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         1. SOME HAVE SACRIFICIALLY STAYED BEHIND TO STAND BY THE STUFF that had to be left there so the army could move on, laying aside every weight, & yet have their backing & their prayers as they conduct mopping-up exercises & a rearguard campaign in support of the major forces afield! God bless them! These home base forces are a faithful & vital part of God's great army in still fruitful portions of former battlefields! WLY! Thanks for your help in keeping the home fires burning! YOU WILL RECEIVE

         2. Please don't desert your post of duty without replacements or reinforcements or a carefully planned evacuation of your particular front! Don't leave your sheep stranded & shepherdless without knowing where to go! Remember, "The Great Escape" is purely voluntary! It's a volunteer army & not a bunch of reluctant draftees, so NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO CLOSE DOWN YOUR HOME & ORDER YOU OUT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO & if you have the faith to stay there & keep it going! If that's your calling, by all means obey it!
         3. The standby troops will need to be well stocked & operative when the Trouble comes, & there'll be lots of work to do in witnessing to those who are turned to the Lord by His Judgements! God has promised a great harvest of these at that time, so stick to your guns & DON'T LET ANYBODY MOVE YOU, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO! Some of you are going to be needed right where you are!

         4. AND PLEASE, WHEREVER YOU ARE, DON'T FAIL TO KEEP REPORTING YOUR ACTIVITIES AS USUAL, SO WE CAN KEEP TRACK of the whole army & know your location & numbers, leadership, conditions, needs & problems & accomplishments! It's still a Revolution & WE'RE STILL ONE BODY! PLEASE DON'T NEGLECT TO COMMUNICATE! NO ARMY CAN OPERATE WITHOUT COMMUNICATION! NO BODY CAN MOVE WITHOUT COORDINATION! We also want to share your new ideas & suggestions for ways to win the World & get your reactions on our new moves, Letters, lit etc. WE NEED TO KEEP EXCHANGING & SHARING & CHANGING & MOVING IN ORDER TO GROW & WOO & WIN TO HIS WAY!
         5. Anybody that doesn't move & keep changing is dying or already dead! Don't let it happen to you! Keep in touch with the latest development & help us keep in touch with you! PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS so we can be sure you CONTINUE TO GET YOUR LETTERS, PAPERS, MAGAZINES & OTHER LITERATURE along with the news of what's going on in the rest of God's Army around the World! If you're a living branch, DON'T GET CUT OFF FROM THE VINE! Stick with us! Keep us posted on your progress! We don't want to lose track of you or for anybody to get lost in the shuffle!
         6. One of the greatest dangers of an army on the move is a loss of communication & sometimes a consequent loss of supplies & ammunition! So don't let it happen to you! Keep in touch! Keep those reports coming in!

         7. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE & YOUR OWN SAKE & THE SAKE OF THE REVOLUTION, DON'T BE AFRAID TO DEMAND A DONATION IN RETURN FOR SOME OF THIS PRICELESS LITERATURE or we'll ALL be the losers! David said, "I will not give unto the Lord of that which hath cost me nothing!"--2Sam.24:24. PEOPLE DON'T USUALLY APPRECIATE WHAT THEY DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR! They figure if it's free, that's all it's worth & it's good for nothing! We'll never get anywhere trying to make the System help finance the Revolution through our literature if you're out there giving them away free!
         8. Even the kids can usually afford to give something! Everybody can afford something & if they don't think it's worth anything, they wouldn't even bother to read it! So make'm value it! What costs them nothing they'll throw away! What they give good money for they'll keep around awhile to get their money's worth!
         9. So don't undercut the whole Revolution by giving it all away! Let's face it, Friends, we need the funds, so dig it out of them! Don't kid yourself--they can afford it & it's worth it & we need it! Giving stuff away is a pride trip! Asking for donations takes humility, sincerity & genuine concern & a lot of guts! Just try & see & you won't be sorry! God will bless you for it, & believe it or not, He'll bless them, too! YOU'LL ROB THEM OF A BLESSING IF YOU CHEAT THEM OUT OF GIVING BY LETTING THEM HAVE IT FOR FREE!
         10. Don't do it! Start teaching them how to live by telling them how to give! God bless you & make you a blessing! The Devil doesn't give his stuff away!--He makes them pay plenty for it & the wages of sin is death! THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE, BUT IT COST JESUS HIS to give it to you & IT'LL PROBABLY COST YOU YOURS to live it!
         11. So don't hand me any of that stuff about a free, no-works religion! We're sure not SAVED BY our works, but IF we're saved, we'll sure work like everything to give it to OTHERS & it'll COST YOU everything! The churches are full of cheap, shortcut, cut-price, bargain-counter religion, & believe me, that's all it's worth--little or nothing!
         12. Make them value our kind! Let them know how much it's going to cost them & start by making them pay for those papers & buy the books with a few small donations!--And I'm not kidding! THIS MEANS YOU! PUT A STOP TO THOSE GREAT GIVEAWAYS RIGHT NOW! ANYBODY CAUGHT GIVING THE STUFF AWAY IS BETRAYING THE REVOLUTION & ought to have his heart examined! Don't let any of your folks get away with it free! That's STEALING FROM THE LORD & ROBBING GOD & DEPRIVING YOURSELF & YOUR BRETHREN of needed bread! Get out & SPOIL EGYPT! RIP IT OFF the System & make it pay & even help the kids to treasure it by getting them to give!

         13. OUR LEADERS WILL NO LONGER BE CALLED "ADVISORS" & "SUPERVISORS" BUT "LOCAL SHEPHERDS", "DISTRICT SHEPHERDS", "REGIONAL SHEPHERDS", "NATIONAL SHEPHERDS" ETC., to remind them constantly of their responsibility to tenderly & lovingly care for their flocks & feed & protect their sheep, & nurse & cherish the sick & afflicted & to search out the lost, strayed or stolen ones; rather than acting as hardened bosses & calloused dictators, self-righteous rulers & unfeeling lords over God's heritage, as some have sadly proved to be in the past, governing God's flocks heartlessly to their own advantage, shearing the sheep to their own profit & wilfully neglecting them when it suited their own convenience!

         14. SAD TO SAY, SOME TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE "INDEPENDENCE" LETTER BY DECLARING THEIR OWN INDEPENDENCE FROM THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES AS SHEPHERDS, deserting their folds & scattering their sheep to the wolves without any provision for their care or leadership when they themselves wanted to leave, using this as an excuse to even close Homes by order against the desire of their occupants!
         15. The "Declaration of Independence" Letter was intended to give an opportunity for those who were sincerely trying to get to their field of service for the Lord to do so, but were being hindered from doing so by slow, reluctant or selfish leadership! IT HAD NOT BEEN EXPECTED THAT THIS WOULD GIVE AN OCCASION TO SOME IRRESPONSIBLE LEADERS TO SUDDENLY DESERT THEIR FLOCKS, close their folds without consultation & scatter their sheep to the four winds without direction!
         16. However, this was the result with a few, sad to say, which at least REVEALED SOME OF THE WEAKNESSES OF OUR LEADERSHIP & will HELP US TO PURGE SOME OF THESE FROM FURTHER POSITIONS of responsibility!
         17. Some of these who have perfunctorily deserted their posts & flagrantly abdicated their responsibility to their sheep to save their own necks, LIKE THE HIRELING THAT JESUS SPOKE OF, are going to be surprised to find that they are NOT TOO WELCOME in the places to which they have fled, & at the most, WILL AGAIN BE TREATED AS NEW DISCIPLES OR BABES APPLYING FOR MEMBERSHIP IN A NEW HOME, if indeed they are received at all!
         18. Some of the most rebellious & wilfully contemptuous of counsel who declared their total independence of the advice of their fellow leaders may be shocked to discover when they arrive at wheresoever they have fled, that they are also totally unexpected, & in fact, UNWELCOME & MAY EVEN BE SENT BACK ON THE ROAD ON THEIR OWN TO SHIFT FOR THEMSELVES OR PIONEER, UNTIL THEY HAVE LEARNED HOW TO BE FAITHFUL TO GOD'S FLOCK & HIS SHEPHERDS!
         19. We don't need problem cases like these on new fields & difficult battlefronts, so we may even suggest that they immediately USE THEIR RETURN TICKETS TO RETURN HOME until they have learned how to follow, before they are again given the serious responsibilities of leadership! WE HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS WITH A FEW!--THE NEXT MAY BE YOU!
         20. We again heartily authorise any Home on any field that feels they're getting overcrowded with such problem cases to immediately give some of these the gate & encourage them to launch out on their own by faith & continue doing their own thing, which they had evidently done when they left, until they learn how to appreciate their blessings, value their job, respect their leadership & love their sheep! Maybe if they pioneer their own Home from scratch, they'll learn these lessons!
         21. We're even thinking of publishing a list of the specific names of these guilty offenders so that all Homes will know to beware of them & treat them accordingly! So LET THE HIRELINGS WHO DESERT THEIR SHEEP IN TIME OF DANGER LEARN TO BEWARE, & may we learn to beware of them & not permit them to continue to get away with this kind of behaviour without disciplinary action! Beware lest any man steal thy crown because of your own disobedience or neglect or desertion!
         22. According to the Articles of War, any soldier who deserts his post during battle can be severely court-martialed or even shot in the back on the spot if he's leading others also astray! We may not take such drastic action as this, but we're sure going to let some of you deserters know that we disapprove of your actions & you're not going to be rewarded with honour & glory on some other battlefront to which you have fled!
         23. You may discover when you arrive that you've been classified as a deserter who is considered as having completely left the army & will have a hard time getting back in! No man's army is worth a hoot without disciplinary action against the wayward! We have always been KNOWN AS A TOUGH, STRICT ARMY OF THE LORD & WE SHALL REMAIN SO to get the job done! Any of you who think the "Independence" Letter changed that are mistaken! Our rules, discipline & leadership are just the same! That Letter only speeded up the release of some who were being hindered from doing the Lord's Will, but it also turned out to expose some very unworthy leaders! Thank God these weaknesses have been revealed before they could do any more damage! DON'T LET THESE DESERTERS INFILTRATE YOUR RANKS & CAUSE DIVISION & TROUBLE! SEND THEM ON THEIR WAY OR BACK HOME! Amen?
         24. A word to the wise is sufficient, but with the simple you have to be more specific: In case you guilty ones don't know who you are, ANY ONE WHO CLOSED A HOME WITHOUT PERMISSION & without even the unanimous CONSENT OF ITS MEMBERS & LEFT ITS SHEEP WITHOUT PROVISION for their needs is guilty! And ANY OFFICER WHO DESERTED HIS POST of duty in defiance of the counsel of his local leaders & REBELLIOUSLY TOOK OFF WITHOUT CLEARANCE is guilty! And any of these who are SOWING DISCORD OR DISSENSION IN THE RANKS BY CRITICISM & DEFIANCE OF SOME DULY CONSTITUTED LEADERSHIP as a result, are also guilty! And even ANY STRAY SHEEP WHO WANDERED OFF ON HIS OWN TO SEEK HIS OWN WAY abroad may find difficulty in entering a new fold! That's independence! The only way you can do as you please in any or all areas is by DECLARING YOURSELF INDEPENDENT FROM THE REVOLUTION! If that's what you intended to do, so be it! Goodbye & may God help you!
         25. But if, through some mistake or unwitting misunderstanding, you find yourself guilty of any of these offenses, you had better REPENT QUICKLY & BRING FORTH FRUITS MEET FOR REPENTANCE, lest you be judged accordingly!
         26. In other words, get busy washing dishes, scrubbing floors, cleaning toilets or whatever needs to be done until you've proven yourself worthy of forgiveness, even if a Home does accept you! If they can't accept you, you'd better HIT THE ROAD BY FAITH to prove yourself OR GO HOME & try to undo some of the damage you have done!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family