REVOLUTIONARY WOMEN!              GP 250            6/73

         1. The idea of clothing IS TO ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE! CLOTHING IS LIKE A PICTURE FRAME--IT SHOULD BE AS SIMPLE & PLAIN & NATURAL AS POSSIBLE, SO AS NOT TO DETRACT FROM THE BEAUTY OF THE PICTURE ITSELF. It needs to be there to enhance the picture & accentuate it & protect it, but it shouldn't be so ornate, heavy, frilly or grotesque that the frame draws attention to ITSELF rather than to the PICTURE. THE FRAME SHOULD ALSO NOT HIDE THE PICTURE BUT SHOULD RATHER REVEAL THE PICTURE AND ACTUALLY BEAUTIFY IT, merely lightly drape it, surround it & bring out the rest of its surroundings, as clothing should do for a woman.
         2. On the whole, a woman should wear as little clothing as possible, so as to both partially reveal & yet at the same time partially & provocatively conceal her natural beauty & charm. The revealment arouses his interest & admiration & enjoyment, but at the same time the partial concealment of certain parts also arouse his curiosity & desire to know the unknown, which helps to hold his interest with the hopes that he may catch some otherwise forbidden glimpse of something he hasn't seen before--or at least he hasn't seen THAT particular one before! Whereas, if all is always completely nothing but "the bare facts, ma'am", his curiosity thus completely & totally satisfied, his interest may actually begin to wane & he may start looking around for something he HASN'T seen before or already!
         3. I suggest that you don't forget to dress according to the climate in which you live, as warmly as possible in cold weather & as lightly as possible in the heat of summer, in order to be comfortable & remain healthy & well. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR BLACK LACE STOCKINGS & MICRO MINIS TO BE BEAUTIFUL. A long, warm woollen dress deftly draped can still be quite revealing & very provocative without exposing too much territory with a pneumonia neckline! YOU DON'T HAVE TO LET IT ALL HANG OUT TO BE BEAUTIFUL.--JUST WRAP IT IN AN ARTFUL FASHION so he'll know it's there.
         4. Incidentally, unless you have an actual physical affliction or an abnormal or temporary condition which requires same, A WOMAN IS AT HER MOST BEAUTIFUL BEST A LA NATURAL, SANS BRA, GIRDLES & other so-called supporting paraphernalia. Very soft natural curvaceous bulges are far more desirable, feminine & attractive than a suit of armour. As the fellow said, I'D RATHER HAVE 200 POUNDS OF CURVES THAN 100 POUNDS OF NERVES! SO DON'T STARVE YOURSELF to death, either, for the sake of a rail-like fashion-model figure.--But don't try to tie it all up in canvas to try to fool us men, either. For if the SIGHT doesn't give it away, just one TOUCH will! WHEN A MAN WANTS TO TOUCH A WOMAN, HE WANTS TO TOUCH YOU & NOT YOUR SUIT OF ARMOUR, unless you really WANT that kind of protection & don't WISH to be touched! We believe in being natural & normal & happy though overly-endowed.
         5. Of course, if you're one of those poor little stick girls like Twiggy, you certainly don't need such equipment simply to try to pad your existing assets with a false front! MOST OF US MEN WOULD RATHER SEE THE REAL THING NO MATTER HOW SMALL YOU ARE. Being the real YOU is being revolutionary. And part of BEING REVOLUTIONARY IS JUST TO BE YOU & nothing MORE or LESS!--Underarm & leg hair, tummies, bosoms, bottoms & all!
         6. But ordinarily you should wear something light, cool & comfortable, & as aforesaid, if you want to be attractive to us men, SHOW AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT SHOWING TOO MUCH. You should just show enough to keep the man or the men in your life around you satisfied & happy with your appearance & just HIDE ENOUGH TO HOLD THEIR CONTINUED INTEREST. Don't show so much that there's nothing left for them to WONDER about or they may WANDER away towards something more WONDERFUL! Just remember in all these things, when it comes to the body & the things of the flesh, whether it be diet, dress, hair, style, sex, charm or personality, THE NATURAL & NORMAL WAYS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST & MOST BEAUTIFUL, the happiest & most healthful--JUST the way GOD MADE you!--And THAT'S REALLY revolutionary!
         7. But I don't think total nudity in itself is all that exciting. Total nudity can be total crudity like these CROTCH shots! They're just plain disgusting! There has to be something MORE, something SPIRITUAL about it. THE MOST EXCITING THING ABOUT ANY NUDE WOMAN IS THE EXPRESSION on her FACE, & her ATTITUDE can be more exciting than just her BODY, if she looks enticing or acts provocative or mischievous or impish or come-hither etc. NUDITY IS NOT ENOUGH. Just a plain pornographic view of pubic hair & bosoms doesn't necessarily excite you, unless it's very novel to you & you're not used to it. But A GIRL JUST HAS TO HAVE MORE THAN MERE NUDITY NOWADAYS, BECAUSE YOU CAN GET YOUR BELLYFUL OF FULL FRONTALS everywhere today!
         8. For a nude girl to be exciting & interesting today she has to look interested in something beside herself. The best whores on Earth, the professional prostitutes, are the ones who can not only get undressed & jump in bed with you, but, like the Japanese geisha girls, are trained to be REALLY COMPANIONABLE MENTALLY & SPIRITUALLY & TALK, DANCE, PLAY, ENTERTAIN & SHOW REAL GENUINE INTEREST & CONCERN & really communicate with you--to really show an interest in YOU!
         9. The mental & spiritual companionship of a woman is so much more exciting than the mere flesh! Some girls excite you just to look at their FACE!--They have an exciting PERSONALITY, far more exciting than just plain FLESH. BUT SOME GIRLS HAVE NO DEPTH: THEY'RE JUST AS SHALLOW AS THEIR SKIN & THEIR BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN-DEEP! But others have SOUL & FEELING & EMOTION & can have real COMPASSION, the kind that would LOVE you just because you NEED it, because she WANTS to make YOU happy!
         10. So to have real lasting, genuine love, it must be based upon a more enduring foundation than mere fleshly gratification. It must be an unselfish innate desire to protect & to help & to make someone else happy.--AND THERE DEFINITELY MUST BE A MEASURE OF ADMIRATION FOR FINER QUALITIES THAN MERE PHYSICAL BEAUTY! A man can be in love with a woman's MIND or he can be in love with her SENTIMENTS. He can be in love with her SPIRITUAL REACTIONS, he can be in love with her emotional COMPANIONSHIP, all of which have little or nothing to do with her physical body & their SEX life! THESE DEFINITELY HAVE AT LEAST 90% MORE TO DO WITH LOVE THAN PURE PHYSICAL SEX OR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.
         11. REAL love is a SPIRITUAL thing! It's not merely physical, but it is ALSO manifested in the physical, but not in a mere jump-on-jump-off relationship! It's mostly manifested in the spiritual & mental COMPANIONSHIP & COMPATIBILITY of likes & dislikes & things & habits that you have in common. EVEN THE FEW THINGS YOU DON'T HAVE IN COMMON CAN SOMETIMES BE INTERESTING & AMUSING.
         12. So the woman who desires to hold her man had better seek some better way of holding him than mere sexual desire & sexual craving & physical excitement. As a young man seeking a wife, my mother told me not to put the physical features first in my quest, since these are fairly standard equipment with most women & well furnished on most models. But rather, in a woman LOOK FOR SOMETHING MORE THAN MERE FLESH & fair face, voluptuous bosoms, sexy hips & pretty legs, because most women are made by the Lord to have all these pleasing assets, with a good deal of variety. But seek something more in a woman than THAT, she said!
         13. Most of all seek that indefinable thing called personality, that sparkle, that thing we used to call "it" back in the 20's.--Seek not only the vivaciousness of the FLESH, but the liveliness of the SPIRIT, the fascination of the MIND, the irresistibility of her HEART & its genuine unselfish LOVE & the greatness & magnanimity of her SOUL, that spiritual part of her--her whole composite personality make up--which can only be satisfied by the spiritual in YOU & the absorbing interest of YOUR mind & the warmness of YOUR heart & the thrill of YOUR soul! THE THINGS OF THIS EARTH CAN SATISFY YOUR BODY, BUT GOD HAS MADE YOU SO THAT YOUR HEART OR SPIRIT CAN ONLY BE SATISFIED BY THE THINGS WHICH ARE SPIRITUAL & the things of the Spirit!
         14. Therefore we're told to love (or worship) not the World, neither the things that are in the World, such as the love of the flesh, the lust of the eye & the pride of life. FOR THE FASHIONS OF THIS WORLD & THE LUST THEREOF SHALL PASS AWAY, HE SAYS, BUT HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF GOD ABIDETH FOREVER! So, He said, set not your affections on things below, but on things above; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are unseen are eternal! He did not say you would not like or enjoy or need or desire, with even His GOD-GIVEN DESIRE, THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD & THIS LIFE, INCLUDING THE LUST OF THE FLESH, WHICH IS VERY NECESSARY FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES, PARTICULARLY FOR THE SURVIVAL & VERY EXISTENCE OF THE FLESH. BUT YOU'RE NOT TO LOVE THEM, WORSHIP OR LUST AFTER THEM EXCESSIVELY & intemperately, inordinately, more than is necessary, more than is meet, to the point that you put these things before the greater & higher values & EVEN MORE ESSENTIAL NECESSITIES OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH ARE VERY NECESSARY TO THE SURVIVAL & ETERNAL EXISTENCE OF THE SPIRITUAL MAN.
         15. For if you love the material World more than the spiritual then it becomes a form of worship of the Creation more than the Creator, & God & His Spiritual World refuse to take second place in your affections & your interests or even in the activities of your life. So, He says, THOU SHALT LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, ALL THY MIND, ALL THY STRENGTH & ALL THY SOUL & THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF. HE SAYS THESE ARE THE FIRST & GREATEST OF ALL COMMANDMENTS in importance & that YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE HIM, for He is a jealous God & HE desires your love & for you to love HIM FIRST of all, ABOVE all & seek FIRST His Kingdom! But then if you DO, He's happy to add ALL these other things unto you, including every desire of your desirous little heart--as you delight yourself in Him!
         16. He's always given me everything that I wanted that was good for me or not harmful. HE USUALLY SUPPLIES ALL MY NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY, including even a fairly convenient, safe & comfortable place to live, sufficient for my needs & secure enough to serve Him, BECAUSE MY GREATEST DESIRE & LIFELONG DELIGHT HAS BEEN TO PLEASE HIM & TRY TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY!
         17. But if you put these desires of the flesh first above God & others & the needs of your spirit, then you'll find that nothing ever satisfies, not even the most total indulgence in the flesh! You will become as the World-famed poet, Lord Byron, when he despaired at the height of his fame with these words: "I've drunk of every fount of pleasure & quaffed every cup of fame, yet, alas, I die of thirst!" FOR THE THINGS OF THIS EARTH CAN ONLY SATISFY YOUR BODY, BUT ONLY GOD & HIS TRUE LOVE CAN EVER FILL THAT ACHING SPIRITUAL VOID OF YOUR HEART WHICH HE CREATED FOR HIMSELF alone! For true happiness comes NOT in your personal pursuit of selfish pleasure & satisfaction, but in finding GOD & giving His life to OTHERS & bringing THEM happiness! THEN happiness pursues & overtakes & overwhelms YOU, personally, without even seeking it for yourself!
         18. So the man or woman who seeks only fleshly gratification or to merely gratify the flesh of the mate alone, will never find complete satisfaction or happiness or be able to make themselves completely happy. You must GIVE & it shall be given UNTO you. LOVE BEGETS LOVE. I knew a woman once who was always seeking a new lover, a new love, but never finding one that satisfied or lasted, because she was always seeking to GET love, to RECEIVE love, to BE loved. So when I suggested to her that perhaps she needed to learn how to GIVE love & to love unselfishly for the benefit & happiness of ANOTHER, after years of searching, this struck her as an entirely new thought that had never occurred to her before! She went out & soon found what she was looking for all the time by trying to find someone whom SHE could make happy by GIVING her love to THEM.
         19. So maybe that's what's wrong with you--you've been looking for someone to make YOU happy.--Maybe you need to look for someone to make THEM happy & then happiness will find you! for whatsoever a man SOWETH, that shall he also REAP. It's just one of god's rules & laws of the spirit--just as definite & certain as some of the scientific laws of gravity. The laws of the SPIRIT, however, NEVER fail! They always work--either FOR you or AGAINST you, according to how you OBEY them & whether or NOT you obey them.--And the first law is the law of LOVE--unselfish love--love for HIM & OTHERS. If you will obey THAT one & GIVE that love which is his & their due, so shall ye also RECEIVE, "for with what measure ye mete unto OTHER men's bosoms, so shall they also mete unto YOUR bosom."--Luke 6:38.
         20. This is why so many love me, because they know that I love them--REALLY love them & really would prefer THEIR happiness to my OWN, THEIR enjoyment to my own, THEIR fulfilment to my own, THEIR comfort to my own, THEIR satisfaction to my own, THEIR safety to my own, THEIR pleasure to my own. Because I really ENJOY seeing others happy & I enjoy most of all MAKING them happy, for that is MY happiness--& it could be YOURS! LIFE, LIBERTY & THE GIVING OF HAPPINESS TO OTHERS: THESE ARE THINGS THAT ONLY GOD CAN GIVE & THE ONLY THINGS THAT WILL EVER SATISFY YOUR SPIRIT! So if you want to be happy & make a mate happy, seek the satisfaction of the SPIRIT in both of you in GOD! "For the fashion of this World passeth away & the lust thereof, but he (& THE LOVE) that doeth the Will of God abideth forever!"--1Cor.7:31; 1Jn.2:17.

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