JUNIOR FUN #2    DO (Nov. '93)

Copyright 1993 by Family Services

Zurich, Switzerland


                  Passing Current Pubs on to Kids  1
                  Feeding the Children Through Chalk Talks         2
                  Prophecy Mags for Kids   2
                  Prophecy Kidz Mag Activity Ideas         3
                  More Ideas for Teaching Young Children about Persecution         4
                  Making Prayer Time a Happy Time for Our Kids, by Maria   5
                  Points from the FUN to Share with Kids   5
                  Be a Fighter for Jesus!  6
                  Victory in Sydney!       8
                  Prayer Requests  8

         (Suggested reading for adults, YAs and teens. Required reading for parents and others who care for children. Portions under the heading on page 5, "Family Update News to Share with Kids!" should be shared with all children, 7 years and up, and many parts may be shared with younger children at the discretion of the teachers, parents and Shepherds. Any of the testimonies and prayer requests that the JETTs have not heard, should be read to them. Any other portions that the adults believe may be helpful for the JETTs may be shared with them as well.)

Dear Family,
         God bless you! We pray this second Junior FUN will be a blessing to you. As you will notice, we are using the Junior FUN, not only to get the latest news to the kids, but to pass on counsel and guidelines for those of you who are helping to care for the children. We would like to suggest that you
keep enough copies of the Junior FUN in your Home lit and childcare libraries so that all teachers, parents and childcare helpers can have them available when they need them.
         Please take special care that your Junior FUNs are preserved so they are available for future use. Perhaps you can look into obtaining some kind of folders, notebooks or binders where they can be kept.
         Thank you for your faithfulness. We love you and are praying for you!

         Love, Your WS Family

Helpful Pointers for Teachers, Parents and Shepherds

1. Passing Current Pubs on to Kids
By WS Staff
         God bless all of you, our dear parents, teachers, Shepherds, YAs and teens who so faithfully care for our children. And as you know, one of the most important jobs in caring for them is not only to provide for their physical needs, but the spiritual needs as well. As Grandpa said,
"We must feed the children. We must get them milk and feed the children." (The Milk Dispenser Dream, ML #2638:11) At WS, we are doing our best to supply you with current, fresh milk for the kids, such as "Victory in Babylon," Kidz mags, MLKs (MO Letters for Kids) and now the Junior FUN. But it just does not seem physically possible for us to pass on all new pubs in "kid format," as much as we would like to.
we are very burdened that our children receive as much of the new wine (or better yet, "new milk") as possible. This can be done by feeding them with suitable parts of the new Letters and new FSMs. Of course, many or most of these Letters and FSMs will need to be pre-digested for the kids, as otherwise these pubs would go over their heads. Also, there are subjects in many of them that are too meaty for their age group and are not necessary for them to learn about yet. But keeping up with what is in the new Letters and the new FSMs would certainly inspire our kids with the vision, and keep them excited about what the Family is all about! This should certainly be done with the OCs and JETTs, and if done prayerfully and with counsel, much can also be shared with MCs, and some even with YCs when applicable.
         We realise that this may not be happening in some situations because many times our dear teens or newer disciples are shepherding these groups, and they might not have the confidence or training to know what to share with the children. We want to encourage you to see what solutions you can come up with. Some possibilities for this are:
         (a) Perhaps some of the adults, when they read a new pub, could
mark or highlight the sections they think could be shared with the children. This could then be passed on to the teachers.
         (b) Maybe once a week the Childcare Teamworker could get together with the YC, MC and OC teachers, and
look over and discuss what and how to share different "new milk" with the kids.
         (c) Perhaps
some of the adults themselves, even those who do not work in childcare full-time, could step in and teach the "new milk" classes to the kids, which would at the same time help teach the teens and new disciples how to adapt new pubs for the children.
         (d) Perhaps once a week after dinner or during inspiration time, one of the teamwork shepherds could
share with all the Home (babies up through adults), testimonies they have gleaned from the FUN that would be a blessing for the kids to hear. Since there are such young ones present, they would need to stick to the upbeat positive testimonies. Some of these would be testimonies of victories in persecution, but if presented prayerfully and positively, would expose the younger ones to persecution in a positive way.
Keep in mind how exciting it is for us to read the new wine, and do your best to pass it on to the kids with this same excitement. For children, of course it will need to be simplified, and you'll need to keep in mind their attention span and the things which spark their interest in order to keep it exciting for them. Don't just sit the younger ones down and read straight through one paragraph after another, which they may or may not understand--even if you have selected just the paragraphs you think will be suitable for children. Don't be afraid to simplify or reword it so the children understand it better, as long as you're prayerful about getting the right spirit and message across.
It is so important that we do not make the Word boring or incomprehensible for the children. Remember, milk is something that feeds and nourishes children, and is not too difficult for them to digest. Sometimes it's even fun to put chocolate or flavoring in it! Have fun when you read the Word with the kids!
"So don't you all worry, OK? God is going to take care of you and your children if you're diligent and you take care of the children. Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus!--In Jesus' name, amen! Isn't that beautiful? If you're a child or you take care of children, the Lord will provide" (ML #2638:9).

2. Feeding The Children Through Chalk Talks
By a YA behind the scenes
         I have found "
Chalk Talks" useful when teaching younger children. They are very good for illustrating Bible stories (see Activity Book 4, pgs. T2-T5), plus I have also discovered that Chalk Talks work very well for presenting more abstract thoughts or lessons and Word principles that don't necessarily have a story to them. Using Chalk Talks gives the kids something to look at, and it is nice for the teacher because you can illustrate anything. I am really sold on Chalk Talks and I use them all the time, even as a supplement to flannelgraph stories or Posters or TKs, because then every time I want to make a point that there are no pieces or pictures for, I can switch to the board and illustrate it. I can also use the board for writing any new and interesting Words that come up.
         Before I explain any more, I want to say that I am not an artist by any means. I just use stick figures and simple objects, nothing fancy at all. But the kids love it and it works!--Although many times we end up having a good laugh together at my pitiful efforts. Ha! It's very easy, and if I can do it, anyone can! (Also see Childcare Handbook 2, pg. 415 "Drawing Stick Figures"; Activity Book 2, pg. E4 "Everybody Can Draw," pg. E48 "Let's Draw Animals"; and "You Can Draw" GAP video [GAP-006].)
         For your drawing board, you can use a
chalkboard, of course, and also something that works really well is a dry erase board or whiteboard. Those are nice because you can use so many nice, bright colors. Or you can use sheets of paper to draw on. A nice effect and something simple to do is to use colored chalk with paper. The colors in the chalk show up nicely on paper, and then you can keep the pictures posted, and even post new words with them.
         Chalk Talk is a good medium to use in teaching things like
prophecy mags or pubs that come out that you want to teach younger children, but you can't necessarily just sit them down and read it.--But you can illustrate it! I used this form of Chalk Talk to give some three and four year olds the main gist of the "He'll Care for His Own" Kidz Mag (Kidz 76 DO), which was suggested for five years and up. Also I used it for the George Mueller Kidz Mag (Kidz 76 DFO). It made it real fun. Where there were pictures in the mag, I showed them to the kids, but for anything that there wasn't a picture for, I just illustrated the point on the board. I'll give you an example of a prophecy (from Kidz 79 DFO, paragraphs 7-9) that could be illustrated in such a way:
         "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie; (I would just explain that part to the kids as there isn't really anything to illustrate) I will cause them to bow down at the soles of thy feet! (Draw our enemies bowing down to us.) The pit which they have digged they shall fall therein. (Have a picture of a hole in the ground and two little stick figures falling in.) No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper! (Picture of Family on one side of the board and enemies on the other with arrows coming towards the Family with a big X on the arrows. Talk and explain about the types of weapons that our enemies are using and how the Lord will stop them.) I will turn back the weapons that are in their hands and they shall slay them! (Put the arrows going the other way towards the enemies, with a big X on the enemies.) Behold the Word of God is powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword! (Draw the Bible and a sword.) It shall divide the sheep from the goats, the children of My hand and the children of the Devil. They are of their Father the Devil, the Father of lies." (Erase the Bible, leave the sword and put on one side of it children of the Devil wearing sad faces, and on the other side children of the Lord, with happy faces. Above the people, write the names of who each group represents.)
         That is just an example, but it might give you some ideas of the kinds of things that can be drawn, and how even something that seems quite advanced can be explained in kids' terms.
         Of course you can't just draw and read. You have to, depending on the age of the children, explain as you go along what everything means and how it applies to them etc. I usually do my drawing as I'm talking or explaining things, or I ask the kids questions while I'm drawing so that there isn't a big long lull where they are doing nothing while I am drawing, as that kind of defeats the purpose. That's where it is nice to be able to draw simply as it only takes a few seconds.
         It takes a while sometimes to get to the point where you get a picture in your head when you are reading along and you can draw it right away. At the beginning, if you're not used to it, you may need to study the material ahead of time and plan out a little bit some ideas of what you can draw and when. But if you try it I think you'll like it. I'm completely sold on Chalk Talks, because they work so well, they keep the kids' interest and you are able to present lessons and more complicated things in a fun way that the children really enjoy. Have fun!

3. Prophecy Mags For Kids
By WS Staff
         You will be receiving a new Kidz Mag "Prophecies of Victory in Persecution" (#79 DFO), which is taken from "Persecution Prophecies 1 and 2" in GN568 and 569. It is important that this Kidz Mag be presented to the children in such a way that their interest will be kept and they will be stirred up by these thrilling, inspiring Words from the Lord! These prophecies are so powerful, it would be a shame if they were presented in a way that bored the kids or went over their heads.
         It is not necessary that the entire mag be read to the children in one sitting. You may like to choose a section of the mag, or even just one page, to read, talk about and have prayer. Then another day, read the next page, and choose prophecies to claim in prayer, etc. Or, for younger kids, you could even take just a couple of prophecies a day. By taking the mag in smaller portions, this would leave you opportunity to discuss those prophecies that might be over some kids' heads, as well as to use the different prophecies as prayer primers.
         To help especially the younger children to understand more about prophecy, we suggest you have a study on prophecy before you read this mag. (See list below of Letters, TKs and verses about prophecy.) This might even be helpful for MCs and OCs, as often we assume they understand about concepts such as prophecy, because it is such an important part of our life, whereas it's possible it has never been explained to the children, or it could be clearer for them if they did a study on it.

         "Stop!...Look!...Listen!"--ML #74, Vol. 1, also TK Vol. 2 pg.41, and KTK 1 pg.73
         "Prophecy and Direct Revelation"--Kidz Mop 2, pg. 499
         "Heavenly Communication"--ML #1957, DB 8, "Hearing from Heaven" pgs.446-450
         "The Prophet"--from "Thrilling Pictures of the Future" Poster Book, pg.3
         "Stand in the Gap"--ML #70, Vol. 1, also FG and Fun #2, also TK 2 pg.9 (You can use it to show what visions are and how they are like prophecies too.)
         "Faith"--ML #73, Vol. 1
         "Temple Time"--ML #191, Vol. 2, also KTK 5, pg.121
         Parts of "Prophecies and Prophets"--CCHB 3, pg.308
         GP DM #88

Portions of the following Letters on prophecy may be helpful to study, according to the age and maturity of the children:
         "Hearing From Heaven"--KTK 4, pg.157
         "Despise Not Prophesying"--ML #244, Vol. 2 (parts of "Runaway Prophecies" are good for explaining about prophecy), also TK 3, pg.512
         "God's Gifts--The Spirit Revolution!" ML #1741, GN BK20 (Beautiful encouragement from Grandpa to exercise the gift of prophecy.)
         "Prophecies--How They Come"-- ML #1742, GN BK20
         "Hearing From God"--ML #712, Vol. 6
         "New Life, New Love"--ML #731, DB 8, "Heavenly Communication--Hearing from God" pg.36-38
         "Prophecy Lessons"--DB 7, pg.292
         "Turn On Tune In"--ML #2087, Vol. 16; DB 3, pg.174
         "See It and Believe It" ML #1919, Vol. 15, par.5-11

         VERSES: Num.11:25; Acts 2:4,18; Acts 19:6; Rom.12:6; 1Cor.12:10; 1Cor.14:3,39; 2Tim.3:16; 2Pet.1:21.

4. Prophecy Kidz Mag Activity Ideas
By WS Staff
(We asked some teachers to give us ideas of how the "Prophecies of Victory in Persecution" Kidz 79 DFO could be presented to kids in a way that it would keep it exciting for them. Following are some activity ideas which we hope will be a help to you.)

a) Mark different parts of the prophecies with pencil markings, pass the marked mag around and have the kids read different portions at a prayer vigil session. (Or photocopy the prophecies and cut them out.)
b) Photocopy the prophecies and cut them and put them in a "Promise Box." Have the kids pull them from the box and read one or two prophecies during different times of the day--for a scholastic break, before and after Word Class, before other times when you pray.
c) Use Bible and ML flannelgraph pieces to help illustrate the prophecies as you read them. (See "Flannelgraph Figure Guide," Pubdex, pg. 685. Be sure to return flannelgraph pieces to their proper location or envelope after using them, so they don't get lost.)
d) Have the children draw pictures afterward of different things the prophecies say the Lord, the Word etc. will do. Post the pictures for all to see!
e) As you read along, list on the board the different things said about different topics. For example, what the Lord does for us, what He does against the wicked, etc.
f) Trace or photocopy applicable pictures from the Kidz Mop to color and post.
g) Have prayer time. Go around with one child praying a prayer and the next one reading a prophecy, or part of one.
h) Have either the teacher or kids act out parts that can be acted out, or at least use different intonations to bring the prophecy alive. For example, if it says, "Shout it out," you do that!
i) Read one prophecy before each Word class.
j) Have everyone dress up as Endtime prophets, and give each one a prophecy to read. You can go around in a circle and each one can stand up and deliver the message in turn.
k) For YCs or those just learning to write, they could write a portion of one prophecy on their "scroll".
l) Have a study on any Bible stories mentioned in the prophecies.
m) Illustrate the prophecies with a Chalk Talk.
n) Discuss the prophecies using the questions in the mag, and possibly come up with more of your own.
o) Put names of various Bible characters in a hat or bowl, and have kids pick one and act out how the Lord helped them win the victory over their enemies. (You could have a box of props available to use.)
p) You could have different assigned ones pray a prayer as though they were a certain Bible character praying against their enemies.
q) Do object lessons such as using a little toy house on a pile of sand in a basin, and show what happens when water is poured over or around; it erodes away its foundation. Then you could repeat this with the house on a rock labeled "Jesus."
r) Another object lesson idea: Use popcorn as an illustration of how the fire of persecution only makes us explode and become more beautiful and able to feed others better.
s) You could have a study of how God even used little Samuel to warn of His judgements on Eli and his wicked sons; as well as stories in the Bible you can think of where God used the children to help win the victory. (Such as Paul's nephew in Acts 23:12-24, and Naaman's maid in 2Kg.5.)
t) A single prophecy could even be used as the basis of a class, using either related MLs or TKs, or perhaps Bible stories.
         Read a couple of the prophecies while the kids are brushing their teeth, eating a meal, washing up or cleaning up.
v) If the kids are older and can read well, you could post certain prophecies in the bathroom for them to read while they are on the toilet, or else put some of them on the walls of the bedrooms.

5. More Ideas for Teaching Young Children about Persecution
By YAs behind the scenes
         In presenting the situation in Argentina to the 4-and-5-year-olds that I care for, I was very careful and prayerful to present things in a victorious way, and not to impart any fear. I didn't tell them everything right away, but they learned about the situation in stages, over a period of a few weeks.
         During this time we had Word classes that were persecution-related. These Word stories and classes helped them to see why we are persecuted and to understand what persecution is. Slowly, during the course of our Word times, we would talk about how we were receiving persecution in Argentina, and I eventually told them how some of the children were taken away from their mommies and daddies and the Family, and that the System wanted to keep them. I also explained that some of the mommies and daddies had been put in prison for a while. When we reached this point with the kids, they had already had the background from the Word. Also, I was careful to watch their reaction to see how they were taking what I was saying. This gave me some guideline as to how much to say at a time.
         For me to be ready and filled up on the subject before I taught it to the kids, I reread "What to Expect from the System," and the "Victory in Babylon" series.
         The main Pub that I used in presenting the Persecution classes was the "He Cares for His Own" Kidz Mag (#76). The way persecution is explained in there is so good and so simple. It's very easy to teach from. We did not read this all in one day, but went through it a little at a time each day. We would study the different Bible stories as they came up. Then when we got to the part where it explains about Pearl and Lamb's situation, I just substituted the situation in Argentina, and filled them in on the things that the other teachers and I had decided would be good for the kids to know about.

         Here is a list of some of the different stories and pubs that we used that make a good and inspiring study of persecution. (This list isn't complete on the subject, but it will get you started.)

         "Jesus Cares for His own" Kidz Mag 76 DO
         "Persecution!--as God sees it!" MLK
         "God's Eyes" MLK

Bible stories (Flannelgraphs, Posters, Chalk Talk, picture Bible books, etc.):
         Persecution of the Early Church in Acts 4 and 5
         Peter in prison
         Persecution of Jesus by the Pharisees
         Story of Elisha and Angels around the city
         Daniel in the lions' den
         Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
         David and Goliath
         Moses and the Children of Israel in Egypt
         Naaman and the little maid

         In summary, here are some points that we have found helpful to keep in mind when presenting these heavier things to the children:
a) Fill up with the Word yourself on the subject.
b) Give them plenty of good positive Word on the subject, which will build their faith to be able to take the things you need to share with them in a positive way.
c) Counsel together with the other teachers and decide prayerfully what you will share with the children.
d) Don't try to tell them everything you want to all in one concentrated class. Go slowly and prayerfully. Give them time to digest what you've already shared.
e) Be in tune with how they are receiving it. If you see the kids are not receiving it too well, or maybe it seems the way you are saying things is making them get fearful, then it may be time to stop, reevaluate, and change the way you are presenting it. Maybe you're giving them too much too fast and they need a break, and some different Word or activity.
f) Ask the Lord to show you a very positive, uplifting, victorious way to share things with the kids. It is always helpful to discuss ideas of ways to present things to the younger children with your Shepherds and other teachers.

Prayer Vigil and Picketing in the Home:
         One prayer day our 4-and-5-year-old group had a vigil for the children in Argentina! We dressed up like prophets, made scrolls with inspiring deliverance verses written on them, and put ashes on our foreheads. After dinner, we held the vigil in the dining room for everyone. All the kids quoted the verses from their scrolls. We yelled, "Woe!" sang some fighting songs, and knelt down in prayer. It was really inspiring for the kids to do this, as well as very touching for us to hear them praying so wholeheartedly for their fellow brothers and sisters.
(Editor's note: If other Childcare groups would like to do likewise, it would be good to prepare all Home members for what the children will be doing, and to encourage everyone to have an encouraging, respectful attitude. Of course this will be very sweet and touching, and perhaps may also be quite humorous. Therefore you might want to pray together with the Home beforehand for the Lord to help everyone's response to make it memorable for the children as something done in all sincerity and in the spirit that the Lord intends for it to be.)
         Also when we explained about the picketing that is going on, we held our own mini picket in our Home, with signs and slogans and prayer. The vigil and picket also helped the children to visualize and see ways that the Family is fighting around the World. PTL!

Children's Participation in Prayer Day
         On our prayer day, and during our Word time, I needed to use the bathroom, so I asked the kids (three 4-and-5-year olds) if they would like to have a little prayer vigil on their own for the folks in Argentina. I was kind of curious also to see how it would go with them all on their own. So with me listening from the bathroom the kids had their prayer vigil. It was the most precious thing. They went around the circle and each prayed a very fervent wholehearted prayer. Each prayer was quite long and detailed too, not just "Jesus bless and help them." It was so sweet and precious, with them really pouring out their hearts to the Lord. Then they came to the bathroom to tell me (all their own idea) that now that they had prayed they were going to find some verses to claim for the brethren.
         First they asked me what verses they could claim, so I gave them a few ideas, but then I said that if they asked the Lord, He could give them some good verses too. So they went back into the other room for a while and then they came back and told me the verses that they had thought of--actually they are quotes--and they aren't anything like the verses that I had given them to give them ideas. These they came up with completely on their own.
         The three they got were: "If you've got God with you you're unbeatable, no matter how small you are!", "God's Word gives you power for the hour, grace for the trial (that is a take-off of two different quotes), and the last one was "Get out of yourself and into others." And they told me they picked that one "...so that all the people in prison won't be thinking about themselves, but they can witness to all the other people in prison." I thought that was quite amazing, that they got those quotes all on their own. It really encouraged me, it's sort of like seeing some of the fruit of your labors, and it's so precious to see them pray and get things like that from the Lord.

* * *

         Thank the Lord our children have really done well and benefited from these lessons being shared with them. They are aware and informed about what has happened; they know the possibility exists that it could happen to them, too, but at the same time are full of faith and not fearful about it, but have a trusting attitude. PTL!
         These are just a few of the ideas we came up with. Perhaps you will think of more.

6. "Making Prayer Time a Happy Time for Our Kids" by Maria
(Maria #186--From Prayer List No. 9)
I'm so glad that our kids have learned to like to pray, to look forward to praying & to count it a special privilege. I'm glad that prayer time is a happy time for them, that they often look upon their prayer vigils as "fun times." How wonderful to be able to say that about their communication with the Lord!--That it's a time they look forward to & it's often even fun, something that is exciting for them, challenging for them, something they like to do that they feel is worthwhile, that they enjoy. It's a time when they can feel they're an important part of the Family, doing their part to battle in the Spirit for victories over afflictions & enemies & a multitude of other problems!
I'm so thankful that David & Techi are cultivating prayer vigil time as a habit, something that they look forward to every day. They know that it's an essential part of their ministry for the Lord. It's getting to be a real happy habit!
I'm all for anything we can do to make prayer appealing to our kids & make them want to pray, whatever motivation we can give them: Emphasizing to them how important their prayers are; sharing with them testimonies of answered prayers; teaching them new ways to pray to keep things challenging & varied, etc.
I think any way our kids want to pray, any method that will make them happy, any place where they will be comfortable, & any time when they're not tired or thinking about their next meal is the way to do it.--Whether they want to sit in a comfy chair, lie down on a comfortable bed, kneel on cushions beside their bed, or lie down on a mattress under the stars. Too many long prayers will turn them off. Too much discomfort will turn them off. I think we should do everything we can to make prayer interesting, exciting, challenging, comfortable & happy!
We have to do enough fighting & battling in the Spirit in prayer without fighting & battling physical discomfort as well. If we can make our physical conditions comfortable & convenient, it makes it easier to fight the battles in the Spirit! So please, let's make prayer time a happy time!

Family Update News to Share with Kids!

7. Points from the FUN to Share with Kids
By WS Staff
         Following is a list of some of the points from FUN #7 and FUN #8 which we suggest you share with the OCs.
These do not need to be read to them word-for-word, but should be explained or discussed as you feel is best for the children you are sharing them with. Some of these points may also be shared with MCs, and possibly even some with some YCs, if it is agreed upon by other teachers and parents. Please be prayerful how you share these points with the kids. You want to inform them and prepare them, and help inspire their desire or burden to pray, but not frighten them.
         Since the items in the FUN are not numbered, we will refer to the subtitles or the first few words of the paragraph or point we suggest sharing with the kids.

FUN #7: (September 1993)
         --VIENNA...(par. 1, 2 and 5 "Our teens singing...")
         --MIDWEST, USA...(all)
         --WASHINGTON, D.C....(all)

FUN #8 (October 1993)
         --Mama wrote...
         --Please continue...
         --A top lawyer...
         --Becky (of Arthur...
         --Public opinion...
         --Please pray...
         JAPAN: (all)
         PARAGUAY: (all)
         PUERTO RICO: (all)
         --Picketing and Protesting...
         --CAN deprogrammer...
         --(all, however references to testimonies of the brethren in prison should be shared only if you feel it will be beneficial for the children to hear some of those testimonies. You may like to share
some parts of those testimonies with the older children to give them a burden to really pray for their brethren in bonds, but please prayerfully avoid sharing things that may cause fear in the children.) [Note: Children do not need to fast movies. However, you may find that before watching a movie is a good time for the children to have special prayer for their brothers and sisters in Argentina.]
         --Note to Mama from one of Dad and Mama's personal staff...
(This moving letter will give the children a deeper understanding of Dad's concern and love for the Family in Argentina, and may be a good opener for prayer time with the children.)

9. Be a Fighter for Jesus!
         Family children around the World have been learning and experiencing what it means to be a
fighter for Jesus, to stand up for Jesus and for the Family. Your smiles and happy faces are a testimony of the wonderful life the Lord has given us in the Family! God bless you as you stand up for the Truth! Here are some testimonies:

(1) In Melbourne, Australia, Legal Aid (the people who pay for lawyers if someone cannot afford one) and CSV (the Community Services people who are fighting us) hadn't yet come to an agreement on the funding of our case (who would pay for the lawyers and other things which cost a lot of money in a court case), so we almost had to appear in court without any lawyers representing us! Two lawyers agreed to represent the parents for free. When praying about it, we got the inspiration to have some of the kids sit up at the Bar (where the lawyers sit)! We all believed that it was right in line with what the Lord had been showing us, that it was the children's battle! The three teens we chose for sitting at the Bar were Joan, 16, Danielle, 14, and Pandita, 14.
         Our morning in court turned out to be quite a victory! The girls were such a testimony to all as they handled the situation very well, and it was very obvious to all that these were not some poor abused, unsocialized, uneducated children which CSV makes them out to be. The judge, the press, and the lawyers were very impressed by them and their courage to sit up at the Bar with all the "big" boys (the lawyers). Ha! They were terrific! TYJ! This was quite a shock to the CSV lawyers and we are sure it was humiliating for them, big time lawyers, sitting alongside three teenagers from the Family!
         The judge asked Joan why they were sitting at the Bar, and she told him it was because the children of the Family, who are the central figures of this whole case, are without representation and have no lawyers, so the three of them were going to represent the children today. She also told the judge that they had written a report and request which they wanted to present to him on behalf of the children. The judge was very sweet and respectful of the girls. Whenever it was their turn to speak, he would listen to what they had to say and respond accordingly. God bless him!
         God bless the girls. They did very well! PTL!

(2) In France, some of our children and teens were taken away from their parents and put in institutions and foster homes for awhile. The adults picketed and protested against this unfair treatment. While they were picketing, they had a surprise visit from 15-year-old Chris who snuck away for a few hours from the institution where he was being held! It was of course a very surprising and joyous reunion! He said that he was together with Benedict (13) and his three sisters. Chris said that they had been banding together, doing lots of singing and witnessing and made posters saying "Give Us Back Our Parents!" Chris had been branded as the "ringleader*" by the DISS (Social Services) workers and said that the workers were divided as to who liked them and who was against them. The kids were not allowed to phone out or talk to the other Family children, but Chris had been sneaking off and making calls, as he knew where some of the other children were, God bless him! He did get caught a few times and was severely reprimanded he said, just short of being hit! Chris also called the Home and gave them the name of a reporter he met and asked if the reporter could come visit the Home as he wanted to do an interview. Perhaps this is the beginning of our kids being real fighters, standing up for their convictions and being a testimony, as has been received in many prophecies! (*ringleader: leader of activities--usually not approved activities)

(3) In Argentina, one day Judge Marquevich (the judge responsible for the raids on our Homes and putting some Family Members in prison and institutions) visited the teen girls at the institute to talk to them. Evidently he was really enraged* at them and was just screaming and yelling at them, saying they needed to have more respect for him etc. Dawn really stood up to him and told him off, asking him how can he expect respect when he has done all these terrible things to them. Marquevich went back to his office steaming*. A lawyer said that the whole judicial system* heard about the encounter* and that the Family kids are causing no small stir*. This was a good testimony for our Family, as it showed the kids were not afraid, and they have courage and conviction!
(*enraged: very angry; steaming: angry, upset; judicial system: the legal system; lawyers, judges etc.; encounter: meeting; no small stir: a big effect or reaction)

(4) In South America, a team of 22 JETTs, teens and adults went to the city park to demonstrate in support of our Family in Argentina. A lot of people were in the park walking around and riding bicycles. We took our signs and guitars and marched around the park singing and distributing Press Releases and Statements. We drew a lot of attention and many people that had read about us in the papers came to talk to us and show us their support. A radio station came over and did an interview with one of the sisters.

(5) In Japan, we had a protest concert for Argentina, and it was on TV! During the show, they showed a short interview on the street with one teen girl who just recently came from Australia. She shared her own experience about the raid that happened in Australia. Her sister also spoke on TV, and very clearly denied all accusations of child abuse. The show also showed all the picket signs*, as well as the teens singing and dancing to "Jesus the Light." They also showed some footage* from last year of the kids eating dinner and having a happy inspiration time. The whole spirit was really positive and on our side. (*picket signs: signs with messages written on them in big print; footage: a portion of a film or video)
         Another TV show also showed our teens singing, studying in their classrooms, and the younger kids doing some arts and crafts with their teachers. Also they showed all the picket signs and the teens shouting "Free our children!" A few teens testified how they have always been well cared for in the Family.

(6) In France, one lady who looked after three of the children in one of the foster homes said that before they came she had been told that the children didn't know how to use a knife and fork, but ate with their hands, and that they were very poorly behaved and had been badly treated. So she was quite shocked to receive such sweet children, who knew how to behave, who had good manners and had not been badly treated at all! She was glad when the children were able to go back to live with their parents, because she knew they were happy at home. The children's good testimony had won this woman's favor. PTL!

(7) Here's part of what was on the TV news in Chicago, in the United States:
         "The Family has established a religious colony here. Six adults and 17 children live in this rented bungalow* on a quiet street. (Outside view of the Home is shown, in a nice neighborhood. It looks neat and clean.)
(*bungalow: a one-story house)
         "They live communally, as did the Children of God sect in California of which they are an offshoot. This commune opened early this year, operates on donations, and members work as full-time missionaries. (The camera shows a group of kids and teens in the living room reading with younger children. Also shown are four happy little boys reading at quiet time, who smile at the camera. There is a beautiful close up of the Jesus Poster on the wall.)
         "Their children are educated at home and they follow a strict schedule of shared duties. (The camera shows a teacher explaining colorful JJT and Family Time charts, then shows a clean and orderly kitchen, with two dish washers who have happy smiling faces).
         "They offer letters and pictures as proof of their teenage singing group seen here at a recent police event with the Mayor (letter of recommendation from the Mayor is shown). When we arrived today, the singers were in place to put on a show. (There is a beautiful close-up of the teens singing "We Are the Family!")

(8) In Europe, the Family made billboards (large signs) explaining the local work. These are basically two pieces of wood joined together at the top so they stand up by themselves. Attached to the wood are beautiful color photos of the children singing and witnessing at old folks homes and other institutions, photos of the children out on excursions, picnics, schooling, teens witnessing at rock festivals*, etc. Another billboard has a display of all the local newspaper articles that have come out, and they've had some tremendous ones! This way, at the same time as the Family protests the Argentinean situation, people can get a good sample of the Family right here! (*rock festivals: gatherings of young people for performances by different musical groups)

(9) In the United States, three Homes got together and went picketing at the City Hall plaza to protest the raids in Argentina and show support for our Family there. We had 2 large signs showing our local work, a banner which showed we were "The Family," and sandwich board* signs for the picketers. We had a little over 20 people doing the picket, including teens, YAs and adults. Plus we had a group of four MC children who wore sandwich boards with powerful signs on them, such as: "Help Us Free Our Family in Argentina!" "Little kids like me taken from their parents in Argentina!" "Help free our brothers and sisters in Argentina!" The children did some singing, and our brethren were doing a lot of witnessing!
(*sandwich board: a set of two signs, one on the front, and one on the back of a person. The signs have straps over the shoulders, and kind of make a "sandwich" of the person who's carrying them.)

(10) In one large city in South America, we were able to have a large group picketing outside the Argentine consulate. Our JETTs, kids and mommies participated as well.
         Then we had a major gathering of 200 Family members in the main park. This is one of the biggest parks in the World with tens of thousands of people attending. This particular day was the beginning of a festival so the place was packed! We had the use of the main stage and one of the main newspapers advertised that we would be there to do a protest concert. It was a tremendous witness as our teens and JETTs really socked it to the crowd with a live concert, seen by thousands.
         The teens and kids did great! We had a huge crowd and they really soaked it all up. It was such a testimony to the press which was there to see our children and teens singing. We had set up big signs with the picture board from the Media Home and big blown-up pictures, as well as tables with our Posters, Tapes, Videos, Statements and Press Releases. We had quite a crowd to witness to as nearly everyone stopped to look at the pictures. We also had two teams with clipboards collecting signatures of people who supported our protest. Lots of souls got saved. PTL!

(11) In Chile, we got together about 40 JETTs, teens, YAs and adults, with our signs and guitars and the Lord really anointed the picketing! There were TV cameras there to record the event.
         At one dramatic moment, when all the TV cameras were zooming, everybody knelt down in fervent prayer for our brethren in Argentina and the Spirit came down heavily! Several of the JETTs, teens, YAs and adults broke down crying as they were praying desperately. They were all so moved by the Spirit and sincerely crying out for their brethren in bonds. The camera people were fighting to get close-ups of this scene!
         It was beautiful! After that, the media people were frantically trying to question our teens and JETTs.
         They were especially interested in the younger ones! Charity (13) of Ana, with a face full of tears and looking straight into the camera, said: "I'm furious about what they did to my brothers and sisters in Argentina! I want to protest against such injustice! Do something about it!" All our Family did so well! Everybody was very inspired and eager to do it again! PTL!
         There were some intense moments. At one point there were about 20 policemen, a police bus and several others mounted on motorcycles adding to the drama of the situation! They were won by the Spirit and later we witnessed to them and they were very receptive!
         Our story came on the news at 2:00 p.m. and it was powerful! Then in the evening we were on several news programs, PTL! The shots of the Family that were shown came out very well! It was mostly the YAs, teens and JETTs singing and praying on their knees for Argentina. It showed a really sweet shot of YA Mary on her knees in prayer, with tears streaming down her face. It was quite powerful! TYL!

(12) In Sydney, Australia, the people from the government department known as the "Board of Studies" came to examine the schooling of the Family children. The fact that the children did well in their school work, and were a good testimony to the Board of Studies people, helped people to realize that Family schooling and Family life is very good for the kids. Here are some of the things the report said:
         "Generally, the children displayed an average or better than average ability in all subject areas."
         "The group was able to communicate effectively and discuss their work and achievements."
         "All children in the group displayed a friendly and pleasant manner. They were cooperative and confident in their responses, and were bright and articulate in communicating."
         "Reading is of a generally high standard, with good expression and comprehension."
         "They are all articulate and pleasant to speak with, and have experience with various types of writing."
         "All students have appropriate access to physical activities. They have good access to a swimming pool, a basketball area and wide play areas in their backyard (which they use extensively). They have appropriate knowledge and understanding of all the components (parts; ingredients) required for a healthy lifestyle."
         "The students should be congratulated on the way in which they presented themselves, and the way they were able to demonstrate the extent of the work which they had covered."

         10. Victory in Sydney!
         Praise the Lord! A wonderful victory! The case in Sydney, Australia has now been completely closed! This was the case where the Family agreed to have the children go to various "socialization" activities for a year, after which the case was to be dropped. When the Family went before the judge who was supposed to close the case, at first he was quite stubborn and said he wanted to investigate the case some more! The Family and their lawyers were very surprised that he was not planning to close the case, as that is what had already been agreed to. The judge was being very mean and selfish, and was more concerned about himself and wanting people to see that
he was important, than he was about doing what was best for the children. The Family prayed desperately, and the Lord answered wonderfully and defeated this mean judge! PTL! A few days later, the Family's lawyers were able to bring the case to the Supreme Court, which is a higher court, with a different judge. The Supreme Court judge ordered that the case be closed, so the other judge had to close it (even though he didn't want to)! Praise the Lord! All the newspapers, radio and TV stations in Australia broadcast the good news!

         11. Prayer Requests
         For Pearl's court case in England, especially that the judge will see the
Truth; that the Lord will give him dreams to guide him the right way. (See Job 33:15; Mat.27:19. See also Kidz 76 DO, page 15, first prophecy and picture at the bottom of the page.)
         That the case in Melbourne, Australia, will be dropped.
         For our Shepherds, media teams and all those dealing with the public during this battle to free our Family in Argentina!
         For friendly and influential
reporters around the World, that the Lord will help them see the truth about us, despite the lies of our enemies, and be interested in helping us all they can.

Special prayer requests for Argentina:
         For release of the rest of the adults in prison in Argentina.
         For release of the rest of the teens, JETTs and children in the institutes in Argentina.
         That the case in Argentina will be given to a
different judge who is fair.
         For the children and adults who are in prison and in the institutions to have faith in God's promises of deliverance, and confidence and trust that the Lord is in control.
         Good health, food, sleep, exercise and protection for those in prison and in the institutions.
         For the brethren in prisons and institutions to be a good sample and witness, and to continue to stand up for the Truth.
         For both adults and children in the prisons and institutions to be allowed to have more Word brought to them.
         That the mommies who are in the institutions caring for the children will be strengthened physically and spiritually, and keep up the fight of faith.
         That they will be able to bring our Family schooling materials into the institutions to teach the children, so the children won't have to do System schoolwork.
         That the children in the institutions will have peaceful rest and sweet dreams.
         For some of the teens in the institutions who are being tempted with worldliness. That they will be fighters in the spirit and that the Lord will "keep them from the evil."--Jn.17:15.
         That the children who have been released will be strengthened in the Word, have positive attitudes and be thankful that they have been "counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name."--Acts 5:41.
         More good media coverage.
         More friends and lawyers to stand up in our defense.
         For the strengthening of our lawyers and for the Family ministering to them.
against Judge Marquevich and those who are working with him.
against those who tell lies to try to turn our children and adults against the Family.
against the false witnesses being used against the Family.

"The Lord shall deliver us from every evil work, and will preserve us unto His Heavenly Kingdom: to Whom be glory for ever and ever!" (See 2Tim.4:18.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family