I GOTTA SPLIT!--PART 1            DO 28             12/70


         1. EVER SINCE I WAS A LITTLE BOY, I ALWAYS WONDERED WHY JESUS HAD TO GO AWAY. Why couldn't He have just STAYED here with us after His Resurrection, personally? Wouldn't that have been a lot better? And what did He mean, He couldn't send the Comforter unless HE went away? Why did He have to go away in order to send the Comforter, His Holy Spirit? Why couldn't He stay here & still give us His Holy Spirit?
         2. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF THE GREATEST MYSTERIES in the Bible to me & I never fully understood it until early this morning, when I was praying about you & your need of my help, supervision & instruction, counsel & leadership.
         3. SUDDENLY THE COMFORTER HERSELF BEGAN TO COMFORT MY OWN HEART with these words: "It is EXPEDIENT for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I DEPART, I will send Her unto you!"-John 16:7. And suddenly, I saw myself in a vision seated at a table with a pen in hand. It was one of those ancient quill pens--like a feather or a plume of some bird, such as you've seen in the pictures of the ancient Prophets, &, as I was writing on the table before me, from my pen there shone RAYS OF LIGHT in several directions.
         4. FIVE RAYS OF LIGHT WERE FLOWING FROM MY PEN TOWARD YOU! And I'll never forget the peaceful, contented, happy, pleased look I had on my face, a look of the feeling of fulfilment, accomplishment, the perfect peace of knowing you're in the will of God--the kind of PEACE you can have in the midst of storm--or even at the stake-that "joy unspeakable & full of glory", of knowing you're doing the Will of God & accomplishing His purpose & pleasing Him.
         5. IN ONE FLASH OF REVELATION, IN THE COMFORTING OF HIS SPIRIT, THIS WAS CONFIRMED & MADE CRYSTAL CLEAR TO ME.--That this was the main reason why I had to go away! "It is expedient for you" that the Spirit of Truth might guide you into all Truth--that His Spirit might use me to help you & guide you, not just in ONE Home, in PERSON, nor even one at a time, but in ALL Homes, everywhere, at the SAME time, simultaneously, by these rays of light emanating from my pen, that all might benefit equally & together from the Truth that He is revealing to us & the revelations He has given us--that all might enjoy the light that He has revealed to us--that all might share it, fairly, equally, & without partiality, in the purity of His Spirit, in the clarity of His Truth, without the distractions of our personal presence.
         6. THE LORD SHOWED ME HOW THAT NOW YOU ARE ALL BENEFITING MUCH MORE from my teachings than ever before. Now you can all share them equally, much more than ever before, whereas while I was with you, I could only be in one place at a time, & spend most of my time ministering to one Home at a time, while neglecting the others, so involved in the problems & needs of one, that I was almost ignoring the others. I was too close to one, & too far from the rest of you.
         7. NOW I'M EQUIDISTANT FROM ALL OF YOU & CLOSER TO ALL OF YOU IN SPIRIT than ever before, with more pure Light flowing from my PEN by His Spirit than ever before, more LIGHT for your pathway to lead & guide you than I have ever given you before.--If you'll RECEIVE it! For I have more time now to spend alone with Him than ever before, to get a good connection without too much static or distraction--without too much interference or interruption.
         8. ALONE WITH HIM, I CAN REALLY TUNE IN & HEAR PLAINLY. I can really turn on by His Power & see clearly, & so for hours His Spirit can flow in a steady, heavy stream, rich, deep & wide, waters to swim in, pure & clear, & perfect for passing on to you, under ideal conditions of the Prophet on the mountaintop, alone with God!--A MOUNTAINTOP of spiritual experience higher than I've ever known before, in richness, fullness & clarity of view, with the best perspective I've ever had of the WHOLE picture, God's picture, His plan, as well as you & your problems. I can see & understand them better at this distance in prayer & communion with Him, & get clearer, more unbiased & impartial answers equally & fairly for you all, than I ever could when I was so closely involved with only one Home & all of its multitudinous problems & infinite details.
         9. I AM WITH YOU IN SPIRIT THROUGH THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU! They are my spirit & my life, by His Spirit & His Life--& if you will read them & study them, prayerfully & diligently, you will have more of me than you've ever had before. You will understand me better, know me more intimately, enjoy my fellowship more purely than ever before.--By His Spirit through these Words! And the record will be there for posterity--our spiritual children--to encourage, inspire, edify, instruct, rebuke, exhort, feed, comfort, lead & guide as never before, in a way that would be impossible in person.


         10. THE RAYS FROM MY PEN WERE REACHING OUT TO ALL OF YOU AT ONCE, enlightening you all together, simultaneously, uniting you in one single blaze of glory of one mind & one heart, & of one spirit, through the miracle of this medium of communication--writing--& the mails! And if you use it you'll benefit by it--but if you neglect & ignore it, you'll suffer for it! It won't do you any good unless you read it, & even then you must obey it to bear fruit. If you are reading these Epistles from me, studying them, sharing them, praying over them & following the light of their Truth, you will be melted together in His Love, blended together in His Truth, joined together as one body, fitly joined together according to His Word.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family