HITCH YOUR WAGON TO A STAR!               DFO 311B                 9/74
MO's Worldwide Family Letter No.5!

         1. AGAIN I SAY UNTO YOU AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE, YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO FOLLOW GOD & seek more directly for HIS help & HIS answers, which I'm sure will take less time & be much better than waiting for MINE. From henceforth I will try to leave you to the Lord & hope you will try not to involve me in so many little details of your tending of tables.
         2. WE'D LIKE TO COMMEND YOU ALL ON THE WONDERFUL JOBS YOU'RE DOING & HOW WELL YOU'RE DOING THEM & we know the Lord will continue to bless you & make you a blessing as long as you continue in His Will. But even if you can't make it, there's not much I can do from here to help you. Only GOD can help you, & the best way He can help is through the WORDS that He gives to us all, which is MY most important job & for which the whole WORLD waits! But otherwise, I shall try to get out of your way & stop getting entangled in your affairs & cares of this World, lest they choke out the Word & I become unfruitful.
         3. IT IS BETTER FOR YOU ALL THAT I STAY SPLIT & REMAIN ON THE MOUNTAIN rather than come down unto you or let you come up unto me; for, like Nehemiah, I am doing a great work & I must not come down to become embroiled in your personal problems & private affairs & all of the cares of your daily lives or even your daily labours for which you must seek GOD'S help YOURSELF.
         4. SOMETIMES YOU DEPEND TOO MUCH ON ME & look too much to me for MY PERSONAL words rather than taking the time & the trouble to delve into HIS WORD & the Words He has ALREADY given us in so many Letters, or in direct prayerful communication with the Lord Himself, in which I am sure you will find the answers somewhere in one of these sources without continually bothering His Prophet for personal private consultations on all these nagging little details.
         5. YOU'RE LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN RUNNING TO THE TEACHER FOR ALL THE ANSWERS THE EASY WAY INSTEAD OF SITTING DOWN & STUDYING the textbooks & lessons already given & digging them out for yourselves as you should as good diligent students of the Word. To ask the teacher for the answers is like being lazy & even cheating--cheating yourselves & others by either being too lazy or too busy with a little here & there of less important things so that you haven't time to find the answers in the lessons already given.
         6. IN THIS YOU'RE ALSO SETTING A BAD EXAMPLE TO YOUR FLOCKS & being a very poor shepherd in not knowing where to find the good green pastures that they so sorely need. Some of them know the terrain even better than you do & actually have to lead you to the Letters & remind you where the answers are & the best feeding is, & many of THEM know the Letters better than some of you LEADERS & therefore could possibly even make better leaders than YOU are if you & your own ideas would just get out of their way!
         7. AS HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID, YOU BELIEVE IN PRAYER AS MUCH AS YOU PRAY, you believe your BIBLE as much as you READ it; & I might add, you believe in ME & my WORDS as much as you READ & OBEY them!
         8. HOW MANY OF MY LETTERS HAVE YOU READ LATELY ON SUBJECTS YOU NEED THE MOST, no matter how old they are? The INSPIRED & the REVELATORY are STILL true & as helpful as ever, just as when God gave them!
         9. HOWEVER, TIMES & THINGS & METHODS & WE & GOD'S NEW PLANS & WAYS ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING & REVOLUTING LIKE A WHEEL, speeding toward the goal of the new & leaving the old far behind! It's the same wheel with the same centre & the same spokes with the same rim, but it is constantly changing speeds & directions & covering new territories & sometimes leaving the old forever, never to return!
         10. SOMETIMES ITS TIRE MAY GROW TIRED & GO FLAT THROUGH MANY LEAKS WITHOUT INFLATION OR INSPIRATION, or the once new tread which actually touches the Earth may often wear thin & even become dangerous if not replaced or retreaded with a new surface or a new look or even a whole new tire! But it's still the ever-revoluting revolution of God's Kingdom with its same basic RIM of certain limitations & RULES supported by US, the SPOKES, firmly embedded in the central HUB of GOD Himself & eternally turning on the AXIS of His WILL, geared to the POWER of His SPIRIT through the TRANSMISSION of His SON!
         11. AND ONE OF THESE DAYS SOON HE, THE OWNER, WILL EVEN BE TRADING IN THIS OLD, WORN-OUT, FLESHLY, EARTHY MODEL for an entirely NEW HEAVENLY model that can even FLY & with a lot more POWER than we ever dreamed of, & which can circle the Globe in nothing flat & even visit other planets & stars & ride the whole range of the Universe!--And it won't take days, weeks, months or years, not even light years, but with the speed of THOUGHT.
         12. SO WHY DON'T YOU COME ON & HITCH A RIDE WITH US!--We've hitched our wagon to a Star, the Bright & Morning Star, the Star of David, Jesus Christ Himself, & we're really going places faster than the speed of light into realms beyond natural human ken!
         13. DON'T LET ALL THESE NAGGING LITTLE DETAILS GET YOUR MINDS & HEARTS OFF THE END OF THE ROAD! There may be a lot of flats, car troubles, breakdowns, repairs, delays & changes, but we'll hit the road again & keep on rolling & nothing can stop us till we've reached the End & that Heavenly City with its Space King Who makes it worth it all!--Amen? PTL!
         14. SO PLEASE DON'T BOTHER ME WITH ALL THESE LITTLE DETAILS & REPAIRS! I'm not the MAKER or the MECHANIC: I'm just the DRIVER who's following the VISION ahead according to the MAP & the instruction of the OWNER, & I do better to listen to Him & read His instructions & study His Map while He treats me to a refreshing cup of coffee of the inspiration of His Spirit & a nice little chat with Him in a cozy hidden booth while YOU all take care of the REPAIRS!--Amen?
         15. WHEN YOU'RE READY TO GO AGAIN I'LL BE GLAD TO DRIVE, but meanwhile, my time is much better spent chatting with Him & planning the route than fiddling along with you on things I know little or nothing about & which you could handle a lot better than I. I've BEEN a mechanic & I COULD probably do it, but why should I when it's no longer MY job & there are plenty of YOU who need to LEARN how & by your example TEACH OTHERS the same without bothering the CHAUFFEUR with anything but the DRIVING, & even the OWNER with anything except necessary INSTRUCTIONS & footing the BILL!
         16. THE REST OF YOU CAN JUST COME ALONG FOR THE RIDE! He's already paid your fare, but you may often have to get out & push to keep things rolling! Just keep singing & smiling & fixing those nice little picnic lunches for all of us & keep passing out those invitations to take the tour to our final Destination!
         17. MOST OF YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ASSEMBLERS, MECHANICS OR CHAUFFEURS, & ONLY GOD'S THE OWNER! Just come on & join our Gypsy Band & enjoy the ride while our wagons keep rollin' along as you happily invite others to join the tour!--Amen? May God bless & keep us all!
         18. FROM ALL YOUR LETTERS & REPORTS I COULD COMMENT ON A LOT OF YOUR WORK, but there's nothing more annoying to a mechanic who knows what he's doing than having the chauffeur continually hanging over his shoulder & sticking his nose into the repairs & yakking in his ear when he's already got the Maker's instruction Manual with definite diagrams & already-stated specifications to go by! So please refer to the MAKER'S MANUAL & specifications for ACCURATE INFORMATION, amen? HAVE A GOOD TRIP!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family