THE CALL OF DAVID!                GP 79             6/71
         1. I'LL NEVER FORGET THAT NIGHT, AS I STOOD THERE IN THE DARKNESS, telling God I'd done what He'd asked me--NOW what did He want me to do?--And suddenly He drew my attention upward toward a BLINKING RED LIGHT atop a tall broadcasting antenna, saying, "I want you to be like that red light atop My Broadcasting Antenna, beaming My Warning Message to the World!"
         2. I ASKED GOD IN PRAYER WHAT HE MEANT, & He told me to open my Bible & read the first passage my eyes fell upon!--And it was the CALL OF EZEKIEL in Ezekiel Chapter 2!
         3. AND THE LORD TOLD ME THIS WAS TO BE MY MESSAGE ALSO--our Message against the so-called Christians of today! "I send you to the Children of Israel"--the people of God, those who were supposed to be His Church, God's Israel of Yesterday, the old bottles, impudent & hard-hearted & rebellious against the Lord!
         4. WHETHER THEY WILL LISTEN OR NOT NOW, SOME DAY THEY'LL REMEMBER that we warned them of their fate! We're NOT TO BE AFRAID of them, even if they're like thorns & scorpions that prick & sting us & persecute us, as they did Him!
         5. BUT DON'T YOU BE REBELLIOUS LIKE THEM! YOU obey the Lord & tell'm the Truth, even if it hurts! The Message was of warning & woe, & like many prophecies, it was sweet to the taste, but not always easy to digest!
         6. HE HAS MADE US WATCHMEN UNTO THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL--therefore we're to hear His Words & give them warning from the Lord! If we give them warning, we will have delivered our souls--but if we warn them NOT of their wicked way, their blood will be upon our hands! This last is GOD'S WARNING TO US, His Prophets, that we'd better not fail Him--we'd better get the job done or else we ourselves will feel guilty of their destruction when He destroys them!
         7. WE WERE TO BECOME AS THAT RED FLASHING LIGHT TO THE WORLD--not just a decoration to some temple, but a somber warning of serious danger ahead! This was GOD'S CALLING TO ME PERSONALLY, & YOU after me! This we were to be & to do!--And thank God by His Grace we have been & are doing! We have obeyed His Call & He has fulfilled it through us! PTL!

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