GO TO THE CITIES!        DO927    15/7/80
--Where most of "
All the World" are!
--And let them evangelize the villages, jungles & boonies!

IT IS NOT THE NEW TESTAMENT PLAN AT ALL FOR US TO GO BACK INTO THE JUNGLES & ferret out a few little savages to try to win the World one at a time in the depths of some jungle! It was the New Testament Church plan & policy & the plan of God to send His missionaries to the main centers of population, the big cities where they could reach the mass of people, including most of the people who came in from the jungle & backwoods on marketing trips & religious pilgrimages or to find work or for government business, & then for them to hear the Gospel & get saved & take it back into the little villages & jungles.
Church missionaries have wasted God's time & the World's time & deprived billions of salvation by getting bogged down back in the heart of some jungle trying to convert some Indian chief & a handful of headhunters! They have to spend years just learning the language first & lose a lot of missionaries by getting slaughtered by wild savages, instead of reaching the millions of masses that are already in the cities & intelligent & literate enough to know the major language to be able to hear the Gospel.
OUR time is NOW! You don't have to spend your life learning the native tongue! Just get ahold of the guy who already knows it & let him go back into his jungle & preach it to his people there in his own language! Burying yourself all your life in some jungle to learn the language to save a few natives is ridiculous! For God's sake, that is not our policy & never has been! (But learn the National language!)
THE PLACE TO REACH THE MASSES IS THE CITIES! As much as we hate'm, it's the cities where you've got to do most of your preaching. Maybe you can live outside the city in your caravan somewhere in the country, but you've got to go into the city to preach to the multitudes.
Check out Paul's & the first Apostles' missionary journeys & see where they went! They went to the major centers of Asia, now called Turkey & Asia Minor. They aimed for the World capitals, such as Ephesus, Athens & Rome! They went to the capitals of the countries, the government & commercial centers of great regions. They went to the top first to reach the millions that really counted & had influence & the intelligence & knowledge of other languages to go back & preach it to the other people in the boonies!
         6. (
Maria: Yes, like university students! We've really failed lately in the past few years to reach them. But that's where the kids aren't encumbered & can get saved & go preach the Gospel to all the World!) That's right! That's where we went, & that's where we got ours!
There might be some hopes for the orphans, & at least we're helping the old & sick folks get saved before they die.--But they'll certainly never help us evangelize the World! What we need is help right now, & the high schools & universities are the places to get them! So you really need to do more to try to reach the young people & the new bottles who are going to be the flaming evangelists of tomorrow who'll evangelize the new World!
WHEN THE LORD WANTED TO DROP THE FIRST GOSPEL BOMB to proclaim the new dispensation of Grace & Love & Salvation through Christ, He did it in the religious capital of the World: Jerusalem! And when they got run out of there in order to spread it abroad as far as they could everywhere, they hit the next major regional capital city of Asia: Antioch!
They established their missionary Headquarters or base there, from which Paul made nearly all of his missionary journeys to all over the known civilized Roman Empire of the day! They went from there to the capitals of Asia Minor & then on to the capitals of Greece & Rome & home again on furlough! They didn't waste their time on little villages unless they just happened to be passing through, & it was some of these small towns that gave them the biggest trouble because they were some of the most narrow-minded!
Let's face it, our kind of Gospel is often offensive to almost any kind of System, so the best place to go is the cities where there are lots of differences of opinion & lots of peoples & lots of nationalities & lots of tourists, & where they've got to be broad-minded & liberal & have a certain amount of freedom at least, freer in morality & every other way, more receptive, more intellectual, more intelligent & more educated.
So avoid places where they're already terribly fanatically religious in their own religion & are apt to persecute you or even kill you! Of course, that doesn't mean that you've all got to stay in the one same capital city of the country! There are other major population centers, market, commercial, industrial & political centers where you can be spread out a little bit more. But stick to them!
         12. Of course, we're not supposed to neglect & ignore the poor, we're supposed to preach the Gospel to them. But there are lots of poor people who have got a little education & can speak several languages & reach the rest of the World! So reach the key people, who can then reach & unlock those
other doors.
GOD HELP US TO DO WHAT THE LORD SAID & "GO INTO ALL THE WORLD & preach the Gospel to every creature!" But for God's sake, help us to go to the parts of the World where most of the creatures are!--The cities!--And who can in turn do a lot better job of evangelizing the boonies & the jungles than we can!
YOU stick to the CITIES, & leave the JUNGLES to the NATIVES!--Flee the vice & crime-ridden, pollution-saturated, violence-filled, destruction-doomed filthy cities of North America & Europe, but "GO TO THE CITIES!" of the Third World with the Gospel, & save their citizens to evangelize the jungles of the World!--Amen? GBAKY out of the jungles & in the cities!--In Jesus' name, amen!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family