EDEN'S SEX!--Part 4 of "The Garden of Eden!"     GP 1172  21/4/81
--After a Dance!

         1. SINCE OUR SUBJECT IS REVELATION, THE REVELATION, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE VERY APPROPRIATE to give you a beautiful revelation of the most beautiful thing God ever made in the Garden of Eden--a beautiful woman! PTL? That was a real revelation! And do you know what she was to Adam?--She was the love of God! She was God's love for him, because she had been made just for him, because he needed an helpmeet.
         2. WHEN GOD FIRST CREATED THEM, HE IMMEDIATELY COMMANDED THEM TO GET BUSY & go at it so they could "be fruitful & multiply" (Ge.1:28)--before you ever heard anything about the tree or the knowledge of good & evil & before you ever see Satan come into the picture, or the so-called apple. He had made them & made their sexual organs & He intended for them to use them & enjoy them!--Therefore sex was not a sin!
         3. IF SEX WAS A SIN, THEN GOD'S A SINNER BECAUSE HE MADE IT!--So if you want to blame somebody, blame God!--Or thank God! TYJ for sex! God made sex, not the Devil! God created the sexual organs, not the Devil. God made the nerves that make them feel so good when they're in action, not Satan! He made you that way to begin with, & Adam & Eve enjoyed sex long before the Fall! And it's still no sin to have sex! God made you to have sex!
         5. Selfishly [the system doesn't] want their children to have grandchildren so early, because then the grandparents would have to take care of them. "Why, they won't even know how to take care of them!" Of course not! You're supposed to teach them how to take care of them!
         6. THAT'S THE BEST TIME IN THE WORLD, WHILE THEY'RE LIVING WITH YOU IN YOUR HOME & YOU'RE SUPPORTING'M & TAKING CARE OF'M, to have the boy work & be the father's apprentice & teach him the job, & the girl to get her on-the-job training in the home learning how to keep house & cook & clean & have sex & babies & take care of them & rear children!
         7. BUT THE DEVIL HATES SEX! He hated the creation of Adam & Eve. He hated God's commandment for them to have sex & be fruitful & multiply. He hated the whole thing because if God used sex as a tool to keep man & woman together in beautiful harmony & having children & lovely families & a happy, loving home, then his whole plan to destroy man would be completely frustrated!
         8. SO THE FIRST THING HE DID WAS TO COME IN & TRY TO INTERFERE & get them not just to have the knowledge of good, but the knowledge of evil as well, until everything went haywire & man was made to think that sex was a sin & that children were too much trouble & unwanted & all that selfishness came in.
         9. OH, THE DEVIL HATES SEX! BUT GOD LOVES IT, HE MADE IT, HE CREATED YOU TO HAVE IT! He wants you to enjoy every sexual pleasure that is clean & right & good & not harmful, & for you to live in the pleasures which He created & the love that He created between man & woman. Praise God?
         10. ARE YOU ENJOYING THE PLEASURES THAT GOD HAS CREATED? If not, maybe it's because you don't have His love in your heart to give you real love, & you can't really enjoy sex without real love. You'll never know what real sexual enjoyment is until you fall in love & really love someone, & then sex takes on new meaning, a whole new beautiful experience!
         11. GOD CREATED JESUS, & JESUS CREATED THE WORLD & all that is therein including man & woman & sex! And He intended for you to get busy & thereby create babies & have children & grow them up in the nurture & admonition of the Lord, to love the Lord, so that when they're old, if you train them in the way they should go, they'll not depart therefrom. (Eph.6:4; Prov.22:6)
         12. CHILDREN ARE SOME OF THE MOST WONDERFUL GIFTS THAT GOD GIVES US. They're the only things that God gives us that we will be able to take with us to Heaven & enjoy forever! That's the end result of sex! Think of that! Sex is evil?--Sex is one of the greatest, best, most wonderful things God ever made, because sex makes children that God wants, & it fulfils the first commandment to be fruitful & multiply, 'cause God wants lots of children to love Him, so He can love & have them forever! PTL!

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