HOW TO SURVIVE IN A SMALL COLONY!                 DO 326C                   10/74

         2. GOD ALWAYS KNOWS BEST! Even when WE don't know what WE'RE doing, as long as we're obeying & following HIM, He'll lead the way & we'll SOON SEE where we're going, just like the SHEEP WITH YOUR SHEPHERD.
         3. WITH A GREAT DEAL OF CARE & constant tongue-lashing & painstaking efforts to keep things at a WHISPER & in the DARK as much as possible, you can sometimes manage to survive in a quiet residential neighbourhood a couple of YEARS!--Sometimes with as many as a DOZEN in the house making "no small stir"! In spite of all this, your activities won't always go without notice.
         4. YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SQUEEZE TOO MANY IN FOR LONG WITHOUT PROBLEMS. Actually, about all a little old house can comfortably & safely hold would be about a HALF-A-DOZEN, three couples or usually not more than SIX people, which is about what it's built for with only three bedrooms.--Although you MIGHT squeeze in one or two more if you HAD to if you went in & out very quietly, kept quiet, decent hours & didn't ALL use the front door!
         5. YOU MAY EVEN GET AWAY WITH TEN OR A DOZEN IN A SMALL HOUSE ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS or conferences, like Christmas time when, of course, neighbours EXPECT extra family & relatives to be visiting. But USUALLY try to keep it to a MINIMUM, & most of the time there should be no more than FOUR TO SIX of you there, which it can easily accommodate if you don't make too much noise or reveal too many activities that might look like you're running an OFFICE or a BUSINESS in a RESIDENTIAL area. Therefore, usually keep BLINDS DOWN & LIGHTS OUT except where & when necessary, instead of the whole house ablaze in the middle of the night, which would attract unnecessary attention & possible complaints.
         6. IF YOU'RE VERY CAUTIOUS I'M SURE YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH AT LEAST A LITTLE TYPING in the BACK rooms off the sidewalks or UPSTAIRS with shades or glass curtains drawn so the neighbours can't observe all your activities, & absolutely NO typing at NIGHT of ANY kind!
         7. AND I MIGHT ADD THAT THESE SAME RULES SHOULD APPLY to any portion of any Home which is in the same type of quiet, elderly, conservative neighbourhood with very near neighbours. You should be able to accommodate at least the TOP LEADERSHIP of your Home with their most ESSENTIAL STAFF members such as secretaries etc.
         8. YOU WOULD ALSO HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR PHOTO LAB & PRINTING DIVISIONS, SHIPPING ETC. all elsewhere if possible in some more PERMANENTLY located nearby SHOP, store front, warehouse or any kind of COMMERCIAL quarters where such operations would be PERMITTED & EXPECTED. This, too, YOU folks who KNOW the situation & your operation & have the FAITH will have to sort out for YOURSELVES as the Lord leads & provides according to personnel, housing & supervision, including wise counsel & advice on any business arrangements & finances.
         9. MEANWHILE, YOUR MOST ESSENTIAL STAFF OF SECRETARIES, TYPISTS & SOME POSSIBLE MATES COULD OCCUPY A LITTLE HOUSE & handle the major volume of your mail & communications with your other departments etc., including courier errands to & from all mail drops, photo lab, print shops etc. You might even be able to CUT DOWN your PERSONAL PRINTING operation to the bare minimum of immediate emergency jobs, small jobs, personal & security jobs etc., while FARMING OUT to the better-equipped & well-staffed System the big & major jobs of mass GP production etc.
         10. A HOUSE IS A GOOD PLACE FOR CHILDREN with a nice big yard or nearby park or playground, but I doubt if your house staff will get much done with too many children around unless they had a fulltime mother or childcare worker who could also perhaps double for cook & housekeeper for the house staff.
         11. SOME ARE SO WILD & HIPPY-LOOKING I doubt if they'd fit the NEIGHBOURHOOD unless they considerably change their APPEARANCE to please the NEIGHBOURS & disguise themselves as SYSTEMITES, as should ALL the others who live in such a neighbourhood or visit or do business with you THERE.
         12. MAYBE THEY COULD GET A SHAVE & HAIRCUT & A NEW SUIT of clothes & still be hippies at heart even though it might BREAK their hearts, which we all have to do frequently for the Lord, so this should be a small thing to ask if they must live THERE.
         13. TO SURVIVE NEARLY THREE YEARS IN SUCH A HOUSE, WE OURSELVES HAD TO EVEN FORBID SINGING, SHOUTING, LOUD PRAISING, LOUD PRAYING, visible hand-holding circles & anything even faintly resembling those naughty, noisy nuisances known as you-know-who! This is how we ourselves have been able to survive & lie low under cover in some of the most unusual & unexpected conservative places, the LAST place they'd be looking for you!--Amen? Someone would have to teach your new staff how to learn & observe these rules or you would be unable to stay there & possibly even lose that happy Home & convenient quarters!--Savvy?
         14. THESE SAME RULES MUST HOLD TRUE IN ANY SELAH HOME, & all correspondence from there with the outside World should be censored for security, even as Maria & I censor our OWN & check on each other very prayerfully for any possible security slips which could identify us or our location! This is absolutely essential & no one can possibly live there who cannot keep these rules or makes even one little slip along these lines, which could give you away & make you move again!
         15. SO IF YOU NEED RE-HOUSING ANYWAY, break up the blob into smaller, more manageable units, easier to operate more efficiently on their own.--Amen?
         16. SOME WAVES OF BAD PUBLICITY ARE JUST ONE MORE SIGN that we're wearing out our welcome, as the Lord showed us we would sooner or later, especially in such parts of the World so attached to America & so controlled by that wealthy, influential & very powerful minority who now hate us, as they did Jesus, for exposing them & their plans!
         17. SO I'VE ALREADY SUGGESTED THAT WE HAD BETTER START MOVING or planning to move our most vital operations to friendlier countries where we at the moment are more popular & where we need to take advantage of these new opportunities & greater protection amongst friends of the South! So some of you are going to have to move somewhere else ANYHOW sometime soon, & as in most wars it's safer for the LEADERSHIP to lead the retreat & leave only the LESSER-needed troops for the final rear-guard mopping up!
         18. IT IS VITAL THAT WE DO OUR BEST TO TRY TO PRESERVE OUR TOP LEADERSHIP NOW & most important operations in safer places than some are getting to be! I've already advised your leadership to move as quickly as possible to the countries suggested, as they may have to move anyway.
         19. THEREFORE, IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT WE AGAIN START DECENTRALISING & MOVING for both safety & security reasons as well as the advantages offered now & the possibilities of the very near future, & each move should be for the sake of greater safety, facility & efficiency if possible. So why not NOW, for those of you who CAN!
         20. EVEN IN A WORLDWIDE EMERGENCY, ON THE LOCAL LAND IN SOME COUNTRIES THERE'S PLENTY OF FOOD to eat without dependency on the rest of the World!
         21. YOU MUST BE WILLING TO HAVE YOUR OWN CHILDREN THERE to become nationals of that nation if necessary, which might even be another point in your favour in helping you stay there, as you are already beloved by the local people. The Lord surely knows what He's doing!--Would YOU be ALSO willing to do the same?
         22. CONSIDER A WARMER CLIMATE WHERE NO FUEL WOULD BE NEEDED to survive in case of a national or international shortage, a country very friendly to our southern friends & not likely to become too involved in U.S. international politics, an area not likely to be the target in any kind of war, as some will be!
         23. IN AN EXTREME EMERGENCY IT MIGHT NOT BE POSSIBLE TO COOK unless there is plenty of wood for the LOCAL folks to last quite awhile if that area were no longer able to import its fuel as it does today.
         24. THERE SHOULD BE PLENTY FOR ALL, SUFFICIENT TO SURVIVE if possible even an extended emergency, just as some people have survived for thousands of years without the rest of the World!
         25. SO PREPARE ACCORDINGLY!--THE TIME IS NOW! It's coming SOON! TOMORROW will be too late! GBY! ILY! Keep GOING for GOD!--Love, Dad.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family