         Know this, that if you would but glorify Me in all things and in all things give thanks, then suffering, trials and disappointments would melt away. For I do not afflict willingly, and I have designed the safety valve of My grace as a way of escape. All things that happen to you, My children, I send with a purpose. I also send all things with a way of escape, that through Me you may obtain victory and the glories of Heaven. Trials and distresses from My hand are only stepping stones. They are only the gateway, the passageway to glory. I do not allow troubles so you will be cast down into a deep pit with no way out. I do not send disappointment so you will shut yourselves within high walls of sorrow and grief. I do not build walls; I only build bridges. What you call problems and disappointments, when sent from My hand are only designed to build bridges to paradise, that you might come to know My power and strength, and that My glory may rest upon you.
         All things come of My hand to you who love Me. All things I allow in your life are only to bring you into closer communion with My love and glory. I long to give you treasures from the darkness, and reveal to you hidden riches from the secret places.
         Therefore hear what I say in truth: What you call disappointment is but My appointment to the vast riches, boundless glory and splendor of My Holy mountain. All that I hold in My strong hand is yours if you will but reach out. Therefore see your disappointments as My holy appointments, and glorify Me in all things. I do all things well toward you, My beloved, in lovingkindness and in righteousness. In the day when righteousness is poured down and will cover the Earth, I would that you rule and reign with Me in might and great power. All that I have I would give to you. Only praise Me and thank Me in all things.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family