S territory all the time & close to His WORD & in the right SPIRIT & constantly in PRAYER & seeking the LORD & praying for His PROTECTION & His HELP & THANKING Him constantly for His blessings & staying mighty CLOSE to the Lord, or you're going to be singed by that old fire-breathing Dragon! If you go running around outside of the tower of God's protection & the holy place of His Will, that old Devil's going to be on your trail & try to give you all kinds of trouble!
         34. I had a vision when we were praying this morning of a battle royal going on in the Spirit World right now! It reminded me of something Grandmother saw once in a vision & the message she got about the loud clashing swords & the noise of battle! We are in a monstrous new revolutionary push to go into all the World & every country to preach the Gospel to every creature--you think the Devil doesn't KNOW it? Do you think he's going to just let us get away with it soft & easy & not try to PREVENT it? And of course WHERE is he going to try to attack?--As near the Top & the SOURCE as he CAN! If he can't get into you & me right HERE, then he'll get into somebody down THERE & throw a monkey wrench into the machinery & wreck the ministry if he can! And he did!--That SKETCH!
         35. I'm telling you, you'd better go down there & lay hands on that girl & that baby & cast that Devil out of not only them, but out of the house, & tell him not to come back anymore!--And I'm serious, I mean business! You are the Elders of this Church & it is within your power & authority to do so! I want you to go down there & let Gen have it & tell her the truth!
         36. Get her first of all to confess it & cry out desperately to God to get rid of it, because without her cooperation you might as well save your breath! As soon as you're gone out of the house he'll be back if she's not going to take the right attitude. If we tell her that Eman is going over to the other house & not coming back until she gets rid of it, she might start [getting desperate] for God to help her & get right with God! That ought to shake her up a little bit to see the dirty work the Devil did!
         37. And she shouldn't just keep saying, "Oh, the baby's holding his breath!" I have known demons to choke people to death right in front of others! It's the commonest thing in the World for demons to choke people to death!
         38. The Devil can't do anything with you unless you let him in, unless you GIVE him the chance & you harbour his thoughts & his sins. If you stay close to the LORD in obedience to GOD & filled with HIS Spirit, you don't have to worry about the Devil! You may have to battle him quite a few times in OTHER people, but you won't have so much of a battle YOURSELF, amen?
         39. As I used to tell people who liked to blame everything on the Devil, the spirit you have the MOST trouble with is not EVIL spirits, it's your OWN spirit! That's the one that hasn't been conquered yet in a lot of lives & the one that still has free will & free choice. The devils have no free will, they've got no free choice, they've got to do whatever we tell them to do! We have absolute authority over them! t
         40. You can go down there & command that demon to leave the house & leave them alone & not come back anymore!--But you've got to be outright & honest & open about it & face it & tell everybody so, & they have got to confess it & face the facts themselves & admit it & cry out to God for help & mercy & deliverance! But if they try to conceal it & cover-up & not confess it, they're not going to get rid of it!
         41. And I'll tell you, you elders of the Church need to go down there & deal with Gen in no uncertain terms! We can't have this going on any longer! Just tell her the facts that if she doesn't get rid of that thing, we're going to [have HER leave] --& I don't mean perhaps! We're going to ship her OUT!--And maybe that will scare her IN! I used to say I'd rather SCARE people into HEAVEN than to LOVE them into HELL!
         42. You can't go pussyfooting around with the Devil, let me tell you right now! When you expose a case like that you've got to carry it through, & you have started to expose it already & if you don't get the victory real fast, they could cause a lot more trouble. You've got to nip it in the bud & get rid of it now! When you guys leave here tonight I want you to go to that house & deal with Gen & get her on her knees weeping & crying out before God, confessing her sins & her lies in deceiving us & not telling us the truth about her background & her deviltry & witchcraft & all the rest of it that she didn't tell us!
         43. When you miss the pattern somewhere when you're weaving, the further you get, the worse the mark is, the worse the mistake looks, & you're going to have to go down there now & deal with it! We have chased the Devil out in the open & now he's not even ashamed to expose himself, he wants his picture in the paper! The nerve! He thought he was pretty smart that night to get Eman to draw his picture. Well, he's not smarter than God!
         44. It's like the old story, if you give him enough rope he's going to hang himself! Well, he's got enough rope & now you'd better go down there & HANG HIM & PRAY for them & get RID of him!--Or tell Gen if she doesn't, we're going to have to [have] her & the baby [leave]! We cannot have a problem like that in a high security Home this close to us, this close to the Source, particularly in the art ministry! So there's a little lesson for you & I hope you got the point!
         45. FOR GOD'S SAKE, IF YOU PRAY FOR ANY GIFT OF GOD NOWADAYS IN THE LAST DAYS, BELOVED, PRAY FOR THE GIFT OF DISCERNMENT! "The Spirit speaketh expressly that in the LATTER TIMES some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits & doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron!"--1Tim.4:1,2. "If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ."--1Tim.4:6. That's very important. In the LAST DAYS the Devil is really on the job & he's being very very busy!
         46. We're not playing games, Beloved! We are in a serious warfare & you had better be constantly on your guard, ready at all times to fight any attack of the Enemy, who is going to wait for your unguarded moment & for the time when you're a little weak & a little out of it & out of sorts & out of tune & out of the Spirit & out of touch! He's going to sock you so hard it might knock you for a loop because you didn't stay in the right spirit, you didn't stay close to the Lord, you weren't obedient, you didn't do what you should do, you weren't on your guard, praying without ceasing, giving thanks always, staying close to the Lord in the Spirit!
         47. He will hit as high & as near the top as he can get, & he has! He has already struck not far away, & I doubt very much if he is through--until we get through with HIM & get down there & DEAL with him & with his channel & CLOSE it forever & get that girl in the right spirit to confess her background, her sins, her dealings with Satanism & spiritism!
         48. So you had better throw the fear of God into her & tell her she'd better get rid of that thing fast or we will have to [have] HER [leave]! We cannot take a chance on having her here disrupting God's Work, not even if I have to get up & move again! In these cases you either get DELIVERANCE, or you've got a new ENEMY. If you don't get rid of those devils, complete total victory, utter deliverance, they will turn on you at the time you least expect it & when you're at your weakest & kick you in the groin where it really hurts, saying they have been one of you, & then turn Judas! I've told you about this before.
         49. The worst enemies are those who come from our own ranks! They become our most bitter enemies. They have to do it to defend themselves, like Judas did. They don't want to get right with God, they don't want to get rid of their devils, they don't want to get rid of their evil spirit, they don't want to straighten out, they don't want to get rid of their sins, so when we expose them face-to-face, they go back!
         50. And then to vindicate & justify themselves for going back, they have to start to attack us & say it was all OUR fault because WE'RE so evil!--Like Judas did. To prove that they're no longer one of us, they have to turn around & BETRAY us & become a bitter ENEMY to try to convince the System that they are now on the System's side, that they really are no longer one of us. Then they have to be really against us.
         51. I'm always leery of these people who don't get the victory INSTANTLY & are delivered when they join.--These people that have to be nursed along & nursed along & namby-pambied & petted & pampered to try to get them to get the victory, & persuaded & prayed with & dealt with for hours & hours of God's precious time & God's precious leaders' wasted strength! And then in the long run they finally go back anyhow & it's a big waste of time!
         52. You can't just shut yourself off from your sheep & ignore them & let them go their way while you go your way, or pretty soon you'll have no flock! The first thing the shepherd has to do is what? What does the Word say? "See to the state of thy flocks!"--Pr.27:23. You'd better get busy & take care of your sheep, that's your first most important job! No matter how much work you've got to do or how much more important job you may have besides that, you'd better take care of those SHEEP right along with it, or you may find that you've got NO job & your flock is GONE & you're a shepherd with an EMPTY FOLD--& what fold needs a shepherd with no sheep?
         53. You had better get busy & get into fellowship with those sheep down there & keep them spiritually fed & cared for & nourished & loved or you'll be out of a job!--And I mean it! You had better start taking care of your sheep.
         54. So you'd better "feed My sheep," including Eman! You'd better protect them, including Genesis, from the Wolf who managed to get his picture painted in our paper, or you're not being a good shepherd! Just business & shearing the sheep & telling the tale of the wool is not all there is to being a shepherd, do you get me? You have to take care of those sheep as well & feed them & protect them, provide for them, care for them, love them & keep them in fellowship with each other, or you are failing in your task as a shepherd!
         55. You fell down on the job, isolating yourself from your sheep instead of taking care of them & having fellowship--really sweet, loving fellowship. There's not a day goes by that I don't hug & kiss everybody in my little family in this house, probably several times a day, including the boys, right? And keep in touch, sweetly in love, spiritually & physically. Real communion & fellowship at the table & in the livingroom. We spend hours almost every day in real fellowship.
         56. If I can spend an hour or two or more every day in fellowship with these kids, as busy as I am, who the Hell do you think you are, that you can't spend some real hours of real fellowship in the Word & in sweet fellowship together with YOURS? ANY of you, Beloved! Don't ever get so God-damned busy you haven't got time for the SHEEP! If you are that busy, you're too damned busy! Anybody who hasn't got time to fellowship with his wife or her husband or your helpers or your cook or your maid or your babysitter, or even the gardener or the postman, is too busy!
         57. If you haven't got time to spend with your flock, Beloved, you're too busy! You're no pastor if you're not spending time feeding & pastoring the sheep. I don't mean some kind of a stiff, cold, formal dutiful Bible reading.
         58. Well, I'll tell you, if your preaching doesn't go to meddling, it's not much good! If your preaching is not going to affect your LIVING & the way the others live with you, if you're not meddling in their daily affairs & making sure to keep things straight, if you're not meddling in their spiritual life, if you're not meddling with their daily needs, if you're not meddling with whether they're happy & satisfied & contented & loved enough & whatever they need, then your preaching is just so much hot air! If your preaching hasn't gone to meddling, it's not good enough!
         59. You'd better get down there & get busy & pray for those folks now & try to get them straightened out before we have to ship them all away & get a new batch if we have to!--If I have to MOVE to do it! We cannot have any shenanigans going on if they're going to result in the Devil creeping into our very publications!
         60. Well, I think now after this you guys ought to be able to go down there & accomplish something, do something! Take authority over the Devil in the Name of Jesus Christ & cast out that devil & get that God-damned Chinese spook out of there! That's an absolute Chinese demon mask that that rascal painted, his own portrait on God's throne! Damn it, it makes me mad that you would have let the Devil in like that! Well, WE'RE not going to, let me tell you!
         61. God bless dear Eman for acknowledging his mistake & being willing to do it over! It's time for Genesis to confess HER mistakes of not acknowledging her weaknesses & confessing her past, glossing over & making light of her former demonic associations, spiritism, seances & Satanism! It's no light thing! If you've had anything to do with the Devil at all, it's no light encounter!

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