ROLLED GOLD!              DFO 333A                  2/75
--The Dream that Started the New Revolution!

         1. I HAD A DREAM THAT SOMEBODY GAVE ME A LOT OF MONEY & I put it in one of my attach cases. It was in gold coins.
         2. WE DROVE TO A COUNTRY VILLAGE to this big old-fashioned rambling wooden farmhouse with a big long veranda all the way across the front & a little brook flowing right past the front of it between the road & the house. You had to go across a little bridge to get to it, & there was a BIGGER stream that flowed BEHIND the house.
         3. AS WE STOPPED IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE TO GET OUT & GO IN, SUDDENLY THIS GUY CLIMBED IN WITH US, one of those tough Americans like a GI with a short haircut, & he was threatening me.
         4. HE SAID, "NOW I KNOW YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY!--WHERE IS IT?--Just tell me where it is!--Which one of your bags is it in?"--But I wouldn't tell him, so he kept bullying me to tell him. Then he got distracted somehow--somebody called him or something--& he left for a few minutes.
         5. WHILE HE WAS GONE I TOOK ALL THE LUGGAGE & THREW IT ACROSS THE LITTLE STREAM onto the porch. I told the lady of the house, a cute little blonde in her fifties, as I pointed to the case that had the money, to quick hide that one. So she took it into the house.
         6. ABOUT THAT TIME THE GUY CAME BACK & BEGAN TO PESTER ME AGAIN FOR THE MONEY, but I said I was sorry but I didn't know where it was & that maybe I'd lost it. So we went into the house like we were coming to stay for a little bit & the hostess cooked a big dinner for us all & entertained us royally. But this guy kept pestering & pestering us for the money.
         7. ONE OF OUR BOYS WAS FISHING IN THE STREAM out the back door. Suddenly this guy runs out like he thinks maybe we've hidden it in the stream out back, so he yanks up the guy's line as though he thinks it's attached to the line out in the water. When he didn't find it there, he got so mad he broke up the pole & threw it out the back door. He finally got disgusted & left because he couldn't find the gold, & we were all relieved!
         8. SO THEN WE ASKED THE LITTLE LADY WHERE SHE'D HIDDEN IT & how had she been so smart to hide it so well where he couldn't find it? She said she'd put it in this little wooden sewing machine box or case from which the sewing machine had already been removed, & it was about the same weight with the money in it as when it had had the sewing machine in it.
         9. I SAID, "NOW WHERE IS IT?" And she said, "I'll go get it." And she was gone quite a little while & she came back looking kind of embarrassed, saying, "I can't find it!" And I said, "What do you MEAN you can't FIND it?" She said, "Well, I can't remember where I put it." So then we all went on a big search looking all through the house trying to find the sewing machine box.
         10. WE ALL KEPT LOOKING until finally we got almost tired of looking & I sat down on this little chest of drawers & it collapsed & out spilled all the gold! She'd hidden it somehow in this chest shaped like a cedar chest or treasure chest. I don't know why we hadn't looked in there, possibly because there were CLOTHES piled on it.
         11. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? The Lord had committed to me this very precious GOLD which I was supposed to deliver somewhere. It's pretty obvious what that could mean, like the WORDS & the MESSAGE.
         12. THE MEAN MAN WAS LIKE THE DEVIL ALWAYS TRYING TO STEAL IT from you & get it away from you. The old FARMHOUSE was like one of our HOMES & the little LADY at the house seemed to be one of our sweet QUEENS.
         13. THE BOY WAS FISHING OUT THE BACK DOOR, SO THAT'S LIKE WITNESSING. We managed to get the GOLD to the Home where they HID it, but we couldn't find it until we quit trying & we just sat down to rest & it just sort of exploded & was scattering everywhere, rolling all over the floor & out the doors into both streams!
         14. MAYBE THAT SYMBOLISED GIVING THE WORDS TO THE WATERS, TO THE PEOPLE. When the bad guy broke up the boy's fishing pole, it was like he was trying to stop him from witnessing. The Devil's always trying to do that. Maybe he wasn't fishing by the right method, because when that chest broke the gold poured out all over the floor & into the streams & everywhere & everybody was busy picking it up! It was almost as if you just sort of let it GO, the GOLD will do the work ITSELF instead of working so hard with different fishing methods!
         15. MAYBE WE NEED TO QUIT WORKING SO HARD IN THE ENERGY OF THE FLESH & all these fancy fishing methods--not quit, but just rely more on the Lord's treasury! Maybe we're sort of like the chest of gold: When He just leaned on US His treasure chest broke open & poured forth!--Malachi 3:10. When we quit trying so hard in the flesh & just sat down to REST in the LORD, the LORD did it!
         16. BUT WHY A SEWING MACHINE? OH!--A SOWING MACHINE! But you see, a sewing machine doesn't do you any good unless you USE it. It may be a perfectly good machine, like the churches, & well organised & well constructed, but it's no good unless it's USED. Also, a sewing machine could represent the SYSTEM'S machine that in our hearts has been replaced by His golden Words, but they still don't do OTHERS any good if we KEEP them in the BOX just in OUR HEARTS & Homes ALONE.
         17. LIKE MARY'S ALABASTER BOX OF SWEET SMELLING OINTMENT COULDN'T DO ANY GOOD UNTIL BROKEN OPEN to release the fragrance, so the Words do no good unless our hearts & Homes are broken open with His Love to let the healing balm overflow on the wounded hearts of the World! We must GIVE what we've GOT!
         18. IT JUST SHOWS THE OLD DEVIL DOES GIVE UP SOMETIMES WHEN YOU WON'T YIELD! When he finds out YOU won't give up, HE gives up, just like a lot of our enemies! All their ATTACKS didn't STOP us, they just PUBLICISED us even MORE!
         19. QUITE OBVIOUSLY THE LORD DIDN'T WANT TO KEEP THE GOLD BOXED UP, & it wasn't until we SMASHED the BOX (of our OLD system with the NEW Revolution!) that it got scattered EVERYWHERE!
         20. BUT THAT QUEEN FORGETTING WHERE SHE PUT THE GOLD, that could have a LOT of meaning because a LOT of these kings & queens don't APPRECIATE the gold & realise how IMPORTANT it is! They're very interested in the KIDS & what they're DOING, but some don't necessarily think the GOLD is all that important, that the WORDS are that important.
         21. THEY DON'T REALISE THAT THE WORDS ARE WHAT MAKE IT ALL GO 'ROUND & KEEP IT GOING! So it wasn't until I insisted that we find the gold that everybody started looking, & she was trying to remember where she put it.--And the CHEST was BURIED under a pile of DIRTY CLOTHES, hidden by our own dirty laundry of problems & cares!
         22. WELL, AT LEAST SHE'D TAKEN CARE OF IT. She DID hide it from the ENEMY & didn't let HIM get it. She, our queen, PROTECTED our publications from the Enemy, but had sort of BURIED them, HIDDEN them. That's like they've had to do on a lot of fields where they were afraid to distribute for fear of the Enemy. They sometimes have to hide the Words away to keep the Enemy from getting them.
         23. BUT YOU CAN'T KEEP THE TRUTH HIDDEN FOREVER!--When the Enemy is GONE you've got to get it out AGAIN, because GOLD'S no good unless you keep USING it. The Lord in James 5 says to the rich: "Woe unto you that are rich, your riches are corrupted, your gold & silver is cankered & the RUST of them shall be a witness AGAINST you! Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields which you kept back by FRAUD!"
         24. IN OTHER WORDS, IN THIS CASE SOME ARE WITHHOLDING THE RICHES OF THE WORDS FROM THE PEOPLE, some of you even withholding it from the LABOURERS, outside disciples, just because they're not members of your Home, even though they're out distributing faithfully, & so the RUST or lack of their USE will be a witness against you! It's not that you don't HAVE the gold or that there is anything wrong with HAVING it, but the sin is that you're not USING it.
         25. GOD HATES HOARDING, & HE SAYS, "HE THAT WITHHOLDETH, IT TENDETH TO POVERTY!"--PRO.11:24. So our POOREST fields are those that aren't getting out the GOLD, which haven't been producing or distributing the LIT & they're having the WORST financial problems! The Lord warned us in the "Birthday Warning" that if we WITHHELD them He was going to JUDGE us for it, but if we SCATTERED it, it would INCREASE & He'd BLESS us for it!
         26. THE BOX REMINDS ME OF SOME OF OUR BLOBS that aren't really getting the job done of rolling the gold into ALL the World to EVERY creature! But we had to SMASH them & BREAK them up in order to scatter the GOLD with the PIECES!--And it was almost by accident we discovered that we had to break up these big Homes & scatter the pieces so the gold could roll out into the streams.
         27. SOME OF OUR METHODS MAY NOT ALWAYS BE OF THE LORD, SO THE LORD ALLOWS THE DEVIL TO BREAK THEM UP & GET RID OF THEM or makes US get rid of them! Whereas if we just BREAK the BOX & let it ROLL, it will really go EVERYWHERE! It even seemed to roll under its OWN power (GOD'S power!) once it got started! It was so much easier that way, if you just let it LOOSE!
         28. THE WORDS THEMSELVES WILL DO THE JOB IF WE KEEP ON GOING EVERYWHERE & FEED THE FISH! So the GOLD doesn't do any good unless it ROLLS & GOES somewhere & is SCATTERED. It doesn't do any good cooped up in the BOX of the HOME enjoyed just by the Home ITSELF.
         29. SO YOU HOMES THAT ARE RICH IN GOLD--THE GOLD OF HIS WORDS--SHOULD LET THEM GO, let them roll to the people who don't have ANY! Because GOLD'S no good unless it is put in CIRCULATION & INVESTED in FRUITFUL FIELDS & paid to the LABOURERS in the fields & distributed to the POOR. You gotta keep it ROLLING to make it do any GOOD!
         30. SO SMASH THE BOX & ROLL THAT GOLD UNTIL WE'VE "ROLLED GOLD" TO ALL THE WORLD!--Praise the Lord? TYJ! ROLL the GOLD! Sow it in the streets & the streams & the fields & scatter it over the mountains & reap an eternal golden harvest from the GOLD that ROLLED! PG! Let it roll!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family