THE NUKE GAME!   DO883    5/3/80
Or "The Push Button War"!

THERE WERE TWO PLAYERS SITTING AT THE CONSOLE OF AN ELECTRONIC GAME BOARD. There were a lot of buttons & each had a different label, but I can't remember them all. There were names like:
Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Pollution, Oil Shortage, Recession, Depression, Monetary Crisis, Unemployment, Riots, Jewish Conspiracy, Dictatorship, Nuclear Armaments, Capitalism, Communism, Provocations, Pre-emptive Strike, Nuclear Retaliation, Devastation, Atomic Fallout, Starvation, Savagery, Nuclear Jungle & so on.
As each player took his turn punching the button of his choice, the result would light up on the display panel along with the score. It seemed that both sides were heading for destruction, but the idea was to see who could destroy the other one first by all these various methods. I was watching almost in horror at how these two cold-blooded players could be gambling with each other's lives & the peoples & nations of the World!
At last triumphantly one of them punched "Pre-emptive Strike", but then the other one without hesitation followed with "Nuclear Retaliation"!--And all of a sudden the lights went out! It was pitch dark & there was total silence & it seemed like the machine was completely dead & locked & couldn't be turned on again without the key. And suddenly I woke up, & I lay here wondering, "Well, what is the key?" And my first thought was,
         5. "
WELL, WE SPEAK OF LOVE AS BEING THE KEY TO HEARTS." Could it be that love would turn things back on again?--For it seemed like the lights had gone out all over the World. It was almost like I was stunned & awed at the awfulness of it, the darkness, total stillness, no light, no sound, no life, just almost like total death!
But then the thought came of the key--that there was some hope if you could find the key!--And that was my first thought as I lay awake trying to think what the key meant. Why, it was love!: The Love of God, Christ, God's Love! That was the only key that could turn things back on again & bring things back to life & bring light back to the board, which seemed to represent events or life for the peoples of the World.
The Love of God, His mercy, Jesus, & His return to rescue His Own & the World & the people of the World & restore the light & the life & love again!--And that was it! PTL!--Amen?

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family