THE LANDS OF THE RISING SUN!--World of Tomorrow!         29/8/82          DFO1283

         1. DID YOU NOTICE THAT ARTICLE IN THE PAPER THE OTHER DAY ABOUT THE FOUR "NEW JAPANS"? They call them the four new Japans because they're following in Japan's footsteps of technological development & manufacturing & all kinds of smart electronic equipment, etc. Can anybody make a good educated guess what the four new Japans are? (James: Singapore would be one, & Taiwan.) (Peter: Hong Kong.) Yes, & Alfred? (Alfred: South Korea.)
         2. THEY'RE ALL SHORT ON MANUAL LABOUR & STRONG ON BRAINS, so instead of going into the massive cheap labour market of just manual labour type of products, they're going into the brain products like computers, electronics, things that take really good training & smart experts & technicians & are high-priced & which they can make on a very small scale on small premises.
         3. IT JUST THRILLED ME TO READ THAT ARTICLE BECAUSE IT SHOWS WHY THE LORD IS LEADING US THIS DIRECTION! The guy in the article said World technology is moving to the East, & given a little more time, these nations of the East, including Japan, will be the World's leaders in technological development, technological equipment, experts, technicians, the works! So we are in the most developing part of the World!
         4. THEY'RE SAYING THAT THIS IS THE AREA OF THE FUTURE! Here is the World of the Future! It should encourage your faith to realise why the Lord has sent us, of all people, the most important people in the Family, to this area of all places, & told us, when I was all prepared & had bought our tickets to go to Latin America, that that was going backwards!

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         5. (The following is Dad's talk to his staff in Portugal on January 19th in which he relates his experiences of the night before:)
         6. I TOLD MARIA THIS MORNING, I DON'T THINK THE LORD UNDERSTANDS RESERVATIONS & that man has to have a lot of notice & plans in advance, because He often switches them at the last minute! Well, I must say, I was already feeling this way yesterday. It started first thing yesterday morning when I opened my diary, & guess what it said on the page for the 18th when I was already worrying about it?--It said, "When in doubt, don't!"
         7. THE LORD DOESN'T USUALLY BOX YOU IN COMPLETELY, HE GIVES YOU CHOICES & ALTERNATIVES. We could have gone ahead if we'd insisted on it, in fact, I was arguing with the Lord even while I was talking with Juan on the phone. It was just coming to me so strongly then: "No, you're not going there!"
         8. WHILE I WAS TELLING HIM, "WE'LL BE THERE & BE SURE TO MEET US" etc., I was thinking, "Well, if we go there & it doesn't work out we can always come back!" But I got to thinking later during the night: "That's one hell of a long detour! It would make the trip three times as long!"
         9. SO I ARGUED WITH THE LORD LAST NIGHT & said: "But Lord, I thought that's the place for a PDQ to be!" And He said, "Yes, but not you! You're going the wrong direction!" Then I said, "But Lord, nearly all of us speak Spanish! We don't speak that language!" And the Lord said, "Yes, but they speak yours!"
         10. THEN I SAID, "BUT LORD, THAT'S SO FAR!" And in the morning I got up & measured it on the World map, & it's almost exactly the same distance! Anyway, I thought, "Well, I'm going to prove it's really too far to go!" I had the inflatable globe all folded up & it came to me just as I started to open it up, "Wouldn't it be something if I just happened to open this thing to the place we're going?" I just took it, opened it up quick, & inside all those folds my eyes fell right on the place we're going!
         11. THE LORD SAID, "YOU'RE NOT TO GO TOWARD THE LAND OF THE SETTING SUN & THE PAST, BUT TOWARD THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN & THE FUTURE!" I said, "If that's the truth, Lord, then for God's sake, let me see a little sunshine today after all this rain! Let me see the sunrise!"--And bloop, up came the sun!
         12. THEN IT CAME TO ME, "WELL, THERE'S ONE THING MORE, IT CERTAINLY IS GOOD SECURITY! You sure do surprise people, Lord, You even surprise me!" If I don't even know where we're going, certainly nobody else knows either!"--Ha! Everything seemed to fit together & every objection I made, the Lord answered it!
         13. I THINK I WROTE SOMETHING A LONG TIME AGO ON HOW THE MIGRATION OF CHRISTIANITY USED TO BE WESTWARD & how it finally began to run into each other in the Western Hemisphere, but that our first Great Escape & migration began in the opposite direction, Eastward, & it seems like that's the way we've always gone. The Lord has spoken of the direction we were supposed to go for years now, always a little more Eastward. There are only 300 million people living in South America, whereas there are 1500 million people living in the part of the World that the Lord is leading us to.--Five times as many people & really very little evangelised.
         14. ALL I KNOW IS, THE LORD SAID, "YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG DIRECTION! You're to go toward the Rising Sun, not the Setting Sun. That's the Land of the Past, this is the Land of the Future!"
         15. WELL, JUST TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA WE'VE COME THE RIGHT DIRECTION, I'LL READ YOU A LITTLE OF THIS ARTICLE. Now don't misunderstand me, we're not just coming here for the industrial or commercial purposes, but the fact that this is the coming World of Tomorrow, & one of the few parts of the World that's going to escape the War, that's one reason. When America is gone & a good deal of Europe, who's going to have to be producing all these Apple computers etc. that we're going to need? (Reads:)
         16. "THE INHERENT STRENGTHS OF THE FIVE NATIONS COMBINED have led one of the believers in the area's future, Mike Mansfield, the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, to predict that the World is entering 'the century of the Pacific', with far-reaching economic & strategic implications for the United States. In time we may come to think of ourselves"--the U.S.A.--"as the agricultural hinterland to the East Asian industrial centers." The U.S. may go back to agriculture, especially after the War. (Continues reading:)
         17. "DURING THE 1970'S, THE ECONOMIES OF RAPIDLY INDUSTRIALISING TAIWAN, SOUTH KOREA, HONG KONG & SINGAPORE GREW AT AN AVERAGE ANNUAL RATE OF MORE THAN 9% while Japan posted a yearly growth rate of 6%." The four new Japans' growth rate was 9%, Japan's 6%, whereas the rate in the United States was only 3%! "Over the next couple of decades you will probably see more economic growth in this region than in the whole rest of the World." Now they're going to tell you what all these countries have in common which bode so good for them:
         18. "GOVERNMENT POLICIES THAT PROMOTE SAVINGS & INVESTMENT, RATHER THAN CONSUMPTION." In other words, the people are not just spending all their money, they're putting it to use, investing it in their industries & their growth & all the rest.
         19. "CONTROL OF ECONOMIC POLICY-MAKING BY AN ELITE CORPS OF BUREAUCRATS." In other words, the government has tight control on developments. These countries want to go some place & they've got plans of how to get there! You're now in the most progressive part of the World of today!
         20. NOW BELOVED, MAYBE YOU THINK I'M A LITTLE BIT CRAZY, maybe I am, but I'm crazy enough to believe God that we're going to have to know enough about this World that when the Millennium comes, we're going to have to learn how to run it! This is one of the most important parts of the World with its largest population!
         21. HERE'S ANOTHER COMMON THING THEY HAVE: "RELATIVELY EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME AMONG THE POPULATION." They're all quite prosperous countries where everybody's got cars & TV's & nice homes etc., not just a vast almost innumerable number of poor & a few very very very rich like the Latin American countries!
         22. ANOTHER THING THEY HAVE IN COMMON: "CONTROL OF SOME KEY SECTORS OF THE ECONOMY BY LARGE CORPORATIONS OR INDUSTRIAL GROUPS THAT ARE UNFETTERED BY AMERICAN STYLE ANTI-TRUST LAWS." Industrial dictatorships, unlimited & unfettered by government. They've got huge gigantic family corporations like Mitsubishi & Sony & they're virtually bigger than the government!--So the government can't very well get in their way.
         23. THEY'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO IT, & DO IT WELL, & DO IT PROFITABLY & EFFICIENTLY & EFFECTIVELY & KEEP THEIR LABOUR FORCES HAPPY! So why not? Nothing succeeds like success! The East has proved that this is the most efficient effective way to do it, by gigantic dictatorial corporations, but the kind who keep their labour force happy & make them feel like part of a family!
         24. ANOTHER THING THEY HAVE IN COMMON: "AN EMPHASIS ON EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TO TRAIN SKILLED WORKERS."--All kinds of educational programs to train skilled workers, not just common labourers. They're giving their people a chance to be on equal footing with the rest of the World so they can give them competition! And now the U.S.A. is scared & shaking in its boots over how fast they're being passed up by these smart people over here!
         25. DO YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY MADE THESE "FIVE JAPANS" TO BEGIN WITH? After WW2, the U.S. Industrialists, the big money boys, saw their opportunity to make a mint by establishing huge electronics firms & industries in all of these countries, & they got'm started. They knew they were smart people who could be quickly trained to high technology & that they could get all this cheap labour & quickly make it skilled labour. But after the Americans had poured in all that money & all that know-how, these five Japans have taken over those industries & that know-how & are now beating the Americans at their own game!
         26. AND BECAUSE OF THE AMERICANS & THE BRITISH THAT CAME INTO THESE "FIVE JAPANS", WHAT BASIC UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE DO ALL THESE COUNTRIES NOW SPEAK BESIDES THEIR LOCAL LANGUAGES?--ENGLISH!--The international language of the World of business, industry, technology, electronics, computers, etc. And another thing they have in common:
         27. "POLITICAL CONTROL BY A SINGLE PARTY, WHICH PROVIDES STABILITY FOR LONG-TERM ECONOMIC PLANNING & INVESTMENTS." Strong almost dictatorial governments. And what have I always said is the most efficient, effective, economical form of government?--A dictatorship!
         28. NOW THIS IS A SHOCKER: "IN ADDITION, OBSERVERS CITE THE SHARED CONFUCIAN TRADITION OF EAST ASIA with its emphasis on industriousness, thrift & knowing one's place, as a force that ensures social discipline. The Confucian ethic gives these governments an enormous advantage."
         29. CONFUCIANISM AROSE AROUND THE 5TH-6TH CENTURY B.C. & I have always had the feeling that Confucianism was in a sense the Devil's own preparation for the coming teachings of Jesus, because Confucianism is the nearest Oriental counterfeit to Christianity there is in this part of the World! And here's a sample quote that just about sums up the philosophy of Confucius:
         30. "DON'T DO UNTO OTHERS WHAT YOU DON'T WANT THEM TO DO TO YOU!" Does that sound familiar? Jesus came along a few centuries later & taught what?--"Do unto others what you would have others do unto you."--A positive religion! I believe it was cooked up by the Devil himself to be an advance antidote to Christianity. Confucianism, as my mother used to say, was the closest thing she ever studied in philosophy to Christianity, but it was always from a rather opposite negative standpoint.
         31. HE'S SAYING HERE IN THIS ARTICLE THAT CONFUCIANISM IS A STRENGTH OF THE ORIENT because it is a solid firm foundation of ethics & moral conduct & a standard to live by, something to hang onto to govern their conduct & their morals--which the West has completely lost by abandoning God & Christianity & the Bible, & now they have nothing left to hang onto.
         32. YOU CANNOT HAVE ANY KIND OF ORDER WITHOUT SOME KIND OF MORAL BASIS, a code of conduct, a sense of good & evil, what's right to do & what you shouldn't do, & this is what the Oriental religions give them. And what kind of religion is that? There are only two kinds of religions: The religion of God, a religion of faith & grace--& all the religions of the Devil, which are religions of works!
         33. WELL, HERE YOU ARE RIGHT IN THE THICK OF IT, IN THE WORLD OF TOMORROW!--One part that's probably going to be left tomorrow & which will be a part of the base of the New World Government. The old Western domination will be wiped out & there will be a strange new mixture of a Communistic Capitalism, a socially conscious Capitalism, a blending of Communism & Capitalism.
         34. PROBABLY THIS PART OF THE WORLD IS BETTER PREPARED FOR THE ANTICHRIST SYSTEM THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD, because it will be a government & a religion of self-righteousness. Because of their kind of philosophy, religions, moral code & ethical standards, these Oriental religions & the Orient are ripe for a self-righteous form of Antichrist government, including Judaism!
         35. WELL, THAT SHOULD BE CONFIRMATION ENOUGH TO SHOW YOU WHY GOD HAS BROUGHT US HERE! God is not about to begin to let the Devil steal the show & have all the souls & get all the benefits from this part of the World where the Devil & his forces are strong & where they are concentrating now to take over, because they know this is the part of the World that's going to survive!
         36. AFTER ALL, AFTER THE WEST IS DESTROYED, WHAT IS THE ANTI-CHRIST GOING TO HAVE, TO TRY TO REBUILD THE WORLD? If America & Europe are wiped out, where's his technology going to come from? Where is he going to look for leadership & know-how & skill & brains & a solid well-ordered society, controlled ethics & religion? They haven't got that in South America! If there's anything you can be sure of in Latin America, it's change!
         37. BUT LOOK AT THE ORIENT! LOOK AT A COUNTRY LIKE CHINA! If there's anything you can be sure of in the Orient, it's virtual lack of change for thousands of years! They have stayed the same for centuries & they're still here, still strong, still smart, still have stable governments, although a little more modern.
         38. WE ARE IN THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN!--THE LAND OF THE EAST! These are all the Lands of the Rising Sun, the lands of the future, the World of the future, the heads of the World of tomorrow! PTL!
         39. THANK YOU, LORD, FOR BRINGING US HERE! We're not after the commercial & industrial wealth of this part of the World, but the SOUL wealth!--The wealth of humanity, the richness of the great mass of billions of souls that are out here, Lord! That's the riches that You're after & that we're after, the greatest riches in the World!
         40. SO HELP OUR FOLKS OUT HERE TO DO THE JOB & get as many as we can out of the Devil's clutches before You come, so they can help us run this part of the World when You do come, in Jesus' name. GBY!--And help us to make God's Son to rise in the East!

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