         You long for and desire to have a closer connection with Me, to hear My Words more clearly and to be a channel for My Words to flow forth. Don't be discouraged or frustrated if you feel you don't have a clear connection, for the channel is clear and the faith is strong.
         I pour it forth and I speak to you in thoughts, in impressions, in visions, in that still small voice in your heart. If you're faithful to heed them and to listen to them, I will give you counsel and guidance and show you My way and keep you close to Me through those thoughts and witnesses and the voice which you hear in your heart. When I spoke to My servant Elijah, I spoke not in the thunder, the raging fire, the wind or the earthquake, but I spoke to him with a still, small voice, and that was sufficient.
         So, My precious children of your Father David, My children who love Me with such great love, I say unto you, I will care for you and love you and lead you all the days of your life. I will strengthen you as you continue to take time with Me under the dome, breathing My fresh air, resting in My bosom, communing with Me. Thus you will do more than just survive and live--you will
thrive! You will thrive with the water of My Word, with the nourishment of My love, with the feeding that I give you through your king and your queen. You will grow up as strong, tall, healthy, fruitful trees in My orchard, in My Kingdom.
         I love you with a love that is unfathomable, My dear children, My beautiful brides!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family