The Magic Green Shirt!   25/11/77         GP 629
--A Dream?

         1. (Maria: You said it's about a magic green shirt in which you could only tell the truth, and you had perfect peace and you weren't nervous anymore.)--And I was warm! Even sleeping up there on my little cot on the cold mountain I was warm. It was always comfy, the green shirt was comfy. I was comfy in it. But I said, "What is it?"--And somebody said,
         2. "It's 2125 A.D.!" I said, "How could it be 2125 A.D.?--That hasn't even happened yet!" But they said, "Well, it has now!"--Just like that!
         3. And I kept telling everybody the truth, and everybody was so shocked that they started telling the truth too!--And then everybody got real shocked 'cause everybody was telling the truth!--And they were telling some real shockers!
         4. (And you say it was a magic green shirt?) Oh very magical, very spiritual! Whoever had it on could do almost anything! It kept me warm and well and safe and honest.
         5. The Millennium is somewhere now, we just don't know it, that's all. (See Revelation 20:1-6: The one-thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth--coming soon!)--Because there isn't going to be any time then. There is for us now though, we're still bound in time. Those things are already happening, you just don't understand. (I just don't understand?) You don't understand, I don't understand.
         6. It's already here--I was there, you know? It's just like we're in a sort of time-warp here, it's like things overlap. But if we know how, we can go right through from one to the other--and I was already there and it was 2125 A.D.!
         7. It's just like in the spirit you can travel forward or backward in time, and I just went through in the spirit and I was there, in 2125 A.D.! I asked, "What is this?"--And I wasn't expecting him to give me a date, I meant for him to explain the Green Shirt to me. But he said, "Well, it's 2125 A.D." What a crazy dream! (Was there anything more to it?)
         8. Well, it was causing such a big upset, everybody confessing and everybody telling the truth and being honest with each other, it was kind of like a big revolution or something, you know what I mean? It was like for the first time in their lives everybody was telling themselves and everybody else the truth and being honest with each other.
         9. It was really wonderful! Only it was a little hard in some ways, it was kind of hard to take for some of them. But it was like everybody was thankful--it was almost like they were all freed from the bondage of lying. They were freed from the bondage of pretending and all those phoney false fronts, you know?
         10. Everybody could at last be honest with each other. It was really wonderful, it was delightful! It was sort of Heavenly, sort of blissful! It was difficult in some ways to hear the truth, but at the same time it was wonderful, you know?
         11. Have you donned the magic green shirt of God's Spirit of truth and honesty?--Do you have the power of Christ's Spirit dwelling in your heart so that you do not lie nor deceive nor cheat and are always honest with others?
         12. If not, receive God's precious Holy Spirit today and begin to be honest with Him, yourself and others. "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" (Acts 19:2) Have you received the overflowing power of God's Spirit in your own soul since you received Jesus and were saved? If not,
         13. Receive Him today and put on His Magic Green Shirt of truth so you can powerfully witness the Love and truth of Jesus and His salvation to all your family, friends and neighbours!--Start a Green Revolution of Truth in your own heart and neighbourhood now!
         14. He'll give you peace of mind, purity of heart, rest of soul and happiness of spirit now and forever!--Try Him! You'll love Him! God bless you with His truth and happiness, now and forever!

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