WHY IS YOUR CHILD SICK?  DFO1135  23/12/80
--Is It Your Fault?

         1. IT'S USUALLY OUR FAULT WHEN CHILDREN CATCH DISEASES OR COLDS. It's not their sins but the sins of the parents. The parents either didn't keep them warm enough, didn't make sure they got enough rest & good nourishing food, or allowed them to come in contact with strangers & people who had disease--or all three or more. So as far as I'm concerned, when children get sick it's not their fault, as a rule, but the fault of their parents or their caretakers or nurses through allowing them to get over-tired, under-nourished, overly-chilled & over-exposed to the public.
         2. And it is usually, of course, the parents or nurses who suffer the most when a child is sick. The child suffers too, of course, but it suffers only physical pain, whereas the parent suffers a spiritual guilt & a psychological pain which can even be almost more painful, knowing that the parent or caretaker is at fault & guilty.
         3. If we permit our children to either go to public school with strangers or to go downtown shopping in the infested sickening contaminated polluted Worldly atmosphere of the city & in proximity or actual contact with other children & strangers, I would say that this is our fault.--Unless by law or somehow we are forced to do so or by some circumstances over which we have no control--such as litnessing, witnessing, shoe or clothing fitting, etc.
         4. Sometimes it's impossible to avoid contact with outsiders & their diseases. But one of the best ways to avoid it, even if we have to come in proximity to them, is to keep up our own resistance & our children's resistance by sufficient rest, sufficient food & sufficient clothing.--We can't completely isolate ourselves always. We're not of this World, but we are in it & frequently subject to it & its woes, ills & diseases.
         5. AND THEN OF COURSE THERE ARE OTHER DISEASES, ILLNESSES & AFFLICTIONS WHICH ARE NOT OF NATURAL CAUSES WHATSOEVER, but are of supernatural causes, attacks of the Enemy, afflictions of the Devil which are strictly Satanic. These can come without any contact with the public whatsoever.
         6. These normally are not normal childhood illnesses however. They can be oppressions or depressions or psychological attacks, fear, phobias, nightmares, actual demonic attacks of various kinds. However even these sometimes are the result of the sins of the parents & failure to instil sufficient faith in the child, sufficient Word to fight the good fight of faith, sufficient love & reassurance to take away fear, & therefore leave the child open to the attacks of the Enemy.
         7. Or they sometimes are the attacks of the Enemy allowed by God as punishment on the parents for their sins. Young children especially under the age of 5, 6 or 7 are not really old enough to be sinful or have reached the age of accountability, but you have, & God often afflicts you through your children, punishes you through your children in order to correct you, when all else fails! Because even when all other correction fails, sometimes--knowing that you love your children so much & that's where it really hurts--sometimes He will allow the Enemy then to attack you through the illness of your own children.
         8. If the suffering of your own child, the sickness & pain of your own child won't touch your hardened, rebellious, disobedient heart & cause you to repent & change & confess & determine to follow God, then certainly you are a very tough hard case with which God can do hardly anything. He may even take the child out of your care because you don't deserve it & you would be a very bad influence on it, & then permit you to go ahead to your own doom, whatever it may be.
         9. IF THE CHILD IS OLD ENOUGH, GOD MAY BE DEALING WITH THE CHILD HIMSELF for his naughtiness & disobedience & rebelliousness, stubbornness, sassiness or lack of respect or neglect in various ways, the same as an adult. But if the child is so young it's hardly to blame & could hardly even be conscious that he has sinned or done anything wrong, then it's most likely the fault of the parent or the childcare worker, & God is dealing with them for their sins.
         10. But if the child is sufficiently old enough, is it the child's fault through his disobediences? In which case, if it's not your fault as a parent & God is not dealing with you & the child is old enough to understand & to be reckoned with, you should be dealing with the child & bring him to the point of recognition of his sin, confession of his sin, repentance from his sin, prayer to ask God to forgive him, & then finally laying on of hands or anointing of oil for healing.
         11. I was reared & taught as a regular customary thing that if we got sick, the first thing was to ask ourselves, "What have I done personally to cause this illness? What have I done? What natural law have I broken? Or what spiritual law have I broken?" I was taught that since I was child.--Have you taught yours?
         12. AND IN A FEW RARE CASES, AS THE LORD SAID IN ONE CASE, IT WAS NOT THE SIN OF THE FATHER NOR HIS SON, but that the Lord be glorified through his healing. (Jn.9:3) But don't always take that excuse & that way out, however, as 99% of the time it's your fault or his fault or both! So pray & ask the Lord to forgive & deliver & cleanse & purify & make things right & correct the problems, & usually the Lord will then heal.--Amen? And of course call for the elders of the church & others & lay hands on or anoint or both, for the healing of the child, & before the whole Family or Home, so that it will be a testimony when the Lord does answer prayer. In Jesus' name, amen.
         13. Is your child sick? Why?--Is it your fault or his?--It's not God's, so don't blame Him! Blame the guilty sinner!--Either you or the child, & ask God to forgive & deliver & heal!--Amen? GBY! He loves you!--That's why He's dealing with you & chastising you in Fatherly love!--To correct & change you & make you a better child!--Amen? Be sorry & quit! Confess & repent & obey & love Him & others & He'll heal! GBY!

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