         My dear youth, these born and raised in the Family, must make choices in every area. First of all, they must make a choice in their heart that they want to give their lives to Me 100% and be fully dedicated, as the first generation did.
         You cannot
force anyone to love Me, to serve Me, to give their life for Me. Even if they are born in the Family, the time will come when they must also choose. Some of these who are born in the Family do make that decision to serve Me, and they continue on. Then there are others born in the Family who grow up with problems and rebelliousness, acting more like children of the System. But they come to an age, a turning point, where they decide in their hearts that serving Me is what they want to do, and they change, for they are converted and they become My 100%, sold-out second generation. Then they serve Me not just because they are born in the Family, or because there is no way out of the Family until they are older, or because they have no choice, but they serve Me because they have chosen in their heart to give their all to Me.
         The second generation has no guarantees. Those born into the Family must choose to make that decision and to answer the call, just the same as those of the first generation. They must make their own personal choices out of love and not force. (ML #3124)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family