LATEST NEWS FLASHES! -- No. 273  New GP Tracts!   CM/FM 9/98
By WS Staff

Dear Family,
         WLY! Enclosed with this notice you'll find three brand-new tracts to add to your stock of witnessing tools. We pray they'll be a blessing to you and to those to whom you give them!
         One is called "Peace in the Midst of Storm," which has a message directed to those in war-torn countries or countries suffering from civil unrest, ethnic conflict, etc. This tract was originally received for Bosnia, but could be applicable for those in any country beset by war or civil strife.
         There are two versions of this tract, one being a slightly adapted version with a few edits that make it more applicable to places experiencing
civil strife but not actual war. You'll notice that the references to actual war have been removed from the first paragraph (and a couple of other places) in the second version. To help you easily distinguish between the two versions, we've added the code "war" in small letters on the back page of the version that has the references to war. The one that has those references removed or replaced by "strife" has no code.
         As you'll see, this tract is signed as "from Jesus" since it was received in prophecy. We received a message from Dad, included below, explaining that this may be adapted according to your situation if necessary. If you would like to adapt the tract for your country, please check with your CRO.

         (Dad speaking:) The tract certainly is from the Lord and you want to give Him full credit and turn people to Jesus, so in as many situations as you can, I think it would be good to have it as from Jesus. That could be your default position, to sign it, "Love, Jesus." But in Muslim countries where this tract would be distributed, it might be better not to sign it. It's obvious from reading it that it's from God, and God is mentioned in the prayer; but it might be difficult for many Muslims to take a message like that from Jesus, and it could cause them to reject it offhand without having a chance to really experience Him, just because of the way they're conditioned.
         Send out the tract signed by Jesus, but then in certain countries where the Family is mainly ministering to Muslims, they could take that off at the end. This tract is going to be a blessing to the teams reaching these war-torn countries, which there are a lot of these days.
(End of message from Dad.)

         We're also sending you another tract, called "The Deal of a Lifetime," which one of our dear missionaries received in prophecy and sent in, God bless him! It's an inspiring message with a simple and fresh approach to explaining salvation and prayer.
         All three of these tracts are also included on the Members Only WEB site in both text and Acrobat format, for you to download and print out if you need new originals to make copies from.
         We pray that these will be a blessing to you as you continue to witness and minister to and comfort the lost and needy.

Your WS Family

Copyright 1998 by The Family