HERE & NOW FOR THERE & THEN!     DFO1092  1/11/81
--Your learning will never be lost!--It'll all be used someday!
--So learn all you can!--Your kids too! It's Forever!

         1. IT'S EVIDENT FROM THE BIBLE RECORDS ABOUT ANGELS ETC., THAT THEY HAVE TO GO FROM PLACE TO PLACE, they're not omnipresent & they're not even omniscient! They don't know everything, & they have to learn. So we're not absolutely totally perfect in the Next World, we'll still be in a sense partly human & partly divine, and we'll still be using--I really believe--a lot of the knowledge, experience & skill that we have learned in this World.
         2. --ESPECIALLY SINCE WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS, THE WICKED WHO REMAIN, & they've got to carry on pretty much the same way they always have. They'll be living in a perfectly natural physical more or less normal realm that they've always been in, & they'll have to work with what they've got. And our knowledge of that & what they've got is going to come in very handy.--Just like Jesus' knowledge of His visit to Earth & His experience of being a human & what humans have to go through made Him a better High Priest. (He.4:15)
         3. BUT THE CHURCH HAS REALLY MISLED THE PEOPLE INTO THINKING THINGS ARE GOING TO BE SO DIFFERENT, completely unrelated to their personal human Earthly experience. And that sort of gives you the feeling, "Well, maybe the whole thing's a waste of time! Who cares about what I learn or don't learn here & my experience here & everything else? Who cares? I'm going to die & go to Heaven one of these days & forget the whole works!"--No you're not! You're going to die & go to Earth, & probably use the whole works!--In the Heaven-on-Earth Millennium!
         4. EVEN IN THE NEW HEAVEN & THE NEW EARTH WE'VE STILL GOT PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE CITY WHO ARE STILL REALLY LEARNING & being fed & healed & changed & apparently taught. Who's going to do it?--Obviously us! So there's going to be a lot the same in the Coming World, especially the Kingdom of Christ on Earth in the Millennium. A lot's going to be different, but things are going to be a lot the same, enough the same that we'll still be able to use our knowledge, skills, talents, gifts, experience etc. that we have gained in this life, & it's going to carry over & be useful in that. I don't believe God's wasted all these years of training & learning languages & all.
         5. WE'LL HAVE ALL KINDS OF SUPERNATURAL HELP & POWER & KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM & DIRECTION & EVERYTHING ELSE, SOME OF WHICH WE'VE ALREADY GOT! Paul says that the Spirit & His gifts are a taste of things to come, they're "the earnest of our inheritance", they're a sample. (Ep.1:13,14) Except that these are all going to be in complete full total operation in the Next World without any hindrances or "seeing through a glass darkly." (1Co.13:12)
         6. SO I THINK PEOPLE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING THEY'RE LEARNING NOW & doing now & decisions they're making now & experiences they're having now are a part of their schooling & training here & now to be used there & then! Otherwise it's a total waste of time except for what little we accomplish here--which isn't very much comparatively speaking.
         7. WE'RE NOT GOING TO SUDDENLY RECEIVE SOME GIFT OF ABSOLUTE TOTAL OMNISCIENCE so that we know everything like God, not even the angels have that. I believe we are going to carry our experience with us over into the Next Life--& I am convinced of it! I cannot just say I believe it, I know it from the Bible & my experiences, after-death experiences, Scripture, everything, & just common sense & logic! I believe we're going to carry with us everything beneficial that we have learned from this life into the Next--& not for nothing--but to be used there beneficially for the benefit of others to help us run the World!
         8. I REALLY EXPECT THE ONES WHO KNOW THE MOST ABOUT GOD & HIS PROGRAM & HIS SYSTEM & HIS WORD & who already have advance knowledge & experience in all these things, God's going to use them the most, probably to oversee these others. If the Christians & the Church people were never able to get along with us before, they're going to have to then, they're going to be working for us!
         9. AND I BELIEVE THE MILLENNIUM'S GOING TO BE ANOTHER SIFTING TIME, REALLY. They won't be saved the same way. Some people think maybe they're going to be saved then, well, maybe there will be a way for them to be saved then if they'll then believe, having seen. The Lord commends those even now who, having not seen, yet they have believed. (Jn.20:29) So God's got all kinds of classes even amongst the saved, & I believe there are going to be classes & degrees amongst the unsaved or the wicked who remain on this Earth, or the unbelieving, whatever they are. And I believe that some are going to be, you might say, good people, & some really bad people. Because He definitely indicates in the Scripture that He's going to bless the countries that obey. (Zech.14:16-19)
         10. ALL RIGHT, WE PREACH A SECOND CHANCE!--Not for the same kind of salvation nor the same kind of reward nor the same kind of place in Heaven, but a second chance to believe & receive & obey when they see it all by sight. We get special commendation for believing & receiving & obeying by faith. Then faith won't even be necessary, they can see it! Of course they're going to believe it! "No man shall say `Know the Lord', for all shall know Him!" Right? (Jer.31:34)
         11. SO I DON'T EVEN THINK ALL THE WITNESSING WE'RE DOING NOW IS WASTED, THAT SOMETIMES SEEMS USELESS & HOPELESS & falls on deaf ears & unbelieving hearts now; but who knows, maybe when they wake up in the Next World--at least in the Millennium after the wars & everything, if they survive'm--maybe they'll remember all that & be instant believers! I believe God's going to give them a chance!--Maybe not at the same reward or salvation, but in a sense, a second chance to at least better themselves & be better off than they would have been.
         12. SO PTL! ISN'T THAT INTERESTING? I mean, that makes things of the future & the Next World much more real, at least imaginable & not so totally completely irrelevant to this World. I think things are going to be so similar & so related, it's going to really amaze us how important all of our previous training & learning & experience was in preparing to help us in the Next Life.
         13. THE LORD HAD TO MAKE IT NATURAL ENOUGH, SIMILAR ENOUGH TO THIS PRESENT WORLD in order that people could relate & learn anything in the next thousand years. That thousand years has a purpose. It's not just for floating around on clouds playing harps, but it's another grade, another step in both ours & the World's experience, a learning & educational process to prepare them for the next step & the Next World!
         14. I THINK AFTER A THOUSAND YEARS OF MILLENNIUM WE'LL BE BETTER PREPARED FOR THE NEXT WORLD, Heaven on Earth, the Heavenly City, the New Heaven & New Earth! Because then it's quite definite & obvious & Scriptural that our ministry, our talents for service to God & to others will continue into that life, because we will be picking leaves from the Tree of Life to go out & heal the nations!--Rev.22:2.--Whole nations with kings, governments, peoples, lands, still outside.
         15. AND WHAT MORE COULD GOD DO TO SHOW HIS ALMIGHTY POWER & THE FACT THAT HE NEVER FAILS than to reclaim & regenerate & reconcile & reconstitute His whole creation, including everybody He ever created? What greater thing could God do to prove that He never fails & Love never fails, than to finally--well, if they want to call it "save" everybody? It's not the same--but if He wants to, in a sense, He can save everybody & change everybody & restore everybody & make everybody good.
         16. I REALLY BELIEVE THAT NOTHING'S GOING TO BE LOST & NOTHING WASTED, & everything finally saved, including everybody! But it won't be all the same, there'll be different classes. Just like some will be raised to everlasting shame & contempt, & others shall shine as the stars, as the brightness of the firmament forever, who have turned many to righteousness. (Da.12:2,3)
         17. BUT I DON'T THINK THEY'RE GOING TO BE ABLE TO UNDO THEIR PAST LIFE & WHAT THEY DIDN'T DO HERE. This opportunity is going to be gone forever, & what they did here they're not going to be able to undo. They may be able to undo some of the damage by going around telling the people that they offended that they're sorry, & people will understand better then & maybe forgive'm.
         18. SO ALL THAT TO SAY THIS: DON'T GET DISCOURAGED ABOUT YOUR PRESENT JOB & WHAT YOU'RE NOW DOING & NOW LEARNING & NOW EXPERIENCING. Don't think for a minute that it's a waste of time & you're just going to cast it all aside when you leave this life. You're going to take all that with you--all that learning, experience, knowledge, wisdom & everything you learned from this life!--Just like Jesus did when He left this life & went back to Heaven a better High Priest, a better Mediator, better able to understand us & plead with God for us.--Read Hebrews 1 through 5!
         19. GBY! ARE YOU GETTING READY HERE & NOW FOR THERE & THEN?--It won't be lost but used Forever! PTL! GBAKYACTMYAB Forever!--In Jesus' name, amen! C'mon! Let's go! We gotta lot to do! Learn & do all you can & teach & train your kids & others all you can, so we can use it & enjoy it Forever!--Amen?--Including all this witnessing & all these souls you're winning for the Lord Forever! HAL! PTL! TYJ! GBY Forever! ILY!--& I'll love you Forever! TYJ! HAL! PTL!--Let's go!

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