MO'S NEWSLETTER & ADVISORY!               DO 189   11/72

         1. Giving: You've never heard us say much about money, for money is only a minor part of your donations when you're giving your whole lives, your time, talents & services & everything you've got to the Lord! However, some of your recent small cash donations have reminded us, with deep appreciation for your thoughtfulness, that filthy lucre is one of those necessary evils which we must have!
         2. Outside of the power of God & His Word & the Love of God & our fellow man, OUR GREATEST NEEDS ARE USUALLY "THE BIG THREE"--"THE 3M'S"!--MANPOWER, MATERIALS & MONEY! We need all of these & cannot possibly do without any of them in order to do the job under most circumstances!--You need'm, I need'm, we need'm, they need'm!--Even God needs'm as tools for the job or He could have done without us long ago & done the job all by Himself without any help from any of us! But just as God can't get along without you, neither can we!--And along with your help & materials we do desperately need money!
         3. With us it's not "Your money or your life!"--But both!--Everything you've got!--That's what God expects!--That's what HE gave!--And that's what He expects of you & all of us!--And for which He gives everything in return & a whole lot more!--All this & Heaven too!--100-fold in this life & in the World to come, Life Eternal!--You can't outgive God!--It's impossible to make a sacrifice for Him!--He'll top it in return every time!
         4. You local Homes are the labourers in the fields & you are actually harvesting the grain & reaping the results directly, including not only the souls & lives but also the material help, possessions, gifts & donations of both disciples, loved ones & friends. You not only bear the burdens of your daily labours but also reap the wages of the benefits & blessings directly from your local labours.
         5. However, your national & international offices do not usually have these opportunities. Their major jobs are not witnessing in & harvesting the benefits of their immediate local fields & getting new disciples & procuring sufficient local help to meet their tremendous material & financial needs in order to serve you well with the communications, information, ideas, guidance, unification, news, materials, supplies & literature you need to do the job.
         6. Your national & international offices in particular carry a tremendous load along this line. We try to supply you labourers in the fields with the knowledge, training, opportunities, direction & tools to do the job, including frequent financial help as well, to get you started & to tide you over in cases of emergencies.
         7. These central offices act as communication centres, INFORMATION clearing houses, NEWS gathering & distribution agencies, LITERATURE publishing houses, personnel MANAGEMENT labour pools, legal & public relations AGENCIES & handle all general MAIL, PHONE calls, INQUIRIES, PROBLEM CASES & REQUESTS for all sorts of HELP, information, SUPPLIES etc.
         8. Their operational expenses are tremendous, including large housing for many offices, a multitude of office equipment, a huge number of office personnel, publications personnel, business personnel, helpers etc. Since there are mostly older married leaders with families & children, most of these Central Offices must also have additional housing & personnel, equipment & expenses for the care of many children, nurses, teachers, schools etc.
         9. Therefore your central offices, such as your international offices, carry on many major ministries which could not be handled any other way & without which you could not operate efficiently in the field or coordinate your efforts, message, personnel, direction & operation in unity & cooperation with all other Homes as one great united front & one massive, magnificent & mighty Army of God on the move!-God's great Giant on the move!--God's glorious Kingdom on Earth!--His huge Heavenly Hurricane! Otherwise, each of you would be nothing but one little gentle breeze, constantly blowing it, or one little lone soldier trying to fight a whole war alone on your own!
         10. So please help the Lord & me to maintain our central command post, which are our central offices, particularly the International Offices through which we work in communicating, publishing & informing you of our every thought & move guided by the very latest Word from Heaven! It's the only way, Beloved! There is no other! You must keep in tune & in touch with the Source through God's Voice & His chosen leadership! Amen?
         11. The only way we can share these with you & get your reactions & help solve your problems & mutually benefit from your victories is by means of our constant communications through our Central International Offices which organise our worldwide work together as one Body with one Head--Jesus Christ, God's Son!--And He has always worked through some chosen leader, ONE SHEPHERD, with ONE FOLD, whenever He could possibly get all of His sheep together to obey & follow Him! Hallelujah! Do you believe that? Well, it's so!
         12. If you don't believe it, look at World history: The most powerful, the most far-reaching, the most effective & the longest-lasting empires of this World were those with UNIFIED LEADERSHIP & a UNIFIED PEOPLE working in tremendous cooperation together toward a unified goal.
         13. There must be a brain & central nervous system to issue signals & carry them out to the tiniest nerve endings wherever needed; & there must be a means of response from each of those tiny nerve endings, wherever they may be, in order that they may send their replies back through the central nervous system to the brain of leadership so it will know what's going on & what's needed.
         14. I am frankly trying to convince you by all of this that none of this would be possible without our central offices & none of us could get along without them. You & I both need them desperately & we need to give them our utmost cooperation & help to make our work possible. And the reason I am telling you all this is that there is a desperate need along this line, a growing need, which must be met, & that they can only carry on their absolutely essential ministry through your increased help & cooperation! w
         15. Unlike your Homes in the fruitful fields, these Central OFFICES ARE SO BUSY SERVING YOU & SPENDING SO MUCH SUPPLYING YOUR NEEDS THAT THEY CANNOT POSSIBLY COMPLETELY SUPPORT THEMSELVES without your help, although they have tried to, not wanting to be a burden on you.
         16. But as God's Kingdom grows & our Revolution for Jesus spreads, so does the work of these offices & their varied ministries. Communications have increased in terrific volume--long-distance international PHONE calls, a huge volume of MAIL & POSTAGE, the tremendous expense of multiplied communications & the growing needs of a burgeoning STAFF with all of their families & children & necessary EXPENSES such as HOUSING, UTILITIES, TRANSPORTATION, FOOD, OFFICE SUPPLIES, school & nursery EQUIPMENT, video, audio & printing SUPPLIES etc.
         17. The busier they become in meeting your needs in the field, the less time they are able to spend on attempting to take care of their own needs at home, until now the proportion of these needs to meet your needs has grown to such a state of emergency that we are compelled to appeal to any of you who are able to send us more help!
         18. Please give what you can, whenever you can, if you can, toward the expenses accruing at our International Offices in the production & communication of the BENEFITS WHICH YOU YOURSELVES ARE RECEIVING there in your local Homes from our efforts here at our various Central Offices.
         19. Together we have forsaken all to follow him. Together we are seeking first His Kingdom & His righteousness. Therefore we know we have a right to expect of the Lord that all these things we need to perform the task shall be added unto us. All we are asking is that you HELP US TO CARRY THE LOAD IF YOU CAN, not only the load of the labour in your various fields, but also that of threshing & garnering the grain, gathering & distributing it as each has need.
         20. All we are asking is that, if you can, would you PLEASE TRY TO HELP US PAY FOR THESE BENEFITS WHICH YOU ARE ALREADY RECEIVING & have been receiving for some years now? As suggested in the past, since each of you is perfectly independent & indigenous in each of your individual Homes, we have absolutely no control over you, nor any hold on you, nor can we demand of you anything that you do not voluntarily wish to give, freely & uncoerced & only FOR THE SAKE OF LOVE & SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP & CHOSEN UNITY.
         21. But we may say like Paul that, since we have ministered unto you your spiritual needs--& in this case even many of your material needs--have we not a right to ask of you to MINISTER UNTO US of your material blessings in order that we might continue to minister unto you? Amen?
         22. So I'm going to suggest that if after your own personal & Home needs have been met YOU HAVE A SMALL SURPLUS THAT YOU COULD SPARE TO HELP PAY FOR THE GOODS & SERVICES WE ARE RENDERING YOU & your Home in helping you with His Work, would you please consider sending it to a needy HOME, REGION, OFFICE, OR EVEN TO US?--As some have. THANKS!
         23. Some of you may think that because you DON'T HAVE A LOT OF MONEY TO SEND, THAT THERE'S NO USE IN SENDING ANY AT ALL! But you'd be surprised how much even one Dollar can do! We'd rather have 10,000 poor little folks each sending us only a Dollar each & every one of them thereby remembering to pray for us, than just one big rich person giving us the whole $10,000 at once, & maybe, because he IS rich, being almost too busy to pray for us at all!
         24. However, ever since I can remember, most of our supporters have been poor little folks who had almost nothing--poor widows, old pensioners, invalids, shut-ins, teenagers etc. But these, like the widow's mite, have really sacrificed from what little they had & have given what was really costing them a great deal, sometimes even all their living as she did! So the Lord said that she had given even more than the rich, who had only cast in of their abundance!--Mk.12:41-44.
         25. So you who are giving all are giving even more than those who are only giving part, no matter how much it is. As King David once said, "I will not give unto the Lord that which hath cost me nothing!" It doesn't really count until it COSTS you something to give & you give until it really HURTS, you are really SACRIFICING to give & when you can say, "The LOVE of Christ constraineth me!" How much has it COST you? Does it HURT? Are you really SACRIFICING for God?
         26. But, you say, "We've already forsaken all!--What have we left to give?"--Jesus' Disciples also had forsaken all, yet still He said unto them, "Freely ye have received--also freely give!" If you can only slip one little sacrificial Dollar into that little envelope, it will mean a great deal to us & to you & God will bless you for it! Of course, if you can give more, please do! We need it!
         27. So why don't you try it & see what a blessing you can be & how much God will bless you for it! t

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