         All power and all might are given into My hand, and yet many see not what this means. If you knew, if you could fathom even an infinitesimal speck of what this is, you would not doubt My workings in your life for one moment. All power, glory, might and majesty are in My hand, and all that is Mine is yours if you would but avail yourselves of it. So awesome, so mighty, so glorious, so magnificent is My might! If you could only see, you would not look upon suffering and trials and tribulations as something to be dreaded, but you would look upon these with eyes of gladness and the voice of thanksgiving and find strength, that through these you might come to know the great glory and power and might of the universe.
         My children, do not question Me when I say, "In all things give thanks unto Me." For in your trials and sufferings I would that you be cleansed and purified, as I was cleansed and purified through the things which I suffered. That in this, My beloved, you may come to know Me in a greater way than in times past. That through these, My power and might may rest upon you--the glory of God, the splendor of the Heavens, the victory that overcomes the world. All this in My hand is yours if you will but reach out and receive.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family