         Ask! Ask your questions! For I am the Answer Man, and I am well able to answer any and all questions. If you have questions on your heart, seek Me for the answers, and know that I am willing, yea, eager to answer your questions.
         If you have questions on your heart, seek My
Word diligently, for most of your questions I have already answered. The answers are there in the pages of the books. If you would but seek with an open mind and an hungry heart, I would be able to feed you and answer your questions.
         If you do not find the answers to your questions in My
written Word, then ask Me today, and I will speak to you with My living Words, and I will give you the answers that you need. If you do not have the faith to come to Me yourself, ask your shepherds, your elders, your parents, that they might be able to seek Me for you, that they might be able to help you search My Word, or come to Me in prayer, and find the answers that you need. (ML #3088)

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