         Freedom in the flesh only comes through freedom in the Spirit. For if a man is not free in the Spirit, trying to be free in the flesh will not free him, but will only put him into further bondage. These young ones test you and push you to the limit to see if you are really going to let them operate according to their faith and burn the way they feel led to burn. But once they know that you trust them, they, like Aries the ram*, desperately want your shepherding and your help, your direction, your guidance, your fatherly advice, your chidings, your corrections, and your instructions. For they have learned during these many years of growing up in My Family that reproofs and instruction are a way of life, and they feel secure with these things. *(See ML #302B.)
         But first they must know that you love them and you trust them, and that you're not looking down on them for their long hair or even their dress, but you're looking at their hearts to see if they really love My sheep, and if they really mean business about going out and strengthening the brethren, and going out to reach My lost and needy sheep. So show them that it is okay to have their independence and their freedom, but that it will only bear fruit if it is done in My Spirit and in love, and if it is not done out of rebellion, or to hurt, or to cause division or dissension, or to be a bad sample to the younger ones.
         Open your arms to them and accept them as they are, and they will love you for it, and they will be good samples to help lead their peers to victory and over the rugged mountains. But they must have this freedom. They must have this opportunity and this outlet to express their individuality, their independence, their difference from the older generation. So let them burn free, but guide them in spirit and guide them in love and they will bear much fruit for Me. (ML #3124)

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