DEMONOGRAPHY!--Another Spirit Trip!               DFO 275A                  10/73

         1. I saw these four rough stone molds, two sets of two, stacked together side by side, one on top of the other. They were very rough & irregular on the outside, with a dull grey colour & a very uneven exterior & they were just about the size & shape of coffins. Then somebody stole two of them & left the other two sitting there!
         2. All of a sudden the two remaining started to rumble & crack open & out of the top of one came this monstrous demon & it went chasing off after the other two molds & the persons who stole them! It seemed like he didn't like it!--Because these four demons wanted to be together. And the person who stole the other two molds didn't really realise what was in them, but knew they were something valuable.
         3. And the next thing I remember was this big demon had this young couple down on their knees in some kind of cellar or dungeon & he had one big hairy hand on each of them, like he'd caught them and was holding them down by the back of the neck & he was very angry & they were scared to death! Then he suddenly released them & took off with the other two molds!
         4. Then suddenly, just as the big demon disappeared, a man right beside me on my left shut off some kind of photo equipment & said rather triumphantly, just as though he'd been giving me a demonstration of some new scientific equipment: "Now THAT'S what we call 'DEMONOGRAPHY'!"
         5. He was some kind of scientist experimenting with ESP & trying to photograph phantoms and stuff like that. And I thought to myself, "Brother!--You don't know what you're getting into! You're getting pictures of what you THINK are some kind of photographic phenomenon, but what you're actually seeing is the real article, REAL DEMON SPIRITS, & you'd better quit fooling around with them!"
         6. IT WAS JUST AS THOUGH THEY'D INVENTED SOME MACHINE THAT THEY COULD FOCUS ON GHOSTS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD, & with this terrific burst of energy from the machine, it would cause the ghost to appear & then suddenly fade away. But each time he did this, the ghosts would look startled! The first one looked ANNOYED, too.
         7. And this creature was looking very angrily at us for taking his picture or whatever this guy was doing. It was obvious the spirits didn't want to be seen by him & didn't like it! That's when I told the scientist, "Shut that machine off! I don't want that thing coming at US!"
         8. The next thing I remember, I was being chased because they thought I had the boxes & I was being chased by the AUTHORITIES. But I knew that that big DEMON had the boxes, because I SAW him run off with them! But I had no way of PROVING it. And somehow they'd gotten the idea I had them & they were looking for ME.
         9. Man is sticking his nose in a field where he doesn't belong & he's really sticking his nose into dangerous territory! Somewhere in the World they must be carrying on experiments like that, where these things will appear & they can take pictures of them!
         10. I couldn't understand why the authorities wanted to blame me for it all! Then it came to me. "Well, you've been snooping around in this sort of thing, so they just figure you must have something to do with it! YOU, in other words, have been REVEALING these things & turned them LOOSE on the World, so they're going to blame YOU for it!" It was as though that was symbolic. While really I was only an observer trying to figure it out, I WAS kind of poking into them, I confess, & maybe it WAS my fault! I MIGHT HAVE LET THAT BIG DEMON OUT, BECAUSE I WAS THERE! I don't know.
         11. I was just like an observer--I was sort of in their dimension like a spirit being. But they DIDN'T like those SCIENTISTS poking into their business! The SCIENTISTS didn't belong there at ALL & the demons were very angry!
         12. I was revealing these things of the Spirit to the World & the System didn't like it! The SYSTEM really didn't want to know about them & the System didn't like these things to be known by the PUBLIC. They didn't like my Letters & the things my Letters were revealing & turning loose, so they were looking for ME!
         13. So the final interpretation that came was that those boxes were my Letters & they were letting loose on the World these huge spiritual powers & revealing these things to the World, and the System didn't like it at all! But these monstrous things didn't seem to mind ME at ALL!
         14. It's just like my Letters! All I'm doing is telling the Truth & revealing the wickedness & sin & horrors & the demons that already exist!
         15. But instead of the System blaming themselves & their own sins for these things, they're blaming me for exposing them! That's exactly what they did with Jesus & all the other Prophets! It was as though they considered I was to blame for the demons & for opening the boxes!
         16. The authorities are afraid of those boxes: The Letters!--And that they're going to unloose MORE of these DEMONS! They were afraid, so they were after them. THEN they were after ME because I had something to DO with it. Like I'm revealing what is REALLY happening there & the authorities don't want THAT to get out!--It might scare people! THEY DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW WHAT'S IN THOSE BOXES! They don't want the awful TRUTH revealed--those hideous, monstrous EVILS!--And they're after ME, because they think I'M RESPONSIBLE for it all!
         17. It was all right for the scientists & the authorities to reveal these things in THEIR way, just little tiny snatches or glimpses of the Truth, especially since they don't really believe in it: "Well, yes, WE'VE seen these things too, but they don't really EXIST!"--And with all their elaborate equipment, they were doing it the SYSTEM way. WHAT THEY WERE REALLY TRYING TO DO WAS DISCREDIT THESE THINGS with their equipment!--To explain them SCIENTIFICALLY.
         18. What were they analysing?--These things that I was turning loose, & they were trying to explain them away with their scientific equipment! Here I am exposing these evils & revealing these things, but they were saying, "Well, yes, it APPEARS that way, but it isn't really SO." How about that?
         19. Once I have revealed these things, they've got to come up with some kind of explanation!--"It's just an apparition or an optical illusion!" The PEOPLE are seeing these things, but the SCIENTISTS are trying to explain them away!
         20. After all, the Lord's directing the whole show! HE'S telling the demons what to do, so why shouldn't HIS PROPHETS tell them what to do? That's what they said about Jesus: "This man is dangerous!" They said they had to destroy Him, lest He SUBVERT the people!
         21. There are monsters that God controls during the Endtime. (See Revelation Chapters 5 & 6.) And it says He tells them: "Hurt NOT those that have the seal of GOD in their forehead!" They weren't allowed to bother GOD'S Children at ALL! Even the MONSTERS, the demons of HELL, are on our side! They can only hurt the WICKED! They can't bother US if we stay close to the LORD & REBUKE them.
         22. There are some spirits apparently assigned to try to give us a little trouble if they can, like Oplexicon, just to keep us on our toes! But MOST of them are too busy giving the WICKED trouble to bother with US! After all, the DEMONS & DEVILS are GOD'S TOOLS!
         23. No doubt some of the demons I expose don't want the kids to have the Letters, but neither does the System! First the demon grabbed the KIDS because THEY had the LETTERS. But then when I showed up, he let go of the KIDS & ran off with the LETTERS! Then the last thing the AUTHORITIES were doing was looking for ME!
         24. Wow! How about THAT! Neither MAN nor DEMONS want the kids to have my Letters!--And they may YET come looking for ME because of them! So get'm out FAST!--Amen?
         25. I think this dream was a warning to some of you kids who don't realise how dangerous some of my Letters are & how much the demons hate them & the System may resent them if found on you where & when they shouldn't be.
         26. Particularly these LT & DFO Letters you should do your best to keep from falling into the hands of outsiders & enemies--or you may even endanger me personally!
         27. LT & DFO Letters are not for the public & should not be carried with you in public! So please try to be as wise as serpents & as harmless as doves when witnessing to the public or you could even cause some of these Letters to be lost to the Enemy & their usefulness destroyed by some legal action against them! GBAKY & His Words safely!

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