THE JAPANESE-SOUTH AMERICAN DREAM!                DFO 325C                  1/75

         1. I had a dream--I'm sure it must have been japan. There were lots & lots of young people around, & in the distance there was this huge volcanic mountain that was erupting, & there was a big earthquake going on, in fact a lot of earthquakes which seemed like an almost continuous rumbling & thundering & sort of rolling explosions.
         2. Sloping down from the volcano toward the sea there was this big slope which was all pocked with what looked like new little craters, like big black pimples that were erupting all over the place, & lava was flowing out of a lot of them & flowing down toward me & the sea.
         3. People were running & yelling & screaming: it seemed like they were nearly all young people running down the slope toward me. But a lot of them were getting caught by the lava & being buried under the lava as they ran down the hill between these craters.
         4. They were trying to get into the sea or onto this big, big rock which seemed to be right at the edge of the sea. It was a huge rock formation, so big it was almost like the rock of gibraltar! It stuck up out of the water's edge & had the funniest shape, almost like an elizabethan-shakespearean theatre with its arms or wings stretched out toward the crowd that was running toward it.
         5. I thought, "if I could just get us on that big rock, I'll be safe!"--And a lot of others seemed to have the same idea.
         6. It turned out that the whole rock was a big school building, carved out of the rock, & it had rooms inside.
         7. I was yelling to them & shouting directions how to get up on the rock by taking the same route I'd climbed, & the kids were streaming down the big volcanic mountain as fast as they could & were swarming up onto the rock.
         8. This fine-looking japanese man behind me to my right was helping me & sort of guiding the kids & getting them sorted out & placed--i just knew he was the director of the school. He was helping me get the kids organised & sending them here & there in the school.
         9. There was this big german guy who seemed to be one of the refugees but about the only older one that was around, & he had short blond hair in a real german style burr cut about an inch long standing on end. He was really gruff & curt like so many of the germans are.
         10. So he said to me, "well, I need some money." And I said, "can't you see I'm busy!" But he said, "i need some money!" And he kept pestering me & he followed me almost into the building & was talking to me while I was herding some of the kids through the open door.
         11. He was really annoying me & I was really angry that he could be worrying about himself in such a life-&-death situation instead of helping all these poor kids! Here was this big emergency & we were trying to save the kids & he was annoying me about this money! So finally I gave him the equivalent of six pounds. He looked at it with disdain & sneering as he nevertheless reached out his hand for it to take it reluctantly. "Huh!" He snorted, "six quid! That's nothing!" But he just turned & walked away & never even said thank you!
         12. I must have been really shocked because I turned toward the school director & I exclaimed, "who does he think he is anyhow?"--Like he had a lot of nerve coming in there in the midst of all this confusion & doing nothing!
         13. But the nice japanese man merely said politely, "oh, that's mr. Denton!--He's the new art director.--We've just hired him!" But I had the feeling by this time he was almost ready to fire him because of the snotty way he was acting, but he was still trying to be polite.
         14. The director said, "you know, we need teachers very badly, & we'd like to have you stay & teach if you will."
         15. But I had another invitation instead to go to south america to teach spanish. Then I was so tired I decided I'd go out of the building as the big rush was sort of subsiding & the earthquake seemed to be over & they were getting the kids stowed away wherever they belonged.
         16. So I went out into the foyer & sat down looking out into a very pretty typical japanese garden, which was on the back side of the big rock away from the terrible scene of volcanic devastation. It was so peaceful there facing the ocean.
         17. There was a pretty girl sitting there on a bench, one of the students. She was a real beautiful japanese girl! They're so sweet, almost always smiling, & yet they're really very shy & demure. She looked at me coyly, right straight into my eyes at first, & smiled. Then she dropped her eyes like she was a little embarrassed that she'd been so bold as to look me straight in the eye, almost flirtatiously.
         18. It seemed like she represented the japanese youth. So I thought to myself, "wow!--Maybe I ought to stay here after all!" Then she went back to her studying. So I too tried to get my mind on my problem, my decision.
         19. I thought, "well, it sure is nice here & I sure like these people, & this girl sure is beautiful & I like them, but I don't know any japanese!--All I know is spanish!" I seemed to feel like they had the situation here in japan pretty well in hand, but that the school in south america really needed help & that there was something very urgent about it.
         20. So I was praying about it & thought, "well, lord, I guess I'd better go where duty calls & where the need is the greatest." I remember about that time this nice sweet japanese boy brought me my lunch, & I thought, "how nice! The japanese are always so thoughtful!"
         21. At the same time the japanese boy brought me a message like a telegram or cablegram that clinched my decision. But at the same time I was thinking how thoughtful the japanese had been. Even though I hadn't made my decision to join their school, they had provided my lunch while I was sitting there on the bench!
         22. I thought, "the japanese are always so thoughtful & courteous & polite, just about the most courteous people in the world!--And they're so artistic!--Really a beautiful people!" I always did think their girls were so pretty, ever since I was in a california high school where there were a lot of japanese students.
         23. My feeling was that the south american school was in much more need of help. They had good leaders already & were well organised in japan, but in south america they were really in need of help, & that for some reason or other south america needed more help & attention.
         24. In japan they have done very well with the literature & always seem to have lots of faith for funds. But I just had the feeling that the south american work was in a stage of flux & change & needed to get more organised to get out more lit.
         25. From the usual biblical symbolism it's not hard to see what the mountains represent: the big black volcano & all the little craters that were pock-marking the landscape & exploding & threatening the japanese youth obviously represented the kingdom of satan, the underground satanic forces now erupting to devour the japanese youth.
         26. My shouting to them to get on the rock was symbolic of our message of directing them to the lord & a place of refuge.--And it was like that german man wanted to annoy me with financial matters & distract me from the main job of rescuing the kids.
         27. So often our policies are dictated or influenced by financial conditions, when finances shouldn't really have much to do with it!--We ought to just obey the lord! It must be the lord gave the japanese part of the dream for their sakes to encourage the japanese.
         28. There must be coming a time of real reaping in japan during a time of great trouble of some kind. It doesn't have to be a literal earthquake--it can be symbolic. I thought those little craters popping up all over looked so dirty & evil, a greater threat than the big volcano far in the distance, because they would pop up right in the midst of the kids, & the poor kids were running down to the rock at the edge of the sea.
         29. To me the sea represents the greatness of God, his vast might & power, almost like the sea itself represents God, the ocean of his love maybe, the mighty sea of God that could easily stop the flood of the volcano & the lava flowing down, by simply swallowing it up in the ocean where it couldn't do any harm!
         30. And of course the rock represents the rock, christ jesus (1cor.10:4), Coming up out of God, the sea! The arms of the rock were outstretched toward the youth of japan, & the kids were climbing up the arms into the top of the rock.--Yet the rock was also a school!--Well, the lord is certainly a school & a school teacher who trains us!
         31. But the leadership there was definitely japanese, & I think that's probably to emphasise that we need to encourage national leadership, because they're very smart & intelligent & capable of running their own things. All we have to do is get them started.
         32. It must be both japan's & south america's time for reaping! It must be that the japanese youth are being terribly threatened by the kingdom of satan & clearly need help right now, or there's coming some time of big trouble when they'll really turn toward us.
         33. The japanese situation was in good hands & going fine, but the south american situation needed more attention & help. I definitely, at the end of the dream, set myself toward south america in spite of the temptation to stay there in japan with that pretty girl!
         34. Well, she could represent japan & that japan loves me & wants me & wouldn't be above tempting me to stay. But it was just like the need wasn't as great there. They seemed to be pretty well organised. She seemed to be quite happy & busy studying.
         35. One thing's for sure, God's emphasis was quite obviously on these newer pioneer fields where the reaping is or can be! Whereas it seems like most of our time & attention has been taken up with these older fields where we seem to have the most problems! Gby! Ily!

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