PRAYER FOR A QUEEN!               DO 181            9/72

         1. She is born to be a Queen & can do no less! There are some things others may, but she cannot. There are certain standards she must uphold which are not required of others. She must set the example to show Thy people she puts Thy Work & duty to her people before personal pleasure or concerns. She must show that she loves Thy people more than herself or those who love her.
         2. She cannot always be a woman--but she must always be a Queen. More important than being herself or a woman, she must never forget she is Thy Queen & she has Thy people in her hands, Thy flock; as Thy Shepherdess, she shall diligently feed & lead them & protect them.
         3. Help her never to forget her First Love--that she handed You a blank cheque signed by her for You to fill in. Help her never to forget that full surrender, that total submission to Thy Will, to remind those about her they can never take Thy place in her heart, nor the place of Thy Work in her life. Help her to prove this by her fruits & her works, that we shall know she's seeking first Thy Kingdom, performing her queenly duties diligently before all other things, before any personal considerations or even her children, or those who love her.
         4. Help her to remind herself that she is of that peculiar breed who can only rule & reign.--And she shall know that THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IS A LONELY ONE & THE SHEPHERDESS IS OFTEN ALONE at the head of the sheep. There are some things which others can perhaps never share with her--that divine anointing, that divine occupation, that divine calling, that divine responsibility--the crown which she alone can wear & sometimes must also bear!
         5. She may sometimes say, like Queen Elizabeth: The crown so beauteous to him that beholdeth, is so heavy to her that weareth it!--That though so often beautiful to them that see it, it is sometimes a heavy burden to bear! But she must bear it for the sake of Thy Kingdom & let no one else steal it from her, not even a part of it.
         6. Help her, O God, to realise these things if she would truly rule as Thou wouldst have her to rule & reign as Thou wouldst have her to reign: Strong, courageous, valiant, fearless, upright, righteous, unselfish, sacrificial, self-denying, TAKING UP THE CROWN AS THOUGH IT WERE A CROSS, for indeed a cross it may be!--Holding the scepter as though it were a burden, for indeed a burden it shall be!
         7. For they that bear the cross shall wear the crown & THOU shalt be their reward! This is not an easy task Thou has called her to--it is one in which You've asked her if she's willing to come & DIE for Thee--die to self, die even to personal pleasure, die to privacy of life, die to personal will & choice & submit only to Thee & to duty; that she may be truly great, Lord, even in Thine eyes, & be honoured of her people.
         8. This little one, though so frail, Thou canst make so strong, with a will of iron & a tongue of steel against Thine enemies, that she shall bow her knee only at Thy throne & call no man her conqueror but Thee!--That anyone that loves her must know that he only serves-he does not rule. He waits upon her, but does not dominate her & cannot & must not, but must show her due respect & obeisance, honour & even a measure of reverence as Thy representative.
         9. Let none be so foolish as to dream that he, through her, may also rule, as some have used her in the past.--That she may not again be unequally yoked in such bondage as has been before.--That she shall not again place her neck within such a fleshly yoke to obey the will of any man, but--THEE ONLY SHALL SHE SERVE, Lord; she shall not serve another & SHE SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS before Thee, for Thou, the Lord her God, art a jealous God. SHE IS MARRIED ONLY UNTO THEE, Lord! Thou alone art her Husband & she shall serve no other husband & she shall serve no other than the King Himself! For thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart & Him only shalt thou serve!
         10. The crown upon the head of a virtuous woman shall be the ornament of a meek & quiet spirit, each point symbolising some virtue; & THE ROD OF AUTHORITY IN HER HAND IS A ROLLED SCROLL CONTAINING THE PROCLAMATION OF THE KING, whereby she has her authority; & in her left hand is the Word of God!
         11. Others have had to have the authority until she was willing to grow up into it & declare herself the Queen, because she did not take the authority of the Throne. But now the people are ready to proclaim her Queen & she herself is at last ready to assume her duties & take them seriously & proclaim her independence of those who are no longer necessary to manage her business affairs.
         12. This happy little child, now so freed & liberated from bondage, is free only for the moment & has never really been freed, because SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN BOUND UNTO THEE & will bear an even greater yoke, but a lighter one, because You will share it with her as her Yokemate. Hallelujah!
         13. May she rule well, Lord! Give her good, strong, wise counsellors, who shall advise her according to Thy Spirit, that every decision she shall make shall be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. She shall not make a decision wholly alone without word from Thee & confirmation of her Counsellors. Help her, O God, to know how important this is--to not only seek Thy face, but to seek the reflection of Thy Will in the faces of those around her, the confirmation of Thy Will--for in the multitude of counsellors there lacketh not wisdom!
         14. So we ask You to give her many good, wise counsellors & that she will not be ashamed or hesitant to ask their advice or to say that she has to pray about it before she can make a decision or give an answer. Help her to be slow to speak and slow to anger. GIVE HER GREAT WISDOM ABOVE ALL THINGS.--That in all her getting, she shall get wisdom!
         15. Give her great LOVE, which IS wisdom--the greatest of all wisdom, Thy Love--that she'll be patient & understanding with her people; that she'll have the HUMILITY before Thee & them & know she's nothing without Thee or them & to know she needs BOTH to be a true Queen! Help her, O Lord, in Jesus' Name, to be the QUEEN OF THY HEART--a Queen after Thine Own Heart & a QUEEN OF HEARTS!
         16. May she rule with love, & rule their hearts with love & have great compassion, great wisdom, great patience, great understanding, great sympathy & yet great FIRMNESS & great DISCIPLINE!--That she shall stand strong & know when to be firm & unflinching & unchangeable!--That Thou shalt make her forehead adamant & her words as flint when the time comes, & that she shall FEAR NO MAN'S FACE, but only Thine!
         17. Help her to always remember she's a symbol, not only an instrument, but a symbol in Thy hand. She stands for Thy Divine Presence & anointing & Thy Divine Rule, Lord. SHE SYMBOLISES THY KINGDOM & its rulership--Thy Own! She represents Thee to her people. May they always see Thee in her & see her as Thy Daughter--see her, O God, as their Queen--Thy Queen--theirs, Lord, & Thine!
         18. Help her always to remember that she belongs to Thee first of all & to her people, her children, next, & last of all herself! Help her to keep things in that order, to think first of her responsibility to Thee & then to Thy people & think only last of any obligation to herself, & even that shall be for Thy glory!
         19. Whatever blessings You shower her with & whatever love You give her, whatever comfort, whatever faith, whatever encouragement, whatever joys, whatever pleasures, whatever help, Lord, MAY SHE NEVER FORGET IT COMES FROM THEE!--And not only for her sake, but that she might be happy in her task, that she might better do Thy Work & that she might rule well & that she might be fit to rule as Thou dost want her to rule.
         20. Thank You Lord that they are so willing to believe. Continue to give them such faith to trust Thy leaders whom You have appointed. Continue to give them, O God, such faith & reward & continue to honour their faith, that they shall be obedient & that Thou shalt therefore give them the desires of their hearts because they delight themselves in Thee! Thou hast given her the desires of her heart & satisfied her soul & her longing spirit!
         21. But the full, Lord, those who thought they knew better & thought themselves more righteous & full of their own thoughts & ideas, Thou hast sent empty away. DELIVER US FROM THESE WHO ARE SO FULL OF THEMSELVES & their own selfish interests, instead of being open, hungry, empty & hungering after Thee & Thy Word & the words of Thy rulers & Prophets & the guidance & rulership Thou hast ordained them to give! J
         22. Help her, O God, to cling to Thy hand like the man at the gate--this gate that now a new life is passing through & entering--a new portal, this portal of the realisation of Thy Kingdom on Earth! She shall place her hand in Thy hand, so that she shall never walk alone, & it shall be unto her better than a light & better than a known way!--TYJ!
         23. This torch You have given her & placed within her hand to bear it, that its light might shine, Lord & enlighten the hearts of men around the World! Help it to burn brightly, Lord, for their sake! Help it to burn by the oil of Thy Spirit--Thine anointing oil upon Thy Servant, Thy Prophet & upon each of these, for Thou hast now poured out Thy Spirit upon ALL flesh, & our sons & our daughters shall prophesy & our young men shall see visions & our old men shall dream dreams!--Acts 2:17-18.
         24. May they never fail to MEASURE THAT ANOINTING BY THY WORD & Thy guidance--by these Chronicles which Thou hast had recorded, that they may know if they are right, that they may know it is of Thy Spirit, that they may TRY THE SPIRITS to see if they be of Thee, that they may be sure that they confess that it is Thou that hast come in the flesh!
         25. Thank You for Thy Word, Lord, our foundation, our guide, our standard & rod of measurement whereby we judge all things, even the Words that Thou dost give us this day.
         26. May she not make a move without hearing from Thee, as the kings of old who did not move except they heard the Word of the Lord through Thy Prophets! Those who succeeded were those who waited upon Thy Word, & those that failed were those who went ahead without it! May she never operate in her own strength, but always by Thy Divine Power.
         27. May she never, Lord, forget her position & her office, her authority--that they are God-given by Thee, & may she never fail to exercise them by Thy Spirit & by Thy wisdom & Love & power & by Thy Light, Lord, & according to Thy Word!--That the Queen shall joy in Thy strength, O Lord, & she shall be lifted up by Thy power, set on high even over the heads of the nations!
         28. You've always ordained it so & ordered it thus, since the beginning even unto the end. So shall it be.--That Thou shalt have KINGS & QUEENS & LORDS over whom Thou art the King OF kings & the Lord OF lords! These are Thy kings, Lord, Thy queens, Thy princes & Thy princesses, the nobility which Thou hast ordained by Thy Own hand & the gifts of Thy Spirit & the crown of Thy power! How beautiful, Lord!

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