YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ!--& BOOKBURNING!   31/8/78  DFO775 & 776

SOMEBODY ONCE SAID, "YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ." It's like the old saying about health, "You are what you eat", physically. Well, you are what you read, mentally & spiritually. If you like to read the Word of God best, then that shows you love the Word of God & you would rather hear from the Lord than anybody.
WHATEVER you're reading is SPIRITUAL food, whether you believe it or not, & if it's not the Word of God, written by a man of God, then it is the word of the Devil written by a man of Satan! And if you spend more time reading books like that than you do reading God's Word, something is wrong with you!--You have a perverted appetite spiritually, a perverted hunger.
You cannot dwell on THAT stuff & make that your major source of inspiration, relaxation or recreation without it affecting you. It's hurting your spiritual life! It's hurting your relationship with God!
WHEN I WAS A NEWBORN BABE, NEWLY ANOINTED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, I WAS SO HUNGRY FOR THE WORD OF GOD that for years I never read anything but the Bible! All I wanted to hear was the Bible, & I read it & read it & read it, & studied & studied & studied it. I found the Bible was such an enormous study & so fascinating & so deep & so broad that it was "waters to swim in"! I didn't have time to fiddle around with anything else.
THESE are your FORMATIVE years, your years of getting a foundation in Truth. This is the time when you ought to be studying your Bible & MO Letters, the Word of God, & not wasting your time on ridiculous words, lies, deceits & distortions of man & the Devil! How can you waste your time reading anything else when you have not even read the whole Bible yet? How could you neglect the Words of Life for words that I cannot but say are the words of death?
Some of these guys like FREUD & NIETZSCHE as good as said "God is dead," & are therefore of the Devil! What good can come out of them, even if part of what they say might be true? Part of what the Devil says is always true, because he couldn't get you to believe his lies unless he told you some truth mixed with it, which would deceive you into thinking his lies were true too!
         7. "
Whose words do eat like a canker" (cancer), God's Word says! (2Ti.2:17) They are false prophets & their words do eat like a cancer, corrupting & corroding your spirit without you even knowing it!
I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW ANYBODY COULD BE INTERESTED IN "cunningly devised fables", as the Bible calls it (2Pet.1:16), instead of the true Word of God. Oh, they're clever, very clever!--Written with the demonic Satanic wisdom of the Devil himself!--Cunningly devised to deceive you & to lead you astray & to pervert you & warp you & twist you spiritually to where you don't know what is true!
The Devil always mixes in little fascinating absorbing TRUTHS like, "And ye shall be as gods". (Gen.3:5) That was a tremendous truth, fascinating, tempting, intriguing! So they just skipped over & ignored the lie when he said, "Ye shall not surely die", because they began dying from the first bite of his fiction!--& you will begin dying spiritually from the first bite of that trash!
The first temptation of man by the Devil was something to make you supposedly WISE!: Knowledge! When Eve looked at the tree in the Garden, she saw that it was good to look at, good for food & would make you wise. (Gen.3:6) Well, reading that kind of books will not make you wise! It will make you dumber & thicker & more confused & further from the Truth than ever! They are foolishness to God! (1Cor.3:19)--Foolishness!
I don't care HOW much TRUTH you find in them, they are still the Devil's truth & just absolutely submerged in his lies! Perversions of truth are more dangerous than outright lies! I'd rather see you burn them than have you led astray! They are spiritual drugs which benumb your spiritual sensitivity to the Voice & the Truth of God!
It's like POISON in the camp to even have those books around! Once you have rejected the good & chosen the evil, & you get accustomed to reading the evil, pretty soon "truth resisted loses its power over your soul"! (2Th.2:10-12) The more you swallow the Devil's lies & his man's wisdom, the more you're going to believe it!
. I AM AFRAID TO WORK WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT SOLD OUT TO GOD & GOD ALONE & crave only to hear the Truth from His Word, & not man's delusions! I don't want to hear that anybody in this outfit is reading anything but the Bible or the Letters or some books that you have been assigned to read for a good purpose, such as baby books, pregnancy books, healthfood books or something that is really necessary, & I can't even trust all those.
If you want to be a part of THIS man's army, you had better believe what I have to say & what I have said, & what God has given me & shown me!--Or for God's sake, get out! As far as I'm concerned, reading that kind of trash is disloyalty to God!--Disloyal to the Truth & disloyal to me!
I think I could better understand if you were reading Playboy or Fashion Magazines! At least the stuff you get out of them is less polluting & less deceitful & less perverting & less diabolical.--Things which are obviously ridiculous & obviously of the flesh & obviously unspiritual & obviously foolish.
. You're safer reading that kind of stuff than you are this deep psychological, philosophical stuff which is extremely deceitful & extremely perverting & can absolutely corrupt your soul!
I am convinced that both Nietzsche & Freud were absolutely demonically DEMON-POSSESSED, & why anybody would want to read what the Devil has to say, I don't know! Those men have left a slimy, poisonous, diabolical trail across the path of education of the World today that has nearly perverted the entire Earth & is damning it to Hell!
ONLY THE WORDS OF GOD HAVE LIVED ON! Only the Words of Jesus actually accomplish anything! All that stuff from the famous teachers & ancient philosophers is shit!--Just plain sickening shit of man!
And you can't WADE through SHIT without getting it ON YOU! You can't wade through the garbage & the gutter without getting besmirched. And as far as I'm concerned, that stuff is worse than shit, it is more defiling! It doesn't bear good fruit.
As far as I'm concerned, it is a breach of SPIRITUAL SECURITY: To let the Devil get into your mind & your thoughts & your soul & your spirit & your heart is the most dangerous thing you can do! I am not going to have potential cracks in the armour, gaps in the wall through which the Devil can possibly drive a wedge because of his deviltry & his propaganda.
Why go the way of the rest of the World? Why get all tangled up & confused & misled by their false phoney wisdom? Beloved, you either believe God's Words & the Bible & the Letters or you don't. And you believe them as much as you read them.
         22. "
Whatsoever things are TRUE, GOOD, PURE & of GOOD REPORT, think on THESE things." (Phil.4:8)--Not these lies & deceits & theories of man!--You don't have to know all the evil machinations of the Enemy to be able to fight him, all you have to know is the Truth! If you have the sword of the Lord, the Word of God as your weapon, your offensive weapon, that's all you need!
JESUS, HELP US! Help us to read what Your King David said, how he did find Thy Words & he did eat them, & all the things You said about Thy laws & Thy Word & Thy precepts. He lived in them night & day, as we did for years, Lord, & still do in trying to teach them to others. (See Jer.15:16; Pr.3:3; Ps.119.)
Convict those, Lord, who are guilty. Convince them of the Truth of Thy Word & of what we've said. Help us, Lord, to be properly armed against all the fiery darts of the Evil One & these filthy books that are full of these filthy dreamers! (Jude 8)
Deliver these, Lord, from this EVIL FASCINATION for the EVIL WISDOM of man, from these lying, cunningly devised fables of the Devil & all his unprofitable, foolish, so-called wisdom: "The profane & vain babblings of science falsely so-called." (1Tim.6:20) It deceives their minds & subtly twists their thinking & poisons their souls, & they can't feel it--it's almost indiscernible except by Thy Spirit.
Help them to have a healthy, normal, unperverted appetite for Thy WORD & its TRUTH. If not, Lord, then they don't belong here.--Deliver us from them! Help them to see it, Lord, to know it, admit it, confess it, recognise it & get rid of it & get back on the right track, in Jesus' name. Amen.--GBY!

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