THE KEY OF DAVID!                 GP 78            6/71

         1. (PROPHECY:) "THE KEY OF DAVID IS THAT CHORD WHICH I STRIKE UPON THY HARP to AWAKEN thee from slumber--that signals thee to come to life to help My Children in the time of their great distress. The Key that I strike upon thy harp-the chord which I strike upon thy strings, is the tone that signals thee--the Key of David!"
         2. I SEE A PICTURE OF DAVID ASLEEP, entombed as it were in the System! Above his head hangs the harp of the Spirit of God that plays the music to which his soul responds. "Upon which I the Lord thy God strike the chord which draws INSTANT response from thy heart & brings thee instantly alive--the tone signal that activates thee to serve thy people. I have awakened thee through the Key of David, & thou hast awakened & LED My Children--My People--to freedom!"
         3. IT'S LIKE THE LORD PLAYS A CHORD IN THE SPIRIT made of many different notes which together form a key, as in music. In music you have a certain KEY, meaning that in that key the tones blend together & make a HARMONIOUS sound, like the new push button telephones that are tone activated by certain keys--each button is a certain note in that key & as you push each button on the telephone, it gives a different sound--a different note--a different tone signal.
         4. BUT YOU ARE NOT MERELY PLAYING A TUNE FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT OR AMUSEMENT, but a combination of sounds or tone signals which strike a chord in a certain key, which perfectly fits a telephone instrument even a great distance away, which is tuned to that particular key--that key composed of a chord of tones, which, when played together in proper sequence, unlocks the door to that instrument's particular circuit & THAT instrument ONLY! No other instrument has that same key or is tuned to respond to that same key--only that one particular instrument.--And only when that sequence of tones--that key of its music, is played to that particular instrument--only THEN does that instrument come to life, as these tones flip a series of relays, like switches, which complete a circuit that brings life to that instrument, to accomplish a certain task, such as in that case of the telephone--the activation of a complete communications circuit, which can then bear a message to the party being called & which in turn can bring a certain RESPONSE in the words & action of that party, completing & accomplishing the total performance of the communications system! It's just like the Lord playing a series of tone signals in His Spirit & it activated the mechanism of my spirit to bring me to life IN the Spirit--to bring me into ACTION!
         5. THE INSTRUMENT ITSELF HAS NO WILL OF ITS OWN. It is merely yielded--totally yielded to the pre-set responses of its circuitry designed by the hand of its creator, selected & tuned by him to respond at his will. It has no energy of its own, unless it is activated by the power selected by its creator. It cannot pick its own tune or select its own music at its own whim or fancy, but must respond EXACTLY & accurately only to the tones & that sequence of tones, which form the chord on that certain frequency for which its CREATOR designed it, so it can be activated at his will, to perform whatever service the creator desires!--Determined not by the instrument, but by the creator, at a time selected not by the instrument, but by its creator, designer & operator, to perform his will & to accomplish the task for which it was made!
         6. EVEN YOUR SIMPLE LITTLE TRANSISTOR RADIO WORKS MUCH ON THESE SAME PRINCIPLES, designed for pre-selected frequency responses by its creator, when operated properly by the various operators which control these frequencies, both at the broadcasting station & you at the receiver. The BROADCASTING station operates with tremendous POWER on a certain frequency--sometimes on several frequencies. But you, the operator, need not have much power or wisdom yourself, but only the simplest of skill to know how to turn on your own little individual power source, make contact with your own tiny battery--your own spirit--just a tiny little mini-volt of power or fraction thereof--just enough to activate your OWN circuit & then only enough skill to tune in to the powerful frequency of the broadcasting station to receive sounds dropped out of the sky!--Tune in, turn on whatever little power or strength of the Spirit that YOU have that He's already charged your tiny battery with--your own spirit--so that your circuits might be activated to receive His powerful signals!
         7. THE HAND OF FAITH TURNS THE KNOB WHICH MAKES THE CON TACT & throws the switch which turns on what little power you have. The hand of hope tunes with EXPECTANCY, feeling for the frequency upon which God is broadcasting, & suddenly His great broadcasting station booms in with tremendous positive volume & power & the messages come through loud & clear!
         8. BUT IF YOU'RE NOT SKILFUL ENOUGH TO TUNE IN YOUR FINE TUNING & absolutely zero in at the dead centre, or rather LIVE centre, of God's perfect frequency--with tremendous concentration & without distraction--if you allow any other signals to pull you off course or distort with static, God's message may become faint, distorted, interrupted, unclear or even totally jammed by the static & power of the Enemy! Be sure your battery is well-charged by His power, fresh & renewed--that your contact is good & clean & firm--that you're tuning in attentively, accurately, with patient determination, waiting even in silence, if need be, while you wait for God's signal! If you wait with faith & patience, without distraction, sooner or later you'll receive some of the most beautiful music you've ever heard & some of the most powerful, thrilling & amazing MESSAGES that will really stir you to ACTION! You'll dance to His tunes & battle according to His signals--His directions--& you'll know you're fulfilling His Will, the purpose for which you were created, regardless of the consequences!
         9. IT IS LIKE GOD OWNS THE SAFE, BUT HE GIVES MAN THE COMBINATION whereby if he'll put these numbers together by the hand of faith, he can unlock the treasures that the Lord has already stored there. He has to play a certain chord in a certain key on the tumblers of the lock to the Lord's safe, in order to cause it to open to reveal the riches within.
         10. BUT MAN DID NOT MAKE THE SAFE, & he didn't even figure out the lock that the Lord created! In fact, he didn't even guess at the numbers--God GAVE them to him!
         11. THE SCIENTISTS THINK THEY ARE THE ONES DISCOVERING THESE WONDERS! But God by His Spirit is revealing these things to the scientists as an illustration of the realities of the Spirit World. All of these things which unlock the material, natural treasures of this World for Man's use--GOD gives the key to them! He owns the material & He has the key & all He does is reveal them to Man!--But they think they're discovering it THEMSELVES, when all they did was receive a revelation from the Lord--the Spirit of God. There is nothing new under the sun. EVERYTHING is of the Lord & there is nothing hid which shall not be revealed!
         12. ARE YOU TURNED ON TO HIS POWER, tuned in to His frequency & operating according to His Will? You are, if you are keyed to His design, & you'll accomplish the purpose for which He made you!
         13. I TOO, WAS KEYED FOR A CERTAIN PURPOSE--a certain mission in life--to fit a pattern & meet the specifications of the Great Designer--keyed for my particular place & calling in the intricate mechanism of this great universe.
         14. HE HAD MY KEY--THE KEY OF DAVID--& when He finally turned it on, I began to explode--& you've been hearing the repercussions of it ever since--a series of powerful chain reactions which will echo 'round the globe through you!
         15. I WAS KEYED FOR IT! I COULD DO NO OTHER! When He turned my Key I opened up with His power, with His volume, on His frequency!--And you now see the scorching results, as with every other fiery Prophet He has ever used! We have blasted the System, we have exposed their idols & begun smashing them to bits, like Jeremiah, rooting them out & casting them down, that we may plant the true seed of His Word, to build the true Temple of His Children! Hallelujah!
         16. BY THE 1950's I HAD REACHED MIDDLE AGE, I had a family, had worked in almost every kind of job, from building construction to the District Attorney's Office, had been in the Army, been discharged as totally disabled due to heart trouble, been an evangelist, pastor & was teaching school. I felt I was passing my prime & had not yet found God's perfect Will for my life--& I became desperate for greater power, more gifts & greater usefulness to Him! I was seeking Him desperately, with strong crying & tears, falling flat on my face before Him in abject desperation, crying out for Him to speak! I turned on, tuned in & He began to turn the Key!
         17. I'LL NEVER FORGET WHEN I SAID THAT FINAL "YES" lying flat on the floor with my face wet with tears & stained with the dirt of that old plush carpet in which it was buried, in that old theatre used for Spirit-led meetings by a Prophet of God, & the Lord asked me if I would be willing to turn in my denominational credentials--my trade union card for the one skilled craft in which I had been thoroughly trained, the church ministry! It was like throwing away your diploma & your ordination papers, your union card, your passport & your I.D.'s, cutting yourself off from ever being able to go back into the same trade, leaving yourself totally unprepared & handicapped for any other kind of a job!
         18. SO I SAID, "OK, LORD, I'LL DO IT RIGHT AWAY!" I had begun my dropout from the System! Immediately I felt two strong hands upon my head & one of the fine young Prophets began to prophesy over me!--And this was the Scripture passage which he prophesied:
         19. "HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAITH UNTO THE CHURCHES. And to the Angel of the church in Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love) write: These things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath THE KEY OF DAVID, He that openeth & no man shutteth; & shutteth, & no man openeth; I know thy works; behold, I have set before thee an open door & no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength & hast kept My Word & hast not denied My Name.
         20. "BEHOLD, I WILL MAKE THEM OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, WHICH SAY THEY ARE JEWS & ARE NOT, BUT DO LIE; BEHOLD, I WILL MAKE THEM TO COME & WORSHIP BEFORE THY FEET & to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the Word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the World, to try them that dwell upon the Earth. Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, & he shall go no more out: & I will write upon him the name of my God, & the name of the City of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of Heaven from my God; & I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." (Revelation 3:6-13)
         21. I REALLY BROKE & BOO-HOOED THEN, FOR THIS WAS THE 3RD TIME THAT I HAD RECEIVED THIS EXACT SAME PROPHECY--each time by someone who never had seen me before & did not even know me--so I knew it was God speaking!--That somehow this passage was peculiarly for me personally, & that it was to be fulfilled in my own life in some way.
         22. IF THERE WAS EVER A MESSAGE TO THE CHURCHES OF TODAY & A WITNESS AGAINST THEM, IT IS OURS: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches!" By your very sample, you are a testimony against them--a City of Brotherly Love--dropped out & separated from the System, sanctified & made new--not the old Church-city of Laodicea, fat & sickening with its surfeiting & self-satisfaction, spiritual impoverishment & blindness, but a new City of Brotherly Love, wherein dwelleth mercy & righteousness!
         23. HE HAS OPENED US UP TO BLAST THE GOD-DAMNED, OR JUDGED, SYSTEMS OF THIS WORLD, & nobody's gonna shut us up but God! He knows our works & He's opened a great & effectual door before us--the door of every major news media, until our warning voice has been heard 'round the World--& nobody's been able to turn us off! Though we are very small & weak, we have at least obeyed & been faithful to Him! Those of the synagogue of Satan--the false Worship System of today, whom we're blasting & exposing with God's Truth & who are trying to kill us for it--will one day soon be kneeling at our feet begging for our mercy to hide them from the Wrath of God against their lies & false claims for being His Children! THEN they'll know whom He REALLY loves: Us, His true children! Because we have kept His Word in patience, He is also going to keep us in time of great trial & tribulation in these Last Days & will protect, provide & keep us when all the rest of the World are suffering for their sins!
         24. HE'S COMING SOON! HANG ON! DON'T LET SOMEONE ELSE GET YOUR REWARD! Be faithful to the End. If you will help to win the battle, you'll strengthen & help hold up others in the Temple of His Body--the True Church! You'll serve Him forever & He'll not be ashamed to give you His Name, nor for you to be called by His Name--the Name that God has given you--& you'll be a citizen of God's marvellous new Space City, which is soon to appear--& you'll have a new name--the name that God has for you!
         25. GOD USED THE KEY OF DAVID TO TURN YOU ON! Thank God David responded to his key! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! HE did it all! We are but His instruments!--His workmanship & the work of His Hands! Are you ready for Him to turn YOUR Key? Will YOU respond when He tries to turn YOU on?

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