"Whose Fool Are You?"

I'M A GURU, defined in the dictionary as a "spiritual teacher"--but otherwise commonly known as some kind of religious nut!--What kind of nut are you? I teach for a living--they call it "brainwashing."--What's your racket?--Whose dirty mind are you trying to change?

THEY CALL US A "CULT" OR A "SECT," which the dictionary says is any religious group, community, division or denomination--but today it means any crazy bunch of religious fanatics that just doesn't happen to belong to one of your major faiths!

         3. "
Oh," but you say, "the cults & sects are dangerous!--Look at Jonestown!" Why not look at Masada, where 2,000 Jews committed suicide & killed each other to escape from their enemies!--Does that make Judaism dangerous? "Oh, but the sects lead young people astray!"--What's "astray"?--Anything that's not your religion? "Yes, but they burn themselves to death & could even kill!"

YES, THE MAJOR RELIGIONS ARE DANGEROUS!--They burn whole cities, have fought long wars & murdered millions!--And they are right now slaughtering each other by the thousands all over the globe! So why pick on us? Why don't you go after the major religions?--They've done more damage than anybody! "Oh, but the sects are different!--They don't agree with the rest of us!"

Too bad we're not Jewish dissidents in Russia, or we'd be getting worldwide praise! They differ with other people too. "Oh, but some young people have wasted the best years of their lives in your groups!" Is that so?--

Then why don't you pick on the convents & the monasteries & the holy orders & the political parties & the major religions & big business where most people have spent most of their lives & haven't considered them wasted, especially if they felt they were helping themselves or others! "Oh, yes, but the sects & the cults are bad & should be outlawed!"--Oh yes?--

Then you're going to have to outlaw all of the major religions, because all of them began as sects & cults!--"Oh, but you're trying to change people's minds & get them under control!" Yeah?--Well what religion, political party or government isn't?--Or commercial enterprise?--Or parent?--Or school?--Or salesman?--Or advertising agency?--Or the propagandising media yourselves?--Most of you are trying to persuade somebody to accept your opinion!--Even husbands & wives!

         8. "
But you enslave people, extort money from them & live in luxury!"--That sounds more like governments, politicians, churches & big business!--So why don't you pick on the big outfits?--Or maybe you are the big outfits & that's why you're picking on us?--You don't want any competition! Is that freedom & fair play?

PERSONALLY, I'M SICK OF HEARING ABOUT THE CULTS & THE SECTS & HOW DANGEROUS THEY ARE!--AREN'T YOU?--THE ESTABLISHED SYSTEMS ARE FAR MORE, DANGEROUS!--They're the ones you ought to watch out for! They're the ones who enslave you, tax you, start wars, drop atomic bombs, pollute & make Hell-of-a-mess of the whole World!

Everybody is somebody's fool!--We're fools for Christ's sake!--Whose fool are you? We've heard enough from you jealous critics, disgruntled defectors & hypocritical Scribes & Pharisees! Dare you be fair enough to let the public hear a voice in our behalf?

Can the establishment brook no dissidents? Have we no human rights of dissent or difference or dissidence? Why must we all be like you? Why must you try to force us into your mold?--We're not forcing anybody into ours! But of course you don't believe that, do you?--Because you don't want to!

Who's pushing this anti-cults campaign?--When there is so much more important news, more serious problems & worthier causes in the world! Who's behind the "get the sects" drive? Maybe somebody should investigate you!!

What right have you to tell me I have no right to my own opinion, & what right have you to forbid me to believe as I please?--This is informational & journalistic dictatorship! Why don't you go away & leave us alone? "To Hell with the cults"???--To Hell with you!!!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family