Latest News Flashes!--No.264     CM       10/97
By WS Staff

Copyright 1997 by The Family

HomeARC 98 Is Coming!

The new set of 3 HomeARC CDs contains:
         -- All the pubs on the first HomeARC, plus many of the
new pubs issued this past year!
         -- More
older archived pubs added!
         -- More
scanned books added!
         -- Several useful Family and freeware/shareware
         ... Also, each CM Home will receive
one free set of the 3 new HomeARC CDs! -- With extra copies available at a much lower price than last year's -- only US$5 per CD!

Dear Family,
         It is Queen Maria, King Peter and your WS HomeARC team's pleasure to announce that the next edition of the HomeARC is now in its final stages of production.
         As mentioned above, each CM Home will be receiving a set of the HomeARC 98 CDs for free. Extra copies of the HomeARC pubs CDs are available to order at US$5 per CD.
         If you place your
order for extra copies of the pubs CDs now (see form below), D.V., you should receive your free and ordered copies of the updated HomeARC CDs by Christmas. In addition to providing you with a means to place your orders now, we would also like to share with you with some background information on this latest edition of the HomeARC.

This new edition of the HomeARC consists of three CDs
         #1) The
HomeARC 98 Text Library CD contains the text-based pubs (including the year's worth of new pubs, as well as some more of the previously unavailable older MLs, plus many other pubs series that were not on the first HomeARC CD, such as the Cat Book (this version has the full quotes, not just the refs; there are just a few sections ready, but the rest are being worked on and proofread, which is a long-term project), many more of the Christian Digests, the CVC Program book, the Free Zines and Grapevines, Good Thots, Daily Might 2, Outlooks, Marvellous Marriage, Raise 'em Right, Treasures (the Bible story sections), Viewpoints, WNDs, and more! (Note: There is a CM & FM version of the HomeARC 98 Text Library CD. The FM version of the CD does not contain the CM MLs and other CM pubs that have been published over the past year. Please treat this CM CD as you would any other CM only pub.)
         #2) The first of a series of
HomeARC Image Library CDs: This CD contains scanned images of the pages of several of our books (mainly those which contain graphics, and older books whose text was not prepared on computer). This CD contains the scanned books found on the first HomeARC CD, plus more, such as the BEST, Becoming God's Man, Charity and Charm, The Handyman Helper, How to Love, Now It Can Be Shown!, etc.
         #3) The
HomeARC 98 Setup Program CD: This CD contains the HomeARC 98 setup program (which installs the updated HomeARC program on your computer) and some other useful utilities.

Future Updates
         Each year, D.V., the
HomeARC Text Library CD will be replaced with an updated version which will include the newer pubs and more of our past pubs. As each new HomeARC Text CD edition is released, the previous HomeARC Text CD will therefore become obsolete (just like a new edition of an encyclopedia makes the old edition obsolete).
         However, the new
HomeARC Image Library #1 CD will not need to be updated each year, as it is "permanent" -- that is, whenever enough new material is scanned, another CD in the series (e.g., HomeARC Image Library Vol. 2 CD, etc.) will be added and made available to you.

HomeARC Program--Upgraded
         Because the number and size of HomeARC pubs has increased to where they no longer fit on one CD, you may have to remove one CD from your CD player and replace it with the other (e.g., remove the HomeARC 98 Text CD and insert the HomeARC Image Library CD) to access different groups of pubs. The HomeARC
program has been upgraded to better handle this "swapping" of CDs. -- It will prompt you, depending on which group you want to access, if you need to swap CDs.
         This year, the updated HomeARC setup program (and a few other useful Family and other freeware/shareware utilities) will be sent to you on the
HomeARC 98 Setup Program CD. (Last year the HomeARC setup program was distributed on sets of 2 floppy disks.)

Other Details
         Existing CM Homes receive one free set of HomeARC CDs. The price of US$5 per extra CD helps cover our costs of producing the HomeARC CDs and shipping them to you. The HomeARC CDs will ship with
soft plastic sleeves -- like last year. The Installation instruction booklet will also be included.
         While each Home may order as many extra copies of the HomeARC 98 Text Library and Image Library CDs as they want, each Home will receive only one copy of the HomeARC 98 Setup Program CD. (If a new Home opens, they would be eligible to request a full HomeARC set, including a copy of the Setup Program CD, for free.) For this reason, we recommend that one designated Home teamworker stores this CD in a secure location to ensure that it is not damaged or lost. This also provides an extra security feature, as should the Text or Image CDs fall into the wrong hands, the data would be inaccessible without the HomeARC program.
         Remember, the HomeARC CDs are Family publications which are classified for Family use only. Your HomeARC 98 Text Library CD is classified CM (the FMers have an FM version); the HomeARC 98 Setup Program and Image Library CDs are classified CM/FM.)

* * *

         Thank you again for your prayers and your faithful tithing which has made this new edition of the HomeARC possible. We pray that this Christmas gift from Jesus, Dad, Mama and Peter and WS will prove to be an increasingly valuable tool that inspires you to revel in His refreshing Words.


Your WS HomeARC Team


         To order your
extra copies of the HomeARC 98 Text Library CD and the HomeARC Image Library Vol. 1 CD, please complete and mail/e-mail to: [NPCs please fill in.]


CM HomeARC Order Form for Extra Copies of the HomeARC Library CDs -- October 1997

From Home # _________

Date of Order:
/ / 97

Our Home would like to order a total of the following titles (in addition to the one set -- which includes the HomeARC 98 Setup Program CD -- which we will be receiving for free):

____ # of extra HomeARC 98 Text Library CDs (CM)

____ # of extra HomeARC Image Library Vol. 1 CDs (CM/FM)

______ Total number of these extra CDs ordered

______ Total cost of these extra CDs ( = total number of CDs x US$5* per CD)
         (*or the equivalent in local currency)

______ Total amount remitted

Special instructions, if any:


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family