SHARE THE KNOW!           DO 301A           2/74

         1. I BELIEVE IN SOCIALISM! I believe in the EARLY CHURCH form of Socialism, where they shared ALL things, had ALL things in common, & NO man called ANYTHING his OWN. And the principle: "From each according to his ability unto each according to his need."--I BELIEVE in it! Now, I want to tell you something:
         2. GOD HAS CREATED FOR YOU KIDS A TREMENDOUS JOB! But to get that job done, of getting the Words that Work to the World, Millions for the Billions, He has had to create a tremendous BUSINESS operation.--Believe it or not!
         3. IT'S GOD'S BUSINESS, THANK GOD, BUT IT IS BUSINESS! There's a lot to be dealt with in such an operation.--I don't have the wisdom, YOU don't have the wisdom, none of us ALONE has the wisdom to take care of ALL that. Decisions MUST be made in COUNSEL, FIRST of all with the LORD, & then TOGETHER & in AGREEMENT on ALL MAJOR DECISIONS.
         4. I WANT TO INCLUDE THE KIDS MORE & MORE IN DECISION MAKING! I believe in what we got on the WISE LEADER. (See No.263) I want to include them more & more in decision making, all the way from Publication to Distribution, what's produced, how it's produced, what form it's produced in, the amount that's produced, etc.
         5. LET THEIR COUNCILS MAKE A UNITED DECISION ON THESE THINGS, no individual making that final decision, but the council making the decision, even on printing orders. I mean, as well-meaning as anyone might be, as good as their motive might be, NOBODY, no ONE person ALONE has the wisdom, nor should take the responsibility of making such MAJOR decisions.--They must be made as united decisions of the BODY.
         6. I DON'T WANT ANYTHING DONE ABOUT ANYTHING UNLESS YOUR COUNCILS MEET TOGETHER & AGREE TOGETHER, even if they are suggestions from ME. If THEY don't think it's wise or best or well to do it, I don't want'm to do it.
         7. I CAN ADVISE, I CAN COUNSEL, I CAN SUGGEST, SOMETIMES I TRY TO ORDER, but often that won't even work, because it's really YOUR business!
         8. BUT I AM CONCERNED ABOUT THE KIDS who OPERATE this operation, from the top man even down to the lowliest sidewalk distributor.
         9. I WANT TO BE SURE THAT THEY KNOW THE GENERAL STATE OF THE FINANCES, & they know the people who are handling them, & know & trust them when they say, "We know where every bit of the money goes, & it DOESN'T all go to MO! It's going RIGHT BACK HERE into God's business to pay EXPENSES, including OUR expenses & OUR living & what WE eat & where WE live!" I want the kids to know it is THEIR WORK.--It is THEIR business!
         10. THEY REALLY OWN IT, & I WANT THEM TO EXERCISE AS MUCH CONTROL OVER IT AS POSSIBLE, from each person on the final decision-making level down to the potato peelers & the floor sweepers!
         11. NO INDIVIDUAL IS PROFITING, personally or individually, but it's all going BACK into the BUSINESS & the JOB & the PUBLICATIONS & to the KIDS themselves. I want them to know it is their business.
         12. I WANT TO REVEAL TO THE KIDS THE STATE OF THEIR FINANCES: WHERE they go & WHAT, not WHO, 'cause no individual "WHO" is getting the money--but WHAT gets the money & WHERE it goes & HOW it goes & so on! So they must know that this is all on the level, the up-&-up, & we're not trying to hide anything.
         13. NOBODY'S "MAKING MILLIONS" & IF THEY ARE, IT SURE ISN'T ME! I try to insist that EVERY ACCOUNT has at least THREE NAMES on it of RESPONSIBLE persons, NOT ONE of them ME, so that NOBODY could spend ANYTHING without OTHER people knowing about it! They must KNOW what we're DOING & what we HAVE & why it's THERE & why we HAVE to HAVE it!
         14. SHOW THE KIDS WHERE THE MONEY GOES! They go out & work hard in the street, they get in several dollars, pounds or whatever, & turn it in according to the quota for their own needs! What if they sometimes wonder, "Well, I wonder where all this hard-earned cash GOES?"
         15. YOU COULD EASILY DO A PIE-GRAPH TO SHOW THEM BY USING SIMPLE PERCENTAGES, for the last month, &/or the last six months, just to SHOW where it's going & what has been SPENT & what is still on HAND. By percentages it would be very easy for every one of our Homes to do. Don't you think that would be a good idea? SHOW the kids we're trying to let them KNOW what's going on & how the finances are.
         16. MOST PEOPLE DON'T REALISE WHAT GREAT AMOUNTS OF MONEY GO INTO PRINTING, having the System print those Letters. I mean, you just don't realise it unless you look into it. So they need to KNOW what it costs. WHERE is it all going? WHO'S spending it? Is DAD spending it all? DAD is hardly spending ANY of it!
         17. THE KIDS THEMSELVES ARE SPENDING IT ALL, OR IT'S ALL BEING SPENT ON THE KIDS!--THEY may not be doing the actual SPENDING, but it's being SPENT on THEM. A lot of them never held System jobs or had to support a family, & it's almost impossible for some of them to realise the big amounts of money it takes.
         18. THE 64-DOLLAR QUESTION IS ALWAYS: "WHO GETS THE MONEY?" And of course, the WORLD always assumes that I get it!--Ha!--which of course, YOU & those who KNOW me well know I DON'T! But let's let them know who does get the money & where it does go!
         19. THE KIDS NEED TO KNOW THAT NOBODY'S MAKING MILLIONS.--That if ANYBODY'S making ANYTHING, THEY are, & it's all going RIGHT BACK into THEIR OWN PERSONAL EXPENSES & THEIR BUSINESS which makes the earning of those expenses possible! So I believe we need to go the limit with them: We have shared our hearts with them. We have shared our Message with them. We have shared our leadership with them. We have shared our way of living with them.--And we ARE sharing the MONEY with them, but they need to KNOW it & HOW!
         20. WE NEED TO SHARE WITH THE KIDS THE KNOWLEDGE THAT WE ARE SHARING THE MONEY WITH THEM.--That WE'RE not the ones who're getting it, but that THEY'RE the ones who are getting it, & it is usually going into THEIR use & THEIR hands & THEIR work!--And whatever is left over THEY have the say about what's done with it.
         21. I WANT THEM TO KNOW EVERYTHING THEY CAN POSSIBLY KNOW ABOUT, due to the fact that it IS THEIR BUSINESS, it is THEIR money, it is being spent on THEM & THEIR business & THEIR work & to increase it.
         22. I WANT THE KIDS TO KNOW THAT THIS IS THEIR WORK, IT IS THEIR BUSINESS, IT IS THEIR JOB, IT IS THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT, & IT IS TO BE RUN BY THEM. They are to have a VOICE in the decisions, from production to distribution, to what's happening with the MONEY! I want them to know that it's THEIRS! THEY'RE running it & THEY have the say-so in it. THEY make the decisions, & THEY'RE getting the money, they're KNOWING where it goes & they are CHOOSING how they want to SPEND it!
         23. THE GREATEST OF HARDSHIPS & PRIVATIONS IS FINE FOR ANY ARMY IN THE FIELD. Armies in the field can camp out.--They can sleep on the ground in the open or under the trees. But I want to tell you right now that any army's HEADQUARTERS--where their major job is not actually out on the field, or at the battlefront line attacking the enemy or roughing it--their officers & their central headquarters workers usually are a little more comfortable & a little better supplied!
         24. I WANT EVERY WORKER AT A HEADQUARTERS HOME TO HAVE COMFORTABLE QUARTERS, WARM COMFORTABLE BEDS & GOOD FOOD--as much as it is possible for us to provide, or I should say for THEY THEMSELVES to provide--because it's THEIR money, THEIR business & THEY should see & decide on how it's SPENT! Now some of those Homes might be able to survive through an emergency or once or twice a week on pork & beans & not completely get scurvy or whatever. But to continue this way for MONTHS & even YEARS is DISGRACEFUL!
         25. I THINK THEY EACH OUGHT TO HAVE A FEW OF THE LITTLE CONVENIENCES OF COMFORTABLE LIVING! First of all, a comfortable warm room, a comfortable warm bed, enough clean bedding, comfortable adequate clothing, good solid & nourishing healthful food, ALL of their physical NECESSITIES WELL MET & supplied!
         26. WE DON'T HAVE TO FURNISH LUXURIES, BUT EVEN THOSE THEY CAN DECIDE ON as to WHAT perhaps they CAN afford. I mean, should you decide, "Well, should we buy a TV to watch the news & important documentaries etc.? Now what do YOU folks think? Do you guys want to spend the money? Shall we do it?--THIS much, THAT much, HOW much? Do we need another RADIO? Does somebody need THIS? Do we need another PHONE?--HOW is the money to be SPENT?"
         27. WHAT REALLY ARE NEEDS?--What SOME people need, OTHERS don't. "From each according to his ABILITY & to each according to his NEEDS"--I mean to the FULLEST EXTENT! Everybody SHOULD be contributing according to his ability!
         28. I WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR PERSONAL NEEDS ARE ALL SUPPLIED, WELL supplied!--There is NO EXCUSE as long as you've got GOOD PROVISIONERS & there are people willing to DONATE things, or we have a slight balance in the BANK. If anybody needs a hat to keep their head warm, or gloves to keep his hands warm, or a coat or shoes or blankets or glasses or dentistry or WHATEVER they NEED, I want them to HAVE it!
         29. I WANT THEM TO KNOW THAT THIS IS SUCCESSFUL SOCIALISM!--It works! God blesses it! We receive our needs in abundance!
         30. THEY CAN HAVE ANYTHING THEY NEED, & MAYBE EVEN WHAT THEY WANT BESIDES! Now shouldn't that be the RIGHT way? Shouldn't that be the way that GOD handles things? He promises to supply ALL our needs, even to give us our heart's DESIRES, if we delight ourselves in HIM.--Psa.37:4.
         31. WHEN GOD BLESSES US FINANCIALLY IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE OBEYING & we're getting out the MESSAGE, & we're WITNESSING to the WORLD & we're getting RESULTS!--And God BLESSES us for it! I want to see that all the kids are SHARING in those blessings & that we're giving them EVERYTHING that we can possibly give them that they NEED, & even a few of the things maybe that they WANT other than just needs, if it's GOOD for them! Whatever it is, in any decision along this line, it's not WE that make the decisions for them, but it is THEY who are making the decisions & the choice, THEY who are deciding what happens to the money, THEY who spend it on what they think it's needed for, & what it should go for, & most of all KNOW about it!
         32. THERE SHOULDN'T BE JUST A HANDFUL OF EXECUTIVES WHO KNOW, but ALL the kids should know there isn't that much EXCESS money & know where that little money IS & where it GOES, even down to the lowest man in the rank, so that he too will know the extent of our income & WHERE it goes & HOW it's spent! Amen?
         33. EVERY DISCIPLE SHOULD KNOW HE'S GETTING EVERYTHING HE DESERVES & everything that he NEEDS & that he is not lacking! When he's out there pitching & fighting, & working & earning, & witnessing & doing God's Work, he should know that he's not lacking in what God's returning!--He IS getting what he NEEDS! It is not right that they don't know that they're getting all that they themselves could possibly give themselves!
         34. WE ARE NOT WITHHOLDING THE HIRE OF THE LABOURER WHO IS REAPING DOWN THE FIELDS!--But how do THEY know? THEY need to KNOW it! They need to KNOW they're getting it! There needs to be a plan of fair & equitable distribution. There needs to be even a plan whereby each one gets a little SPENDING change. After all, "The LABOURER IS worthy of his HIRE"!--God's Word SAYS so!--Luk.10:7. He says, "MUZZLE NOT the ox that TREADETH out the CORN," & "They that PREACH the Gospel should LIVE of the Gospel!"--1Cor.9:9,14. They deserve to know that; they're not only EARNING their wages, but they're GETTING their wages! So I want their shepherds to let'm know!
         35. I WANT TO GIVE'M CHOICE & DECISION & REPRESENTATION IN HOW THEIR FINANCES ARE HANDLED & SPENT. They have to have the wise guidance, of course, of wise leadership, so that they don't make any foolish mistakes, & leaders need to see that this is done PROPERLY & as WELL as it SHOULD be with ANY wise Godly government.
         36. I WANT OUR KIDS TO BE WELL CARED FOR, to know that God LOVES them & is BLESSING them for their labours! It is one thing to make sacrifices in emergencies, but it's another thing to have to sleep on a cold floor in a cold room ALL the time & eat beans when it's NOT necessary & when there's MONEY in the BANK, or when somebody COULD go out & PROVISION it!
         37. WE KNOW "HOW TO BE IN WANT", BUT WE MUST ALSO "KNOW HOW TO ABOUND"!--Ph.4:12. I wrote that in "Rags To Riches" (No.211) & I BELIEVE in it! I believe God's going to bless His children abundantly financially, if we are FAITHFUL & DILIGENT & WORK HARD! And I want to let the kids KNOW that they are SHARING that abundance!--THEY are using it, & it is being used on THEM & on the WORK that they're doing, & making it possible.
         38. I WANT THEM TO KNOW THAT EVERY PENNY THEY BRING IN IS GOING TO A GOOD CAUSE--THEIR CAUSE, THEIR needs, THEIR expenses, that it's going RIGHT BACK to THEM & THEIR work! Nobody ELSE is getting it! NOBODY'S saving it up or squandering it or stashing it away in some "Swiss Bank", as some newspapers have accused on occasion. It's NOT SO!
         39. I KNOW IT, YOU LEADERS KNOW IT, & OTHERS KNOW IT, BUT DO THE KIDS ALL KNOW IT? That's my burden: I want everything done OPEN & ABOVE-BOARD, so that the kids know what's going on & they know it's OK.--A completely OPEN SOCIALIST SOCIETY!
         40. WELL, LORD, WE ASK THAT THOU SHALT HAVE THY WAY IN THIS MATTER. You said Yourself to Your disciples, "I have not called you servants, but FRIENDS, for what MASTER revealeth all things to his SERVANTS, but I have revealed all things unto YOU!"--John 15:15.
         41. WE WANT TO LET OUR DISCIPLES KNOW THAT WE'VE REVEALED ALL THINGS TO THEM, Lord, everything that we possibly can so they'll know what's going on, that we're being fair, & nobody's getting cheated, everybody's getting their fair share, that we are fairly sharing & they are fairly earning & things are being done on the level, up-&-up, above-board, fairly, honestly & in a way that they will feel satisfied that they KNOW what's going on, & they KNOW it's OK, & they LIKE it, & they AGREE with it, & they want to COOPERATE with it & do THEIR best & feel & KNOW it's THEIR OWN WORK, Lord, & it is THEIR OWN MONEY!
         42. LORD, HELP US, IN JESUS' NAME, TO BE ABLE TO HELP THEM TO SEE & TO KNOW & to feel the responsibility of knowing that THEY own it, THEY operate it, & THEY receive the benefits, & know HOW & WHERE & WHEN & HOW MUCH, to inspire & give them the incentive, Lord.
         43. HELP THEM TO FEEL RELIEVED THAT EVERYTHING'S ALL RIGHT, that they have NO DOUBTS about ANYTHING that the Enemy might use to plague them with accusations, doubts, fears, lies & the mischief of the Devil!
         44. HELP THEM TO KNOW THAT THEY CAN PROCEED WITH AN OPEN MIND & OPEN HEART, an open conscience & a firm conviction & faith that their leaders are being FAIR & HONEST with them & that they're handling things RIGHTLY; that they receive their JUST RETURNS & their NEEDS & what they DESERVE & THEIR SHARE! We ask it all in Jesus' name.
         45. HELP THEM, LORD, THAT THEY MIGHT BE DELIVERED & FREED & FEEL FREE, all the freer to go ahead with even GREATER conviction to get the job done, to be so SOLD & so CONVINCED, Lord, that it's RIGHT, that they're going to go ahead & DO it, & do it MORE & BETTER & FURTHER & FASTER & MORE EFFECTIVELY than ever before, because they have NO DOUBTS, no reservations, no mysteries, no fears, no lies, but the WHOLE Truth!--They KNOW the SCORE!
         46. SO WE ASK YOU IN JESUS' NAME TO HELP THEIR LEADERS LEARN FROM THEE WISELY HOW TO SHARE, Lord, that they may share with EACH OTHER & UNDERSTAND what's going on! May they KNOW, Lord, that their love is WISELY INVESTED, their labours are WISELY SPENT, & their TIME is wisely spent on that which is WORTHWHILE.--That which is HONEST, that which is DECENT, & WORTHY & FAIR & JUST & as EQUITABLE as THOU art, Lord! In Jesus' Name we ask it for THY glory! "IF ye continue in My WORD, THEN are ye My disciples inDEED! And ye shall KNOW the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you FREE!"--Jn.8:31-32.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family