HOW TO!           DO 331B                   3/75
The New Do-It-Yourself Revolution!


         1. I want you to get a clear picture of the "New Revolution" Letters:
         2. Number One: "The Lit Revolution!"--It's really just a history of what's already been done & how we have pretty much accomplished what we set out to do as was said in "The Birthday Warning". (No.215) Thank God we have obeyed the Lord!
         3. Also, in this past couple of years we have really developed the leadership. We've had it for the past year or two, but I think one of the main things we were doing was pushing out, EXPANDING into all these locations, sort of setting up our sales organisation, so to speak. We had the sales force but we had to get them into position in enough countries & in enough languages to fit every situation. But the Lord has shown us recently that the reason we're not getting any further is because we're just sitting.
         4. The next Letter in the series is "The Disciple Revolution". This was a kind of a history again of our past discipleship policies & methods & what we now expect to do again. In the early days we used to really rake'm in!
         5. Discipleship & starting new Colonies was the main thing! We were getting so many new babes we had to develop the LEADERSHIP, so we put the pressure on the development of new leadership & now we've GOT it.
         6. We saw that the leaders were never going to be developed fast enough & that the literature was going to have to become the leader & help to do the job. So we put the pressure on the LITERATURE & now we've GOT the literature. The Lord did it all!
         7. The next Letter, "The Shake-Up!" is the real revolution & the overhaul of the whole machine, designed to push LITTLE LEADERS out in the open where they can DO something. We're going to have so many leaders that about every other guy's going to be a leader, well, every third guy at least! "The Shake-Up" is the beginning of the leadership revolution.
         8. "The Bloodless Coup" amounts to the death of the old dictatorship & the sweeping out of the old guard. We're going to spread the leadership out so thin that it's not going to rest in the hands of so few so dictatorially exercised.
         9. Everybody's going to have something to say, not only the guy leading the two people, but the two people are going to have something to be able to tell him. So really this is a new birth of leadership we're going to have.
         10. Every two units are going to become the parents of a new baby leader just over them.--Training him to be the leader of tomorrow. And meanwhile he's going to be training them to be the leaders in the old job he used to have.
         11. Number five is "The Colony Revolution": Everything that had to do with the local Colony Reorganisation & shake-up & discipleship & so on we put in one Letter called "The Colony Revolution".


         12. I'm going to show you how we need to get the ball rolling & I want you to put this organisation into ACTION, into PRACTICE, & get everything SPLIT UP! WE have to lead in a way from the TOP to get THEM moving to put it into action from the BOTTOM.
         13. You have to show the sheep what to do. As my Mother used to say, who was a very good leader, "You don't exactly ASK the sheep what to do, you've got to SHOW them what to do in a way, & then you ask them in a way how to do it, or how you can help or what you can do or what they think about it."
         14. A shepherd leads his flock, but sometimes in a way the SHEEP can lead HIM. They can bleat their needs if they're hungry or they're thirsty or they need the binding up of their wounds & so on. The sheep need to voice their needs to let you know so that you can minister to them & supply those needs.
         15. This new structuring is going to give the sheep a chance to speak, to bleat, to let us know what they need, what they want, what they'd like to do. But we as the leaders & the shepherds have to help them to carry it out.
         16. We as the leaders & the shepherds have to get the Word of the Lord first from the top, from above, to give us the vision, the picture of what God knows is wrong & what we need to change & what we need to do about it, & I believe that this is what the Lord has given us.
         17. The poor little starving, hungry, thirsty, cold, wounded, bedraggled little sheep have been just trotting along blindly no matter what happened & never even bleating, never even going "Baaaaa!" to let us know what's wrong.
         18. The whole idea is to put everybody to work doing something & exercising every bit of their leadership ability that we can possibly pump out of them. If we put every person in the Revolution in charge of at least TWO people they ought to be able to do SOMETHING.
         19. So that is pretty much the series we're calling "The New Revolution".--The revolution within the Revolution! A total overhaul of the whole structure & machine from the grassroots to the top!--And I believe it's going to work!--What do you think? I know it sure inspires me when I see the tremendous possibilities & potential if we really spread this out this way & give EVERYBODY a chance to DO something & really GO!


         20. Another thing is splitting up the Homes. If they're 12 or more it's time to split them up. When they reach 12--boom!
         21. Then by putting the pressure on to get disciples, this ensures the fact that they're going to have to split again! It's like GUARANTEED GROWTH. Well, this is a principle God gives us all throughout nature, the principle of the amoeba splitting into two & then those parts split again in two, etc.
         22. It's the principle of cell growth. This is a principle that God uses all the way through nature. It is the pyramidical principle of molecular structure.
         23. So now we're going to take this natural principle & apply it to the spiritual & the organic body of His Church & we're going to grow by division, & every split's going to grow until it HAS to split & I'm going to use the only weapon I have to FORCE them to do it!


         24. I can't force anybody to do anything. I can't force you to carry this out, but there's one thing God's given me that I DO have control over, at least SOME control over: "The SPIRIT of the PROPHET is subject to the PROPHET" (1Cor.14:32), & I have a right, if you don't obey God, to WITHHOLD the Words of God from you!
         25. Sheep that run off & have their own way & do their own thing & don't follow the shepherd don't get fed! Those that run off & get lost in the mountains & choked with thorns & rent by wolves, that's their OWN fault. If they'd stayed with the shepherd they'd have enjoyed his protection & provision & his guidance.


         26. I think that this new structure is the basic thing that the Lord has shown us! There probably are other forms of government like this one, but I don't know of any right now, where you have to get the approval of THREE levels of authority. We have a combination of various forms of government in our new structure.
         27. It's the best that we have found of this & the best of that put together.--It has to come from the top & the bottom both. I know of a lot of governments which are dictatorships from the top, where the dictator sits up there & the people have to agree. I know others which are supposed to be democracies where the people sit down there & they elect the officers & the top has nothing to say about it. But we're trying to have a check & balance system where it has gotta be all three levels!
         28. Nobody can hold an office without the agreement of the next link down the chain-of-cooperation & the next link up. This forces everybody to work in cooperation & unity. Officers can either be elected from the bottom or appointed from the top.
         29. Elected they should be, appointed sometimes they could be or have to be because of emergency situations, but in either case their fellow shepherds to whose level they are appointed have to agree, & the supervisor above them has to agree also. Or if the supervisor appoints him, then not only his fellow shepherds have to accept him but also the step below has to accept him.


         30. WE ARE DEVELOPING, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, WHAT AMOUNTS TO YOUR CONSTITUTION!--How your organisation is to be constituted & of what it's to be composed.
         31. We have developed the two-thirds majority in our constitution, particularly this "Leadership Revolution", because I feel you cannot make it unanimous consent because then any little Tom, Dick & Harry can hold up the whole works. It throws a monkey wrench into the machinery & everything comes to a halt because ONE guy doesn't like it! Neither do I like a simple majority because then you've got your 50/50 split, & too much opposition, too much disagreement.


         32. We used to organise teams before we ever sent them out. We organised their personnel & we chose the leader. What I used to do was to choose a leader & then I'd say to him, "Alright, now you go choose your team, the guys you want. They don't have to go, but you go sell them, give them a sales talk!" And then they split off from the main body just like little molecules or little amoebas.
         33. You can't just throw them out & say, "We've got twelve now, so six of you guys have to get out!" When an amoeba is splitting it divides into TWO full COMPLETE cells before it actually splits. It DIVIDES while it's still ONE, right? So the Mother Home helps the younger Home that wants to go to get organised & then sends them forth with all the help she can.
         34. Now sometimes they may not know who to choose or what to do, & maybe the leader may have to choose from the top, but it must be with the consent of the people in that case. Whichever way the power goes, whichever way the choice works, it must be with the consent of the higher or lower level.
         35. When each group has chosen their leader you get together with the District Shepherd, who was once the Home Shepherd of one Home, & have an ordination & lay hands on them like the Apostles did.--Acts 13:2-3.
         36. Commit them to the Lord, pray for them, ask God to bless them. Ordain the new Shepherd of the ones that stay & the new Shepherd of the ones that go & send the one team out. Of course at this meeting the proper Over-shepherd, whoever he is, whether it's the District or Regional, should be the presiding officer, & it should be with his consent & leading of the meeting.
         37. So every time a Home splits you have the formation of two complete new Homes who should select their own Shepherds from their own number. We're going to have INSTANT LEADERS. The simplest way for this to work is of course for the one who was their complete leader to instantly become the new District Shepherd. This will solve a lot of problems in getting this whole thing started. Eventually when this whole machine gets fabricated & all organised then it may not always be the guy who's up there who gets it because it'll be pushing up from the bottom. But this way we can have instant changes, we can have instant new leadership.
         38. In other words, we keep pushing leadership upward from the bottom, not pushing leadership downward from the top. No wonder we're so short of leaders, we were always looking around the TOP someplace to find the leadership to push it DOWN. What we need to do is find this leadership at the BOTTOM & start pushing it UP! It's already THERE!
         39. I'll bet you at any twelve-man Home right now there must be at least two leaders directly under the Home Shepherd who could be put in charge of at least that many people, a little tiny team of half a dozen, half of that Home. There must be at least two other people in the Home who have got enough guts & enough faith. If they haven't got enough faith to go out & PIONEER, at least one of them can stay HOME, but the guy that really wants to get up & GO, let him GO! Maybe the new District Shepherd of these two sudden INSTANT Homes may have to really help because now he's training new leaders.


         40. The District Shepherd takes the lead & starts the ball rolling but they must decide on who's to STAY & who's to GO & he counsels with them & makes suggestions & so on, but they, the Home Council, have got to make the decision.
         41. And then you say: "We've got two new Homes here now, each of you select your new Home Councils. And then each of you Home Councils decide on who you want for your Shepherd." This is pumping people power, getting them to take the initiative.


         42. First of all, we need to know what an ordination is. In john it says, "I have called thee & ordained thee to go & bring forth fruit."--Jn.15:16.
         43. So to be ordained means not only to be called but commanded to do something. God isn't talking there just about a ceremony in which he has ordained you to be a minister. He has commanded you to be a minister. It's your commission or commandment to be a minister of whatever you are. So, in each case where a new man is put into a new office, in a sense he is ordained as that new officer. He is ordained by god.
         44. Well, god's children are ordained by the Lord! But I would look on an ordination ceremony, service, ritual, whatever you want to call it, as man's recognition of god's ordination. So I think it's wise, & it was practiced thus in the new testament to start off with, where they laid hands on them & through this official recognition they were commissioned or recognised to be commissioned to do the job, simply recognised by man.
         45. So an ordination wouldn't be a bad idea when you're installing these new officers to impress upon the people the importance & seriousness & the soberness of the occasion & the heaviness of it, & to impress upon the candidate the weight of his responsibilities, & to really realise that this is something important, very serious, & that it's not to be taken lightly. Like a betrothal or a marriage service, he's getting married to his job.

Betrothals: approval at 3 levels!

         46. Who should consent to a betrothal? The couple themselves first of all, god help'm, & next their home shepherd of course. I believe in letting those things be decided at the local level if possible.
         47. The ideal situation is where it is sort of inbred within a homethose that are living together, who know each other well & have been workng together for some time. Sometimes maybe they know somebody in another home that they love.
         48. If it's within one home then it's totally within the jurisdiction of that home leader. I don't think it should have any interference except for perhaps the approval of another leader from the next step up. It might be well that the betrothal not only have the sanction of the local home leader, but a double check with another leader who knows the people & the situation.
         49. The two people themselves have to make the decision first though. I don't like this business of a set-up betrothal. We've had more messes by these matchmakers, god help us & deliver us!
         50. So I'd say that the same principle holds true on betrothals as on any other decision, & that is it's with the consent of the adjoining levels concerned. Of course if the couple is determined, I don't know how you would talk them out of it. Some people sometimes just have to learn by their mistakes, sad to say, & maybe you don't know all the factors, maybe god knows best. There can always be exceptions to every rule.


         51. A reporting system is very important, & that is one of the main reasons we have kept together as an integrated force while others have crumbled & gone to pieces & you never heard of them again. But the children of god are still marching on because we stick together: sticking together in doctrine & fellowship & communication, which is extremely important!
         52. Without communication we've got no doctrine, we've got no fellowship. We have insisted on these reports & insisted on our folks getting them in, & that's the first place we ever applied the lever of the letters. So the reporting system is important.

Litnessing & witnessing: no exceptions!

         53. Everybody's got some kind of a job besides litnessing, including the shepherd & shepherdess. But I have been unable to figure out why they don't get out!
         54. Everybody needs to get out just for the exercise & fresh air & the sunshine daily, at least an hour a day for god's sake! Let it double as your recreation time or something--you've gotta get out! Now why the hell can't you get out?--I don't care who you are!
         55. Maria & I used to spend three or four hours every night out dancing, & let me tell you, we weren't dancing all the time! We spent at least 50% of the time & sometimes more than that with somebody socking away witnessing. We couldn't talk children of god, we couldn't give them literature, but we sure could talk about god & jesus & the bible & everything else!
         56. We spent that time literally out witnessing. And if we can do it, I don't see why the hell everybody can't do it! You all need it. You need to keep your hand in witnessing & litnessing, every single member, everybody from the top to the bottom. It's a great leveller!
         57. There's no reason why everybody can't get out at least two hours a day & hit the streets. If you don't think you ought to litness, it's below your dignity to litness, then for god's sake sit on a bench & witness & get a disciple, if that's your talent & your calling!
         58. So the poor leader, he's got to do statistics & he's got to administrate & do this & do that. Well, the poor cook, she's got to cook a bunch of meals too & the poor childcare worker has got to take care of a bunch of kids all the time, & the poor driver-mechanic has got to be out there fixing a bunch of vehicles--everybody's got their jobs!
         59. If you're going to excuse somebody because of their jobs then you'll have to excuse everybody. "Oh, we can't go litnessing because we've got a job to do", & so pretty soon in london there was nobody litnessing because everybody's work was too important. I just got furious! I mean, telling me they didn't have time to make out witnessing reports, that's ridiculous!
         60. I said, "you tell them if they don't have time to make out a report, we don't have time to feed them or house them!" Let me tell you, anybody who hasn't got time to write a report hasn't got time to live, cause reports is what it's all about! If you don't report we don't know what you're doing, we don't know if you're doing anything, so why should we feed & house you?
         61. I never worked for a boss yet that I didn't have to report to, for god's sake! I learned to report faithfully, I reported once a week even if I didn't have anything to report!

Women leaders!--Maria!

         62. Some people need to know what women can do & what kind of confidence god puts in women leadership. We have some outstanding women leaders.
         63. Maria has the archives & all the letters. We've got letters stacked around! You've no idea how many letters we've got, & I'll never get them all done before I die!
         64. The Lord keeps giving me new stuff & I don't even have time to work on the old stuff! So we're piling it up in the warehouse, in the storehouse, and god willing, with a little help from the spirit world, perhaps from me when I'm gone, I can inspire maria to get it out.
         65. She says she can't even write & she can't edit & she doesn't know what to do. The Lord said once that she's just a little robot who does the recording, but god's going to have to help her with her helpers to refine the gold & to get it out.
         66. And although she's a shy retiring backward little girl who thinks she can't do anything, you can see what she has done just by being obedient & my right hand & a faithful custodian of the oracles of god, or there wouldn't have been any revolution! So there will be plenty to keep you going for quite awhile.
         67. The Lord in the "Great Queen" prophecy called her a prophetess, which is a gift that she hasn't exercised very much as long as I'm around. She's had it for a long time, & she used to get little messages from the Lord, partly in tongues, but she didn't have the gift of interpretation or the faith for it.

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